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The Gospel - Is it only that Jesus died or is it that we celebrate The Resurrection?


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Peace to all,

I have heard it said, written somewhere, Jesus taught in parables of the times. But to His Disciples he spoke to in private. What does this mean, just asking? Thanks in advance with this help from anyone.

Through the Sacraments of Baptism and Communion death and resurrection allows new life to the spirit through the flesh to the soul of the being in the Body of God as united, and through all of the mysteries of the Faith in God.

Little confusing here… “through the flesh?"

To me The logic of the "CEO" wellwisher speaks of, is like the "new" parable of the CEO.
Do not know the acronym for CEO.

I add the new Parable of "AI" RI" as a logic training tool for the Eternal logic that manifests creation as infallible unfailing incorruptible and immortal eternity. The real "RI" intelligence reimages, through the "connected" as one in being "Power" of The Divine Spirit Will to manifests unfailing eternity in the soul of the being, so perhaps there can be no artificial "AI" intelligence in Heaven.

Perhaps this will help (assuming you want a larger audience)
Psalm 119:130
The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.

If you don’t make it simple… people may not understand. But, yes, no AI in Heaven as when we are with Him we will be like Him and know all things. Mankind still doesn’t know the full power of the will and mind that God has created

Please advise if I have stated anything not in His teachings with respect to the Logic of the Spirit will of God in fulfilled faith and morality.

Peace always,



Well-Known Member
Interesting that you mention ' start to see prophecy is a tool to prove things '.
I never thought of prophecies as a 'tool' but why not _________
* What was prophesied at 2nd Timothy 3:1-5,13 is a 'useful tool' that fits our day or time frame.
* The good news (gospel) of God's Kingdom (Dan. 2:44) is a 'useful tool' for the nations to hear - Matt. 24:14; Acts 1:8
* The ' final signal ' so to speak, of 1st Thess. 5:2-3 is a 'useful tool' to forewarn others when the powers in charge are saying, " Peace and Security......" that is really going to prove to be the precursor to the coming great tribulation of Rev. 7:14.
* And chapter 35 of Isaiah is a ' useful tool ' to show earth's beautiful paradisical future for earth and for us.
ALL such verses I think deserve to be in one's ' tool box ' to help others know God's purpose for Earth - Jeremiah 29:11
Neither, the Gospel was taught by Jesus for 3+ years prior to being apprehended and killed for it.

King Phenomenon

Veteran Member
I don’t think so.

If all He did was die, they He is nothing more than a martyr.

The Gospel includes a resurrection that says that death's authority died. The Gospel, IMV, is where God became flesh as an immigrant into this world and experienced what no King would even consider, the pain of humanity to redeem humanity from his ultimate destruction. (I think we all can see this world’s population destroying itself)

1) He came to live as we did. To experience what He never experienced
2) He came to save us from ourselves and to free us to a new level of living
3) He conquered the authority of Death, Hell and the Grave in His resurrection
4) He offers a new life with a new authority and a new way of living.

So the symbol of the Cross needs to be an empty Cross and maybe an empty grave? He has resurrected!
Um…. No. He does die


Veteran Member
Neither, the Gospel was taught by Jesus for 3+ years prior to being apprehended and killed for it.
.... and then his God resurrected Jesus back to his original heavenly spirit body person life
There in heaven Jesus is King of God's kingdom government - 1st Corinthians 15:24-26


Well-Known Member
.... and then his God resurrected Jesus back to his original heavenly spirit body person life
There in heaven Jesus is King of God's kingdom government - 1st Corinthians 15:24-26
The spirit Son never died, he laid down his mortal flesh, waited 3 days and returned in a new form.


Veteran Member
Perhaps this will help (assuming you want a larger audience)
Psalm 119:130
The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.
If you don’t make it simple… people may not understand. But, yes, no AI in Heaven as when we are with Him we will be like Him and know all things. Mankind still doesn’t know the full power of the will and mind that God has created..........................
....and we can compare Psalm 119:30 with Psalm 19:7; Proverbs 1:1-5 and with people like the youth Timothy at 2nd Timothy 3:15
Or, Not know all things - Ecclesiastes 11:5
Besides those called to Heaven (Daniel 7:18; Luke 22:28-30) who govern with Jesus - Rev. 20:6; 5:9-10 - are the 'other sheep'
The humble 'sheep' at the time of separation at Matthew 25:31-34,37,40 who are alive on Earth and can remain alive on Earth and gain everlasting life on Earth as originally offered to Adam before his downfall


Veteran Member
The spirit Son never died, he laid down his mortal flesh, waited 3 days and returned in a new form.
Returned because his God resurrected dead Jesus out of death's deep sleep - Acts 2:27; John 11:11-14; Ecclesiastes 9:5; Psalm 115:17
Jesus did Not resurrect himself - Acts 2:24, 32; 3:15; 5:30; 10:40; 13:29; Colossians 2:12; Ephesians 1:20
After being resurrected back to his original heavenly spirit body resurrected Jesus used different materialized bodies to appear to others
Appear only until resurrected Jesus ascended to Heaven - Acts 1:9; Hebrews 9:24


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Christ was not sacrificed.

According to the story, he returned begging the question as to what was sacrificed.
Where was that? I mean where are you getting this thought from: "begging the question as to what was sacrificed".


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
A real sacrifice means you don't get whatever is that is sacrificed back.
"And love consists in this: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as the atoning sacrifice for our sins."
Jesus received great honor and privileges by his heavenly Father after his sacrifice.
Matthew 28:18 - "Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me."
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Everyone is offering a ticket to eternal life. Hindus, Christians, Muslims, Bahais. So, what is new?
I don't think Zoroastrians, Jews and Buddhists make this offer. Do they?
Well, my perspective is that only Jesus Christ rose from the dead demonstrating victory over death and is therefore the One to offer eternal life.
From my understanding, Zoroastrianism teaches that a person’s soul continues its journey after death, facing judgment, and ultimately residing in either heaven or hell. I think the goal of Buddhism is achieving enlightenment and ultimately Nirvana. Probably a practicing Jew accepts all the responsibilities that come with Judaism with the expectation that through the fulfillment of their faith practices they will be part of the world to come.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Well, my perspective is that only Jesus Christ rose from the dead demonstrating victory over death and is therefore the One to offer eternal life.
From my understanding, Zoroastrianism teaches that a person’s soul continues its journey after death, facing judgment, and ultimately residing in either heaven or hell. I think the goal of Buddhism is achieving enlightenment and ultimately Nirvana. Probably a practicing Jew accepts all the responsibilities that come with Judaism with the expectation that through the fulfillment of their faith practices they will be part of the world to come.
I can't speak for what Jews believe about this, since there are many variations of ideas among Jews regarding the future, maybe you can ask someone here but I agree with you from my study and consideration of Biblical history, I do believe there is confirmation that the soul does not migrate from one organism to another. When a person dies, that person (also termed in Hebrew a 'soul') can be in God's memory and will be resurrected.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
A real sacrifice means you don't get whatever is that is sacrificed back.
I was also thinking that if a person sacrificed something valuable, it could be to a greater cause. And those with ability to reward the person for his sacrifice could give that one a tremendous reward.


Be your own guru
Well, my perspective is that only Jesus Christ rose from the dead demonstrating victory over death and is therefore the One to offer eternal life.
From my understanding, Zoroastrianism teaches that a person’s soul continues its journey after death, facing judgment, and ultimately residing in either heaven or hell. I think the goal of Buddhism is achieving enlightenment and ultimately Nirvana. Probably a practicing Jew accepts all the responsibilities that come with Judaism with the expectation that through the fulfillment of their faith practices they will be part of the world to come.
You are right. Zoroastrians, Jews and Hindus (I checked BBC, Judaism after reading your post) have the concept of heaven and hell. So, basically all these religions along with Christianity and Islam offer life-after-death. In Hinduism, the offer is open. That means it does not require acceptance of a particular religion, God or messenger. It depends totally on what good and evil one has done in life.
Yeah, your books say that Jesus returned from death. That is a case of special pleading.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
I don’t think so.

If all He did was die, they He is nothing more than a martyr.

The Gospel includes a resurrection that says that death's authority died. The Gospel, IMV, is where God became flesh as an immigrant into this world and experienced what no King would even consider, the pain of humanity to redeem humanity from his ultimate destruction. (I think we all can see this world’s population destroying itself)

1) He came to live as we did. To experience what He never experienced
2) He came to save us from ourselves and to free us to a new level of living
3) He conquered the authority of Death, Hell and the Grave in His resurrection
4) He offers a new life with a new authority and a new way of living.

So the symbol of the Cross needs to be an empty Cross and maybe an empty grave? He has resurrected!
Easter, the resurrection of Christ, is the biggest day, heck the biggest WEEK in the Catholic church, for the record.