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The Gospel - Is it only that Jesus died or is it that we celebrate The Resurrection?

Redneck Mystic

Active Member
Three reasons:

1) God said, “Write it down"
2) The prophets spoke (wrote) and it happened like they said
3) Jesus quoted what they said.

He did to some men. They were called “false prophets”.

There are three groups of people mentioned in the Bible and that being “Jews, Gentiles, and those who belong to the Church of Godr:

1 Corinthians 10:32 Give none offence, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God:

So the first thing we have to do is see to whom is he speaking to. His audience isn’t the Gentiles nor is he speaking to the church of God. He is speaking to the Jews. So, to apply “few” to “Church of God” would be to apply a message targeting to a specific group to a group that he wasn’t being addressed.

What we do know is that

Next, we also have to address context. There are multiple points.

1) He mentions to the Jews “False Prophets” vs “The Gate - Jesus” - so we can say that it is narrow as compared to false prophets.
2) He mentions the who call Jesus “Lord” who he doesn’t recognize. God is the judge of hearts, not me and not you.
3) The best method we can hope to understand is to look at the fruit of the tree.

Last, our view of “few” may not be God’s view of few. When we add all the people that will be accepted, it has been mentioned in Rev 7:9 After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; 10 And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.

That doesn’t sound like the “few” that you are talking about.

There is no scripture on “purgatory”. I find that to be a false doctrine.

I find that to be a wrong view on this scripture. The original Greek had no commas, question marks, colons or periods or even capital letters.

2 And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? This was the question.

3 Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents - Question answered

But, that the works of God should be made manifest in him. 4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. So, it did not matter how but rather Jesus came to bring the Kingdom living to the earth and healed the man.

Again… you can’t take one scripture and forget the rest of the scriptures. Jesus said, John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Notice he didn’t say “live a perfect life” but rather simply “Believes”. Of course we should strive to live right, but it isn’t the basis for relationship. Paul reiterates it when he said, “Not by works lest any man should boast, it is a gift from God”. Ephesian 2:9

Maybe you should be judging the spirits like the Bible said we should? I don’t see any support given by Jesus, the prophets or the Apostles to support that position.

As I said above, if there is no scriptural support, we should question, instruct.
As you should. As you also should consider other possibilities, which you don’t seem able to do. God is not bound by anything, and some day in space and time you will see differently.

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

To me the Logic of Purgatory is for the being that has not harmed his fellow man, misused his servants, and followed the will of the spirit in His truth, but just by some rare event, never had the chance to meet Christ. To me, the logic of the Creator is again to give the being in friendship through the pattern of his life, his behavior on earth, the chance to be regenerated in the Holy Spirit will through Purgatory or some call the Fire of Divine Mercy.

To me the logic of the Will of the Creator is to manifest as "What would Jesus do in all cases of fulfilled faith and morality? They say Mary was created, made immortal and incorruptible at the Immaculate Conception delivering Her Son through the Virgin Birth for Her Son to be born sanctified in the Spirit as The Holy Spirit will of the Creator, through His Mother, Our Mother, in Him, through Him and to Him. To me, this in logic is the Will of the Creator that will manifest in the spirit through the flesh of the Body of Mary to Her soul as the will of the Creator. We know, and as brothers and sisters of The Body of Christ from The Cross, we manifest in same shared Holy Spirit will through the flesh, The Bodies, to the souls of all confirmed, re-sanctified and regenerated in the Divine, some say "Holy Spirit" Will shared as one in being together with the Father and The Son united with all mankind as "What would Jesus do in all cases of fulfilled faith and morality?"

“Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”
Jesus said that the work (of “we”) can continue only until “night.” In the darkness, no one can work. Then Jesus defines Himself as the Light (i.e., the day).

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
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Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Peace to all,

This to me being born blind is a rare event in creation and does exist in the failed state of Man as Created Mortal and corrupt. And His stories, though they are documented history, present parables, teachings sometimes beyond the natural logic we posess. Born mortal and corrupt does not prevent birth defects. Life is a gift and eternal life, becoming immortality and incorruptibility, and glorified and transfigured is the greatest gift. To me becoming into the image of the Creator is logically how we will see The Creator, God, The Father, with new eyes. Born blind mortal to being able to see God as Transfigured is "The Gift." We know to love all mankind as Sons of God.

“All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him" in fulfilled faith and humanity.

We know to keep the "Door" open to all manking.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
Every historical event has a truth that can be extracted and you did very will on this one.

New eyes comes with the new birth. I also was blind but now I see. It wasn’t my fathers fault and it wasn’t my fault.

“Normal”and “God’s Kingdom" can be found both at the beginning and at the end. In the beginning there was no defects, no death, no sickness, no diseases and no suffering and in the end, it is recorded as: Revelation 21:4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

His Kingdom will come and all will be the better for it for was shall be as He is.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
As you should. As you also should consider other possibilities, which you don’t seem able to do. God is not bound by anything, and some day in space and time you will see differently.
No He isn’t bound… but He does not change, He is not double minded, He is not divided.

Redneck Mystic

Active Member
Sorry, but that strains my mind. For me, Jesus is very simple. He gave new ways to deal with life, his new ways were not easy to implement, because they were challenging, and it’s pretty much that simple. Strife to liv win the new ways, or not, and that’s what Hebrews 12 is about, as well. What would Jesus do, in other words. So many Christians I have known quoted Paul far more than they quoted Jesus, whom Paul never met in the flesh. As Saul, Paul was responsible for the deaths of many people who would not renounce Jesus, which became punishable by death under Roman law. Paul was placed women below men in relationship to Christ. Jesus’s life teachings in the Gospels, what would he do, are a bit harder to digest than Paul’s. When Jesus said the way is steep and difficult and the gate narrow and few enter, he meant that literally. Yet Christianity has made it very easy to be saved by Jesus. I do not speak just from reading the Gospels, but also from having Jesus and Archangel Michael and Melchizedek hard on my case for several decades now. Living with that is very different from reading the Bible and going to church.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Sorry, but that strains my mind. For me, Jesus is very simple. He gave new ways to deal with life, his new ways were not easy to implement, because they were challenging, and it’s pretty much that simple. Strife to liv win the new ways, or not, and that’s what Hebrews 12 is about, as well. What would Jesus do, in other words. So many Christians I have known quoted Paul far more than they quoted Jesus, whom Paul never met in the flesh. As Saul, Paul was responsible for the deaths of many people who would not renounce Jesus, which became punishable by death under Roman law. Paul was placed women below men in relationship to Christ. Jesus’s life teachings in the Gospels, what would he do, are a bit harder to digest than Paul’s. When Jesus said the way is steep and difficult and the gate narrow and few enter, he meant that literally. Yet Christianity has made it very easy to be saved by Jesus. I do not speak just from reading the Gospels, but also from having Jesus and Archangel Michael and Melchizedek hard on my case for several decades now. Living with that is very different from reading the Bible and going to church.

Jesus preached from the TaNaKh as did the Apostles. The simplicity is found within those scriptures.

Why do you think Jesus would make salvation complicated and not simple?

You speak of “hard” and yet Jesus said, “For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Love is not complicated, hard or difficult.

What are you doing wrong that Jesus is “on your case”?

Redneck Mystic

Active Member
Peace to all,

This to me being born blind is a rare event in creation and does exist in the failed state of Man as Created Mortal and corrupt. And His stories, though they are documented history, present parables, teachings sometimes beyond the natural logic we posess. Born mortal and corrupt does not prevent birth defects. Life is a gift and eternal life, becoming immortality and incorruptibility, and glorified and transfigured is the greatest gift. To me becoming into the image of the Creator is logically how we will see The Creator, God, The Father, with new eyes. Born blind mortal to being able to see God as Transfigured is "The Gift." We know to love all mankind as Sons of God.

“All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him" in fulfilled faith and humanity.

We know to keep the "Door" open to all manking.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
Peace to you ,also, Andrew. My relationship with Jesus nis very much not of this world, on the one hand, and boots very. much on there ground, on the other hand. Day after day, night after night, living what living on this planet presents, as he did and tried to teach other people to do as he was doing it. The Book of Revelation has zero meaning ot me, because it’s about something that will happen some day,. The angels running me said the man it came thgouht, ,John, didn’t know what it meant, so how could anyone today know what it meant? Jesus said to take no. thought for tomorrow, for each day has enough troubles of its own. he left plenty of clues in the Gospels, including he told his disciples that he taught the masses in parables, but in secret he taught them what wise men and kings would give all they had to possess, and the New Testament reveals scant little what he taught them in secret, but there at bits and pieces the church has yet to see.

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

True, thanks R Mystic, to me the intelligence of the spirit becomes so clear through the Logic.

I have also heard one has to know a mystic to become one. I have been told through pondering the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit, we become more than a disciple and more mystical with respect to all spirit beliefs as one in being. And I also have reviewed the Dogmas of the Faith, about 277 or so, to see the information intelligence in the logic in the Spirit.

To me, we become through fiat power.


To me, in so many words, Louisa has already said what some will say that someone who might try to entice you into believing that you can be part of a “new kingdom,” based on a “new revelation,” which promises a new and improved version of holiness.

To me Louisa, in “Luisa Piccarretta and The Divine Will” confirms the Will of the Divine Spirit in Logic in the Fiat transfiguration power of the Body of Mankind.

To me, at one time the entire earth was at least 40 feet under water, Baptized, to resurrect transformed.? Just Logic.

To me the “New Kingdom” is what James and Peter and John were told by Christ not to talk about until after The Christ’s resurrection as the Transfiguration of The Body of Our Christ into the New Heaven and Earth, Heaven.

To me I see her writings as improvement in language and technology to divulge the “Logic” of The Divine Will which is to me the intelligence of The Creator with all respect to the Divine Will of The Creator. I just see her writing as someone trying to find the logic with today's technology to speak as real intelligence, with respect to The Divine Spirit in truth and fulfilled faith and morality.

The Becoming through Fiat Power of God is in Creation, through immortalization and incorruptiion and to be gloriously transfigured by the Will of The Creator, God, The Father.
“Fiat” is Latin for Let it Become The Will of the one in Power.

To me the logic of the Will of the Creator is to manifest as "What would Jesus do in all cases of fulfilled faith and morality? They say Mary was created, made immortal and incorruptible at the Immaculate Conception delivering Her Son through the Virgin Birth for Her Son to be born sanctified in the Spirit as The Holy Spirit will of the Creator, through His Mother, Our Mother, in Him, through Him and to Him. To me, this in logic is the Will of the Creator that will manifest in the spirit through the flesh of the Body of Mary to Her soul as the will of the Creator. We know, and as brothers and sisters of The Body of Christ from The Cross, we manifest in same shared Holy Spirit will through the flesh, The Bodies, to the souls of all confirmed, re-sanctified and regenerated in the Divine, some say "Holy Spirit" Will shared as one in being together with the Father and The Son united with all mankind. The eternal “Fiat” Power from Heaven is the Word, the “RI” real intelligence of the universe to never fail that “Becomes” the re-imaged Holy Spirit Person in the Flesh, The Body, to the Soul of the Being to manifest "What would Jesus do in all cases of fulfilled faith and morality?"

“AI” artificial intelligence is anythig but the “RI” real intelligence of the Will of The Creator.”
“Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”

Jesus said that the work (of “we”) can continue only until “night.” In the darkness, no one can work. Then Jesus defines Himself as the Light (i.e., the day).

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
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Redneck Mystic

Active Member
Peace to all,

True, R Mystic, to me it becomes so clear in the Logic.

To me, we become through fiat power.


To me, in so many words, Louisa has already said what some will say that someone who might try to entice you into believing that you can be part of a “new kingdom,” based on a “new revelation,” which promises a new and improved version of holiness.

To me Louisa, in “Luisa Piccarretta and The Divine Will” confirms the Will of the Divine Spirit in Logic in the Fiat transfiguration power of the Body of Mankind.

To me the “New Kingdom” is what James and Peter and John were told by Christ not to talk about until after The Christ’s resurrection as the Transfiguration of The Body of Our Christ.

To me I see her writings as improvement in language and technology to divulge the “Logic” of The Divine Will which is to me the intelligence of The Creator with all respect to the Divine Will of The Creator. I just see her writing as someone trying to find the logic with today's technology to speak as real intelligence, with respect to The Divine Spirit in truth and fulfilled faith and morality.

The Becoming of the Created in, through and to Fiat Power.
“Fiat” is Latin for Let it Become The Will of the one in Power.

To me the logic of the Will of the Creator is to manifest as "What would Jesus do in all cases of fulfilled faith and morality? They say Mary was created, made immortal and incorruptible at the Immaculate Conception delivering Her Son through the Virgin Birth for Her Son to be born sanctified in the Spirit as The Holy Spirit will of the Creator, through His Mother, Our Mother, in Him, through Him and to Him. To me, this in logic is the Will of the Creator that will manifest in the spirit through the flesh of the Body of Mary to Her soul as the will of the Creator. We know, and as brothers and sisters of The Body of Christ from The Cross, we manifest in same shared Holy Spirit will through the flesh, The Bodies, to the souls of all confirmed, re-sanctified and regenerated in the Divine, some say "Holy Spirit" Will shared as one in being together with the Father and The Son united with all mankind. The eternal “Fiat” Power from Heaven is the Word, the “RI” real intelligence of the universe to never fail that “Becomes” the re-imaged Holy Spirit Person in the Flesh, The Body, to the Soul of the Being to manifest "What would Jesus do in all cases of fulfilled faith and morality?"

“AI” artificial intelligence is anythig but the “RI” real intelligence of the Will of The Creator.”
“Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”

Jesus said that the work (of “we”) can continue only until “night.” In the darkness, no one can work. Then Jesus defines Himself as the Light (i.e., the day).

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
I work in the darkness ongoing, and Jesus did, too.That is because there was then, and it has not changed, so very little light on this world that darkness is where the world must be met by default. I have become fairly agile with computers and an iPhone, but I have no clue how they operate or how to program or repair or program them. They are necessary tools in this world. AI definitely is not God, nor are video games and their virtual universe, but everything is part of God’s creation, including Lucifer.

Last night, I watched CNN report for quite a while how Donald Trump experienced what he had sown with plenty of help form his MAGA hordes and lots of Republicans and 6 Christian-right Supreme Court Justices. The shooter missed for some reason. Perhaps God or an angel made him miss. Perhaps Lucifer made him miss. Perhaps the shooter simply did not have time to set up properly, relax, breathe out and squeeze off a shot. The shooter was killed, sowing what he had reaped, and he made Trump a living martyr and very well got him elected in November, which I’ve quite sure will please Lucifer,, as will it please Lucifer if Joe Biden gets reelected. Two criminals is the best America has to offer. No way Jesus and God, or Allah, like Biden helping Israel and Hamas kill, maim, displace and/or starve every civilian in Gaza. Jesus was boots on the ground, day after day. A demon has infiltrated Biden and Trump, and their followers. Their religious claims about themselves do not change that. Their regiious training should have made them run from Biden and Trump, but instead their religious beliefs caused them to be certain God was on their side. An angel helps Biden do poorly in the debate against Trump, and maybe the Dems would choose a different candidate. Same angel helped Biden call the Ukraine President Putin and Kamala Harris Trump, for same reason. God did not want Trump killed and made a martyr, and where would Lucifer find another Trump anytime soon? Who knows what might happen between now and Election Day? We can pretty much count on there being civil strife if Trump does not win. America claiming to be one nation under God is a very good way to invited God to say, “Oh yeah, well let’s see about that."

religousforum.sent me this invite yesterday:

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The cost of an upgrade is not an issue for me. I came to this site wondering if, hoping that I might find here people who are having direct experiences with God in their daily lives. So far, I have not found anyone who described such an experience.
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blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I don’t think so.

If all He did was die, they He is nothing more than a martyr.

The Gospel includes a resurrection that says that death's authority died. The Gospel, IMV, is where God became flesh as an immigrant into this world and experienced what no King would even consider, the pain of humanity to redeem humanity from his ultimate destruction. (I think we all can see this world’s population destroying itself)

1) He came to live as we did. To experience what He never experienced
2) He came to save us from ourselves and to free us to a new level of living
3) He conquered the authority of Death, Hell and the Grave in His resurrection
4) He offers a new life with a new authority and a new way of living.

So the symbol of the Cross needs to be an empty Cross and maybe an empty grave? He has resurrected!
I've never understood why an omnipotent God would need to send [his] own son on a suicide mission.

What did the cruel death of Jesus accomplish that God could not have accomplished with one snap of those omnipotent fingers?

Following the resurrection, what exactly was different?

And if that something was important, 2000 years later why are there still parts of the world that have never heard of it?

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

To me Blu2, the logic follows in the Power.

The Old Covenant saved the soul and not the flesh and only to the Bosom of Abraham.
The New Covenant resurrects the entire Body of God as one in being, resurrected by the Power of the Divine Spirit through the flesh to the soul of the transfigured Being becoming the image of the creator, God, The Father, through the Living Sacrifice of the Son. What The Son sacrificed was is the Divine Spirit being that conceived Him for all mankind to share as one in being, together with the Father and The Son, glorified and transfigured.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew

Redneck Mystic

Active Member
Peace to all,

True, thanks R Mystic, to me the intelligence of the spirit becomes so clear through the Logic.

I have also heard one has to know a mystic to become one. I have been told through pondering the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit, we become more than a disciple and more mystical with respect to all spirit beliefs as one in being. And I also have reviewed the Dogmas of the Faith, about 277 or so, to see the information intelligence in the logic in the Spirit.

To me, we become through fiat power.


To me, in so many words, Louisa has already said what some will say that someone who might try to entice you into believing that you can be part of a “new kingdom,” based on a “new revelation,” which promises a new and improved version of holiness.

To me Louisa, in “Luisa Piccarretta and The Divine Will” confirms the Will of the Divine Spirit in Logic in the Fiat transfiguration power of the Body of Mankind.

To me, at one time the entire earth was at least 40 feet under water, Baptized, to resurrect transformed.? Just Logic.

To me the “New Kingdom” is what James and Peter and John were told by Christ not to talk about until after The Christ’s resurrection as the Transfiguration of The Body of Our Christ into the New Heaven and Earth, Heaven.

To me I see her writings as improvement in language and technology to divulge the “Logic” of The Divine Will which is to me the intelligence of The Creator with all respect to the Divine Will of The Creator. I just see her writing as someone trying to find the logic with today's technology to speak as real intelligence, with respect to The Divine Spirit in truth and fulfilled faith and morality.

The Becoming through Fiat Power of God is in Creation, through immortalization and incorruptiion and to be gloriously transfigured by the Will of The Creator, God, The Father.
“Fiat” is Latin for Let it Become The Will of the one in Power.

To me the logic of the Will of the Creator is to manifest as "What would Jesus do in all cases of fulfilled faith and morality? They say Mary was created, made immortal and incorruptible at the Immaculate Conception delivering Her Son through the Virgin Birth for Her Son to be born sanctified in the Spirit as The Holy Spirit will of the Creator, through His Mother, Our Mother, in Him, through Him and to Him. To me, this in logic is the Will of the Creator that will manifest in the spirit through the flesh of the Body of Mary to Her soul as the will of the Creator. We know, and as brothers and sisters of The Body of Christ from The Cross, we manifest in same shared Holy Spirit will through the flesh, The Bodies, to the souls of all confirmed, re-sanctified and regenerated in the Divine, some say "Holy Spirit" Will shared as one in being together with the Father and The Son united with all mankind. The eternal “Fiat” Power from Heaven is the Word, the “RI” real intelligence of the universe to never fail that “Becomes” the re-imaged Holy Spirit Person in the Flesh, The Body, to the Soul of the Being to manifest "What would Jesus do in all cases of fulfilled faith and morality?"

“AI” artificial intelligence is anythig but the “RI” real intelligence of the Will of The Creator.”
“Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”

Jesus said that the work (of “we”) can continue only until “night.” In the darkness, no one can work. Then Jesus defines Himself as the Light (i.e., the day).

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
The only way I have heard of someone becoming a mystic is God or an angel thereof or Jesus intervened directly in that person’s life.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
I've never understood why an omnipotent God would need to send [his] own son on a suicide mission.

To open a bridge so that mankind can return home

What did the cruel death of Jesus accomplish that God could not have accomplished with one snap of those omnipotent fingers?

Fulfilled righteousness and justice. To create a change in the human spirit. A person who is let loose from prison without a heart change just means that they will return to their wrong doing.

Following the resurrection, what exactly was different?

People had the opportunity to choose life and be born again. A good example is the life of the one who wrote Amazing Grace.

And if that something was important, 2000 years later why are there still parts of the world that have never heard of it?

If that is the case, it is because of the failure of man to share the Gospel. That being said, God will judge justly.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
I came to this site wondering if, hoping that I might find here people who are having direct experiences with God in their daily lives. So far, I have not found anyone who described such an experience.

There was one thread that dealt with that subject specifically.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
To open a bridge so that mankind can return home

Fulfilled righteousness and justice. To create a change in the human spirit. A person who is let loose from prison without a heart change just means that they will return to their wrong doing.

People had the opportunity to choose life and be born again. A good example is the life of the one who wrote Amazing Grace.

If that is the case, it is because of the failure of man to share the Gospel. That being said, God will judge justly.
We'll have to agree to differ, I fear.

And as I mentioned, there remains a serious fraction of the world's population who are acculturated to other religions, and some of them have never even heard of Christianity, two thousand years after the event. What does 'an opportunity to choose life' mean to any of them? How astonishingly inefficient is the God who planned all that?


Veteran Member
What does that have to do with sacrifice?
If you although being innocent stepped in to receive the death penalty for another person that would be a sacrifice
Innocent (sinless) Jesus stepped in to cover our sins which carries the death penalty - Gen. 2:17 - so we could gain everlasting life


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
We'll have to agree to differ, I fear.

No doubt. But we can still appreciate each other.

And as I mentioned, there remains a serious fraction of the world's population who are acculturated to other religions, and some of them have never even heard of Christianity, two thousand years after the event. What does 'an opportunity to choose life' mean to any of them? How astonishingly inefficient is the God who planned all that?

I’m not sure who is inefficient. God or man.

Obviously there are questions that we won’t have answers to until the time to come. I do know that God is just and will judge accordingly.

I also know the mandate was for the disciples to go and preach in Judea, Samaria and to the uttermost parts of the earth. But don’t you find it interesting that those who have heard can still make a decision not to receive His love?


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
If you although being innocent stepped in to receive the death penalty for another person that would be a sacrifice
Innocent (sinless) Jesus stepped in to cover our sins which carries the death penalty - Gen. 2:17 - so we could gain everlasting life