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The Health Care Bill Passes!

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
I am disturbed by Frankensteinian legislation that will require phalanxes of lawyers to translate and the Supreme Court to hand down final opinions on.

Isn't that all legislation these days?

From where I sit, as long as you run your health care as a "for profit" business venture your attempts to streamline it will continually miss their targets. I can't help but see a conflict of interest in a group of individuals who are trying to capitalize on the suffering of others. Ethics, anyone?

This is a step towards a single-payer system. The goal is still to have a system like the rest of the industrialized world, but that wasn't going to happen with this bill. That'll have to wait another decade or two.


Wonder Woman
Maybe I'll actually go to the doctor when I need to instead of when I save up and can afford to now. I'm the only one in the family that has no insurance. Tim's work offers family coverage, but it is too expensive for us to afford. Our income qualifies the kids for Title XIX, but we make just enough for me not to qualifiy unless I'm pregnant. and it's not like I'm going to keep popping out babies just to have health coverage, like SOME people might. So I'm the odd one out. So, yeah, I think this is a good thing.


Resident Lycanthrope
This is not a good thing for the American public. For the majority of those that do not already have health insurance, the reason they do not have it is because they cannot afford it. Now they will be forced to sell their home or whatever so that they can get coverage that most Americans do not need. The bottom feeders will make out great, but they already had medicaid so there was no reason to implement this. This bill has nothing to do with what the rest of the world has done. Other countries have socialized medicine. This is not the case here. Here we are forced to purchase a service from a for-profit company. That is not right. Never before in the history of the US has this been done. I only hope enough people see the wrong in this and refuse to comply.


The Feisty Penguin
As someone currently without Health Insurance, I wonder how it's going to affect me... maybe I can finally get my cyst taken care of..


ThrUU the Looking Glass
This is not a good thing for the American public. For the majority of those that do not already have health insurance, the reason they do not have it is because they cannot afford it. Now they will be forced to sell their home or whatever so that they can get coverage that most Americans do not need. The bottom feeders will make out great, but they already had medicaid so there was no reason to implement this. This bill has nothing to do with what the rest of the world has done. Other countries have socialized medicine. This is not the case here. Here we are forced to purchase a service from a for-profit company. That is not right. Never before in the history of the US has this been done. I only hope enough people see the wrong in this and refuse to comply.
Bottom feeders? Seriously? Well, at least now I know what you really think of me.


Veteran Member

"I don't know. I'll just tell you this, if this passes and it's five years from now and all that stuff gets implemented -- I am leaving the country. I'll go to Costa Rica."
Rush Limbaugh

Buh Bye:D
I hope, I hope, I hope he makes good on his health reform hatred campaign promise. I attribute much of American's fear and ignorance to Limbaugh, Beck, Fox News and those like them. Adios!


Wonder Woman
This is not a good thing for the American public. For the majority of those that do not already have health insurance, the reason they do not have it is because they cannot afford it. Now they will be forced to sell their home or whatever so that they can get coverage that most Americans do not need. The bottom feeders will make out great, but they already had medicaid so there was no reason to implement this. This bill has nothing to do with what the rest of the world has done. Other countries have socialized medicine. This is not the case here. Here we are forced to purchase a service from a for-profit company. That is not right. Never before in the history of the US has this been done. I only hope enough people see the wrong in this and refuse to comply.

Bite me.


Resident Lycanthrope
Bottom feeders? Seriously? Well, at least now I know what you really think of me.
If someone contributes nothing to society, but puts a burden on those that are struggling to make ends meet, what would you call it? Bottom feeder, hardcore democrat, freeloader, take your pick. I am not singling you out, and there are probably some people that truly need help. Unfortunately, in this country, we have many that are learned helpless. Nobody in their family has had a job for three generations. They have kids just so they can have more food stamps and welfare money. Do you think they are going to look for a job so that they can buy a policy? Maybe they can get a job and may my mortgage since my purchasing a mandatory policy now means I can no longer pay my own mortgage. Can someone please tell me how this is better for me and my family? Why do we want to add another bill onto the pocketbook of the working class American while we are heading into an awful depression?


Intentionally Blank
If someone contributes nothing to society, but puts a burden on those that are struggling to make ends meet, what would you call it? Bottom feeder, hardcore democrat, freeloader, take your pick. I am not singling you out, and there are probably some people that truly need help. Unfortunately, in this country, we have many that are learned helpless. Nobody in their family has had a job for three generations. They have kids just so they can have more food stamps and welfare money. Do you think they are going to look for a job so that they can buy a policy? Maybe they can get a job and may my mortgage since my purchasing a mandatory policy now means I can no longer pay my own mortgage. Can someone please tell me how this is better for me and my family? Why do we want to add another bill onto the pocketbook of the working class American while we are heading into an awful depression?

If I may prod, how many in your family and what is your annual combined gross?

btw I don't think you're current on how welfare works.


Resident Liberal Hippie
This is not a good thing for the American public. For the majority of those that do not already have health insurance, the reason they do not have it is because they cannot afford it. Now they will be forced to sell their home or whatever so that they can get coverage that most Americans do not need. The bottom feeders will make out great, but they already had medicaid so there was no reason to implement this. This bill has nothing to do with what the rest of the world has done. Other countries have socialized medicine. This is not the case here. Here we are forced to purchase a service from a for-profit company. That is not right. Never before in the history of the US has this been done. I only hope enough people see the wrong in this and refuse to comply.

  • Would expand coverage to 32 million Americans who are currently uninsured.

Health Insurance Exchanges:

  • The uninsured and self-employed would be able to purchase insurance through state-based exchanges with subsidies available to individuals and families with income between the 133 percent and 400 percent of poverty level. (For a family of four that would be around $61,950 a year)

Insurance Reforms:

  • Six months after enactment, insurance companies could no longer denying children coverage based on a preexisting condition.
  • Starting in 2014, insurance companies cannot deny coverage to anyone with preexisting conditions.


  • Expands Medicaid to include 133 percent of federal poverty level which is $29,327 for a family of four. (you know, the bottom feeders)

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Standing Alone just reminded me offline about the "death panels" that will come about because of this legislation. Guess we can all sit around and worry about that if we want. :biglaugh:

As I said in another thread, we have already begun to remodel our attic, where we plan to hide my grandmother until the Republicans can retake control of the Senate and vote the Nazis out of power.

I don't know about the rest of the US, but here in the south, the death panels will begin processing grandmothers for the gas chambers on Wednesday morning.

If anyone is interested, we may have room for an extra grandmother or two. They'll need to bring a bag lunch, though, as they may have to remain hidden throughout the day and well into the night.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
If someone contributes nothing to society, but puts a burden on those that are struggling to make ends meet, what would you call it? Bottom feeder, hardcore democrat, freeloader, take your pick. I am not singling you out, and there are probably some people that truly need help. Unfortunately, in this country, we have many that are learned helpless. Nobody in their family has had a job for three generations. They have kids just so they can have more food stamps and welfare money. Do you think they are going to look for a job so that they can buy a policy? Maybe they can get a job and may my mortgage since my purchasing a mandatory policy now means I can no longer pay my own mortgage. Can someone please tell me how this is better for me and my family? Why do we want to add another bill onto the pocketbook of the working class American while we are heading into an awful depression?
Just letting the classism resonate......


Wonder Woman
If someone contributes nothing to society, but puts a burden on those that are struggling to make ends meet, what would you call it? Bottom feeder, hardcore democrat, freeloader, take your pick. I am not singling you out, and there are probably some people that truly need help. Unfortunately, in this country, we have many that are learned helpless. Nobody in their family has had a job for three generations. They have kids just so they can have more food stamps and welfare money. Do you think they are going to look for a job so that they can buy a policy? Maybe they can get a job and may my mortgage since my purchasing a mandatory policy now means I can no longer pay my own mortgage. Can someone please tell me how this is better for me and my family? Why do we want to add another bill onto the pocketbook of the working class American while we are heading into an awful depression?

Again, bite me. I don't get food stamps or welfare. We pay our bills and our taxes. I started working at the age of 14 and as soon as I graduated high school I was off "contributing" in the US Navy for 5 years. I've worked hard, physically demanding jobs, and I've been to college, AND I'm trying to work on my writing while now devoting my main time to being a SAHM. Is it MY fault that the insurance my hubby's work offers costs a buttload? No. I DON"T pop out kids left and right to get welfare or healthcare. We have 2 kids and that's all we plan on having. Do you find something wrong with the 2 we have? You have a VERY skewed idea of what a person who might benefit from medicaid is and to that I reiterate...bite me.


Resident Liberal Hippie
Bottom feeder, hardcore democrat, freeloader, take your pick.

Minimum wage workers, farmers, migrant workers, part timers, students, single parents, victims of layoffs and downsizing, the self employed, etc....
You know, the bottom feeding 13 to 17% of Americans living below the federal poverty line at any given point in time, and the roughly 40% who will fall below the poverty line at some point within a 10-year time span.


Resident Lycanthrope
Again, bite me. I don't get food stamps or welfare. We pay our bills and our taxes. I started working at the age of 14 and as soon as I graduated high school I was off "contributing" in the US Navy for 5 years. I've worked hard, physically demanding jobs, and I've been to college, AND I'm trying to work on my writing while now devoting my main time to being a SAHM. Is it MY fault that the insurance my hubby's work offers costs a buttload? No. I DON"T pop out kids left and right to get welfare or healthcare. We have 2 kids and that's all we plan on having. Do you find something wrong with the 2 we have? You have a VERY skewed idea of what a person who might benefit from medicaid is and to that I reiterate...bite me.
Temper, temper! No reason to get personal. I did not single you out. I don't know your situation. I know I started working at 14 as well. I did my time in the US Army and I left there 50% disabled. The VA takes care of my medical needs. They do not take care of my family. By law I will be required to buy a policy for them. Where does this money come from? My fiance works retail. While insurance is offered through her employer, we cannot afford the portion she would have to pay for coverage for her and her kids. Who pays for this? We were turned down for food stamps because the few hundred bucks the VA gives me classifies us as wealthy. We go through 2 cases of Ramen noodles in our house most weeks. We do what we have to to make ends meet. Now we have to buy insurance for ourselves and for the next guy that doesn't work. Did you guys read the part about taxes being increased by $400Billion over the next four years? Thanks again, Obama. We needed another bill and higher taxes in the middle of a huge recession.

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Did you guys read the part about taxes being increased by $400Billion over the next four years? Thanks again, Obama. We needed another bill and higher taxes in the middle of a huge recession.

I never understood the american obcession with NOT PAYING for things....

taxes= the ability to pay for stuff



Wonder Woman
Temper, temper! No reason to get personal. I did not single you out. I don't know your situation. I know I started working at 14 as well. I did my time in the US Army and I left there 50% disabled. The VA takes care of my medical needs. They do not take care of my family. By law I will be required to buy a policy for them. Where does this money come from? My fiance works retail. While insurance is offered through her employer, we cannot afford the portion she would have to pay for coverage for her and her kids. Who pays for this? We were turned down for food stamps because the few hundred bucks the VA gives me classifies us as wealthy. We go through 2 cases of Ramen noodles in our house most weeks. We do what we have to to make ends meet. Now we have to buy insurance for ourselves and for the next guy that doesn't work. Did you guys read the part about taxes being increased by $400Billion over the next four years? Thanks again, Obama. We needed another bill and higher taxes in the middle of a huge recession.

You singled me out when you said: "the bottom feeders will make out great, but they already had medicaid so there was no reason to implement this"

My kids have medicaid (Title XIX). You generalized people who have medicaid as "bottom-feeders" and I didn't really appreciate that one bit. Actually, ironically, it sounds like you may qualify for medicaid for the children at least. Just because you don't qualify for foodstamps (we don't either) doesn't mean that you don't qualify for medicaid. SO, if you qualify for medicaid for the kids...would you swallow your pride and become a "bottom-feeder"?