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The Easyway to Stop Smoking


Well-Known Member
Thank you Poisonshady
You're welcome. :)

Hehe. Actually i was being sarcastic...
oh. lol. One of the drawbacks of posting on a message board is the occasional inability to pick up on sarcasm. If you didn't tell me, I wouldn't know.

I believe that there is time for everything. Some people are helped by their spiritual Gurus and some by some book and some by some other friend. But, I believe, that all these external helpers are just symbols of a quality of time.

Thank you profusely.

You're welcome. :)


Well-Known Member
I found something interesting. I did a google search for "criticism allen carr" to see what I could find. And a lot of what I found was "Have you heard of the Allen Carr method?" "No, I haven't heard of it".

But what I found that might be somewhat useful is a site called smoking reviews.

It looks at and rates different methods of stopping smoking, comparing methods with a star rating, giving a brief description, and listing the pros and cons.

Easyway was on the list, and it's interesting because the clinic is the method that's listed, which is why the cons include it being too costly and not readily available for many people... and they praise the ongoing support of another method as if Easyway didn't itself provide ongoing support (which it does)... and it seems like the only info they give to base their opinion on is the fact that it has the highest success rates by independent studies. They haven't gone through the clinic or read the book before posting their opinion and rating.

Anyway, here's the list of methods and their ratings:

Smoke Deter - Five stars
End the Habit - Five stars
Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking - Three stars
Chantix - Two and a half stars
ZeroNicotine - Two stars
Zyban - Two stars
Hypnosis - One star
Nicotine Replacement Therapy - One star
Laser Therapy - Half star
Cold Turkey - Half star

Here are a couple of ratings that surprise me....

First of all, Smoke Deter. It's no different than Nicotine Replacement Therapy, with one exception: It's nicotine free.

They had a patch, but now it's a sublingual spray. Takes months, and does nothing to mentally prepare a person for the quit. Goes on the faulty method of "get your body used to not going through withdrawals while not smoking, and it'll just happen." For as low as they rated NRT, Smoke Deter should have been just as low. MAYBE half a star more than NRT. Hell, even if it got a full two star rating, it absolutely does NOT belong on the top of their list. It just makes no sense.

As for End The Habit, listening to the description, it has the same pros as Easyway.

Program is based on information first
Reasonable shipping fees
Doesn’t make any false promises
Comes with everything you need to quit

And in the Easyway description, it was compared with End The Habit, suggesting that End The Habit only had just a little more support.

They seem to be smitten with the herbal supplements as well.

Herbal supplements might be a wonderful thing to have in your life, but it has nothing to do with quitting smoking. They seem to be distracted by bells and whistles without focusing on the actual problem of stopping smoking.

Which is why I'm surprised that Easyway isn't 5 stars. Or if it had to be 3 stars, why End The Habit wasn't 3 stars as well.

The review of Easyway suffered from ignorance regarding the book.

And one last thing...


I certainly can understand that because it's not a nicotine product, it gets rated above NRT... but the horrifying potential side effects and the fact that it relies on the same principles as NRT make me want Chantix put farther down the list.

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Well-Known Member
My husband hasn't smoked in three days. We'll see!

Not "we'll see". You've already seen it. He's free!

He's not trying to survive. He's not placing bets on how long it'll last.

He's a non-smoker. Hooray!

Congratulations! :)
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Well-Known Member
A friend of mine has a boyfriend who smokes. She works at an electronic cigarette mall kiosk, and figured it would be less harmful and less expensive for her boyfriend to switch to e-cigs. Trouble is, he switches back and forth from e-cigs to regular cigs frequently. My friend was fascinated by what I told her of Easyway, and she tried to recommend it to him. But since he doesn't like to read, she figured it was a lost cause. Until I mentioned the fact that there's an audiobook. I sent her a copy of the audiobook, and she saved it to his computer. I can't wait to hear about his experience with Easyway. I know my friend is excited about it.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
MY HUSBAND IS STILL CIGARETTE FREE - what is it, a month now? Thank you, Poisonshady, for recommending this book!


I smell something....
MY HUSBAND IS STILL CIGARETTE FREE - what is it, a month now? Thank you, Poisonshady, for recommending this book!

So very awesome. Free from the monster! I am very happy for him. The book is an incredible tool in helping to quit. Been hesitant to update my attempt because I don't want to discourage anyone but unfortunately, I did not fair as well. I seem to have issues beyond the scope of mere nicotine addiction. After finishing the book, I was so excited and optimistic about quitting. After a while the ole rage issues crept in and the final straw was flinging a chair across the floor. The good news is I am not deluding myself by believing cigarettes have anything to do with it. I seem to have a deep psychological issue that is triggered by that trivial withdrawl symptom. To give you an example of my rage issue, imagine the temper tantrum of a 2 yr old done with the strength and experience of a 40 yr old. Screaming, stomping, pulling my own hair, the works. It is completely out of character for me to be anything but mellow and so uncomfortable when I am not. I have tried many times to control that temper when trying to quit but have failed badly. So to quit I am probably going to have to find out what this anger issue is all about. maybe counselling, I don't know. To be continued because I ain't givin up :fight:


Well-Known Member
So very awesome. Free from the monster! I am very happy for him. The book is an incredible tool in helping to quit. Been hesitant to update my attempt because I don't want to discourage anyone but unfortunately, I did not fair as well. I seem to have issues beyond the scope of mere nicotine addiction. After finishing the book, I was so excited and optimistic about quitting. After a while the ole rage issues crept in and the final straw was flinging a chair across the floor. The good news is I am not deluding myself by believing cigarettes have anything to do with it. I seem to have a deep psychological issue that is triggered by that trivial withdrawl symptom. To give you an example of my rage issue, imagine the temper tantrum of a 2 yr old done with the strength and experience of a 40 yr old. Screaming, stomping, pulling my own hair, the works. It is completely out of character for me to be anything but mellow and so uncomfortable when I am not. I have tried many times to control that temper when trying to quit but have failed badly. So to quit I am probably going to have to find out what this anger issue is all about. maybe counselling, I don't know. To be continued because I ain't givin up :fight:

I'm sorry that you've run into this difficulty, but I'm glad that you're not giving up.

For what it's worth, Easyway does have a toll-free number that I believe may be able to provide additional support. I don't know what the forum rules are about posting such things, though I suppose if I posted the link to the Easyway's American website

Stop smoking aids and quit smoking methods by Allen Carr, The Easy Way to Stop Smoking

and suggested you follow the link that says "contact us", that would be ok...

I'm not sure if what you're going through is something they can actually help with, or if it's a bit beyond their scope, but it might be worth a try.

Another idea that might be worth considering is that there is an Allen Carr page on facebook. Well, there are several, but the one that I'm a part of is frequently commented on by the worldwide director of Easyway, and at least one of the people who run Easyway clinic sessions. If you brought your situation to their attention, one of those people might have some advice that could prove helpful.

Let me know what you think.


Well-Known Member
I'm bringing back this thread because this subject has been on my mind recently. I've recommended the book to a few people recently, and some of them seemed interested in giving Easyway a shot.


I hope that one day in the near future, whenever anyone asks for advice on how to quit smoking, this book is mentioned. Worldwide, it's the best selling book on the subject of smoking cessation (57 countries, 38 languages). It's very inexpensive, especially in relation to other methods. It doesn't require a three month program like the gum or lozenges. It's quick, easy, and painless.

And most importantly, it really does work.

If smokers want to go on smoking, that's their business. I'm not going to lecture them, or make snide comments about what they're doing to themselves. Not even going to say "you know, you really should stop".

But when someone expresses a desire to quit smoking, they shouldn't have to suffer in order to achieve their goal. They shouldn't have to go into it thinking "this is gonna be really tough, I hope I make it". They should be aware that there is a way available that really is easy and effective.

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
maybe the tobacco clouds hazed my vision but whats the method?

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
nvm noticed this is an 18 page thread iand i only power read the op


Well-Known Member
maybe the tobacco clouds hazed my vision but whats the method?

A simple question. A simple answer.

What's the method?

Read the book.

It's basically a cold turkey method (no drugs, no substitutes, no changing your lifestyle), except it directly addresses the psychological issues regarding smoking and stopping smoking. It spends time explaining how nicotine addiction really works, and why smokers who don't use Easyway typically find it hard to stop. And that once you see the nicotine trap for what it really is, and rid yourself of the myths and illusions smokers use to justify why they can't stop, you can put out your last cigarette without feeling deprived or miserable. You put out your last cigarette (at the end of the book) already with a sense of freedom and joy, instead of doom and gloom.
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