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The hypocrisy of U.S. Society and Free Speech

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Road side strip searches? Any evidence? You don't have any, do you?
'Rape by cop': A woman is suing police after she says they 'penetrated' her during roadside strip-search for marijuana
You're not a criminal? Suuuuure you're not. If anyone falls for that tell them I have some land on the moon that I will sell to them, cheap.
Then what are my crimes, since you are judging me?
Cops intimidate? People intimidate. Cops are people.
I've seen cops who do it without the intimidation factor. They are, in my experience, much more helpful, more friendly, and more approachable.
Oh, right, no one should be the police so you can get away with all the drug dealing you want to do because it's easy money and that's what is important to you, not working hard.
Thank you for assuming I'm a drug dealer.
You don't like how militarized the police have become? They've always had SWAT units and battering rams and riot vehicles. It's not new.
There are some police and sheriffs departments more heavily armed that some National Guard armories. Some are better equipped for war than law enforcement.
You don't like double jeopardy? Really?
No, I don't. The Constitution says no, and it's a very important right to uphold.
Those punk teens grow up addicted and lazy and don't graduate high school and sit at home and smoke pot all day long and play video games and living off mom and never support themselves.
Thank you for assuming they are addicted high school drop outs and sit at home all day instead of just being the kids they most likely are.
If you had ever really worked at a job you would understand that when it's lunch time, it's lunch time.
Thank you for assuming I've never really worked at a job, and not even considering I have worked myself into an operating room, struggled to keep myself going through bouts of depression and anxiety, degrading bosses, and understanding "it's lunch time." I still wouldn't leave my dog in the car like that or waste so much gas.
Can I make some baseless assumptions about you now that probably aren't based in reality?
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Mister Silver

Faith's Nightmare
I imagine some people have no problem excusing the atrocious behavior of cops any more than some theists have no issue excusing the monstrous behavior of their deities.


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***Mod edit. Quotation removed***

Actually, the laws against marijuana are clearly unconstitutional, and any official who would enforce or advocate such laws is as much as confessing that they've taken bribes from organized crime. Refusal to support legalization of marijuana is prima facie evidence of corruption and bribery. Bribery is a crime, which makes anyone who opposes marijuana legalization to be a criminal by default.
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Actually, the laws against marijuana are clearly unconstitutional, and any official who would enforce or advocate such laws is as much as confessing that they've taken bribes from organized crime. Refusal to support legalization of marijuana is prima facie evidence of corruption and bribery. Bribery is a crime, which makes anyone who opposes marijuana legalization to be a criminal by default.
Are you off your meds this morning?
(I am too.)


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Are you off your meds this morning?
(I am too.)

No, just giving someone a taste of their own medicine. Assuming someone is a criminal just because they're against police brutality went a bit too far.

Of course, I also went a bit too far, but it's one of those issues where you have to ask: Who benefits? Who benefits from making these substances illegal? It's clearly not for society's benefit or "safety" (or else many other "unsafe" things would also be outlawed).



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I've never liked this maxim.
It suffers from the inherent assumption that one sees all that remains.
This leads to unwarranted certainty of belief.
A lack of imagination defeats the claim.

I suppose it might work for mystery novels, but when it comes to trying to find sensible, rational reasons for something that seems pretty senseless (such as marijuana laws), it may not cover everything.

One might also ask why it was required to pass a Constitutional amendment to prohibit alcohol (along with another amendment to lift said Prohibition), but not for marijuana? The Constitution had to be specifically changed in order to give the government the power to outlaw alcohol. Shouldn't the same legal principle apply to marijuana?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
One might also ask why it was required to pass a Constitutional amendment to prohibit alcohol (along with another amendment to lift said Prohibition), but not for marijuana? The Constitution had to be specifically changed in order to give the government the power to outlaw alcohol. Shouldn't the same legal principle apply to marijuana?
The hypocrisy of politics, eh.

Super Universe

Defender of God
So she deserved to be raped by cops?
Or is it that cops are such strong believers in justice that they should be forgiven for raping someone?

Btw, that was just one instance of cops using rape when acting out against those lousy citizens.
Sexual assault is a thing with them. So is assault in general.
It continues because they're so seldom held accountable.

She deserved to be raped by cops? Not what I said. I said they were too rough, and that is only "IF" she is telling the truth. I got news for you, people who use drugs get cavity searches, that's not rape.

Sexual assault is a thing with cops? So it's not a thing with humans, it's just a thing with cops?

What society does not have police?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
She deserved to be raped by cops? Not what I said. I said they were too rough, and that is only "IF" she is telling the truth. I got news for you, people who use drugs get cavity searches, that's not rape.
A "cavity search" by the side of the road is rape.
Sexual assault is a thing with cops? So it's not a thing with humans, it's just a thing with cops?
With cops, it's a different thing because it's done under color of authority, & with a sense of impunity.
Ordinary non-cop humans are generally prosecuted for rape, & cops are diligent in pursuing them.
But when cops do it, other cops cast a blind eye, ie, the notorious "blue wall".
One example of them covering up crimes of their brethren....
3 NYC police officers charged in sodomy attack
What society does not have police?
I dunno.
Do you think that it's a choice with only 2 alternatives,
either no police, or police who are free to rape people?


Veteran Member
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The hypocrisy of politics, eh.

I think that's one of the things that really frosted me about Clinton. There was all this controversy during the '92 campaign when he said "I didn't inhale" (yeah right). But at least I thought he'd come out in favor of legalization, but that was not to be.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I think that's one of the things that really frosted me about Clinton. There was all this controversy during the '92 campaign when he said "I didn't inhale" (yeah right). But at least I thought he'd come out in favor of legalization, but that was not to be.
Have you not noticed that those who oppose some liberty others, will personally enjoy the same?
It's quite popular...often involving prostitutes, gay sex, & profligate spending.


Veteran Member
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Have you not noticed that those who oppose some liberty others, will personally enjoy the same?
It's quite popular...often involving prostitutes, gay sex, & profligate spending.

Yeah, I seem to recall that one GOP senator arrested for soliciting gay sex in a restroom at the Minneapolis airport. He denied it by saying that he tried it but he didn't inhale.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Here's another example of my why my non-criminal, non-drug dealing, not so lazy *** doesn't like cops:
After serving 3½ years of his 16-year sentence for killing a motorcyclist and injuring two others while driving drunk on the job, former Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Officer David Bisard is set to be released from prison Sunday.
Seven years ago, Bisard was racing to respond to a scene when he hit a group of motorcyclists stopped at a traffic signal on East 56th Street just west of I-465. He was later found to have a blood-alcohol level more than twice the legal limit.

While out on bail and awaiting trial, he was arrested again for driving under the influence.

Many complained the investigation reeked of a cover-up. The ensuing controversy rattled faith in law enforcement and upended IMPD, with the city's police chief and public safety director resigning after the mishandling of evidence.
Upon finding the links, I can also provide a video of police botching an arrest and calling in some other cops to help him cover his tracks and plant evidence. And that thing about a cop threatening the mayor here, it is no joke, and it happened because he was denied a day off.

Peru police officer ordered to stay away from chief, mayor
PERU – A Miami County judge has ordered a Peru police officer to stay away from the Peru mayor, police chief and a police lieutenant after they say he threatened to kill someone during a departmental meeting at the police station.

Judge Tim Spahr approved the three temporary restraining orders Thursday against Officer Jules Buffington after he made the threat on Monday.
And that reminded me of another instance where some Mr. Piggy thought tasing an elderly man with advanced Alzheimer's, while at a nursing home, was a good idea.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
But, what can I say? I've almost gotten use to being expected to support the rights of belligerent "patriots" while being told the same rights don't apply to others, including myself, if we don't agree with Sacred Nationalism. And that includes being expected to kiss the asses of every cop and military person you see.

Super Universe

Defender of God
A "cavity search" by the side of the road is rape.

With cops, it's a different thing because it's done under color of authority, & with a sense of impunity.
Ordinary non-cop humans are generally prosecuted for rape, & cops are diligent in pursuing them.
But when cops do it, other cops cast a blind eye, ie, the notorious "blue wall".
One example of them covering up crimes of their brethren....
3 NYC police officers charged in sodomy attack

I dunno.
Do you think that it's a choice with only 2 alternatives,
either no police, or police who are free to rape people?

A cavity search by the road is rape? I think it's definately going too far but it's not rape. I'm all for getting the dope off the roads but that is too much.

With cops it's done under color of authority? We all have some authority, a business owner can tell you to get out, a property owner can tell you to get off their lawn. If you don't want to follow the rules there are proper ways to change them but it's not about you getting your way.

Ordinary non-cop humans are prosecuted for rape? I saw a show on tv about a cop who was really raping women while on duty, he was eventually arrested and sent to prison. Cops are humans, humans are faulty beings. Who do you think should be the cops then?

Some cops cover up crimes of other cops? As if you would run around telling on others constantly and never keep quiet about anything.

Do I think it's either no police or police who are free to rape people? So that's what happened to you? You were raped by a cop? What law says that cops are free to rape people?

If you hate cops so much you can move to the middle of Alaska and live where there are no cops and you can smoke your pot all day long and no one will give a hoot.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Yeah, I seem to recall that one GOP senator arrested for soliciting gay sex in a restroom at the Minneapolis airport. He denied it by saying that he tried it but he didn't inhale.
You're wrongo pongo!
He blamed it on confusion on what his "wide stance" in the stall meant.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
A cavity search by the road is rape? I think it's definately going too far but it's not rape. I'm all for getting the dope off the roads but that is too much.
I'm going by the most recent FBI definition.
The FBI Finally Ditches Its 80-Year-Old Definition of Rape
"Last year, the FBI finally updated the definition for the modern era. Rape is now defined as “penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.” Now, the FBI hopes that the statistics will finally reflect “a long list of sex offenses that are criminal in most jurisdictions, such as offenses involving oral or anal penetration, penetration with objects, and rapes of males” that had previously been erased from the big picture. The new definition also drops the “forcible” qualifier in favor of “without the consent of the victim,” encouraging jurisdictions to report rapes perpetrated without a show of physical force."
With cops it's done under color of authority?
Yes...they have the uniform, the back-up, the patrol car, the badge, & the government granted right
to use deadly force against anyone who resists even an unlawful order. So when a cop sexually or
otherwise assaults a person, the victim's ability to resist or avoid it is severely limited.
We all have some authority, a business owner can tell you to get out, a property owner can tell you to get off their lawn. If you don't want to follow the rules there are proper ways to change them but it's not about you getting your way.
Speaking as a business owner, I've no authority to assault anyone.
Ordinary non-cop humans are prosecuted for rape? I saw a show on tv about a cop who was really raping women while on duty, he was eventually arrested and sent to prison. Cops are humans, humans are faulty beings. Who do you think should be the cops then?
I'm not persuaded by a non-linked mention of an incident on an unnamed TV show.
Some cops cover up crimes of other cops? As if you would run around telling on others constantly and never keep quiet about anything.
No, I'd make a lousy cop if my fellows expected me to cover up their crimes.
You aren't saying that conspiracy to commit & cover up crimes is OK for cops, are you?
Do I think it's either no police or police who are free to rape people? So that's what happened to you? You were raped by a cop? What law says that cops are free to rape people?
If you hate cops so much you can move to the middle of Alaska and live where there are no cops and you can smoke your pot all day long and no one will give a hoot.
Well....this last paragraph is...special.