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The Emerging World Religion


Well-Known Member
Hi Uni,

So, if that is your logical concept about God can do whatever He want including to cheat, to lie, to kill etc.. It just like you are saying a fish can be place on the dry land. A fish will die if he does not live in the water. :shrug: It is the nature of the fish to live in the water, Isn't it?

Same as God who is the Holy God, His nature is not to lie, but full of truth and love. . We don’t say God cannot do lying, but God’s nature is not to lie.

It is a long way to go regarding human making excuses, and creating God in their own image by literal interpretation of the Scriptures. I believed there should be a basis on detecting false doctrine and interpretation.

If the serpent spoke the truth, why people did not become God? Did you become God?:shrug: They're spiritually dead, but spiritually alive in Christ though sin separates us from God. The serpent is a separate character (obviously) stated in the book of Genesis.

Gen. 3:1-2
1. Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, `You shall not eat of every tree of the garden'?''
2. And the woman said to the serpent, "We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden;

Those passages about the serpent (Lucifer) has anything to do with internal processes--as knowing the entire Bible. I don’t see anyone born knowing all the Scriptures already. Did you now someone who knows the Bible already?:rolleyes:

New Age used those terms like Chi and Kundalini as the same with Holy Spirit. Can you show me how they became the same in power and the same source or origin? Who adhere to Chi and Kundalinis?o_O

What kind of transformation is important?o_O


That was your logical conclusion, that "God" can do whatever "God" wants but somehow not be able to do whatever "God" wants. That "God" breaks "God's" own laws and nature. In other words, you're saying "God" can lie and breaks "God's" own laws.

Sure, a newborn child already knows all of the scriptures.

Become "as gods," not become "God."
They did become so not having knowledge of only "good" anymore, but knowledge of "evil." Where does knowledge reside? In your garden-brain.

Nothing that you process is external to you. It's all occurring internally.

Chi and Kundalini have been around for quite some time, and "scriptures" refer to new era's. I wasn't aware you are still living thousands of years ago with less developed language. Kundalini has many ties to coiled snakes/ serpents, and power that are internal. Power that resurrects within someone.

Are you saying that there is a different source in each human being? The source is the same, being a respector of people and words is what divides. But your created images of "God" loves to respect certain people only and certain words.

An inner transformation, not an external one. Internal resurection, not an external one.

Intuition tells me that I am just giving pearls to an exoteric mind that's rutted in tradition, external doctrine, a respector of persons and language, and that this will get nowhere. I respectfully acknowledge its my own fault for pursuing the wind, and only the power within you can change your mind.


Well-Known Member
These principles and concepts are not Christianity of Christ’s truth. Absolutely!

That seems a biblical interpretation that was injected with man-made doctrine.


That sure sounds of Christs truth and God's truth... the tickling of your emotions for external war, destruction, violence, seeing literal countries as beasts. You're right about one thing though, that is mainstream man's mind of Christianity alright.


Well-Known Member
These principles and concepts are not Christianity of Christ’s truth. Absolutely!

That seems a biblical interpretation that was injected with man-made doctrine.


Let's speak more in line with the only language you respect.

Deny "oneself." Die to "self." Sacrifice an "animal." Overcome the "devil."
What is oneself? What is "self?" Who is the animal? Who is the beast? Who is the devil? YOU. A part of your mind.
What does your mind need a renewing and transforming from?

A blood sacrifice... where is there any blood besides internally within your body?

Where do all of these vain exoteric images of "God" come from, your beast. Vain imaginations.

I suppose for you, it's some external beast(s), dragon's, or a devil you have to overcome and defeat yet at the same time die and deny oneself.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Sure. That is my beliefs that has the truth of Christ. I don't formulate my own beliefs in my own experience without the basis of truth.

What constitutes "the truth of Christ" is also a belief -- not a fact.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Therefore, you mean there is no evil existence, no evil and because of that you did not believe there is evil. Right?:rolleyes:

No, that's not what I meant. I meant that we don't need to be "protected" from "the Evil One."


Well-Known Member
Seriously? You don't follow Jesus' analogy? If there was no comparison of the lilies of the field to humans living their lives, then why did Jesus bring it up? Your surprising response here should be directed at Jesus since he is the one who brought it up in the first place. "No Jesus! Plants are not the same as human beings!". Nice one. This is why some people shouldn't be allowed to read the Bible. :)

Using examples of the lilies or any plants is good, but using it as a basis for submission to God (as a Creator) to a believer is invalid. Jesus used this example for us not to have an anxious mind, and it is not about submission.

Luke 12:22-30
22. And He said to His disciples, "Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; nor about the body, what you will put on.
23. "Life is more than food, and the body is more than clothing.
24. "Consider the ravens, for they neither sow nor reap, which have neither storehouse nor barn; and God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds?
25. "And which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?
26. "If you then are not able to do the least, why are you anxious for the rest?
27. "Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
28. "If then God so clothes the grass, which today is in the field and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more will He clothe you, O you of little faith?
29. "And do not seek what you should eat or what you should drink, nor have an anxious mind.
30. "For all these things the nations of the world seek after, and your Father knows that you need these things.
Let me help you out here since you obviously are unable to understand metaphors (in which case most of the Bible is inaccessible to your mind, and why your interpretations all land out in the sea somewhere). Jesus obviously meant for us to consider the comparison between the way we live our lives and the plants of the field considering he said the following words, "Consider the lilies of the field". What is that comparison, but what I said, what Jesus said. "They neither toil nor spin". How they grow is organic in nature. They have within them already all the potentials to become beautiful. And so do we.

Does this negate the need for instruction, nurturing, and so forth of children? Of course not. Humans are social animals and must learn the rule of society in order to function with others whom they need. Let's not get too literal in Jesus' comparision here, lest you get some very strange theological ideas to add to the ones you already have. His analogy speaks to the divine which is inherently within the plant, and how all our human efforts to makes ourselves beautiful fall way short of our natural glory. So.... this is why the mystic, those who seek to get out of the way to allow that divine life that lives within us to shine forth, not worrying about making ourselves look like some standard set for us by the church, are following what Jesus taught here.
the Scriptures because they switched the true meaning of the Scriptures—as not diligently studying the context of the Scripture. You obviously interpreted it the way you want, and not considering the right interpretation. Very far.:(



Well-Known Member
It doesn't necessarily mean that, true. I'm not arguing that because I'm not a theosophist I don't have anything in common with them. I'm arguing that from what you presented, virtually none of it fits what I believe. I read it, and next to nothing agrees with or even remotely sounds like what I believe. But yet, you present it as if it does! Why? Should I quote from the Bahai faith and argue with you about it, claiming you believe the same things? Why don't you deal with the actual person in front of you, rather than quoting something I don't agree with as if it speaks for me? Can't you do that? Is that too hard? I think it is.
Since the thread is about “emerging world religion,” It is connected. That is why I told you to check it out . Of course, this is not only for you but for those who are reading this thread. It is good to hear your response whether it fits or not.
Again, let me give you a link to what actually reflects in a very high-level manner what my views are. Deal with those, not this silliness from some group over 80 years ago. Start here: http://www.beliefnet.com/Wellness/2004/03/An-Integral-Spirituality.aspx Enough with this "One world religion" nonsense.
I will view this one and commented by next week since I don’t have access to view the videos yet. Thanks
Of course not. Mysticism exists in all religions. But the link you posted has nothing to do with my beliefs, nor are they "mystical" beliefs either. They are theological speculations by someone in the Theosophist movement from the 1920s! They do not represent "mystics" as a whole. Strawman argument.
Ok. Then let us stick with your Integral Spirituality by next week.
Yes it is fearmongering. It's paranoia reading the Bible and imagining all sorts of things that most rational scholars see as nonsense. The Book of Revelation is extremely cryptic and symbolic, and any fool with a wild, or paranoid imagination can interpret it in a zillion different and contradictory ways. You should do some actual study of how people have interpreted that book throughout the ages. It's like silly-putty. It can be made to fit anything you want it to, to demonize whatever group you want it to, just like you are doing here. :) You know that book barely made it into the books included in the canon of scripture? You really should do some study of it through modern scholarship, as opposed to relying on the thoughts of those jumping up and down in their rapture shoes waiting for the end of the world to whisk them away to their heavenly rewards. *sigh*
This is not imagination. The Rapture, End times, 7 years of Tribulation period, the Anti-Christ, Christ's 2nd coming and New heaven and New earth--all in the Scriptures. We are not frightened about it since this is what the Scripture stated.



I agree that Jesus did not endorse outward religion and that religion is very misleading. Jesus claimed to be the way, the truth, the life, and the door for anyone to have reconciliation and relationship with God, as the scriptures say He is the Savior.

That's not exactly correct. Jesus claimed: "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. 7"If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; from now on you know Him, and have seen Him."…

We are all ''I'', and we are all ''me'', but there is only one Father and He claims to be ''I Am'', as in... 'I AM has sent me to you.'".

It may sound obvious that Jesus was referring to his personal self as the way, the truth, and the life, but I think there is more to it than that.

Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
First of all, it doesn't mention "one world religion". That's not there. Secondly, the entire book of Revelation was a coded message about Rome in the day of the author of the book, John of Patmos (not Gospel John's author). All this reinterpreting it to predict our current modern age is again, silly-putty Bible work at its most creative.
Well, then how would you explain those prophecy in the book of Revelation. I’m not an expert on eschatology. Scholars did mentioned those prophetic Scriptures with what was happening right now. Just Jesus said these statements about the sign of the end times

Matt. 24:21
21. "For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.

Matt. 24:5-7
5. "For many will come in My name, saying, `I am the Christ,' and will deceive many.
6. "And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
7. "For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.

You may check this link as overview of what I’m saying :
Again, the author is not the Apostle John. The entire writing style and language is different than G. John. And yes, the seven heads are the seven hills of Rome which was in existence during the days of John of Patmos, which he was referring to. It's a purely modern imagination that tries to make it fit the EU (ten kings) and so forth. I'm very well familiar with all of this, and it's laughable.
Rev. 1:1-2
1. The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants things which must shortly take place. And He sent and signified it by His angel to His servant John,
2. who bore witness to the word of God, and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, and to all things that he saw.

This is a revelation from Christ and not imagination that was laughable.



Well-Known Member
There is not one mystic I am aware of who wants to be above God. It's a stupid aspiration, considering God is the Absolute. If one can be "above" the Absolute, then it's not the Absolute to begin with! :) The mystic's desire instead is to be united with God. Get things straight first in your criticisms.

That’s it! Unity of different religions into one. Who am I to prevent them from being united? Isn’t it? o_O

Jesus unites the Jews and Gentiles into one in Christ, and not by gathering all religious leaders like the Pharisees without following Him or submitting to Him. Jesus did not forced Nicodemus to be His followers nor forced others nor threatened them. They have their choice if they will be born-again and received/follow Jesus.

It is not about mystics, or those contemplative practitioners like you and Sojourner. Let me clarify this. Ok. It is the concept, principles, the nature or the way that has similarity.
All the rest of you comparing the mystic with Lucifer who wanted to be above God is you arguing with someone who is not in the conversation. Not sure who that would be? A projection of yourself?
No, it is not a projection, but as illumination to understand. Lucifer’s nature is power & greed, he want to be like God, the Most High. His desire is to be above others, and he does not want to be under God’s authority. That is why he rebelled with the other angels in the spirit of rebellion and power--having higher authority without submission—is the same as the spirit that we can see from man-made doctrines and practices which obviously not taught by Christ. Higher consciousness, seeking supernatural and attaining enlightenment by self. :)



Well-Known Member
What constitutes "the truth of Christ" is also a belief -- not a fact.
Yes, it is a belief that others don't see the truth of Jesus Christ is the same as God's truth. I think it is better to know what is the truth for you, if there is.



Well-Known Member
No, that's not what I meant. I meant that we don't need to be "protected" from "the Evil One."
So, if you think that there is existence of evil, why should we not need to be protected. Do you have something in mind to describe what is evil-one to you?



Veteran Member
Premium Member
There is not one mystic I am aware of who wants to be above God. It's a stupid aspiration, considering God is the Absolute. If one can be "above" the Absolute, then it's not the Absolute to begin with! :) The mystic's desire instead is to be united with God. Get things straight first in your criticisms.

That’s it! Unity of different religions into one. Who am I to prevent them from being united? Isn’t it? o_O
What????? :) Where in what I said do you see all religions being united? This is ridiculous. The mystic, the individual person desiring to be united with God has nothing to do with bringing religions together to become a single new religion. Talk about mangling my words into incoherent nonsense. I've said it clearly before that the mystical experience transcends one's religion, and what I just said above illustrates why and how that happens.

God does not have a religion
. God has no need of a religion! If you are united with God, then you too have no need of a religion. If you are One with Source, then why do you need a path home? You are home. Why do you need to follow a way? You notice on my profile where it asks what religion I am and I put in there, "The same religion God is"? That's why. The aspiration, the goal, the hope, the desire of the mystic is not to make a new religion, nor to make all religions into one single religion. It is for us as humans to transcend the need for religion by all being united with God. At which point, there is no religion we need to identify with anymore. Our identity is in God.

We don't want a "One World Religion", we want a "No Religion" world. We want the world to wake up to God within us, not to follow some other human teacher in some new "one world religion". That is going the wrong direction.

Do you get it now?

Jesus unites the Jews and Gentiles into one in Christ, and not by gathering all religious leaders like the Pharisees without following Him or submitting to Him. Jesus did not forced Nicodemus to be His followers nor forced others nor threatened them. They have their choice if they will be born-again and received/follow Jesus.
No, what you are teaching here is the whole misguided idea of a One World Religion. Again, it's not the mystic that wants a One World Religion, but you. We want a No Religion World. Religions point the way to God. We want them to find God and quit looking at their fingers pointing to God all day long, and pointing them at each other, such as you do all day long, every day. If you find God, you're not longer looking at your fingers. So to find God means No Religion. You've realized it, and the seeking is over.
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Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Yes, it is a belief that others don't see the truth of Jesus Christ is the same as God's truth. I think it is better to know what is the truth for you, if there is.

Stop twisting my meaning. You believe that the truth you have is the "truth of Christ." You don't know that the truth you have is "the truth of Christ." It's your belief -- not an empirical fact.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
So, if you think that there is existence of evil, why should we not need to be protected. Do you have something in mind to describe what is evil-one to you?

"An evil" is not factually at all the same thing as "The Evil One." "The Evil One" is poetry and mythology -- not factual reality. We don't need to be protected from that which does not factually exist. We don't even need to be protected from that which theologically exists, because -- if "Jesus is our Savior," he, then, saves us from "The Evil One" by his very living among us.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Since the thread is about “emerging world religion,” It is connected. That is why I told you to check it out . Of course, this is not only for you but for those who are reading this thread. It is good to hear your response whether it fits or not.
You quoted it directly to Sojourner and myself telling us we should look at it because it reflects our beliefs. Here's your exact quote and the link to why you pushed our faces into this drivel as though it should be a wake up call for us to check out our beliefs from the pen of this person in the 1920s:

You and Sojourner should check it out if your statement here plus your concepts of "One word religion" are really not for mystics. I've seen your concepts are the same and in connection with "One World Religion." After reading the New World Religion that I posted here, check it out who is the author and the publishing company (named after). For complete information, http://www.lucistrust.org/world_goo...literature_on_line__2/the_new_world_religion4

Let me hold you responsible for your words here. In the quote above you say, "Your concepts of "One word religion" are really not for mystics... I've seen your concepts are the same," What concept of a One World Religion? I don't have that concept. You have that concept and imagine some dark, demonic conspiracy that we do. Then you cite what you did for us to find parallels in our views with what you posted, explicitly stating, "I've seen your concepts are the same." We find hardly any similarity whatsoever!

Why is it so hard for you to accept responsibility and admit that what you linked to does not reflect our views, and that to say what is in that article reflects our aspirations, that they are "the same" as you explicitly said, is plain and simple wrong? I don't suspect you will, but will continue to offer justifications for your false accusations. You need to accept responsibility for your error and your false accusations and admit the link doesn't pertain to anything anyone in this thread is talking about, and that the whole thread itself is based on an argument from the 1920s, not with anyone you're talking with. I would be truly impressed if you were to do so.

I will view this one and commented by next week since I don’t have access to view the videos yet. Thanks
There are no related video in the link I posted. Those are just advertisements for the website you can skip over. All you need to do is read the words.

Ok. Then let us stick with your Integral Spirituality by next week.
I anticipate a response that will have nothing to do with the actual content of what was said.

This is not imagination. The Rapture, End times, 7 years of Tribulation period, the Anti-Christ, Christ's 2nd coming and New heaven and New earth--all in the Scriptures. We are not frightened about it since this is what the Scripture stated.

Yeah, that's all a theology created in modern times by undereducated hacks reading their cultural fears and phobias into the Bible, lacking the context of genuine scholarship. It's all an interpretation of the Bible colorized through a very small and limited anti-modernity, anti-reason, progress-phobic, reactionary context.

And yes you are frightened. Who wouldn't be if you took all of this literally, and accepted the layers of phobia injected into the reading of the texts that hidden governments are at work in league with Satan to make a one world government, to make a one world religion, and seek to destroy you, to get you to trip up and end up with God sending you to hell because you failed him? Very, very paranoid in nature. It's the sort of stuff where those who think like this in society outside religion are given medications for it to help them cope. Or they otherwise find a religion to join with that thinks like they do in order to appear "normal" with all the others who think like them. Just because conspiracy theorists congregate in a group, it doesn't mean their minds are well. And it is my belief, that this sort of stuff can take those who are riding on the edge and take them over into paranoid thinking.

All in all, it's unhealthy. I consider it a type of infection that leads to spiritual disease, one that sees others with suspicion and leads to disunity. The goal of true religion is unity where one "Love God, and Loves their neighbor as themselves". That's unity. That's healthy. That's spiritual. That's the goal. I measure everything else against that standard, including all theological interpretations. How do they measure to that? "By their fruits you shall know them".
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Religion in it's various forms is an attempt by humans to please, worship, connect, or experience God or gods by their own effort. Whether it be by keeping rules, performing rituals, or practicing mysticism it is all contrary to God's grace, therefore it is rebellion and really no different than outright witchcraft which is forbidden in the scriptures for the very reason that all such methods are in opposition to God's way. So the practice of mysticism will fit in extremely well as the individualized spirituality or religion which unites the world under the antichrist....

"In language that cannot be misinterpreted, the Bible foretells that Antichrist will declare himself to be God and that the whole world--Marxists, Maoists, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists, professing Christians, everyone--will believe this astonishing claim and worship him....The logical secret to Antichrist's mysterious power over humanity lies in the astonishing fact that...the new world religion will be thought of as [not only spiritual but] scientific . This new religious science will promise to lead humanity into the experience of its own divinity, that each of us is "God." This basic lie of the Serpent in the Garden of Eden will seem to be validated by godlike psychic powers the Antichrist will manifest and the whole world will pursue. It will be a religion of self-love and self-worship, centered in man himself and oriented to man's personal success rather than to the glory of the true God."



Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Religion in it's various forms is an attempt by humans to please, worship, connect, or experience God or gods by their own effort. Whether it be by keeping rules, performing rituals, or practicing mysticism it is all contrary to God's grace, therefore it is rebellion and really no different than outright witchcraft which is forbidden in the scriptures for the very reason that all such methods are in opposition to God's way. So the practice of mysticism will fit in extremely well as the individualized spirituality or religion which unites the world under the a
No it isn't. Religion isn't that at all. Religion is an attempt by humans to join with God in a united effort of transformation. Transformation isn't contrary to God's grace; it's the essence of God's grace. Such transformation isn't "rebellion." You have no idea why witchcraft is condemned, or why it's considered to be "in opposition to God's way." Therefore, your whole premise for your argument is not viable.


Well-Known Member
That was your logical conclusion, that "God" can do whatever "God" wants but somehow not be able to do whatever "God" wants. That "God" breaks "God's" own laws and nature. In other words, you're saying "God" can lie and breaks "God's" own laws.
Hi Uni,

I don’t think that my example of a fish as its nature is to live in the water is unclear to anybody who read this.:rolleyes: It is not my logical conclusion. I don’t say that God is a liar and break His own laws. It is your thinking and not mine. You are trying to insist God’s nature as the one who lies. It is like you are forcing your concept that a man is an animal.:shrug:
Sure, a newborn child already knows all of the scriptures.
How a newborn child already have a knowledge of all the Scriptures?
Become "as gods," not become "God."
Can you explain more what is becoming as “gods”? What is it? Does it mean that you are powerful like God?o_O



Well-Known Member
They did become so not having knowledge of only "good" anymore, but knowledge of "evil." Where does knowledge reside? In your garden-brain.

Nothing that you process is external to you. It's all occurring internally.

Chi and Kundalini have been around for quite some time, and "scriptures" refer to new era's. I wasn't aware you are still living thousands of years ago with less developed language. Kundalini has many ties to coiled snakes/ serpents, and power that are internal. Power that resurrects within someone.
Ok. Can you show me the Scriptures that says we are in the new era?

For Kundalini, this is a term for yoga as enlightenment by awakening it through meditation, breathing and chanting by a yoga practitioner like the Buddhist, Hindus and New religious movements.

Kundalini (Sanskrit kuṇḍalinī, कुण्डलिनी, pronunciation(help·info), "coiled one"), in yogic theory, is a primal energy, or shakti, located at the base of the spine. Different spiritual traditions teach methods of "awakening" kundalini for the purpose of reaching spiritual enlightenment.[1] Kundalini is described as lying "coiled" at the base of the spine, represented as either a goddess or sleeping serpent waiting to be awakened. In modern commentaries, Kundalini has been called an unconscious, instinctive or libidinal force, [2][3][4] or "mother energy or intelligence of complete maturation".[5]

Kundalini awakening is said to result in deep meditation, enlightenment and bliss.[6] This awakening involves the Kundalini physically moving up the central channel to reach within the Sahasrara Chakra at the top of the head. Many systems of yoga focus on the awakening of Kundalini through meditation, pranayama breathing, the practice of asana and chanting of mantras.[6] In physical terms, one commonly reports the Kundalini experience to be a feeling of electric current running along the spine.[7][8][9] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kundalini

Qi or Chi
In traditional Chinese culture, or ch'i (, also known as ki in Japanese culture) is an active principle forming part of any living thing.[1][2][3] Qi literally translates as "breath", "air", or "gas", and figuratively as "material energy", "life force", or "energy flow".[4] Qi is the central underlying principle in traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts.

Concepts similar to qi can be found in many cultures, for example, prana in the Hindu religion, "chi" in the Igbo religion, pneuma in ancient Greece, mana in Hawaiian culture, lüng in Tibetan Buddhism, ruah in Hebrew culture, and vital energy in Western philosophy. Some elements of qi can be understood in the term energy when used by writers and practitioners of various esoteric forms of spirituality and alternative medicine. Elements of the qi concept can also be found in Western popular culture, for example "The Force" in Star Wars.[5] Notions in the West of energeia, élan vital, or "vitalism" are purported to be similar.[6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qi

So, what the use of Kundalini’s and Chi power in terms of Christianity? Is this taught by Christ?o_O
