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The hypocrisy of U.S. Society and Free Speech

Super Universe

Defender of God
I'm going by the most recent FBI definition.
The FBI Finally Ditches Its 80-Year-Old Definition of Rape
"Last year, the FBI finally updated the definition for the modern era. Rape is now defined as “penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.” Now, the FBI hopes that the statistics will finally reflect “a long list of sex offenses that are criminal in most jurisdictions, such as offenses involving oral or anal penetration, penetration with objects, and rapes of males” that had previously been erased from the big picture. The new definition also drops the “forcible” qualifier in favor of “without the consent of the victim,” encouraging jurisdictions to report rapes perpetrated without a show of physical force."

Yes...they have the uniform, the back-up, the patrol car, the badge, & the government granted right
to use deadly force against anyone who resists even an unlawful order. So when a cop sexually or
otherwise assaults a person, the victim's ability to resist or avoid it is severely limited.

Speaking as a business owner, I've no authority to assault anyone.

I'm not persuaded by a non-linked mention of an incident on an unnamed TV show.

No, I'd make a lousy cop if my fellows expected me to cover up their crimes.
You aren't saying that conspiracy to commit & cover up crimes is OK for cops, are you?

Well....this last paragraph is...special.

The FBI does not make law. They can come up with any interpretation they wish, it still doesn't make it a law.

Cops have the government granted right? Name one law that says that police have the right to do something that ordinary citizens cannot do. Just one.

When cop sexually assaults a victim their ability to resist is severely limited? And other rapists don't restrain or threaten their victims?

Business owners have no authority to assault someone? Sure you do. If a child tries to steal candy you can hold them until the cops or their parents arrive. If there is a fight in your store you can break it up. If a man starts beating his wife you can throw him down and jump on top of him. If a robber comes in with a gun you can pull a gun and shoot them. You did not know this?

You're not persuaded by my argument that cop rapists get prosecuted?


You'd make a lousy cop if your fellows expect you to cover up their crimes? You would not be a good cop because your goal would not be on catching criminals but instead it would be to take down another police officer.

Am I saying that conspiracy to commit and cover up crimes is okay for cops? Absolutely not. What I'm saying is that every group has bad apples in it. It doesn't matter what group, race, height, eye color, country, religion, left or right handed. Humans are disgusting beings.



Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
The FBI does not make law. They can come up with any interpretation they wish, it still doesn't make it a law.
Does this objection mean that you think their definition is wrong?
How would you define it?
Cops have the government granted right? Name one law that says that police have the right to do something that ordinary citizens cannot do. Just one.

When cop sexually assaults a victim their ability to resist is severely limited? And other rapists don't restrain or threaten their victims?

Business owners have no authority to assault someone? Sure you do. If a child tries to steal candy you can hold them until the cops or their parents arrive. If there is a fight in your store you can break it up. If a man starts beating his wife you can throw him down and jump on top of him. If a robber comes in with a gun you can pull a gun and shoot them. You did not know this?

You're not persuaded by my argument that cop rapists get prosecuted?


You'd make a lousy cop if your fellows expect you to cover up their crimes?

Am I saying that conspiracy to commit and cover up crimes is okay for cops? Absolutely not. What I'm saying is that every group has bad apples in it. It doesn't matter what group, race, height, eye color, country, religion, left or right handed. Humans are disgusting beings.

Self defense is not assault, sexual or otherwise.

Super Universe

Defender of God
Does this objection mean that you think their definition is wrong?
How would you define it?

Self defense is not assault, sexual or otherwise.

How would I define rape? It doesn't matter how I define it, I'm not Congress or a judge.

Self defense is not assault? Correct, and performing a cavity search is not rape.


Veteran Member
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Premium Member
I think we have the technology now in USA to scan people and so avoid cavity searches. Scanning is a better idea, and it would save police from having to do cavity searches. I think the police would prefer it and so would citizens. On site police could use a small handheld sonic scanner similar to a B-scan and then once in custody they could do a better more detailed scan.


Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Self defense is not assault? Correct,
You defined assault as such:
Business owners have no authority to assault someone? Sure you do. If a child tries to steal candy you can hold them until the cops or their parents arrive. If there is a fight in your store you can break it up. If a man starts beating his wife you can throw him down and jump on top of him. If a robber comes in with a gun you can pull a gun and shoot them. You did not know this?
None of those are assault.
performing a cavity search is not rape.
You're forgetting the incident in question involved a road side cavity search, which is not how they are to be performed. Doing it outside of their legal authority, where they have no authority and legal power to perform them, it does become rape.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
How would I define rape? It doesn't matter how I define it, I'm not Congress or a judge.
But as a poster on RF who disputes the widely accepted definition I use,
your objection makes me curious about your alternative.
Self defense is not assault?
It can be violent, but it is not assault.
Correct, and performing a cavity search is not rape.
You say that with such conviction.
But the FBI standard would disagree.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I think we have the technology now in USA to scan people and so avoid cavity searches. Scanning is a better idea, and it would save police from having to do cavity searches. I think the police would prefer it and so would citizens. On site police could use a small handheld sonic scanner similar to a B-scan and then once in custody they could do a better more detailed scan.

Except when they start saying "the scanner saw something," as they would "the dog smelled something," which is code for "we have no legal grounds to search you, and even though that dog that smelled dope isn't even actually here yet, we're going to search you anyways."


Veteran Member
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Premium Member
Except when they start saying "the scanner saw something," as they would "the dog smelled something," which is code for "we have no legal grounds to search you, and even though that dog that smelled dope isn't even actually here yet, we're going to search you anyways."
Are you saying the scanner is a bad idea?

Super Universe

Defender of God
You defined assault as such:

None of those are assault.

You're forgetting the incident in question involved a road side cavity search, which is not how they are to be performed. Doing it outside of their legal authority, where they have no authority and legal power to perform them, it does become rape.

I did not define assault. I provided some examples that some people might consider to be assault or not. If a robber comes into your store with a gun and you shoot him first, that robber might feel that he has been assaulted. There have even been cases like that where a criminal has sued the other person for shooting him.

None of my examples are assault? And performing a cavity search is not rape.

I'm forgetting the incident was a road side cavity search? I'm not. I stated that if what the lady is saying is true then the officers went too far.

Police have no legal authority to perform cavity search's outside? The police conduct investigations into crime. They smelled pot, probably because the lady had been smoking it while driving. How come that's not a problem for you?

The pothead losers who risk my life because they can't handle living their life without drugs are not the ones who make the rules for society. I want them in jail. The more time they spend in jail the less time they are risking my families lives on the road.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I did not define assault. I provided some examples that some people might consider to be assault or not. If a robber comes into your store with a gun and you shoot him first, that robber might feel that he has been assaulted. There have even been cases like that where a criminal has sued the other person for shooting him.

None of my examples are assault? And performing a cavity search is not rape.

I'm forgetting the incident was a road side cavity search? I'm not. I stated that if what the lady is saying is true then the officers went too far.

Police have no legal authority to perform cavity search's outside? The police conduct investigations into crime. They smelled pot, probably because the lady had been smoking it while driving. How come that's not a problem for you?

The pothead losers who risk my life because they can't handle living their life without drugs are not the ones who make the rules for society. I want them in jail. The more time they spend in jail the less time they are risking my families lives on the road.
I forgot: I am talking to someone who took it upon themselves to assume I'm a lazy bum who deals drugs and has never worked a day in her life.


Veteran Member
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Premium Member
Are you saying the scanner is a bad idea?

My only concern would be why there's a need to use it in the first place. Why have cavity searches or scanners to peep in to person's most private places? Looking for drugs, mainly, but that's yet another reason why the "war on drugs" is so utterly ludicrous.

What else is someone going to hide in their "cavity"? Top secret microfilms?


Veteran Member
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Premium Member
Besides, a scanner won't detect everything.
They also might try to scan anyone who had a minor traffic incident and make it a standard practice to know what was in their stomach, but I guess your point is that if a person is willing to hide it in their crotch than the police have no business looking for it even if it might be a weapon. We're talking about weapons. Gangs like to smuggle things into prisons and jails. What better way than to get someone arrested and hide the stuff where it won't be searched?


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
My only concern would be why there's a need to use it in the first place. Why have cavity searches or scanners to peep in to person's most private places? Looking for drugs, mainly, but that's yet another reason why the "war on drugs" is so utterly ludicrous.
Searches should be necessary for anyone who can smuggle things into jails or prisons. If we can replace that with a friendly scan then lets do so.

What else is someone going to hide in their "cavity"? Top secret microfilms?
Shivs or even guns. Yes even guns are found up people's crannies.