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The Gospel - Is it only that Jesus died or is it that we celebrate The Resurrection?


Well-Known Member
OK, I hope I'm not interrupting anything here, but since you brought this up, why do you think Adam & Eve died?
Because they lost the use of the "tree of life" due to the default. Adam and Eve weren't like us, they were incarnate celestial beings. Death and or translation was already normal for human's weather Adam and Eve sinned or not. Or else the world would be quite crowded!
Original sin theory contains all sorts of speculation and conjecture.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Because they lost the use of the "tree of life" due to the default. Adam and Eve weren't like us, they were incarnate celestial beings. Death and or translation was already normal for human's weather Adam and Eve sinned or not. Or else the world would be quite crowded!
Original sin theory contains all sorts of speculation and conjecture.
I don't believe your take on the Bible. Anyway, have a nice evening/day/whatever it is in your part of the world.


Well-Known Member
The destruction and rebuilding of the Temple.
AFAIK there's nothing about how the disciples interpreted the account of the destruction and rebuilding of the Temple in the text of Matthew since the account was considered to be false.

The account in the gospel of John builds on the report of the false witnesses and also contradicts Luke about the Jews not being given multiple signs. This would make verse 22 false as well. So I don't see how you can come to any conclusion that they actually misinterpreted them.

Then answered the Jews and said unto him, What sign shewest thou unto us, seeing that thou doest these things?
Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.
Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days?
But he spake of the temple of his body.
When therefore he was risen from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this unto them; and they believed the scripture, and the word which Jesus had said.
John 2:18-22

And when the people were gathered thick together, he began to say, This is an evil generation: they seek a sign; and there shall no sign be given it, but the sign of Jonas the prophet.
Luke 11:29

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

To meet the logic of the Kingdom of the Divine will of God is:

Through Baptism the Body becomes transformed immortal and incorruptible becoming new life to the Body. Christ was able to descend and resurrect, and we become brothers and sisters of Christ. And through Communion and Penance we become confirmed and re-sanctified from Baptism becoming one in Body in the will of The Creator, transfigured into the image of God, the Father.

To me, the Transfiguration is the being in New Light.

Peace Always,
Stephen Andrew


Veteran Member
I don't see any reference to Good Friday in Luke 22:28-30.
Thank you for bringing the above to my attention because I was amiss Not to include Luke 22:14 -20 which is the setting of the Last Supper
We also find that setting at Matthew 26:20 and Mark 14:17
That was the last Passover
In the Jewish calendar the day starts with Sunset instead of Sunrise


Veteran Member
To meet the logic of the Kingdom of the Divine will of God is:
Through Baptism the Body becomes transformed immortal and incorruptible becoming new life to the Body. Christ was able to descend and resurrect, and we become brothers and sisters of Christ. And through Communion and Penance we become confirmed and re-sanctified from Baptism becoming one in Body in the will of The Creator, transfigured into the image of God, the Father.
To me, the Transfiguration is the being in New Light.
I too find the logic of the kingdom of the Divine will of God, find as God's kingdom government is the solution as per Daniel 2:44
Jesus said the Transfiguration was a 'VISION' - Matthew 17:9 not a real happening at that time.
Rather, a future gleam of Jesus' coming Glory Time as found at Matthew 25:31-34,37


Veteran Member
Because they lost the use of the "tree of life" due to the default. Adam and Eve weren't like us, they were incarnate celestial beings. Death and or translation was already normal for human's weather Adam and Eve sinned or not. Or else the world would be quite crowded!
Original sin theory contains all sorts of speculation and conjecture.
I find that Adam was formed or fashioned from the dust of the ground - Gen. 2:7
Adam did Not come to life until God ' breathed ' the 'breath of life' into life-less Adam
Adam went from non-life, to life, and 'returned back' to non-life - Gen. 3:19
A person can ' Not return' to a place he never before was

P.S. angels were already in existence created before humankind - Job 38:7
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Well-Known Member
I find that Adam was formed or fashioned from the dust of the ground - Gen. 2:7
Adam did Not come to life until God ' breathed ' the 'breath of life' into life-less Adam
Adam went from non-life, to life, and 'returned back' to non-life - Gen. 3:19
A person can ' Not return' to a place he never before was

P.S. angels were already in existence created before humankind
Cain feared people out in the wold away from Adam and Eve because the world was already populated long before Adam incarnate.


Veteran Member
Because they lost the use of the "tree of life" due to the default. Adam and Eve weren't like us, they were incarnate celestial beings. Death and or translation was already normal for human's weather Adam and Eve sinned or not. Or else the world would be quite crowded!........................
I find you're far from alone in thinking about Earth becoming over crowded or over populated
Please notice Genesis 1:28 because you'll find a stopping point.
Adam and Eve along with descendants were only to populate the Earth until full
In other words, reproducing was to stop when Earth was populated
So, in Scripture there is No over crowding, No over populating

Consider too at the end of Jesus' coming 1000 yr. governmental reign over Earth ends then there very well could be life on other planets
Once the 'sin issue' is settled here there would be No reason for there Not to be even human life on other planets


Veteran Member
Cain feared people out in the world away from Adam and Eve because the world was already populated long before Adam incarnate.
Didn't Adam live to be almost one-thousand years old ___________Genesis 5:5
Even in under a thousand years there could have been plenty of people around Cain - Gen. 4:14
Adam was never an angel. Angels were created first - Job 38:7


Well-Known Member
Didn't Adam live to be almost one-thousand years old ___________Genesis 5:5
Even in under a thousand years there could have been plenty of people around Cain - Gen. 4:14
Adam was never an angel. Angels were created first - Job 38:7
Adam was a Son of God, a celestial being. The earth is quite old. Life evolved over hundreds of millions of years after God started it.


Veteran Member
Adam was a Son of God, a celestial being. The earth is quite old. Life evolved over hundreds of millions of years after God started it.
Good point about God starting it - Psalm 104:30
First we find lower forms of life on Earth in the 5 creative days of unknown or even differing lengths of time
In the 6th day is when human life enters the picture
Angelic life was already in existence according to Job 38:7 before human life enters the picture

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

To me, the logic is understandable.
Logical Principals of Divine Fiat Power, from created to transformed to transfigured in the "RI" real intelligence that will never fail. The Divine will of the Creator, united as One in Being.

Daniel 2:44
And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.

The Logic of the Trinity in the Fiat Power Systems of The Body as transformed and transfigured into the re-imaging by The Creator.
From Adam and Eve, mortal flesh was not able to transfigure and the soul was saved to The Bosom of Abraham.
From the New Eve, transformed sanctification to immorality and incorruptibility of the Body to be able to transfigure, through the Baptism of John.
From Communion and Penance, the Body is Confirmed, re-sanctified, becoming re-imaged into the Body of God, into the image of the Creator.

to me the logic follows, the “AI” intelligence of the angels was flawed from choice and had to be re-imaged through New Life and without flesh, re-imaging of the “RI” intelligence is not possible. Becoming the real intelligence was not able to be done without flesh, the Body of The Christ.

To me the Logic is the Divine Logic of the failed State of the Being to the re-imaged Being. The logic is in the intelligence. Failed intelligence in the logic manifests the flesh, or Body of the Being. With choice the “AI” Intelligence is not the Real Intelligence “RI” of The Creator.
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Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

Jesus died to empty the chasm of the Bosom of Abraham for the souls awaiting and closed the chasm of death of the Body. With the Body of the Christ and all from the Bosom of Abraham, He destroyed death forever for all mankind and reopened the gates to Heaven for resurrection in the Spirit through the flesh to the soul of all Created Bodies, and by His will, the Divine Spirit, we are united in Being together with the Father and the Son glorified and transfigured to become His image.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
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Christ was not sacrificed.

According to the story, he returned begging the question as to what was sacrificed.
his sacrifice was based on his death which is recorded in scriptures. and even the same scriptures foretell his life after his death which points to his resurrection.
Bro the question is not whether he resurrected, the question is whether he died, and even according to external sources including authentic historical sources affirm it. to say it is not a sacrifice would be intellectually dishonest on your part.

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

Jesus is conceived by The Person of the Holy Spirit, born immortal and incorruptible through the Body of Mary as The Christ and could not die as sanctified in the Spirit but not yet the flesh, to His Soul, not to transfigure, and only after death and resurrection of His Body can a sanctified Being Transfigure. To me the logic of Baptism is The Sacrament that powers the flesh from death to life to the spirit through the flesh to the soul of the being as sanctified in the Body, Baptized in the spirit through the flesh to the soul of the Body of the Being. Becoming Well pleasing to God, in the Body of God and welcomed into the Body of Christ. The Epiphany is the manifestation of God in all mankind as The Christ at the Epiphany after the Baptism by John at The River Jordan. We all become well Pleasing to God in the sanctified state in His Spirit shared in Our Flesh to Our Soul as one in Being, together with the Father and The Son as glorified to Transfigure in the Second Coming of The Christ in all mankind. To me this is the Logic of the Kingdom of the Divine Will spoken of by Louisa and in the Illumination of Conscience. His Spirit is of the Holy Spirit person and already sanctified and did not need Baptism, but His flesh mortal and had to be sanctified through Baptism. He had to be Baptized to die of the flesh and descend to destroy death forever. What Power, what strength, through the Power of the Holy Spirit will of God.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
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Active Member
Good point about God starting it - Psalm 104:30
First we find lower forms of life on Earth in the 5 creative days of unknown or even differing lengths of time
Yet Adam was created in the 2nd day, and was present to name these creatures.
In the 6th day is when human life enters the picture
And still a suitable partner could not be found. From the "deep sleep" Adam in put under, and the day of rest, it is implied Eve is created on the 8th day.
Angelic life was already in existence according to Job 38:7 before human life enters the picture
This is correct. However humans exist before Eve does, hence Cain enters a world that is already populated.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Because they lost the use of the "tree of life" due to the default. Adam and Eve weren't like us, they were incarnate celestial beings. Death and or translation was already normal for human's weather Adam and Eve sinned or not. Or else the world would be quite crowded!
Original sin theory contains all sorts of speculation and conjecture.

That certainly would be debatable as we certainly don’t know the context of all the God had planned…. how many planets are there? Was that suppose to be for inhabiting? We will never know

Redneck Mystic

Active Member
I don’t think so.

If all He did was die, they He is nothing more than a martyr.

The Gospel includes a resurrection that says that death's authority died. The Gospel, IMV, is where God became flesh as an immigrant into this world and experienced what no King would even consider, the pain of humanity to redeem humanity from his ultimate destruction. (I think we all can see this world’s population destroying itself)

1) He came to live as we did. To experience what He never experienced
2) He came to save us from ourselves and to free us to a new level of living
3) He conquered the authority of Death, Hell and the Grave in His resurrection
4) He offers a new life with a new authority and a new way of living.

So the symbol of the Cross needs to be an empty Cross and maybe an empty grave? He has resurrected!
I grew up in a church family and eventually I came to wonder when I ever was not in church? And, I came to view salvation through Jesus is relative living as he lived and taught in the Gospels.