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The Democrats are in trouble because of the Supreme Court nomination


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Your country, I care about, the opinions of your individual zionist posters, you might have, not so much.
Then the best thing do to is to not care,
rather than informing them you don't care.
(This makes it look like you care.)


Ah.......the Constitution is enough for me. US Constitution Article 2- section 1 Electoral College- 1787. US. Constitution Article 2- section 2 Appointment of Supreme Court Judges- 1789.

I don't trust WIKI.
Oh, Wiki tends to sort stuff out in understandable terms. Not always of course.

Oh yeah "with the advice and consent of the Senate" is why I said sorta.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Yeah what the hell was that all about?
Democrats have a strange idea of fairness.
"Buy health insurance or we'll penalize you!"
"Can't afford it?" <crickets chirping>
"Meh...we'll just take any future tax refund you have coming."


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Err Ok?

I have vested genetic interest in your nation. ;)
As do I.
But things aren't so bad.
(In fact, they're really looking up for me & those I know.)
It's just the high volume of complaining for the sky-is-falling crowd.


Dr Green Fingers
As do I.
But things aren't so bad.
(In fact, they're really looking up for me & those I know.)
It's just the high volume of complaining for the sky-is-falling crowd.

What business you in, nuclear shelters? nooses? strong liquor? guns? survival equipment? :p


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
What business you in, nuclear shelters? nooses? strong liquor? guns? survival equipment? :p
Self storage & car storage....all I have left after the real estate crash in the oughts.
(2001 was the beginning of all things crashie.)
Engineers, building contractors, the trades, & many others are doing well too.
Don't listen to whiny doomsaying so-&soes....they just acting out, & can't be
relied upon for accurate info about the state of affairs here.
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1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
You won't get a nominee through. There's also an election soon, the choice should wait until that is over.
The choice should wait until there isn’t a significant chance that Trump’s nominee will have to rule on a case involving Trump.

Donald Trump is in a clear conflict of interest here. It would be unethical for him to pick a judge that will make rulings that directly affect him. I don’t expect Trump to care about ethics any more than he has so far, but it’s still reasonable for everyone else to say “no” to living with the consequences of Trump’s unethical decisions.


Well-Known Member
I feel sorry for anyone living in the US right now, with an abject narcissistic retard in charge. The Democrats might be worried about supreme court nominations, but it's their (US) inadvisable system, of allowing the executive, ie Moron in chief Trump, to nominate 'his' people to the very highest judicial positions. Only a fully independant judiciary can deliver true equitable justice. Free from the executive government's control.

However it's not the Democrats caught between a rock and hard place, everyone in the US will suffer if Trump has his goons/sycophants/fellow nazis in the Supreme court undermine democracy and human rights. With their judgements.

The only people who might temporarily benefit from Trump's presidency are Israeli religious extremists, The UAE and Saudi Arabian governments, US far right nationalist religious bigots and Vladimir Putin. Of course.

Hillary and Obama seemed afflicted with Narcissism as well... sadly
I did not endorse Hillary or Trump but held my nose and voted for one who seemed lesser of two evils

No Monopoly in politics on narcissism

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
As do I.
But things aren't so bad.
(In fact, they're really looking up for me & those I know.)
It's just the high volume of complaining for the sky-is-falling crowd.
As I have said before, it ain’t all about you. (or you and your friends).


Not only studies proving you right when it comes to the majority of both parties. I'm also taking the word of conservatives as well. Conservatives hate the education system and legislate to ban critical thinking. Rush Limbaugh (conservative messiah), calls the education system "liberal indoctrination camps." Always on about "High Screwel (school)."

So why do the intellectual leaders of the conservative base demonize the education system? Studies show the more educated a person is, the less likely they'll vote republican. (propaganda doesn't work on critical thinking people as much)

So I think you're correct when you say Democrats are the educated party and Republicans are the uneducated party. When you look at the numbers, you have a winner.

Even Trump loves the uneducated. Clearly we agree.

Using that logic, please explain Maxine Waters.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Ah yes, the art of insulting opinions you do not agree with in a futile attempt to invalidate them.
What are you kidding? I want people to read the lunatic rants of SJWs. Whenever they open their mouths they display their lack of understanding and true motives.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
According the odds makers in Las Vegas, the current odds of Republicans retaining control of the Senate are >70%.

Anyone want to bet?


Well-Known Member
This part of the supreme court system is flawed...

When judgments are clearly decided by partisanship and not by the word of the constitution.

Doesn't matter if we're liberal or conservative.


Premium Member


As long as the Supreme Court Judge does his/her job to the level expected of them then I don't have an issue.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
That isn’t the odds for the House.
So? The odds for retaining the House are almost 60%. And it is the Senate that confirms Supreme Court nominees. Did you have some point?

The odds are the Republicans retains the House and Senate and the Supreme Court gets a Trump nominee confirmed.