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The Emerging World Religion


Well-Known Member
Clearly your conception of parenting is as unhealthy as your conception of worship. To obey due to fear of punishment is the opposite of genuine love, respect and trust.
We followed the will of our parents, but sometimes when we failed to obey, we suffer the consequence. How much more if we are following a God who is all-knowing and omnipotent God?by Yoshua

My example of using our parents is just for obeying, trusting, have faith and submission. This is not the unloved side as abusive parents, creating fear, traumas, molesting etc.. That concept of fear does not came from me. Parents loved his children as well as their children loved their parents. And I don't think that parents does not give a bit of love to his children, if there is, there is no God's love in him.

Now, let me further expound that example. We have seen the "loved" and "unloved" side for the parents, this only proves that man is not a perfect being as God who is perfect in love. God has the genuine love of all. Therefore those who followed God can experience that great (genuine) love that no other entity or person can give. I believed this is what John 3:16 is saying: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life."

John 15:13
13. "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends.


Princeps Eugenius

Active Member
I think God is temporarily allowing satan to freely roam outside of His will. It is not a comedy or something, but rather a time of opportunity to see whether each person's allegiance lies first with God their Creator or instead with self or satan.
If something lies outside of his will then he has no will over it thus he has no power to guide the will of the person therefore becoming not all-powerful and therefore not an omnipotent god.


Active Member
We followed the will of our parents, but sometimes when we failed to obey, we suffer the consequence. How much more if we are following a God who is all-knowing and omnipotent God?by Yoshua

My example of using our parents is just for obeying, trusting, have faith and submission. This is not the unloved side as abusive parents, creating fear, traumas, molesting etc.. That concept of fear does not came from me. Parents loved his children as well as their children loved their parents. And I don't think that parents does not give a bit of love to his children, if there is, there is no God's love in him.

Now, let me further expound that example. We have seen the "loved" and "unloved" side for the parents, this only proves that man is not a perfect being as God who is perfect in love. God has the genuine love of all. Therefore those who followed God can experience that great (genuine) love that no other entity or person can give. I believed this is what John 3:16 is saying: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life."

John 15:13
13. "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends.


Except my parents don't ask me to "obey" or "submit" and I turned out much the better for it. What are these "consequences" we will "suffer" if not a mechanism to maintain control thru fear? And yes, one can sincerely love someone (or think of themselves as loving them) and still treat them horribly. I've seen it among mortals; I won't tolerate it from gods. The Christian God displays this with his threats of hell and condemnation of harmless and even positive activities. Say no to abusive theism.


Deifying self is hardly new. Satan has long sold godhood in some form to humanity, as religion, or as some deeper, mystical aspect of a particular religion. Where the leaven of mysticism is found it inevitably spreads to some form of union with God, meaning...belief in becoming God or merging with God. Mysticism is the key to a universal religion because it appeals to people on a broad scale. People of different religions must have a common factor and binding agent for a global religion and that is mystical, contemplative prayer. This unity of all faiths or interspirituality is the underlying herald cry and goal of the contemplative prayer movement and it is drawing people from all religious persuasions. Yet, while it entices many from “Christianity” it is something that can never be reconciled with the biblical message of the existence of One transcendent God, the Cross, and the claim of Jesus Christ as the only Savior.

Share your thoughts.

Just to add...I'm also very cautious against any universal religion or mono-anything.

Quest for uniformity of the masses is pretty much a power ploy and not really for the best intentions of the masses. Every entity or group on that quest seems to use a similar pitch...it's the good guy and the others are the bad guys.


Well-Known Member
Many are those who attempted to reach God by using their own capability. To seek the mind of God and attaining to be a god/God. Since after the creation of man, this desire of knowing good and evil, to be like God was already existing down to centuries. Our mind is limited in compared with God’s all-knowing. Any enormous efforts that were done by man is still a failure in God’s eyes.

I’m assured that there is no theory or theology of ascending and descending in Christ. He was sent, died resurrected and ascended, and seated at the right hand of the Father(God).

Maybe there are wheels in Buddhism, but not for Christ's doctrine. Buddhist principles is differed from Christ’s teachings. There is no reincarnation in Christianity. If you can prove that there is reincarnation, I request that you show it to me.

God is not limited to a book called the Bible. The Bible is the inspired writings of the word of God. This is not an instruction manuals but rather a changing life’s book. Other beliefs had their own books like Koran, and for Buddhist--the eight fold path etc.. It is a matter of what books or writings that is truly came from God, and what is the true inspired writings. It is not my book, it is Christ’s teachings recorded in that book.

Trinitarian doctrine is a doctrine about the existence of God in three persons as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. This is not added but truly existed in this way (as seen in the Scriptures).

Yes, you may say it is the “character,” but this is not just limited as the “character” but also “authority.”

Now, if you desire to limit it--as the "nature" or "character," then that does not defeat the Trinitarian doctrine that God exists in those names or character.

onoma: a name, authority, cause
Original Word: ὄνομα, ατος, τό
Part of Speech: Noun, Neuter
Transliteration: onoma
Phonetic Spelling: (on'-om-ah)
Short Definition: name, character, reputation
Definition: name, character, fame, reputation.biblehub


Why does "a god" always have to be a supernatural, all-knowing deity that can do anything? Simple enough, a "god" can be one who exists, who feels, thinks, and has the ability to create and choose.

Unsure where reincarnation and such came up. Irrelevant. Principles and beliefs are irrelevant....

The texts are about the human brain, mind, and body. A book about the human.

A "Christian," "Buddhist," anyone from any religion or non-religion is a human being with a brain, mind, and body and all of the same objective inner components.

Your own texts say "God" is not a person or an image or idol. Why, somehow is "God" 3 persons now?


Well-Known Member
I think "deifying the self" is an especially poor description of what's apparently going on with mystics. Then again, maybe you've come across mystics who are radically different from the ones that I have come across.

Yes, the assumption that "God" or "a god" must be/is a deity that deifies themselves are common.


Well-Known Member
I think God is temporarily allowing satan to freely roam outside of His will. It is not a comedy or something, but rather a time of opportunity to see whether each person's allegiance lies first with God their Creator or instead with self or satan.

I've seen this idea a few times and i have a really tough time understanding the thinking behind it. It seems that an all powerful creator picking and choosing humans based on their allegiance is a bit like me saying, "I like this amoeba, it feeds on detritus in accordance with my will. I do not like that amoeba, it feeds on bacteria which i hath said thou shalt not do."


Well-Known Member
We followed the will of our parents, but sometimes when we failed to obey, we suffer the consequence. How much more if we are following a God who is all-knowing and omnipotent God?by Yoshua

My example of using our parents is just for obeying, trusting, have faith and submission. This is not the unloved side as abusive parents, creating fear, traumas, molesting etc.. That concept of fear does not came from me. Parents loved his children as well as their children loved their parents. And I don't think that parents does not give a bit of love to his children, if there is, there is no God's love in him.

Now, let me further expound that example. We have seen the "loved" and "unloved" side for the parents, this only proves that man is not a perfect being as God who is perfect in love. God has the genuine love of all. Therefore those who followed God can experience that great (genuine) love that no other entity or person can give. I believed this is what John 3:16 is saying: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life."

John 15:13
13. "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends.


Quite simply, great love is helping others and setting aside ones own life to aid in the life of another.


Well-Known Member
Hi Unification,

There is no “literal guy” nor “begotten daughter.” It seems you did not believe that Jesus is the one who was sent by God. Jesus did not prevent us to go inward or doing our own will. In the case of Jesus with His followers, they submit to Jesus' authority rather than making themselves as authority. Like submitting to the authority with our parents, we obeyed, trusted them, have faith and love them. We followed the will of our parents, but sometimes when we failed to obey, we suffer the consequence. How much more if we are following a God who is all-knowing and omnipotent God?o_O

If anyone becomes a follower of God, his will is under the will of God.

The word “believe” in the Scripture means to “entrust,” to give yourself to Him, allow God to control one’s life. That is surrendering our will to Him.

Absolutely not.o_O How can you prove that Hitler believed in Jesus, and accepted Him?:( I believed Jesus never told us to kill and annihilate your neighbors like pigs. This is not Christ’s teaching. Everyone may say accurately and easily with his mouth that they believed and accepted Jesus, but in words only, and not by faith and action.

It is believed by the followers of Christ that Jesus Christ was sent by the Father (God)--to gain eternal life and be with Him. Therefore, the sacrifice on the cross was executed to serve as atonement for man’s sin.

Eph. 5:2
2. and walk in love, even as Christ also loved you, and gave himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for an odor of a sweet smell.

Mark 10:45
45. "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."

Christianity refers to a belief in Christ. Yes, there is grace from God, that grace is our freedom to act on our will. It is either the will of God or the will of man should be followed. The acceptance that took place between Jesus and His disciples are the acceptance that has total submission and obedience. No acceptance in Christ that has no obedience with His teachings. God’s will could be seen in the Scriptures.

Rom. 12:2
2. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.


Sure, when one is submitted to that power/energy that rests within them, one has authority and control over their thoughts, desires, emotions, etc. Their thoughts, desires, and emotions are of the higher name(inner character/nature) rather than the lower. (Man's own lower character/nature.) One is an inner king and ruler and authority of their mind and being.

Lower nature thinks externally, as in power and authority over others, or more highly than they ought to, rather than within.

If Jesus were a literal guy, he just did and showed a way what any human can do. Overcome and put their Satan(ego) behind them and focus on things of the higher nature. Be crucified at the place of the skull. Within the mind. Lower nature thinks literal death, when to crucify means to increase in power/strength/awareness. This power/authority is within. One can only increase in power/authority/awareness within after they die to their false self(Satan/ego.) This power within is what tansforms/resurrects/renews the mind. "In Christ," in this power/nature/character within ..not an external deity. That is the way any/every human can follow. No belief in fantasies or anything exoteric to them. His 12 disciples/learners (12 cranial nerves/wells(cisterns) in the brain were being taught things of the spirit by denying his own inner lower ways and going beyond the mind.

There are "atheists" right now in the world who are "in Christ," doings things in and of a higher way of inner being.
I am the way, the truth, and the life.
Not, I am the deity, the way, the truth, and the life.

The way, an inner way of being.
Truth, that in accord with fact and reality.
Life, there is a force/power of life within every human being.

In the texts, it clearly states what the will of "God" is, nowhere does is say really anything that you're referring to.

The OT when taken literally begs to differ, animals, children, men and women all were slaughtered at will.
Again, that's the mind of man. The mind of "Christ" would know it's about destroying ones animal/beastly nature/the animal ego mind, destroying children(mind seeds/babies of impure knowledge), men(thoughts) and women(emotions) that are impure.

Serving is setting aside ones own life to help others. Not physical death, not proselyting. The mind of man thinks that way.

The good news, is, there lies a power within each and every human that can liberate/set them free from the negative/lower enemies within them that they are enslaved and captive to in the mind. Just have to deny that beast. Sacrifice that beast. That latent power within that can destroy/overcome ones inner enemies. Just have to have faith/believe in that power within that it can change and radically alter ones life.
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Well-Known Member
Interesting. Not what I've come across in my 35 years of interest in mysticism, but still interesting.

Becoming one with the absolute, universe, or "God" rather than becoming one with a deity or three persons as one person.

The mystic will make sacrifices within themselves, sacrifice all of the missings of the marks/target/truth to become at-ONE-ment with the absolute/God. More of a cosmic inner Christ ordeal.

According to the OP, this is of an external enemy named Satan deceiving the mystic. Or commonly perceived as the need to believe that a literal guy died for atonement of everyone's sins.
Whereas the mystic will see that they work through the anomaly of the inner Satan(ego) in order to have "free will" and be able to play the game of life before eventually dying to their "false self/Satan/ego" and being crucified(increased in inner strength/power/awareness) at the place of the skull(mind).


I think "deifying the self" is an especially poor description of what's apparently going on with mystics. Then again, maybe you've come across mystics who are radically different from the ones that I have come across.
Maybe that is because when you think of one deifying self you picture someone being blatant about it in an outright conceited kind of way. Whereas, I think it is much more subtle, simply trusting one's own wisdom and ability over that of the Creator God is elevating self over God, thinking more highly of self, and basically deifying self above God.


If something lies outside of his will then he has no will over it thus he has no power to guide the will of the person therefore becoming not all-powerful and therefore not an omnipotent god.
I don't believe this is the case when or if God has chosen to allow things to occur outside His will temporarily on the earth. When you read the scriptures it is obvious this is the case since many times commands or instructions are given, yet numerous examples are also included of individuals and nations disregarding such instructions. Jesus, when teaching the disciples to pray instructed them to pray to the Father, "Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven...". So I think it is clear that much occurs on this earth which is not God's will, but He is allowing this time of human freewill, a time of choice, and a time to see and realize consequences and our need for Him.


Veteran Member
Becoming one with the absolute, universe, or "God" rather than becoming one with a deity or three persons as one person.

The mystic will make sacrifices within themselves, sacrifice all of the missings of the marks/target/truth to become at-ONE-ment with the absolute/God. More of a cosmic inner Christ ordeal.

According to the OP, this is of an external enemy named Satan deceiving the mystic. Or commonly perceived as the need to believe that a literal guy died for atonement of everyone's sins.
Whereas the mystic will see that they work through the anomaly of the inner Satan(ego) in order to have "free will" and be able to play the game of life before eventually dying to their "false self/Satan/ego" and being crucified(increased in inner strength/power/awareness) at the place of the skull(mind).
I agree with this, to me its childish to think there is this bad man snicking around and trying to manipulate us, of course its our own ego that is the so called Satan, for Christ sake lets take responsibility for our actions and stop blaming a mythical bad man.


I've seen this idea a few times and i have a really tough time understanding the thinking behind it. It seems that an all powerful creator picking and choosing humans based on their allegiance is a bit like me saying, "I like this amoeba, it feeds on detritus in accordance with my will. I do not like that amoeba, it feeds on bacteria which i hath said thou shalt not do."
I don't see it as being about an all powerful Creator picking and choosing, but as the created (us) needing to realize we are wholly dependent on our Creator as our sole Source of existence and when we don't or won't the end result is starvation and finally death.


I don't believe this is the case when or if God has chosen to allow things to occur outside His will temporarily on the earth. When you read the scriptures it is obvious this is the case since many times commands or instructions are given, yet numerous examples are also included of individuals and nations disregarding such instructions. Jesus, when teaching the disciples to pray instructed them to pray to the Father, "Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven...". So I think it is clear that much occurs on this earth which is not God's will, but He is allowing this time of human freewill, a time of choice, and a time to see and realize consequences and our need for Him.

Do you feel there will be freewill in heaven?


Do you feel there will be freewill in heaven?
I believe those who are in heaven will have already chosen to agree with God and therefore in heaven their wills will be in harmony with God and all who are in heaven. The scriptures speak of being transformed, conformed to Christ, one with the Father and the Son, etc. So, while I believe there will still be individual uniqueness and creativity I think everyone will freely, eternally, and joyfully be in harmony with God's will.