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The Kindness Box


Resident megalomaniac
Videos about spreading a little kindness

Are you looking for activities, and video clips to teach kids about kindness, caring, friendship, and inclusion? I've gathered these videos just for you!

And if you’re looking for books on being kind and caring to others, be sure to check out this blog post!

If you want a kindness classroom lesson (that mixes SEL and STEM) check out this fun lesson here! If you want a whole class kindness project, be sure to check out The Creative Kindness Project here. And if you want 9 kindness activities, check that out right here!

In these videos you'll find read alouds, songs, and inspirational and motivational stories about kindness and caring.

Please PREVIEW each of these videos before using them with kids! Given the nature of the internet, some of these links may not work, or may change. Some videos may be more appropriate for different ages.

Find the videos here -



Resident megalomaniac
Tips for spreading kindness - several sites I have yet to check-out -

Kindness is infectious, wouldn’t you agree? It makes you feel good and also makes others feel appreciated and special. I wanted to share these ideas and simple ways to spread kindness.

In our fast-paced world, kindness is like a warm hug for the soul. The smallest act of kindness is a powerful force that can brighten someone’s day, heal hurts, and bring people closer together.

When we choose kindness, we not only make others feel good, but we also nourish our hearts.

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Resident megalomaniac
This video says at one stage -

"Let this idea guide you in your daily life. Make it your mission to sow seeds of kindness, love & respect wherever you go."

All the best


Resident megalomaniac
Karma acts of kindness - several - for example -

You focus on the present second or minute in mindfulness, with kindness training you just observe what’s happening, but always notice the “positives” and the kind moments. In the same way as a journalist can “spin” an article to be either positive or negative with the same facts, you can spin your mindfulness experience positively or negatively. This is concentrated kindness, a passive mindfulness techniques.

Also, acts of kindness are active mindful techniques—in the same way archery or kung fu are active mindfulness techniques in Zen/Chan Buddhism. Other examples of active kind mindfulness would be to stop and help when a person is in need, an injured person, simply opening a door for someone with too many bags, or any random act of kindness. Somewhat active, when you can’t stop and help, might be to say a sutra or mantra on behalf of a person or animal in need. I regularly say mantras to road kill along the highways.

Comes from this site -

Enjoy your browsing!


Resident megalomaniac
Am I a kind soul? As an existential question, it’s right up there with Why do I exist? Moreover, how do I know if I’m on the correct track?

Until a few years ago, the subject of kindness was at the bottom of everyone’s priority list. We had far more important things on our minds, such as climbing the corporate ladder and completing all assignments on time, until things came to a halt and the pandemic made its way into our lives. We started to question ourselves Am I a kind soul?

So what is the act of kindness? Are you a kind soul? Are you spreading good karma around?

Act of kindness is the act of choosing to help others or yourself out of real warm feelings.

Act of kindness, or doing good, frequently entails prioritising the needs of others over our own. It can be a warm embrace, a supportive smile, or a helpful hand when we need it the most – but don’t anticipate it.

It is like a deep cleaning breath in a world full of struggle and grief; it rejuvenates us with its purity, refreshes us with its goodness, and gives us the power to endure despite our difficulties. It not only makes us feel good but giving back and helping others has been shown to boost our own mental health and well-being as well. Let’s find out how.



Resident megalomaniac
Leads to - Ways To Be A Better Human Being -

Helping others may seem like an obvious route to becoming a better person. We often think of "good people" as those who are willing to sacrifice for others. This, in the minds of many, is what makes a person "good." However, good deeds can also make us better people because of the connection between altruism and emotional well-being.

According to research, it just may be true that it's better to give than to receive. So while you may feel too stressed and busy to extend help to others when it's not absolutely necessary, expanding your ability to focus on the needs of others can really help you as well. It’s true: Altruism is its own reward and can actually help you relieve stress.

Loads more at that site - if you have the time & the inclination!

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Resident megalomaniac
Have you ever wondered what the world would look like if everyone were kind to each other? Close your eyes and try to imagine for a moment a world dominated by a desire to be kind to one another, where kindness is everyone’s primary quality and concern.

Perhaps you imagine less conflict between people, a stronger sense of community, fewer barriers, more acceptance of, and a commitment to respect each other’s needs.

In this world, no one would try to intentionally harm anyone, consequently, there would be less pain in the world, and people’s mental health would improve as a result. For example, children would be less likely to grow up in abusive households and thus develop trauma-based issues in the future. In this more compassionate reality, when people experience the inevitable difficulties of life, these would feel less overwhelming due to the greater support they’d receive. Although this might sound like a very idealistic image, practising acts of kindness regularly is just what you need to make this more of a reality.

Very comprehensive article -

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac


Resident megalomaniac
Choosing kindness doesn't come easy to us. We are wired in a way that makes it much easier for us to react to something in a negative way. But does that mean that we should never try to choose kindness over negativity? Hell no!

This article discusses why we find it so difficult to choose kindness and explains the biases to cause our negative behavior. I'm going to show you why it's so difficult to choose kindness, and explain how you can change your actions to be more kind, compassionate, forgiving, and positive. There are 3 huge benefits to choosing kindness, that will convince you why it's better to always be kind to those around you.

If you want to learn more about this, then you're in the right place. After reading this article, you'll know when and how to be more kind to others, whenever you have the chance.

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Resident megalomaniac
Just like they say a smile is contagious, so is kindness. When you’re around negative people, it’s easy to jump on the negative train. Thankfully, quite the opposite is true so why not kill them with kindness? Negativity drains energy. Positivity sparks kindness. Going back to showing compassion – know that this person is acting this way because they need some love or perhaps they are having a tough day. So next time try going out of your way to establish a one-on-one connection, or do something nice for them.

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
Improve Your Empathic Listening Skills

Being an empathic listener makes someone an ideal conversation partner. It’s the reason why everyone else seems to gravitate around these type of people. It’s why they get along well with everyone in the office and can click almost instantly with every person they meet.

In case you didn’t know, empathic listening is an ability which means it can be learned through practice and repetition. So in this article, you will learn nine techniques you can use to improve your empathic listening skills.

Read the rest here -

Enjoy your browsing!


Resident megalomaniac
Divine creative love be a blessing to others

"Heavenly Father, Accept my request and Grant me knowledge, insight, and correctness to use kindness to eliminate bitterness, bigotry, insensitivity, and all the other disorders that run in the human race. Use me, Guide me, Lord, to adopt Your kindness and to be a stimulus for change. Amen."



Resident megalomaniac