I understand the experiment does not show that something was made from nothing. But again, and here is the question to you, Astrophile: evolution had to begin from something, didn't it?
Are you still stuck on this strawman?
Seriously, how many times must it be explained to you?
Yes, life has to exist for evolution to set in.
HOW that life came to be MATTERS NOT.
Once life existed, it started to evolve, period.
No matter if your god created that life, aliens bio-engineered it, asteroids dropped it on earth, bio-chemistry got it started on earth, extra-dimensional cookie monsters farted it into this dimension,......
it matters not how
The Miller-Urey experiment seemed to show that organic entities were produced from a set circumstance in place by the experimenters from non-organic substances. Would you agree with that?
The experiment showed that there *are* natural circumstances where amino acids can spontanously form through chemistry without any need of an external entity to intentionally engineer those molecules.
IOW, it showed that when you find amino acids in nature, you have no reason to assume they are artificial in origins. There ARE, demonstrably, natural chemical pathways for their formation.
I read that the glass vials may have been a problem, but I'm overlooking that for the premise, maybe I shouldn't, but again -- the point is that evolution had to start with some-thing.
None of this stuff matters to evolution.
See above:
how life starts,
matters not
I have been reading about the Cambrian Explosion and what came before that. I find it very confusing to understand. But I may get back to that later.
And when you do, I'm sure plenty of people here will be willing to help you understand.
And somehow, I'm also sure you won't be listening and instead simply stick to your strawmen views, like you always do.