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The Emerging World Religion


Well-Known Member
Sure, when one is submitted to that power/energy that rests within them, one has authority and control over their thoughts, desires, emotions, etc. Their thoughts, desires, and emotions are of the higher name(inner character/nature) rather than the lower. (Man's own lower character/nature.) One is an inner king and ruler and authority of their mind and being.

Lower nature thinks externally, as in power and authority over others, or more highly than they ought to, rather than within.

If Jesus were a literal guy, he just did and showed a way what any human can do. Overcome and put their Satan(ego) behind them and focus on things of the higher nature. Be crucified at the place of the skull. Within the mind. Lower nature thinks literal death, when to crucify means to increase in power/strength/awareness. This power/authority is within. One can only increase in power/authority/awareness within after they die to their false self(Satan/ego.) This power within is what tansforms/resurrects/renews the mind. "In Christ," in this power/nature/character within ..not an external deity. That is the way any/every human can follow. No belief in fantasies or anything exoteric to them. His 12 disciples/learners (12 cranial nerves/wells(cisterns) in the brain were being taught things of the spirit by denying his own inner lower ways and going beyond the mind.

Your terminologies such as ego, power, cranial nerves, cisterns, higher nature, awareness etc..has something to do with another doctrine that is not an evangelical. No higher nature for Christian—as having the authority against the darkness, and identity as God’s children. The power that the follower of Christ had--is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit--for He shall speak the truth and guide to the truth.

John 16:13
13. "However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.

Denying oneself for the follower of Christ is not going beyond the mind. It is transformation of your own self to surrender his will to God—as God is the center of His life.
There are "atheists" right now in the world who are "in Christ," doings things in and of a higher way of inner being.
I am the way, the truth, and the life.
Not, I am the deity, the way, the truth, and the life.

The way, an inner way of being.
Truth, that in accord with fact and reality.
Life, there is a force/power of life within every human being.
Nice to hear an atheist could become a follower of Christ, but not to claim that he is the way, the truth and the life. Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life.
In the texts, it clearly states what the will of "God" is, nowhere does is say really anything that you're referring to.
The learners (disciples) do God’s will, same as the will of Jesus for them. I believed it is the same process of being a disciple. No doubt about this.
The OT when taken literally begs to differ, animals, children, men and women all were slaughtered at will.
Again, that's the mind of man. The mind of "Christ" would know it's about destroying ones animal/beastly nature/the animal ego mind, destroying children(mind seeds/babies of impure knowledge), men(thoughts) and women(emotions) that are impure.
If there is a slaughtering in the Old Testament, how can we know why God allow those to happen? What is His purpose?:shrug: His mind is higher than our minds. We can’t comprehend His ways. He created us, He has the right to take their lives. His thinking is absolutely right.

Isa. 55:8-9
8. "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,'' says the Lord.
9. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.
Serving is setting aside ones own life to help others. Not physical death, not proselyting. The mind of man thinks that way.

The good news, is, there lies a power within each and every human that can liberate/set them free from the negative/lower enemies within them that they are enslaved and captive to in the mind. Just have to deny that beast. Sacrifice that beast. That latent power within that can destroy/overcome ones inner enemies. Just have to have faith/believe in that power within that it can change and radically alter ones life.
The power is always came from God. Human being’s power above the (normal) human capability (in supernatural) may came from darkness instead of light. I believed faith in God is appropriate rather than self-faith's power or capability. God is a superGod; Man cannot be a Superman.


Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Ok. Thanks for your reply. It mean very much to me. I'm His soldier and follower.:)
No, really. Your statement doesn't make much sense to me at all. How exactly do you experience "all-power"? You can experience intense spiritual feelings of awe, power, love, etc. I can understand that, but I don't get what you're saying.

As for me, I'm no one's soldier or follower.


Well-Known Member
No, really. Your statement doesn't make much sense to me at all. How exactly do you experience "all-power"? You can experience intense spiritual feelings of awe, power, love, etc. I can understand that, but I don't get what you're saying.

As for me, I'm no one's soldier or follower.
First, I witnessed the power of God against the evil one. Second, by assisting people who deceived by the craft of darkness. Third, I know how the darkness manipulate and deceived people in so many ways. This is not by intense spiritual feelings but a reality that truly happening around us.



First, I witnessed the power of God against the evil one. Second, by assisting people who deceived by the craft of darkness. Third, I know how the darkness manipulate and deceived people in so many ways. This is not by intense spiritual feelings but a reality that truly happening around us.


Are you talking about an exorcism of Satan himself?

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
First, I witnessed the power of God against the evil one. Second, by assisting people who deceived by the craft of darkness. Third, I know how the darkness manipulate and deceived people in so many ways. This is not by intense spiritual feelings but a reality that truly happening around us.

I'm still not seeing what that has to do with experiencing "all-power" or even how that would necessarily mean that there's only one god. In polytheistic and animistic belief systems, there are often deities and spirits that are opposed to each other and one may call upon one or another for help in fighting off another one. I, myself, have dealt with negative entities trying to attack me and even possess me and there have been friendly entities who have helped me out and given me advice.


Well-Known Member
I'm still not seeing what that has to do with experiencing "all-power" or even how that would necessarily mean that there's only one god. In polytheistic and animistic belief systems, there are often deities and spirits that are opposed to each other and one may call upon one or another for help in fighting off another one. I, myself, have dealt with negative entities trying to attack me and even possess me and there have been friendly entities who have helped me out and given me advice.
If you believe in the Scripture that stated in the book of Isaiah, Isa. 45:5 "I am the Lord, and there is no other; there is no God besides Me. I will gird you, though you have not known Me," there is only one God who is all-powerful.
For polytheism and animistic beliefs, I firmly believed that they are entirely opposing each other, but (in reality) they played the show so the person who embraced that beliefs will become dependent, and look at it as the true deities around his/her belief system.

I also experienced the evil one choking me to death as I'm inside the big block of ice. I can't shout and moved my whole body. I tried to shout to cast them out in difficulty until I finally released, shouted and cast them out--in the name of Jesus. I don't have a friendly entities nor spirit entities in me or with me. It is Christ, His name and word that set me to be delivered in every warfare that I've encountered, I believed this is always a part of being His followers. His protection for His followers is all-powerful.

Thanks for sharing yours.:)

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
If you believe in the Scripture that stated in the book of Isaiah, Isa. 45:5 "I am the Lord, and there is no other; there is no God besides Me. I will gird you, though you have not known Me," there is only one God who is all-powerful.
For polytheism and animistic beliefs, I firmly believed that they are entirely opposing each other, but (in reality) they played the show so the person who embraced that beliefs will become dependent, and look at it as the true deities around his/her belief system.

I also experienced the evil one choking me to death as I'm inside the big block of ice. I can't shout and moved my whole body. I tried to shout to cast them out in difficulty until I finally released, shouted and cast them out--in the name of Jesus. I don't have a friendly entities nor spirit entities in me or with me. It is Christ, His name and word that set me to be delivered in every warfare that I've encountered, I believed this is always a part of being His followers. His protection for His followers is all-powerful.

Thanks for sharing yours.:)
You're certainly entitled to interpret your experiences however you wish, but others can say much the same about their experiences with their deities.


Well-Known Member

Your terminologies such as ego, power, cranial nerves, cisterns, higher nature, awareness etc..has something to do with another doctrine that is not an evangelical. No higher nature for Christian—as having the authority against the darkness, and identity as God’s children. The power that the follower of Christ had--is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit--for He shall speak the truth and guide to the truth.

John 16:13
13. "However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.

Denying oneself for the follower of Christ is not going beyond the mind. It is transformation of your own self to surrender his will to God—as God is the center of His life.

Nice to hear an atheist could become a follower of Christ, but not to claim that he is the way, the truth and the life. Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life.

The learners (disciples) do God’s will, same as the will of Jesus for them. I believed it is the same process of being a disciple. No doubt about this.

If there is a slaughtering in the Old Testament, how can we know why God allow those to happen? What is His purpose?:shrug: His mind is higher than our minds. We can’t comprehend His ways. He created us, He has the right to take their lives. His thinking is absolutely right.

Isa. 55:8-9
8. "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,'' says the Lord.
9. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.

The power is always came from God. Human being’s power above the (normal) human capability (in supernatural) may came from darkness instead of light. I believed faith in God is appropriate rather than self-faith's power or capability. God is a superGod; Man cannot be a Superman.


Yes, things of the spirit(inner) rather than external. The human brain has plenty of cisterns(wells) of living water within.

If an inner spirit is teaching and guiding one into truth, I would say one may have to go beyond the mind for that to happen. If one does not, than ones own thoughts and ways will remain.

That's the greatest excuse most use, that "God" can do whatever "he" wants and we can't understand why. Poor justification. Yet somehow those of the spirit are supposed to have the mind of "Christ" according to texts yet still not understand why. Supposed to have the same spirit indwelling as those who wrote the "OT" and still not understand why. "God" can't do whatever "he" wants if "God's" ways are higher than our ways. "God's" ways/nature would remain the same. The texts say "God" doesn't and can't do many things. Our ways and thoughts would be killing literal people and slaughtering literal animals. Why do you reduce "God" to our nature yet say "his" ways are higher?

If you don't follow a "higher" nature, how can you follow a "God" of "higher" nature and "higher" ways? If you can't comprehend "his" WAYS, then you can't comprehend "Jesus" who is the WAY. You wouldn't be able to decipher "God's will if you can't understand "God's ways and thoughts.

Using your justification with that, it can be easily said that all evangelical doctrine is wrong because those are things of man's mind, thoughts, and ways.

I am greater than no man or woman, or the universe, or "God," regardless of how much inner strength/power/awareness/wisdom that I may have or don't have. Would "God" be ignorant enough to not equip the human being with everything that they need within them? Faith in "God" is still self faith, who else's faith is it? Faith in that power/spirit within is still faith within oneself. The power/spirit within doesn't make it ones own.


this is why the christian view of an allpowerful god is absolutely ridiculous. how could YHWH be allpowerful if he made his creatures overpower his own will?
For an all powerful God to allow His creatures to temporarily go against His will is by no means the same as YHWH being overpowered by them. At least, I don't see it that way.


Absolutely strange view. Had a similar debate with 2 Jehovas Witnesses the other day at the doorstep. They too could not answer me after half an hour and decided to make it quits, promising to come back later.

Also funny how they see that its a contradiction but they dont dwell on it and stick to their faith.
Certainly, an all powerful God can do do things as He pleases or allow things as He desires with no contradiction, except to those with a finite vantage point unable to comprehend the big picture and eternal perspective.


I had many issues with it, myself, as a Catholic. I was always trying to work out how all of that is supposed to logically make sense. Eventually, you either rationalize it (which just creates more issues than you had in the first place) or don't think about it. Not thinking about things isn't my style, though. ;) Eventually, I am just forced to conclude that Christian doctrine is an illogical mess that's best not to even bother with. It's emotionally appealing and even philosophically appealing, but only up to a certain point. When you start questioning it too much, it falls apart.
Maybe the problem isn't that is falls apart, but rather it is 'always trying to work it out" with human finite ability rather than trusting and taking God at His word. I'd say give it a few weeks or months and you'll leave Luciferianism again and be back to your your "Christian" beliefs once again. Just too bad you can't completely make up your mind and fully commit to Jesus and find the rest for your soul He has promised.
Last edited:


Follow Jesus where? To a church building? Where is Jesus? One can look externally all they wish, with Hubble telescopes, for a literal guy... what is found?
Follow Jesus to a new redeemed life, peace, joy, and eternity.

And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God. 1 John 5:11-13

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Maybe the problem isn't that is falls apart, but rather it is 'always trying to work it out" with human finite ability rather than trusting and taking God at His word. I'd say give it a few weeks or months and you'll leave Luciferianism again and be back to your your "Christian" beliefs once again. Just too bad you can't completely make up your mind and fully commit to Jesus and find the rest for your soul He has promised.
LOL. Give me a break. :rolleyes:


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Maybe that is because when you think of one deifying self you picture someone being blatant about it in an outright conceited kind of way. Whereas, I think it is much more subtle, simply trusting one's own wisdom and ability over that of the Creator God is elevating self over God, thinking more highly of self, and basically deifying self above God.

Well, I'm not at all sure that mystics are elevating self over deity, as you call it, when they have mystical experiences. It seems to me that the experience of oneness or of the One precludes the elevation of self over deity. You just don't experience god and say, "Oh, I'm greater than that".


Well-Known Member
Follow Jesus to a new redeemed life, peace, joy, and eternity.

And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God. 1 John 5:11-13

Yes, escape and be liberated from inner suffering(hell) to an inner way of peace, joy (heaven) in THIS life. That is the good news, there is power within to do so. Does one believe/have faith in the power that lies latent/hidden/dormant within them to resurrect/awaken them to true life? Does one believe/have faith/hope in that there is an escape from inner hell, to a better way of being and living? Does one believe in that power that lies within the blood of the human body to transform/revive/resurrect the mind and heart?

I can see that passage in a complete different way. . .

That every human being has eternal life. Life... which was, is, and is to come. That the "son of man" is not a literal guy but within all of mankind... The "life of man." Life..... everyone has life, but do they have a mundane/suffering/hopeless/depressed/miserable/unhappy/followers of man's lower natured constitution of rules/control life or do they have a blissful, content, peaceful, restful/free fulfilled life? The life of man becomes the life in/of "God." Mankind all has life, but do they have the higher name(nature/character) of life? When that is properly sought after, discovered, and found... One will live a peaceful and joyous life in THIS life.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Deifying self is hardly new. Satan has long sold godhood in some form to humanity, as religion, or as some deeper, mystical aspect of a particular religion. Where the leaven of mysticism is found it inevitably spreads to some form of union with God, meaning...belief in becoming God or merging with God. Mysticism is the key to a universal religion because it appeals to people on a broad scale. People of different religions must have a common factor and binding agent for a global religion and that is mystical, contemplative prayer. This unity of all faiths or interspirituality is the underlying herald cry and goal of the contemplative prayer movement and it is drawing people from all religious persuasions. Yet, while it entices many from “Christianity” it is something that can never be reconciled with the biblical message of the existence of One transcendent God, the Cross, and the claim of Jesus Christ as the only Savior.

Share your thoughts.
I disagree. Mysticism isn't "leaven." Mysticism doesn't seek to help us supplant God. Rather, it helps us live into a deeper realization of whose we are. Are we not to be "in union" with God?? Do we not take Christ into ourselves in the Eucharist?? do we not form the body of Christ??

What's wrong with a universal religion, in which all people can, through their own unique perspectives, gain such a deeper realization? Are we so caught up in "right belief," that we've completely eschewed right action and right aspect? One of the things that deep religious growth tells us is that differences don't really matter. God is what matters -- no matter how we envision God, or what we call God. One of the other things that deep religious growth tells us is that differences do matter, where they are allowed to divide us, to judge us, to make less of us, and serve to keep us from being a whole humanity.

The cross and the concept of soter are types or forms that indicate a deeper spirituality that we must embrace. Saying, "Lord, Lord!" isn't good enough. And that is congruent with the biblical message.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
First, there is and ever will be only ONE Jesus, so I will not be faced with such a nonsensical choice when I get to heaven, Secondly, in heaven there will be many homosexuals, mystics, atheists, Buddhists, Islamic's and even adulterers, thieves, liars, etc, who have repented and turned to the Savior Jesus Christ for forgiveness and eternal life. God's offer through Christ is equally available to everyone.
So, when Jesus said that many would come saying, "I am he," and that many would follow them, he was joking? Or lying?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Hi Unification,

We may say that we have the authority over our skills or gifts, but not becoming like God as having a supernatural powers. Everyone is in subjection to God--for God is the one who created us. Jesus submit under the authority of the Father (God). How come that we should not be under the authority of God?

Jesus once said in Luke 10:19 "Behold, I have given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall injure you." His disciples never take the authority above Jesus Christ nor the followers of Christ.

I dunno. I've witnessed an outright miracle that would be classified as "supernatural."