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The Kindness Box


Resident megalomaniac
Loads of quotes including kindness and other similar topics -


"Kind words are the music of the world. They have a power which seems to be beyond natural causes, as though they were some angel's song which had lost it's way and come down to earth."

~ Frederick W Faber

Also checkout their menus for suggestions!


Resident megalomaniac
A little search for Zen habits kindness tosses up a few ...

For example -

The kindness section on this page -

7 Little Habits That Can Change Your Life, and How to Form Them : zen habits

How do you develop the kindness habit? First, make it a goal to do something kind for someone each day. At the beginning of the day, figure out what that kind act will be and then do it during the day. Second, each time you interact with someone, try to be kind, be friendly, be compassionate. Third, try to go beyond small kindnesses to larger acts of compassion, volunteering to help those in need and taking the initiative to relieve suffering.
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Resident megalomaniac

Another site with stories of kindness -

Stories of Kindness



Resident megalomaniac
Another book! -

Do you think it is possible to live life and love to the fullest with equanimity? Or, are you convinced that love, so often full of passion, emotion, and feeling, does not easily fit with the idea of equanimity? This is worth looking at, because love and equanimity are so basic and necessary to living a fulfilled life.Love gives you a heart connection to others; it is the essence of what is good and giving and nourishing in life. Equanimity centers you in difficult times, as well as helps you let go of what you cannot change. Both love and equanimity have a long history of being linked. It was more than 2,500 years ago, for example, that the historical Gautama Siddhartha (later known as Buddha) discovered that loving-kindness and equanimity were two timeless values he would need to perfect within himself in order to awaken and attain Buddha-hood. He described ten values in all - generosity, effort, patience, ethics, wisdom, concentration, truthfulness, resoluteness, loving-kindness and equanimity. I like to call these values a path to "living kindness" in daily life.

For the full article -

Living Life with Living Kindness by Donald Altman

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
I enjoyed this as a fun way of remembering that kindness also involves kindness to oneself since I first read it as "lives in my head!"

You know what scares me? When you have to be nice to some paranoid schizophrenic, just because she lives in your head.