You believe that all people have this voice speaking to them? I suppose I wasn't being as truthful/clear as I should have; I never heard a "voice" per se, but rather it felt right to consider each thing I touched as having some sort of spirit. It felt right that crystals had magic powers. That the universe could be manipulated. And oh how good it felt to think of the multiple gods of the world.
But those feelings are gone now. My wishing for these beings to be true conflicted with my rational reasoning. I abandoned them, for I valued my ability to reason more. I still have a lingering sense though; I crave for a "totem," not one like a totem pole, but a wooden figurine which I could look at and say that this object represents me, and shall give me good luck. I still look, so that I may sate this.
But, I never truly "heard" a god or gods. I just felt an amazing pull to them and found happy imagining them real. But the internal conflict was not worth it. I hear no voice telling me what is right and wrong. I hear only myself, and my rational reasoning asking whether it is worth it or not. If it comes at another's expense, it usually isn't worth it.
But I am still curious as to why this Julian reasoned that schizophrenics hear God more loudly than the rest of us. Not to seem lazy, but I would hope to keep this conversation going, and I doubt I have enough time to go out, purchase, and read an entire book that quickly.