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The Emerging World Religion


Well-Known Member
Jesus, if literal, seemed very anti-outward religion and outward tradition and never mentioned a word about "Christianity." Even "Christianity" in the text of Acts wasn't a relgion but a way of inner being and people having everything in "common/unified."

The church buildings would be an invention of man to mislead/deceive many from the truth and call it the "house of God." When the church and house of "God" is within the human's physical body.
Hi Unification,

Jesus is not an anti-outward religion or outward tradition. He does the will of the Father; if Jesus does the will of the Father, therefore what was stated in John 3:16 that "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life" is based on the love to come to Him, to believe and obey His will.



Well-Known Member
First, there is and ever will be only ONE Jesus, so I will not be faced with such a nonsensical choice when I get to heaven, Secondly, in heaven there will be many homosexuals, mystics, atheists, Buddhists, Islamic's and even adulterers, thieves, liars, etc, who have repented and turned to the Savior Jesus Christ for forgiveness and eternal life. God's offer through Christ is equally available to everyone.

Luke 9:23
23. And He was saying to them all, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.



Well-Known Member
Hi Unification,

Jesus is not an anti-outward religion or outward tradition. He does the will of the Father; if Jesus does the will of the Father, therefore what was stated in John 3:16 that "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life" is based on the love to come to Him, to believe and obey His will.


Things of inner/spiritual are different than things of man's mind. Man's mind will see an exoteric deity. A literal guy and son. Could an only begotten daughter be sent? Outward stuff prevents someone from going inward.

Anyone doing any will is doing will within themselves, whether "God's" will or someone's own "will."

Believes IN "him." What is "him?" Belief in a guy or belief in a better way, truth, and life? The truth about a literal guy or the truth about something within me and the truth of myself?

Hitler believed in literal guy Jesus and accepted "him."

What was given, what sacrifice was made? Traditionally, nothing was given or sacrificed.

To come to a guy or come to an inner nature/character? A way of being, truth, and life. What is done to any human being is done to "Christ."

I accept "Christ" as my "Lord" and saving grace, just in a radically different inward "resurrecting" way that has not much to do with mainstream "Christianity" or centralized around a deity. The same way any human finds this within from all different cultures, backgrounds, texts using different words.

What if "his" will is radically different than mainstream teaching?


Well-Known Member
Everyone is their own authority(ruler) in which they create. They have the power to do so because of the power that resides within them and the unique talents they possess. The same "spirit" of "life" resides within you as it does every other human being. Doesn't make a being more powerful than the universe, other than a living being with the ability to create. Everyone physically dies and everyone falls. Everyone is in subjection to the laws of the universe(God.)

So only people with positions of authority over others are "gods?" Making stuff up doesn't help. Everyone is their own authority and ruler. Why are you choosing who is a god and who isn't? I think you may have a difficult time realizing that a human being can be "a god" without being "God" but as a part of "God." I guess it may not make much sense to you by thinking exoteric/deity and not within.
Hi Unification,

We may say that we have the authority over our skills or gifts, but not becoming like God as having a supernatural powers. Everyone is in subjection to God--for God is the one who created us. Jesus submit under the authority of the Father (God). How come that we should not be under the authority of God?

Jesus once said in Luke 10:19 "Behold, I have given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall injure you." His disciples never take the authority above Jesus Christ nor the followers of Christ.



Well-Known Member
Luke 9:23
23. And He was saying to them all, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.


Denying oneself what? The most important initial denial is everything what one thinks they know, what's been conditioned and pounded in ones mind regardless if the entire world is doing something different.

Follow Jesus where? To a church building? Where is Jesus? One can look externally all they wish, with Hubble telescopes, for a literal guy... what is found?


Well-Known Member
Hi Unification,

We may say that we have the authority over our skills or gifts, but not becoming like God as having a supernatural powers. Everyone is in subjection to God--for God is the one who created us. Jesus submit under the authority of the Father (God). How come that we should not be under the authority of God?

Jesus once said in Luke 10:19 "Behold, I have given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall injure you." His disciples never take the authority above Jesus Christ nor the followers of Christ.


I'm not sure where "supernatural" powers came from, or where one becomes "God." No one is above another, and no one can stop/have authority over the universe from doing its thing.

Who is the enemy? I don't have any enemies, outside of the enemies I created within my own mind that harmed me and were eradicated by treading upon those inner serpents and scorpions.


Well-Known Member
To repent means to "go beyond the mind." Trying to mold/change everyone into what mankind wants someone to be is not the same as molding into what "God-the universe" wants someone to be.

If you went beyond the mind rather than using the mind to interpret a handbook literally, you may see all sorts of inner(spiritual) things you haven't before.
Hi Unification,

The word "Repent" in the Scripture is not "to go beyond the mind," it is converting yourself to follow the will of God so you'll be in the presence of the Lord. This is the initial way of showing submission and willingness to change his life into a new creation in Christ. 2 Cor. 5:17 "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."

Acts 3:19
19. Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.

Acts 2:38
38. And Peter said to them, "Repent, and let each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Your handbook also warns you repetitively not to form idols or images, in which you've done by deitizing a guy that is not a literal guy but rather is something IN all of literal mankind and goes by many different words. To some, it's the Christ, to others Kundalini, to some its life force, to some its Chi, etc.

It's made more about the messenger rather than the message. The name(character/nature), the way(way of inner being) the truth, and the life.
In "spirit" is within, not exoteric and not of the mind. The saving/liberating force is within someone.

Not really equally available by your views. Many grow up in "Christian-religious" homes with a relatively loving family and in a reasonable environment.
Many grow up in poop storms with hateful parents, and living their life with no "bible," nothing, and never hearing a word of a deity literal guy named "Jesus."
Kundalini's, life force or Chi's are obviously different with Christ's Holy Spirit. The Hindu's or Buddhist's terminologies and practices are entirely different in nature. You cannot reconcile those with Christ's teachings. The promised Holy Spirit will dwell (only) to the follower of Christ's teachings, as stated in Acts 2:38, "Repent and be baptized, then you shall receive the Holy Spirit."

Some people may never heard the word "Jesus" in his/her entire life, but God is surely making a way to reach them by giving them hope of salvation. This is what the Great Commission stated in Matt. 28:19-20,
19. Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit:
20. teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.

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Well-Known Member
Hi Unification,

The word "Repent" in the Scripture is not "to go beyond the mind," it is converting yourself to follow the will of God so you'll be in the presence of the Lord. This is the initial way of showing submission and willingness to change his life into a new creation in Christ. 2 Cor. 5:17 "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."

Acts 3:19
19. Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.

Acts 2:38
38. And Peter said to them, "Repent, and let each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Kundalini's, life force or Chi's are obviously different with Christ's Holy Spirit. The Hindu's or Buddhist's terminologies and practices is entirely different in nature. You cannot reconcile those with Christ's teachings. The promised Holy Spirit will dwell (only) to the follower of Christ's teachings, as stated in Acts 2:38, "Repent and be baptized, then you shall receive the Holy Spirit."

Some people may never heard the word "Jesus" in his/her entire life, but God is surely making a way to reach them by giving them hope of salvation. This is what the Great Commission stated in Matt. 28:19-20,
19. Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit:
20. teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.


It's admirable anyone who seeks to change for the better, even if they don't know how to fully teach others because they are busy trying to proselyte and convert one to religion, or an outward deity, doctrine, exoteric stuff that is meant to be spiritual/internal and an inward conversion by going within oneself.

If "God" and "Lord" are spirit, than going beyond the mind would enable the "presence of the spirit." The mind beneath, in subjection to the spirit.

One can see it as a literal guy ascending and descending and resurrecting externally somewhere, or the Christ substance resurrecting and ascending/descending within a human's body. All of those "wheels" in scripture. . those derive from Sanskrit, chakras' mean "spinning wheels." Everything in every text is teaching the same exact things, with semantics of words. It's all a book about the human brain, mind, body. I am sorry that you, being a man, has limited and taught others that "God" would be limited to and as lowly as one book, and that "God" would even need to teach mankind through perceived literal instruction manuals. It's not a His-Story book, it's a Your-Story book.

At least the Eastern hemisphere of the literal Earth cast their nets on the right side(right hemisphere of the brain) or sit at the right hand(right hemisphere) of the brain. One day the West will meet the East in unity.

More orthodox added Trinity doctrine.

In the "name" of means in the "nature/character" of.


Active Member
Another great example of why conservative Protestantism is a contender for my least favorite religion. "Let's take religion and remove all joy, individuality, wonder and aesthetics. Then we can really know that we're better than everybody."

I cant understand how god can be omnipotent and let satan roam freely on earth and create these false religions freely. Is this just some sort of comedy or something? is satan doing gods will?

Jewish Satan is doing God's will. He is the literal devil's advocate among the angels. The whole demigod of ultimate evil now called Satan came much later.


Well-Known Member
Things of inner/spiritual are different than things of man's mind. Man's mind will see an exoteric deity. A literal guy and son. Could an only begotten daughter be sent? Outward stuff prevents someone from going inward.
Hi Unification,

There is no “literal guy” nor “begotten daughter.” It seems you did not believe that Jesus is the one who was sent by God. Jesus did not prevent us to go inward or doing our own will. In the case of Jesus with His followers, they submit to Jesus' authority rather than making themselves as authority. Like submitting to the authority with our parents, we obeyed, trusted them, have faith and love them. We followed the will of our parents, but sometimes when we failed to obey, we suffer the consequence. How much more if we are following a God who is all-knowing and omnipotent God?o_O
Anyone doing any will is doing will within themselves, whether "God's" will or someone's own "will."
If anyone becomes a follower of God, his will is under the will of God.
Believes IN "him." What is "him?" Belief in a guy or belief in a better way, truth, and life? The truth about a literal guy or the truth about something within me and the truth of myself?
The word “believe” in the Scripture means to “entrust,” to give yourself to Him, allow God to control one’s life. That is surrendering our will to Him.
Hitler believed in literal guy Jesus and accepted "him."
Absolutely not.o_O How can you prove that Hitler believed in Jesus, and accepted Him?:( I believed Jesus never told us to kill and annihilate your neighbors like pigs. This is not Christ’s teaching. Everyone may say accurately and easily with his mouth that they believed and accepted Jesus, but in words only, and not by faith and action.
What was given, what sacrifice was made? Traditionally, nothing was given or sacrificed.
It is believed by the followers of Christ that Jesus Christ was sent by the Father (God)--to gain eternal life and be with Him. Therefore, the sacrifice on the cross was executed to serve as atonement for man’s sin.

Eph. 5:2
2. and walk in love, even as Christ also loved you, and gave himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for an odor of a sweet smell.

Mark 10:45
45. "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."
To come to a guy or come to an inner nature/character? A way of being, truth, and life. What is done to any human being is done to "Christ."

I accept "Christ" as my "Lord" and saving grace, just in a radically different inward "resurrecting" way that has not much to do with mainstream "Christianity" or centralized around a deity. The same way any human finds this within from all different cultures, backgrounds, texts using different words.

What if "his" will is radically different than mainstream teaching?
Christianity refers to a belief in Christ. Yes, there is grace from God, that grace is our freedom to act on our will. It is either the will of God or the will of man should be followed. The acceptance that took place between Jesus and His disciples are the acceptance that has total submission and obedience. No acceptance in Christ that has no obedience with His teachings. God’s will could be seen in the Scriptures.

Rom. 12:2
2. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.

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Well-Known Member
Denying oneself what? The most important initial denial is everything what one thinks they know, what's been conditioned and pounded in ones mind regardless if the entire world is doing something different.
Hi Unification,

The “denying oneself” is giving up (like what Jesus did as gave himself to follow God’s will) and surrendering of man’s will to Christ. That is denying of his own will, and to follow God’s will. This is stated in the last statement of Jesus,“Follow Me.”

Eph. 5:2
2. and walk in love, even as Christ also loved you, and gave himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for an odor of a sweet smell.
Follow Jesus where? To a church building? Where is Jesus? One can look externally all they wish, with Hubble telescopes, for a literal guy... what is found?
For Christianity, to follow Jesus is not the building or structures nor membership. It is the acceptance in having a relationship with Jesus Christ to be his Saviour and Lord/God.



Well-Known Member
I'm not sure where "supernatural" powers came from, or where one becomes "God." No one is above another, and no one can stop/have authority over the universe from doing its thing.
Supernatural things may came from God or not from God. If there is one who is doing his own will rather than God’s will (to avoid doing thing that are not from God), that is exactly what we called man-made philosophy and teachings.
Who is the enemy? I don't have any enemies, outside of the enemies I created within my own mind that harmed me and were eradicated by treading upon those inner serpents and scorpions.
For the follower of Christ, their enemy is the devil.

1 Peter 5:8
8. Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.

James 4:7
7. Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.


Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
This is all quite hilarious because Yahweh is viewed as the true Satan in Gnosticism; a delusional, psychopathic entity/parasite that hates humans and attempts to enslave us, foolishly believing itself to be the true creator and only deity. :)


Wow! If I shared your perspective on Xian theology, or Abrahamic theology, I'd be running to something else as well.

I just love how you identified it without my needing to :D

I'm betting likewise easy to guess if I had said "worship/obey or else you won't like the consequences/punishment...if you do worship/obey you will be rewarded with peace and be taken care of" It's either about some naughty tyrant or regime from a history book or....


Well-Known Member
It's admirable anyone who seeks to change for the better, even if they don't know how to fully teach others because they are busy trying to proselyte and convert one to religion, or an outward deity, doctrine, exoteric stuff that is meant to be spiritual/internal and an inward conversion by going within oneself.

If "God" and "Lord" are spirit, than going beyond the mind would enable the "presence of the spirit." The mind beneath, in subjection to the spirit.
Many are those who attempted to reach God by using their own capability. To seek the mind of God and attaining to be a god/God. Since after the creation of man, this desire of knowing good and evil, to be like God was already existing down to centuries. Our mind is limited in compared with God’s all-knowing. Any enormous efforts that were done by man is still a failure in God’s eyes.
One can see it as a literal guy ascending and descending and resurrecting externally somewhere, or the Christ substance resurrecting and ascending/descending within a human's body.
I’m assured that there is no theory or theology of ascending and descending in Christ. He was sent, died resurrected and ascended, and seated at the right hand of the Father(God).
All of those "wheels" in scripture. . those derive from Sanskrit, chakras' mean "spinning wheels." Everything in every text is teaching the same exact things, with semantics of words. It's all a book about the human brain, mind, body. I am sorry that you, being a man, has limited and taught others that "God" would be limited to and as lowly as one book, and that "God" would even need to teach mankind through perceived literal instruction manuals. It's not a His-Story book, it's a Your-Story book.
Maybe there are wheels in Buddhism, but not for Christ's doctrine. Buddhist principles is differed from Christ’s teachings. There is no reincarnation in Christianity. If you can prove that there is reincarnation, I request that you show it to me.

God is not limited to a book called the Bible. The Bible is the inspired writings of the word of God. This is not an instruction manuals but rather a changing life’s book. Other beliefs had their own books like Koran, and for Buddhist--the eight fold path etc.. It is a matter of what books or writings that is truly came from God, and what is the true inspired writings. It is not my book, it is Christ’s teachings recorded in that book.
At least the Eastern hemisphere of the literal Earth cast their nets on the right side(right hemisphere of the brain) or sit at the right hand(right hemisphere) of the brain. One day the West will meet the East in unity.

More orthodox added Trinity doctrine.

In the "name" of means in the "nature/character" of.
Trinitarian doctrine is a doctrine about the existence of God in three persons as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. This is not added but truly existed in this way (as seen in the Scriptures).

Yes, you may say it is the “character,” but this is not just limited as the “character” but also “authority.”

Now, if you desire to limit it--as the "nature" or "character," then that does not defeat the Trinitarian doctrine that God exists in those names or character.

onoma: a name, authority, cause
Original Word: ὄνομα, ατος, τό
Part of Speech: Noun, Neuter
Transliteration: onoma
Phonetic Spelling: (on'-om-ah)
Short Definition: name, character, reputation
Definition: name, character, fame, reputation.biblehub

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Would you say that's more because of "accepting" a literal exoteric deity that saves you, or more because of ones inner character/nature becoming more peaceable within and "accepting" all others by being more and more set free/liberated from everything that divides and conquers mankind by being a non-respector of certain persons?

Well in my view it's the perspective that we live in one world and that we share values... spiritual values, ethical mores, and a desire for peace and cooperation. If we are to survive the vicissitudes of the coming seventy years or so, we must work closely together... Now this perspective has grown in strength over the past decades and I feel will become more dominant and pervasive in the future.


Actually it took me awhile to understand your comments regarding Xian ideas, etc., on the forums. I think that you are probably presenting a perspective, but it certainly isn't monolithic, regarding adherence to Abrahamic concepts. Like I said, what you are presenting, is not my perspective, and I can't argue other peoples positions.

I think there are streams within Christianity that don't necessarily go this direction and it was probably so even in the early days. With Judaism also some have gotten away from it.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Jewish Satan is doing God's will. He is the literal devil's advocate among the angels. The whole demigod of ultimate evil now called Satan came much later.
To be honest, the Christian concept of Satan/Lucifer seems to be a rip-off of Prometheus with the Hebrew god standing in for Zeus. It's basically the same story. You can trace it back even further to the Sumerians with the stories of Enlil and Enki.