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The Hypocrisy of Christian Denominations


Back in high school, I was a member of the Debating team, and in some competitions, while we knew of the topic weeks beforehand, we only know which side (for/against) we will take minutes before the actual debate. As such, we had to learn how to look at any argument from both sides of the coin. It pains me to realize that such a simple skill I acquired when I was 17 is lost on the different branches of Christianity.

Among all the world's religions, Christianity probably has the most denominations, each claiming to be teaching the truth. Outreach for most denominations aim not only to convert non-Christians but also Christians from other denominations. What makes me sad is that most people are so certain that their beliefs are correct that they are unwilling to listen to what the other groups have to say. They want others to hear and listen to their message but are unwilling to do the same.

To claim that you have the truth and "force" it on others, unwilling to hear what the others have to say is just hypocritical. The search for the truth should be a two-way exchange of beliefs and information.

I do not believe that the members of this forum would fall into that category (else you probably wouldn't have signed up). I only wish to know if my observations are shared by other people..


Depends Upon My Mood..

I've experienced it ...Christian to Christian...

i have to tread lightly amongst "my own"...Including pre-qulaifying statements such as "I know I will get pummelled for this"...or "go ahead and throw stones"...

And I have to answer questions by other Christians such as "what kind of Christian are you"...or 'are you sure you are a Christian.."...

Because I dont live in a "God box"...with four sides and a lid on top...




Depends Upon My Mood..
Oh and I have been referred to as a "supposed" Christian...Or compared to "real women of God"..

Because I don't buy everything hook line and sinker..

I've also been "accused" of "picking and chooosing"...By those who in fact are "picking and choosing" themselves..Why???..Because it makes them feel better because we ALL pick and choose whether you admit it or not...




Little Joe Gould

Seeking God
I know all about this to. I go to a Pentecostal church and there are people there that are firmly against the Catholic church and other denominations which I have a lot of trouble understanding. It seems as though people like to dwell on differences rather than look for the commonalities which we all share to some degree or another. Aren't all Christians supposed to be the united body of Christ? Why we attempt to separate ourselves is beyond me.


Well-Known Member
I know all about this to. I go to a Pentecostal church and there are people there that are firmly against the Catholic church and other denominations which I have a lot of trouble understanding. It seems as though people like to dwell on differences rather than look for the commonalities which we all share to some degree or another. Aren't all Christians supposed to be the united body of Christ? Why we attempt to separate ourselves is beyond me.

This started back in 1054. There's no turning back the clock. We'll have to find a unity that transcends polity, and that sort of unity is what I think Jesus had in mind when he prayed that we would be one.


Let's go racing boys !
I find it amazing that Christians find it easier to condemn someone than to find any good in a person. I think a lot of people will be surprised when it comes down to judge not, lest ye be judged.

For the yardstick you lay on another may someday be used as a measure for you


Not your average Mormon
This started back in 1054.
It started a long, long time before that. Do you have any idea whatsoever how fragmented the first century Church was?

We'll have to find a unity that transcends polity, and that sort of unity is what I think Jesus had in mind when he prayed that we would be one.
While I agree, it sure doesn't appear likely to happen.


Premium Member
I have been told that I would go to "hell" because I had the wrong belief by fellow Christians. I used to post at Christian forums, but at times the fights between 2 Christians can be more volatile than some between theists and atheists. Some of the Christians there would take verses out of context and string them together with unrelated verses prove their points! I found that questionable at best. I failed miserable at them because I tried to play peacemaker between two people, but it seems when it comes to these superficial variances in Christianity, people take them very, very seriously indeed.
I am hoping that someday that people of the same faiths will come to accept small variances which make no difference whatsoever.

One more note- Another reason I stopped going to Christian forums is because of the constant attacking they did to Catholics and Mormons.

Vasilisa Jade

Formerly Saint Tigeress
Dallas, my coworker told me that the forum you speak of has gotten better, as in, the moderators actually started moderating. lol.

My "satanic" forum at it's worst doesn't have as dirty of fights as I sometimes saw there. lol.

This mentality you guys all speak of could cause a large number of people, particularly the younger generations, to break away from Christianity.

Christianity can be very valid and powerful. It is sad that those type of people sometimes weaken the infrastructure.

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
This started back in 1054. There's no turning back the clock. We'll have to find a unity that transcends polity, and that sort of unity is what I think Jesus had in mind when he prayed that we would be one.

It started before that:

Matthew 19:13-15 (NIV)

The Little Children and Jesus

13Then little children were brought to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked those who brought them. 14Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." 15When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there.


Matthew 18:1-4 (NIV)
The Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven

1At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" 2He called a little child and had him stand among them. 3And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Mark 9:38-41 (NIV)

Whoever Is Not Against Us Is for Us

38"Teacher," said John, "we saw a man driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop, because he was not one of us." 39"Do not stop him," Jesus said. "No one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me, 40for whoever is not against us is for us. 41I tell you the truth, anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to Christ will certainly not lose his reward.

Ego creates this superiority complex which is not compatable with God or Heaven. I think that's why Jesus said the true believers would be co-heirs with Him.


Miss Independent
Back in high school, I was a member of the Debating team, and in some competitions, while we knew of the topic weeks beforehand, we only know which side (for/against) we will take minutes before the actual debate. As such, we had to learn how to look at any argument from both sides of the coin. It pains me to realize that such a simple skill I acquired when I was 17 is lost on the different branches of Christianity.

Among all the world's religions, Christianity probably has the most denominations, each claiming to be teaching the truth. Outreach for most denominations aim not only to convert non-Christians but also Christians from other denominations. What makes me sad is that most people are so certain that their beliefs are correct that they are unwilling to listen to what the other groups have to say. They want others to hear and listen to their message but are unwilling to do the same.

To claim that you have the truth and "force" it on others, unwilling to hear what the others have to say is just hypocritical. The search for the truth should be a two-way exchange of beliefs and information.

I do not believe that the members of this forum would fall into that category (else you probably wouldn't have signed up). I only wish to know if my observations are shared by other people..

There arent so many christian denominations because they force people into believing what they believe. People are rarely forced into religion, unless their parents TELL them to go to church whether they like it or not. Or unless they are afraid to not go to church. Either way...no one can in itself force truth on you. Even if they tried...it cant be done.

Truth is truth...it cannot be forced...it needs to be caught. It isnt something that someone has in their hand and can force down you. Its rather more like a whisper, or a leaf blowing in the wind...here and there...until you spot it..and the light goes on!

The only thing worse than a christian trying to force their doctrine down your throught are non-christians who want to muzzle christians no matter what they say.

Sticking to your beliefs are considered by some to be a forceful attempt, when all it is, is a tree planted in sturdy ground...that wont be swayed by any storm.

Truth can be found in many places...so if someone shuns a christian just because they are a christian they have very well cut themselves of from some truth.

In the same way a christian that does not believe that there are other religions that have truths as well...cut themselves of in the same way.

I know that the term 'hypocrite' is something that has been coined by religion, but there are MANY hypocrites that do not practise religion.

I have found that some people who claim to not believe in god, in actual fact do...they are just trying to make him go away.


Well-Known Member
*Better that ye place a millstone around your neck & drop yourself into the deepest ocean than have any part in the harming of a child.*

My problem is with indoctrination of children,splitting them at the age of 5 according to their *religious* denomination & educating them seperately,which is divisive & insecure.

In saying that,some people are addicted to violence so religion can fill that need,takes the emphasis off of politics & politicians.

All you can do is sort yourself out,perfect yourself as best you can within & without,then hope others may be attracted & take a few leafs out of your book.

Voidian perspective is great,transcending all religious denomination.Where a person's worth is measured by his value to society & not by any other method.

In love,


Little Joe Gould

Seeking God
Where a person's worth is measured by his value to society & not by any other method.

In love,


I don't really agree with this. I think all people are of equal value whether or not they seem more or less valuable to society. Many people struggle with various issues that make them less suitable for the society in which they live and may make them feel very unworthy which just doesn't seem fair to me.


@ Heneni

by saying "forced", I was referring to the general attitude of people, not only Christians, to automatically reject other doctrines and principles solely because of the fact that it is "alien", different from their own teachings

You say that people are not forced into religion.. I would disagree, as most people "inherit" the faith in which they belong.. While not actually "forced" into a religion, they are brainwashed into the idea that what they have is the truth.. While I admit that many realize that there is more to the truth that what they were taught from childhood (else these forums wont exist), the majority are content with what they were given.

While I strongly believe in the Christian God, I sometimes think that I would have the same amount of conviction for whatever faith I could have been born into had my parents not been Christian. I had the fortune of having parents from two different Christian denominations, and this has given me a unique perspective on my faith.

Also, the term "hypocrite" is not coined by religion.. But religion would be the best place to find situations in which the term would apply.. A non-religious use of the word hypocrite would be to describe an adult telling children not to smoke while he himself smokes frequently or a politician promising to reduce corruption all the while pocketing the govt's money himself.

I use the term hypocrite to describe the Christian denominations and groups who teach and teach, "giving" you the "truth" while refusing to listen and "take" the truth that others have to offer.. Like I said, the search for the truth is a two-way exchange,.. give-and-take.. one cannot claim to have the truth while having only one's self as a source.


Well-Known Member
I don't really agree with this. I think all people are of equal value whether or not they seem more or less valuable to society. Many people struggle with various issues that make them less suitable for the society in which they live and may make them feel very unworthy which just doesn't seem fair to me.

meh,I have no problem leaving rapists & paedo's hog-tied nakkid for the lady pirates to slice with rusty razor's.......:flirt: meh,in an ideal world.

The point I was making was that your worth shall be judged by what you can create,not what you can destroy.Not wealth,real worth & value as a person.

You can have everything & yet have nothing,be an empty shell.The opposite is true,as well as everything else in between.

People struggling with issues are vrilliant as long as they are prepared to help themselves.


Premium Member
Other religions have more than one type, the Jews have Orthodox, Conservative, and Reformed. I know that Buddhists have more than one kind. I learned in a class that a long time ago that Buddhism and Hinduism were the same faith and separated. So Christians aren't the only ones. :)


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Back in high school, I was a member of the Debating team, and in some competitions, while we knew of the topic weeks beforehand, we only know which side (for/against) we will take minutes before the actual debate. As such, we had to learn how to look at any argument from both sides of the coin. It pains me to realize that such a simple skill I acquired when I was 17 is lost on the different branches of Christianity.....
Greetings Raffyv. Do you not see many more Christians regardless of differences coming together through the central principles exemplified by Jesus as Christ - love, golden rule, log in one's own eye, judge not, the Kingdom of Heaven, etc.?


I see it like this..you can't force Religion on anyone and what the issue has become in "todays" modern church "we" (i say we as a body of believers) have gotten so caught up in tradition that at times it becomes more out of necessity then truly doing this out of love for the father... People have moved so far past basic bible teaching that denomination or doctrine has become more inportant then the word of God....I see it like this there is 1 lord and 1 faith and if we try to focus on that aspect alone I believe things wouldn't be the way they are...Ima leave yall with this.....They say sunday morning (church time) is the most segregated time in America...as a people (everyone togeather) that shouldn't be... ya kno


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Not all churches are so... judgmental. I know I've attended a United Methodist Church in a few services and a few funerals, and I've also talked to members on the side, and I have no shame in telling them about my own Pagan beliefs and sharing my interpretations of the Bible, even if it differs from theirs, and neither do I have much shame(just some discomfort that I know is natural in such situations and can easily be ignored) in praying and singing along with others during the service. I still wear my pentagram ring during it, and make no effort either to hide it or flash it.

Nevertheless, I have witnessed hypocrisy among both Christians and non-Christians alike, in religious and non-religious topics, and from all denominations of all things. It's a trait that humans who know of an ideal and know it's good say so, but don't really practice it every minute so they can't remember it when it really counts. Hypocrisy is not conscious, I think, but subconscious, for the most part. That's just speaking from my personal experience, as I have many times even in recent weeks said and done hypocritical things without realizing it until later, and then feeling rather foolish. :cover:

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
What makes me sad is that most people are so certain that their beliefs are correct that they are unwilling to listen to what the other groups have to say.
Shenanigans. Show us your data to this effect if you will. You are merely ASSUMING that most are like this.
To claim that you have the truth and "force" it on others, unwilling to hear what the others have to say is just hypocritical.
Much like you have done here. You have drawn a fallacious conclusion, and presented it as Gospel. Hopefully, you see the hypocrisy in calling out others while missing your own failing.
The search for the truth should be a two-way exchange of beliefs and information.
Like looking for your keys, the "search" for the truth often stops when you feel that you have found it. However, I am a Christian, and my search for truth has yet to reach it's conclusion. You contend that I am an exception, and yet most of the Christians I associate with, seem to still have a thirst for finding the truth.
I do not believe that the members of this forum would fall into that category (else you probably wouldn't have signed up).
Already hedging your bets? There is hope.
I only wish to know if my observations are shared by other people..
They are not and are quite typical of many who claim enlightenment and yet display an intolerance towards a stereotype which they can not support!

BTW, as the former captain of my debate team in High School, I recommend that you take a moment to ID all of your logical fallacies.