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The evolving human consciousness


Well-Known Member
It certainly seems like it might decipher non-human communications, and as to such being one thing that has eluded us for so long - mainly from our arrogance as to not even accepting such goes on.

The irony is that AI can virtually be defined as teaching analog symbolic languages to a machine. I believe all animal languages as well as ancient human language are digital and representative. Even though computer language is just like animal (life) languages I have some doubt that a non-thinking machine can make the connections.

There are at least a few human languages that have never been translated. Indeed, probably a few more than linguists believe.

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
The irony is that AI can virtually be defined as teaching analog symbolic languages to a machine. I believe all animal languages as well as ancient human language are digital and representative. Even though computer language is just like animal (life) languages I have some doubt that a non-thinking machine can make the connections.

There are at least a few human languages that have never been translated. Indeed, probably a few more than linguists believe.
I don't know about the latter, but I suspect that AI will be the thing that untangles non-human communications, given its success in so many areas already. And it hardly matters as to how it does this, given we often cannot explain why AI works so well.



Well-Known Member
I don't know about the latter, but I suspect that AI will be the thing that untangles non-human communications, given its success in so many areas already. And it hardly matters as to how it does this, given we often cannot explain why AI works so well.

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I've seen no evidence AI works. I'm certainly impressed that it almost passes the turing tests I give it but it can't learn and doesn't care. Of course it can find simpler ways to do many things but I still see most of its genius in the programming and circuit design and not the way the program responds.

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
I've seen no evidence AI works. I'm certainly impressed that it almost passes the turing tests I give it but it can't learn and doesn't care. Of course it can find simpler ways to do many things but I still see most of its genius in the programming and circuit design and not the way the program responds.
From various things I've seen in the news it appears to be making inroads in various areas, for instance:


Artificially intelligent computer systems are used extensively in medical sciences. Common applications include diagnosing patients, end-to-end drug discovery and development, improving communication between physician and patient, transcribing medical documents, such as prescriptions, and remotely treating patients. While computer systems often execute tasks more efficiently than humans, more recently, state-of-the-art computer algorithms have achieved accuracies which are at par with human experts in the field of medical sciences. Some speculate that it is only a matter of time before humans are completely replaced in certain roles within the medical sciences. The motivation of this article is to discuss the ways in which artificial intelligence is changing the landscape of medical science and to separate hype from reality.

Bear Wild

Well-Known Member
Words and language are not confined to humans or vocal chords. Bees probably all buzz about the same but they communicate by dance.
Birds create relatively complex communication that includes syntax. I listen and watch them communicate to each other in my back yard. The blue jays have at least 25 different calls that create different reactions in other blue jays depending on what is happening. They also have dialects.

Bear Wild

Well-Known Member
Perhaps, like so many other species, cats had no need for any specific language to develop when they had other means of conveying information?

So my cat has been "talking" for years and I have always talked to it. Lately however I feel like I am beginning to understand what is saying and I am responding to my cat as if I do understand him. Could this mean my consciousness if de-evolving or is my cats consciousness evolving? That makes me wonder how one would know if consciousness even evolves at all ?

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
So my cat has been "talking" for years and I have always talked to it. Lately however I feel like I am beginning to understand what is saying and I am responding to my cat as if I do understand him. Could this mean my consciousness if de-evolving or is my cats consciousness evolving? That makes me wonder how one would know if consciousness even evolves at all ?
I'm sure many pet owners do understand what their pet is trying to communicate. It just seems rather obvious that no species would evolve something that wasn't essential to them. Symbolic language apparently was for us, and no doubt AI will enable us to know more about other species that seem to communicate quite effectively amongst themselves.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
So my cat has been "talking" for years and I have always talked to it. Lately however I feel like I am beginning to understand what is saying and I am responding to my cat as if I do understand him. Could this mean my consciousness if de-evolving or is my cats consciousness evolving? That makes me wonder how one would know if consciousness even evolves at all ?
I thought this was interesting:

"Depending on the duration, intonation and intensity, there are myriad nuances in cats' meows. In fact, according to experts, each cat can emit over 60 different meows to communicate with their kind, each one with a specific meaning."

Bear Wild

Well-Known Member
I thought this was interesting:

"Depending on the duration, intonation and intensity, there are myriad nuances in cats' meows. In fact, according to experts, each cat can emit over 60 different meows to communicate with their kind, each one with a specific meaning."
You made me fell much better about myself. We are really communicating more than ever.

Bear Wild

Well-Known Member
I'm sure many pet owners do understand what their pet is trying to communicate. It just seems rather obvious that no species would evolve something that wasn't essential to them. Symbolic language apparently was for us, and no doubt AI will enable us to know more about other species that seem to communicate quite effectively amongst themselves.
I am not yet convinced about AI but certainty when people are physically connected rather than through electronics. There is a lot more communication going on that is not with words. The problem for AI will be that some of this communication that is phenomenal rather than spoken cannot be precisely placed into words that will appropriately convey the meaning. That is why human communication as so much metaphoric expressions to help communicate the meaning. Now if AI can start feeling pain, and joy as well as taste honey then I will reconsider my opinion about this topic.
The House of RA

We all know the story of ‘RA’ the ancient Sun God, or God of the Suns (sons). I have mentioned previously that the glyph that represents the letter ‘R’ can be separated into 2 glyphs, the number 1 & the number 2. Which gives us the number ‘12’.

On a priority list the number 12 would represent...

*First and foremost a 12-hour clock.

*Secondly a 360-degree compass, divided into 12 x 30 degree compartments

*Thirdly the 12 heavenly notional astrological houses which would simply place an emphasis upwards towards the direction of the heavens, which corresponds generally to cosmic order.

When you join the two numbers 1&2 back together again, they form the capital letter ‘R’.

I have also mentioned that the capital letter ‘A’, being the first letter in the English ‘Alpha-bet’ can represent a compass with a piece of paper, which can open *sealed passages that a ‘God like superior intelligence’ planned, designed our & earths existence. Therefore, the word ‘RA’ can be interpreted as the ‘12 houses of Alpha’… Alpha being the first. In regards to a deity ‘God like heavenly father presence’ this would place emphasis foremostly on the first Alpha father of the heavens, or ultimately the ‘first God or God of all Gods’.

The name Israelites can therefore be interpreted as ‘Is-RA-lights …. the sons/suns of Israel’

The 144,000.

Revelations 7:3-8 “Saying do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees. Until after we have sealed the servant of God on the foreheads, and I heard the number of the sealed, A hundred and forty-four thousand, sealed from every tribe of the sons of Israel”

We have also established that the Capital letter ‘A’ can also represent a pyramid ‘a triangle with a raised platform’. The 144,000 also gives us a connection to the number of exterior limestone quartz tiles that use to exist on the outer mantle of the Great pyramids.

The 144,000 also represents from a biblical point of view ‘it is mentioned 3 times in the bible’ the 12 original tribes of Jacob 12 x 12,000 which eventually evolve into the 12 tribes of Israel. Some biblical theorist the:blacksunrays:rise ‘that all of humanity- the tribes of humanity’ from a conceptual point of view originate from the original tribes of Jacob and evolve to be the ‘Is-Ra -lights. These ideas that I’ve written help, resow, reseed, & solidify the idea or involvement of a God like origin that created organised the heavens, earth, sun & stars. It doesn’t matter how we look at religion or faith sometimes we have to reinterpret & restart somewhere.

*Sacred sacral seals


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I personally still cant get my head around the concept of a original one monolithic entity, i simply look at the concept of 'Ra' as simply a 'united confederation' or collective organized body. A type of superior God like administration that exist somewhere up Jacobs ladder or further up the line. RA should simply be viewed as an acronym for 'The Ra Confederacy'
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The Rabbit at Easter...
The word 'bit' means 'a smaller quantity, part, portion of something greater....
I introduce to you the 'Easter Rabit ..... It really should be the 'East Star Rabit



Premium Member
The irony is that AI can virtually be defined as teaching analog symbolic languages to a machine. I believe all animal languages as well as ancient human language are digital and representative. Even though computer language is just like animal (life) languages I have some doubt that a non-thinking machine can make the connections.

There are at least a few human languages that have never been translated. Indeed, probably a few more than linguists believe.
Actually there are many and the linguists do not make the effort to count undeciphered or not translated written languages. They are studied over time, but based on various factors some may never be translated one factor is most written languages are related which makes it easier to translate. Some ancient languages are isolated, which makes it difficult to translate.

Many undeciphered writing systems exist today; most date back several thousand years, although some more modern examples do exist. The term "writing systems" is used here loosely to refer to groups of glyphs which appear to have representational symbolic meaning, but which may include "systems" that are largely artistic in nature and are thus not examples of actual writing.

The difficulty in deciphering these systems can arise from a lack of known language descendants or from the languages being entirely isolated, from insufficient examples of text having been found and even (such as in the case of Vinča) from the question of whether the symbols actually constitute a writing system at all. Some researchers have claimed to be able to decipher certain writing systems, such as those of Epi-Olmec, Phaistos and Indus texts; but to date, these claims have not been widely accepted within the scientific community, or confirmed by independent researchers, for the writing systems listed here (unless otherwise specified).

I wanted to share with you all, some stories that originate from New Zealand ‘Aotearoa’. They concern some indigenous folk heroes, legends, prophets, renegade outlaws. These men lived through some dark times while they were alive. Their transition to a faith has always been initiated by ‘message dreams’ sent to them during their dream state. These men have faded into obscurity but are spoken highly of whenever a ‘Kaumatua – tribal elder’ brings these legend stories alive again.

On the 10th July 1868 ‘Te Kooti’ escaped from the Chatham Islands where he had been placed in prison. He hijacked the ‘British schooner - Rifleman’ and arrived at Whareongaonga south of Gisborne. With him were approx.' 200 prisoners that were imprisoned with him on the Island. Te Kooti had received a divine message while imprisoned and went through a transformation of beliefs. He saw the Maori people as similar to the Israelites mentioned in the Old Testament. He merged elements of the Old ‘Pai Marire religion’ with the Christian interpretation of the Old Testament. Then began his ministry

The renegade named ‘Te Kooti’ remained on the run for some time. then like a cornered animal would turn on his attackers, showing what he was capable of, often leaving behind him slaughtered bodies of both ‘Pakeha - white men’ and Maori friendly to the crown. His strategies to stay free became legendary, as he appeared periodically around the North Island of Aotearoa ‘New Zealand’. Te Kooti mounted sudden attacks on those who tried to hunt him down, and he would just as quickly disappear into the depths of the forest. All the while Te Kooti continued to prophesy of the one who was to come and unite the people, and deliver them from oppression.

‘Te Kooti Arikirangi Te Turuki’ lived 1832 -1893, was a Maori leader, the founder of the Ringatu faith and a guerrilla fighter.
After the death of Te Kooti in 1893 ‘Te Matenga Tamati’ A prominent chief of old Wairoa. recognized as one who had ‘mataki – the second sight’ was also considered by many throughout the northern Hawke's Bay and Wairoa districts to be a spiritual successor to Te Kooti. using the waters from a healing spring near his home, he was attributed with miraculous insights and cures.

Whenever he used traditional herbal remedies, he gave a blessing. His movement came to be known as ‘Te haahi o Te kohititanga marama -The church of the new moon or the new world’. He had received a divine message that he was to herald in a new age of harmony by bringing the Maori people back to God. He was to oversee the construction of a tabernacle or temple symbolising the return to faith.

He was told to erect a square roofless tabernacle or temple of 12 large pillars which he would name after each of the sons of Jacob, the founders of the 12 tribes of Israel. An Ark of the Covenant was to stand inside the temple. Where God would speak to his people, In the last years of the century the prophet and his followers selected and milled 12 huge totara trees at Mangatawhiti in the foothills of the Ngamoko range, northeast of lake Waikaremoana, Once the logs were hand milled, they realised that they going to be very difficult to move. The old Chief told the people to leave the milled logs, and the following year with divine help in the form of a great flood in march 1904, the 40 foot long - 12-meter-long logs were washed into the Mangaaruhe river, then down the Wairoa River to the sea, beaching themselves near the chosen site of the temple at ‘Korito – Corinth’ east of Wairoa, near Iwitea marae. The final pillar, named Joseph, came ashore much further up the coast and had to be pushed back into the sea, the currents carried & restored the final log back with the other original 11 logs.

Several attempts were made to move the pillars to build the temple but it was not the right time. Te Matenga conceded it would be up to the next generation and another prophet to complete the project. In 1905 a meeting house was built on the intended site known as ‘Te Karuna -The Crown’ but the meeting house fell into disrepair and was eventually destroyed by a storm in 1969. The 12 ancient logs still remain there today on the same beach.

Patu Te Rito, speaking to the Ratana party and local elders, spoke of the legend of Te Kooti's diamond, allegedly hidden somewhere in the district near Whareongaonga . it is believed by some that Te Kooti was in possession of a very valuable jewel, and in a dream was instructed to hide it in a certain place near the slopes of Whakapunake. The ‘purakau - cultural memories’ describe a spring which developed under the rock where Te Kooti put the jewel, and a shining glistening lake was formed. It is said that Te Kooti heard the ‘Pipiwharauroa- the shining cuckoo’ singing and saw the ‘Kowhai tree’ flowering out of season as prophesied in his dream. He said the crystal would be found by a new prophet for the people, who would be wise and knowledgeable, who would invite all tribes and lead them into a new age of peace.

The Prophet T.W. Ratana lived between 1873 -1939

The East coast tribes of New Zealand were viewed & associated as the guardians of the 'First Rays of the morning Sun' – ‘Hamuera - The Doorway or Gateway'

Ratana once spoke …“We/you must know that when the world is lost and in complete darkness it will be at this Mountain you will find the life-force that all the treasures and prophecies of the entire nation-world, that have been placed here in 'the palm of your hands' There is a new experience coming that will fulfil the Treaty. If the Nation had united as one. It would have already been fulfilled and established upon this unshakable rock”

There are three words that I personally resonate with, in regards to a Temple and its contents. . . possibly an ‘Ark of the Covenant’

The place of worship being the... 'ALTAR'

The multitude of people who will come the . . .'MASS

Locate within your body the ….'TEMPLE'

Alter mass temple
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i wonder if i will live to see the day when AI Intelligence is affordable and you can actually have conversation's with a projected 3 dimensional holographic projection in your own home. Similar to the 'Blade Runner 2049 movie. starring Ryan Gosling & Harrison Ford.
That would be interesting to have these human projections available and to have a 'personalized calibrated level conversation' on any topic one choses to talk about. I personally have been sent so many projected dreams i initially thought they were special messages, but they became so prolific they became mundane. so i stopped chronicling each dream. These dreams started over 2 decades ago.
Here is a passage from the Bible concerning dreams.
Acts 2:17 “’In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams"
You would have to ask yourselves what sort of advanced ancient technology do these dreams merchants have that allows them to send dreams to people while they sleep?.
The 666 would be a number for a specific first, middle and last name person either in English or in another alphabet with more or fewer letters, in a language, that can have different sounding names.
The answer to your question is 51.50 degrees North, by 0.12 degrees West.
The following is an example of how battles are fought on earth and in the spirit world. These are fought primarily by psychological means and include portents and signs that have manifested on the earth plain. I established a long time ago that one of the great Pyramids located on the Giza Plateau in Egypt has an internal inclination angle of *51 degrees (the opposite side must be the same) The number 51 is a magic number for the following reasons.

Area 51 an air force base located in the Nevada dessert is famous for housing Alien technology. You must remember I have never studied the United States Airforce’s history with UFO encounters. Nor do I accept that they have ever killed, trapped, found, housed any little green men. To me these stories are primarily works of fiction. How ever the simple fact that ‘Area 51’ has been established as a point of interest, for myself and those that call themselves the ‘Holy Spirit’. The number 51 is simply at this stage of this ‘psychological war’ a notional value that has & represents 51%

We know that America has exactly 50 states. Area 51 is now used as a notional marker and represents the 51st state. Remembering the 51st state ‘exist in the mind only’. Therefore the 51st state of mind represents heavenly extraterrestrial influence.

We also view the country of ‘America’ as a country that sounds and can be pronounced ‘A Mary Ka’.

‘A Mary Ka’ meaning ‘the spirit of Mary or Mary's spirit’. We all know the biblical story that Mary was the mother of Christ and has the grand title of ‘The mother of God’.

The most famous clock in the world is located 51.50 degrees North by 0.12 degrees West.

This clock has had various names but its most famous name is ‘Big Ben’ and if i remember correctly ‘Big Ben the bell itself’ plays ‘Christ the redeemer’.

You may not realise that the city of Christ Church in New Zealand in the year 2011 had a major Earthquake at exactly 12:51pm. This time stamp and date had previously no meaning to any one particular on earth. This earthquake that happened a dozen years ago ‘to most’ was a merely a random act of God. People on earth and especially Christians knew of the devastation the great earthquake caused but no one could make a connection. Many months after the quake lots of people left this city and settled elsewhere.

The following is a proportion of a copy of a letter I wrote to local government ministers over a decade ago.


On 4th September 2010 - at exactly 4:35am a 7.1 Magnitude earthquake strikes the City of Christ Church. There was extensive damage to the city’s business infrastructure, but compared to Haiti’s recent earthquake where hundreds of thousands lost their lives.

Christ Church reported no casualties 'Not one death'. This fact 'in itself 'was a miracle.

This news would have immediately travelled the World, the fact that such a large magnitude earthquake struck the city of Christchurch & not one death was reported. Nearly a billion Christians & people of faith would have acknowledged & celebrated this simple fact 'that this miracle did occur.


On the 22nd February 2011 at exactly 12:51 a magnitude 6.2 earthquake again hits the City of Christ Church again doing a lot of damage but this time killing 185 People. Local news started reporting that Christ Church was now suffering a plague of earthquakes


On the 4th September 2010 on the same day the city of Christ Church experienced its first earthquake which brought the business district to its knees. A small plane in ‘Canterbury New Zealand’ carrying 9 passengers crashed at the 'End of the Runway' killing all 9 passengers.

I have now simply provided evidence of events that have occurred in the past. I have also given you some synchronicities that may become apparent to only a few, To others or most this information still remains frivolous & irrelevant. But if you piece together information that I have previously written, you will see a story emerge. I in the future will provide notional ‘present’ proof & evidence of a connection to the land of ancient Egypt.

The number 51 as I have tried to explain represents a ruling majority vote.

‘The BenBen stone’ according to the Spirit world is at present sitting on the Pyramid where the missing capstone use to be. Some one asked me recently am I from or do I live in America? I said no. But a proportion of my psyche does. You call this the ‘District of Columbia’ Or D.C. This place of administration has a ‘sun stone from Egypt’ and we ‘at times’ refer it to as ‘direct current’

You see there are key players around the world playing out a phycological war game that a very few people know about.

* 51.14?

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Veteran Member
If there is a universal source ‘consciousness’ that monitors human development & helps humanity in the progression of various subjects, for example ‘science, religion & languages’ there must have been a pathway of evolving tools that have been developed and are ‘in use already, readily available, cost effective & is used globally’

That tool must be the written & spoken language that I am using now. i will give you an example.

If you take the word ‘earth’ & wrapped it around our planet, joined the letters ‘h’ & ‘e. we would spell the word ‘heart’.

Again if we take the word ‘heart’ & break it down into 2 components, the word ‘he’ meaning ‘a male (or in reference to a male) & the word ‘art’ meaning in its most basic interpretation ‘someone who specializes in any given field’ in this case ‘creativity or creation’ bearing in mind I am still using the original word ‘earth’.

I can’t help but identify with a male presence ‘for example a creative heavenly father’

This is merely my observation. Your thoughts are very welcome
I think this is akin to prophesy via hindsight.