Heathen Hammer
Nope, you're still wrong
I don't know why you refer to it as a 'faith system'. Enlightenment is not a doctrine one believes or has faith in. It is a real state of being, the awakened state.
Since everything you've presented to us has been completely without evidence, it's a faith system as you've presented it, Im afraid. I believe it qualifies, especially since all we have as potential practitioners, is an allusion to potential, undetectable results [scientifically speaking, because literally anything science can detect is apparently an illusion, in this faith view], that should come about if we follow the prescribed meditations. If they are achieved, spiritual joy will result; but nothing literally tangible nor physical in nature other than some kind of happiness which benefits mankind and the universe, somehow.
Just go with it and don't get so hung up on illusory labels.
Enlightenment is the end of metaphysical suffering and confusion. It is the state of Absolute Joy. The light of its understanding reaches all of mankind.
But you said there's no reward. Joy would be a personal reward endemic to a Self; some marginally, some exclusively.
. You realize your true nature
. You see reality as it is.
. Metaphysical suffering comes to an end
. You are connected to the true Source of real Happiness
. Inner peace and stability
. Love and compassion for others who suffer become your concern
. You are, less and less, a contributor to the suffering of the world
. There can be psychological/physical health benefits
So actually it contains a whole plethora of benefits that are only of the Self.
Probably merely a delusion.When I used to visit the Zen Center in San Francisco, I could sense the pure and positive energy emanating from inside as I approached the grounds. It was unmistakable. It is real. One gets a sense of being in the eye of the storm, a place of light in a world driven by delusion.
Heehee! I kid, I kid.
Well, look. I suppose something about this confused, assertion-laced system appeals to you and perhaps provides you with some benefit, but in all these pages I have found literally nothing in your statements which have granted me insight or benefit. I am sympathetic, and I apologize. You are certainly trying very hard. But essentially to this Self, you present a useless system whose basic ideas are anathema to me. It is an example, much like a large portion of the Abrahamic system, that stands on a pedestal which denies all of human nature as inherently bad. And the only way it sees to reach a positive outcome is to destroy that which makes us what we are. Call it whatever positive words you like, but I see this as an Orwellian exercise in disguising something which should be frightening.
Without self-respect and self-awareness there can be no love or caring for another. So saving all humanity by removing what makes it human, is simply not feasible. Nor do I personally find it acceptable.
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