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The Easyway to Stop Smoking


I smell something....
Kathryn, how is your husband doing? Has he finished the book? Has it worked?

Turk, how about you?
I find myself at an interesting point. I find the book to be so helpful that I think I could really not touch the little monster again if I finished the book. Which is why I am putting off finishing the book lol. I plan on finishing the book tonight or tomorrow though :D


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
I had a tumor on my parotid gland. Looks like one of the benign variety. The doctor stated it looked like a benign tumor but it will get tested anyway. Such a tumor isn't related to smoking that I know of but I figured this is as good a time as any to quit.

I posted a couple of pics in the "post your pic" thread but hid them behind spoilers if you want to see.

Well, of course I am going to go check those out right this minute!


Well-Known Member
I find myself at an interesting point. I find the book to be so helpful that I think I could really not touch the little monster again if I finished the book. Which is why I am putting off finishing the book lol. I plan on finishing the book tonight or tomorrow though :D


You're about to be free. Enjoy it. Celebrate it.


Well-Known Member
I had a tumor on my parotid gland. Looks like one of the benign variety. The doctor stated it looked like a benign tumor but it will get tested anyway. Such a tumor isn't related to smoking that I know of but I figured this is as good a time as any to quit.

I posted a couple of pics in the "post your pic" thread but hid them behind spoilers if you want to see.

I'm sorry to hear about your tumor.

I'm also sorry to hear that the book didn't work when you tried it before.

Do you think it might help to contact an Easyway therapist? Apparently, if you call the number (I'm not sure where you're located, but wherever you are, I'm sure there's a number) you can talk to someone for free to work through what didn't work, and how it could work if you try again. Not that you'd have to read the book again necessarily... but I know at the Easyway clinics they have free follow-ups if necessary, and I think for those who read the book, calling the number would be basically a free follow-up. That's kinda what they do for a living. (The worldwide Easyway director, John Dicey, has indicated as much on the facebook page when people would ask for help because they started smoking again after reading the book.)

Sometimes it does take a couple of read throughs... having read it once before, you might notice something in a different way the second time around... and a little support from someone who runs these clinics and seminars might prove to be the little something extra that turned a previous attempt into a current success.

Though I don't blame you if you kinda gave up on Easyway, it not having worked the first time around. I'm not trying to be pushy or anything. I'm just letting you know that there are options and ways to improve the chance of success with the method if a first time reading didn't do it for you.

Either way, I hope you feel better.


Well-Known Member
Just want to add that if you do decide to call the number, re-read the book, or both...

If you haven't been smoking, you wouldn't have to start smoking just to read the book just to stop again. The purpose would be to eliminate the cravings and have an all around easier time continuing to be a non-smoker.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to hear about your tumor.

I'm also sorry to hear that the book didn't work when you tried it before.

Do you think it might help to contact an Easyway therapist? Apparently, if you call the number (I'm not sure where you're located, but wherever you are, I'm sure there's a number) you can talk to someone for free to work through what didn't work, and how it could work if you try again. Not that you'd have to read the book again necessarily... but I know at the Easyway clinics they have free follow-ups if necessary, and I think for those who read the book, calling the number would be basically a free follow-up. That's kinda what they do for a living. (The worldwide Easyway director, John Dicey, has indicated as much on the facebook page when people would ask for help because they started smoking again after reading the book.)

Sometimes it does take a couple of read throughs... having read it once before, you might notice something in a different way the second time around... and a little support from someone who runs these clinics and seminars might prove to be the little something extra that turned a previous attempt into a current success.

Though I don't blame you if you kinda gave up on Easyway, it not having worked the first time around. I'm not trying to be pushy or anything. I'm just letting you know that there are options and ways to improve the chance of success with the method if a first time reading didn't do it for you.

Either way, I hope you feel better.

Meh. I would smoke if I had pneumonia. I remember quitting for a month when I was living at the halfway house. Then one day, sitting outside on a beautiful autumn day I just stood up and walk four miles to buy a pack of cigarettes. Quit heavy drinking. Smoked crack and quit that. Smoked speed and quit that.

I'll dig the book out and give it another shot. Right now I don't have the desire to go get cigarettes. If someone put one in front of me.....I'd smoke it. But that nervous desire to go get the smokes isn't there. Nor is the inane desire to eat or suck on a lifesaver.

Probably due to the Percocet. Actually, the generic equivalent to Percocet.


Well-Known Member
Wow, this (and your other comments on this thread) is rude. On another thread, you're bemoaning your battered feelings on this forum. May I suggest that you've brought this upon yourself by your rudeness and inflammatory manner?

As for Easyway being a con game - how can you say that when you haven't read the book, and when others who HAVE read the book have put down their cigarettes and never again picked them up? If it's a con game, it's sure a cheap one - the book only costs about $7.

Listen, if I had a disease and someone told me that I could spend $7, dress like a Hindu swami, and dance around a fire at midnight while throwing chicken bones over my left shoulder - and I'd be cured - I'd give it a try if other methods weren't working and they were walking around completely cured.

It's not like the Easyway method asks you to invest $299 and hit your family and friends up to build your downspout. It's a BOOK for pete's sake, that's easy to read and that offers advice that works for many people.

You haven't even cracked the book. Whatever it was you tried for 19 times didn't work, and you're STILL obviously emotionally scarred by your own experiences trying to quit smoking. What makes you think that your advice on THIS method has any validity?
You are wrong. I have the right to believe whatever I want without being attacked. Just because I do not believe as you do, does not give you the right to treat me badly. Leave me alone.


Well-Known Member
How many times do I have to apologize? I am getting to be so tired of this. I said that I was sorry and I have been behaving properly so people should get off of my ***.


Well-Known Member
When I quit, I used Chantix. It worked, even if it's a bit pricey.

I've been quit for 5 months.

I quit with Chantix. (I took for 6 months) I would take Chantix as a daily vitamin if my doctor would allow. It was incredibly easy to quit on Chantix. The hard part is when you go off Chantix and not falling back into your old habits.

I have heard some people react poorly to Chantix but I responded only positively with one glaring exception. The morning dose caused me to FEEL incredibly nauseous for about 3 minutes. I never puked but I felt like it. The evening pill never affected me in this way.


Well-Known Member
I quit with Chantix. (I took for 6 months) I would take Chantix as a daily vitamin if my doctor would allow. It was incredibly easy to quit on Chantix. The hard part is when you go off Chantix and not falling back into your old habits.

I have heard some people react poorly to Chantix but I responded only positively with one glaring exception. The morning dose caused me to FEEL incredibly nauseous for about 3 minutes. I never puked but I felt like it. The evening pill never affected me in this way.

Chantix made me depressed. I was such a ***** when I used it.


Well-Known Member
The hard part is when you go off Chantix and not falling back into your old habits.

That's kinda the reason I started this thread.

I recommend that you give Easyway a shot.

Like I said before, even if you're already a non-smoker because of Chantix, a read through The Easy Way to Stop Smoking can give you a fresh perspective that allows you to have an easy time staying a non-smoker.

I would recommend borrowing it from a library so you don't have to pay for it.

For smokers who are still smoking and want to quit, the recommendation is that they buy the book, and Allen Carr instructs such a person to keep it in a safe place, never to lend it out or give it away...

But I suppose for the ex-smoker wanting to enjoy their freedom instead of worrying about "slipping" or "relapsing", that particular instruction might not necessarily apply.

Just putting it out there.


Well-Known Member
Meh. I would smoke if I had pneumonia. I remember quitting for a month when I was living at the halfway house. Then one day, sitting outside on a beautiful autumn day I just stood up and walk four miles to buy a pack of cigarettes. Quit heavy drinking. Smoked crack and quit that. Smoked speed and quit that.

I'll dig the book out and give it another shot. Right now I don't have the desire to go get cigarettes. If someone put one in front of me.....I'd smoke it. But that nervous desire to go get the smokes isn't there. Nor is the inane desire to eat or suck on a lifesaver.

Probably due to the Percocet. Actually, the generic equivalent to Percocet.

Percocets are fun. :D


Well-Known Member
I have heard some people react poorly to Chantix but I responded only positively with one glaring exception. The morning dose caused me to FEEL incredibly nauseous for about 3 minutes. I never puked but I felt like it. The evening pill never affected me in this way.

I listed the possible side effects in an earlier post. I'm glad you made it out the other side unscathed. There are some very horrifying side effects associated with the stuff, including but not limited to suicidal thoughts.


Well-Known Member
I am sorry for being a *****.

Thank you for apologizing.

In regards to your exchange with Kathryn on the previous page, please understand a couple of things.

It's obvious that she's been away from this thread long enough not to have noticed your comment until now... and probably hadn't seen the exchange that resulted, including the thread where you continued to be insulting, and the two further threads where you apologized.

She is one of the people you hurt most directly by your comments, and this is the first time she spoke up about it. Not only did you call her a liar, but also the man who wrote the book who is helping her husband to quit his addiction... and by extension, her husband who is about to quit his addiction in an easy manner.

Especially considering that she may not have seen your other threads where you apologized, I do not believe she was out of line to say what she said. And I think that if your apology is sincere, you can understand why what you said was hurtful to her, and let her know in a calm, gentle way that you had already apologized for this. Couldn't hurt to apologize to her directly as well.

I see no reason that any of us should continue to feel negatively about this whole situation.

Just please be aware that none of us are out to get you. Some of us already have closure in this situation. Kathryn wasn't here for it, and so it's not unreasonable for her to tell you how she felt about what you said.

This thread isn't about insulting anyone or calling people liars. This thread is to help people. I'm here to let people know about this method that is easier than most others, so that they might give it a shot... so that they don't have to feel a sense of dread when they contemplate things like withdrawal and going through life without cigarettes.

You feel it can't be done because your experience has made you feel that way. I can respect that.

People who have quit using Easyway, or who have otherwise quit in their own way that was quite easy would certainly disagree that it can't be done, but I'm sure they wouldn't make light of your situation.

I hope you can respect me in the same way I can respect you, as long as we talk to each other respectfully.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for apologizing.

In regards to your exchange with Kathryn on the previous page, please understand a couple of things.

It's obvious that she's been away from this thread long enough not to have noticed your comment until now... and probably hadn't seen the exchange that resulted, including the thread where you continued to be insulting, and the two further threads where you apologized.

She is one of the people you hurt most directly by your comments, and this is the first time she spoke up about it. Not only did you call her a liar, but also the man who wrote the book who is helping her husband to quit his addiction... and by extension, her husband who is about to quit his addiction in an easy manner.

Especially considering that she may not have seen your other threads where you apologized, I do not believe she was out of line to say what she said. And I think that if your apology is sincere, you can understand why what you said was hurtful to her, and let her know in a calm, gentle way that you had already apologized for this. Couldn't hurt to apologize to her directly as well.

I see no reason that any of us should continue to feel negatively about this whole situation.

Just please be aware that none of us are out to get you. Some of us already have closure in this situation. Kathryn wasn't here for it, and so it's not unreasonable for her to tell you how she felt about what you said.

This thread isn't about insulting anyone or calling people liars. This thread is to help people. I'm here to let people know about this method that is easier than most others, so that they might give it a shot... so that they don't have to feel a sense of dread when they contemplate things like withdrawal and going through life without cigarettes.

You feel it can't be done because your experience has made you feel that way. I can respect that.

People who have quit using Easyway, or who have otherwise quit in their own way that was quite easy would certainly disagree that it can't be done, but I'm sure they wouldn't make light of your situation.

I hope you can respect me in the same way I can respect you, as long as we talk to each other respectfully.
Thank you. I really am sorry. God bless you for forgiving me. Shabbat Shalom.


Premium Member
That's fine.

Though something strikes me as odd. You are reluctant to spend so many as $10. A pack of cigarettes costs as much (more in some places).

Thank you Poisonshady

Hehe. Actually i was being sarcastic and your earnestness defeated me. But as such there is 50% chance of any event happening.

I believe that there is time for everything. Some people are helped by their spiritual Gurus and some by some book and some by some other friend. But, I believe, that all these external helpers are just symbols of a quality of time.

Thank you profusely.