Revelation is such a vague book of the bible, it could have meant a lot of different things. But even if you were right, that doesn't actually prove anything because you still have to trust your God, in other words have faith. But how do you know the person who wrote Revelation is actually telling the truth? You don't know, you have to trust them, just as you have to trust everything else in the Bible is true by the people who wrote it. But how do you understand science is true?
In science, faith is not about belief without evidence but trust in a system that has been shown to be reliable for gaining knowledge, with the understanding that this system is open to refinement and evolution. Yes, some people just trust scientists instead of doing the work themselves to understand if the scientist actually did the work correctly, but here's the thing, science exists in a way that their "work" can be fact checked, someone who wrote part of the bible a long time ago? You can't fact check it, you just have to trust that the God explained in the Bible wouldn't allow for errors to happen in the bible you came to learn, that your spiritual connection to your God is correct and real in the way you think it is.
The person who wrote Revelation could have been seeing a vision which only partially showed future events because time exists differently than we think it does, or maybe the God which allowed them to understand anything future related is just 1 God of many, limited in power, and mistaken, or possibly having harmful intent. You don't know, you have faith, and that's why you need to rethink your reasoning.