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The Kindness Box


Resident megalomaniac
Being a considerate, kind person who thinks about others is a character trait that helps children form good relationships and leads to a happier life as an adult.

What does this mean for super competitive parents who want their children to succeed at all costs, even if it means cheating and being mean to others? It could be helpful for parents to know that research has clearly shown that kind people are happier people, and happier people, in turn, are more successful in life. In jobs and in future relationships, kindness will take our children “further in life than any college degree.”

Focusing on kindness needs to be a higher priority for everyone who cares about children.

In our cut-throat, competitive culture, where assertiveness and achievement are glorified and valued, focusing on developing kindness is often overlooked.

There are anti-bullying posters and speakers at most schools, but where is the message about the powerfully positive impact of kindness?



Resident megalomaniac
Practicing mindful speech kindness - several -

We’ve all had the experience of saying something we regret, wishing the floor would swallow us up whole, or momentarily wishing we were flexible enough from yoga to literally insert our foot into our mouth. But beyond blunders and bloopers, we’ve all struggled to effectively communicate and be heard by others. If you are reading this, you may be wondering when and whether mindfulness can help.

Mindful and compassionate speaking isn’t just an ethical choice—mindful speech is simply more effective. What’s more, these guidelines are useful online, where anonymity and impulsivity can bring out less than the best in humanity. Practicing mindful speech may prove challenging, but the rewards of effective and positive communication that causes less harm to everyone are well worth it.



Resident megalomaniac
Show kindness depressed

A new study has found that small acts of kindness can improve symptoms of depression. More than 600 mildly depressed volunteers participated in the online study. They were asked to participate in one of three online training programs or a control group, complete exercises, and report back every other day for three weeks. Two months later, the study found that the participants deemed the most disagreeable had the biggest relief from depressive symptoms and the biggest increase in life satisfaction. How did they accomplish this? They performed small acts of kindness for people in their close relationships. The study authors explained that disagreeable people often lack empathy, even for those close to them. They don’t cooperate and often have turbulent relationships in which they might be rejected or antagonized. This creates a lot of stress and unhappiness as disagreeable people essentially exist in a hostile social climate. The researchers addressed this problem in a way that was almost too obvious: they gave these disagreeable participants some specific ideas for how they might show kindness and empathy to people close to them. This intervention only took about 15 minutes a day and had a significant impact on the participants’ quality of life. The study also tested the effects of loving-kindness meditation. Participants spent about 10 minutes a day thinking about someone and directing positive feelings toward that person, using phrases like, “May you be happy,” “may you be safe,” and so on. This also had positive effect on all participants, but the disagreeable participants were helped most by performing simple acts of kindness. As more agreeable people are probably kinder to their loved ones to begin with, it makes sense this intervention had less impact on them, although it certainly couldn’t hurt. Another study found that happy people are kinder than unhappy people. The study also found that you can increase your happiness just by counting your own acts of kindness, even if you were already happy. This is perhaps because being kind to people in need reinforces your own sense of gratitude. Helping others makes you appreciate what you have and it boosts your self-esteem because you can be valuable to another person. Kindness also gets you out of your own head. When you’re depressed or unhappy, you tend to dwell on your own problems. That’s not to say these feelings aren’t valid, just that they’re too much in the foreground. Helping someone else makes you consider things from their perspective and interrupts your rumination. This is one reason why 12-step programs emphasize volunteering. Many people who struggle with addiction are also depressed. Volunteering helps you connect with others and be of service. It also doesn’t hurt that you help to create a more harmonious social environment to live in.



Resident megalomaniac
40 Empathy activities

What do you think are the most important traits to encourage in a child’s development?

This is an inherently personal question, one that will provoke a wide variety of answers from parents, educators, and researchers around the world.

There are so many traits and abilities that can add to a child’s likelihood of success that it’s hard to pick just a few.

Not only are there seemingly endless traits that could contribute to a child’s success, everyone has their own unique view on the ideal traits for a child (and, eventually, an adult) to possess.

I certainly don’t intend to tell you that the two traits I am about to discuss are the most important, but it could be argued that these two traits are among those most in need of encouragement in young people. Many assume that they will develop naturally in children, so any extra time spent encouraging them is time that could be better spent on studying math, practicing the piano, or playing basketball.

The full-article is here -



Resident megalomaniac
Try - edutopia.org kindness -

A school in Cork, Ireland, Gaelscoil Mhichíl Uí Choileáin, replaces homework with acts of kindness for an entire month. Each day of the week has a theme: On Mondays, students communicate with an elderly person. On Tuesdays, they are tasked with helping their parents in some way. On Wednesdays, they find a random act of kindness to perform, and on Thursdays, they focus on self-care by doing something that makes them feel good about themselves. During the week students leave charitable observations of their peers in a “kindness bucket,” and at a Friday assembly, the school shares a few of the kind thoughts. Throughout the month, students document and reflect on their actions in gratitude diaries.



Resident megalomaniac
Kindness relieve suffering -

The world is full of pain and suffering that we are powerless to eliminate and kindness is the most powerful and easily accessible remedy to reduce the hurt of human suffering. At this challenging moment in human history, kindness is not a luxury, it is a necessity. Research has shown that people tend to feel happier and less stressed after they have done something kind for someone else. Putting kindness out into the world not only creates a more enjoyable environment for everyone around you but also makes your own life better. We all have the power to turn someone’s day around and do good for ourselves in the process. Practice kindness and see what happens in your life.

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
Self-compassion is defined as extending to yourself the same kindness and care that you would offer to a good friend. You are just as deserving of the love, acceptance, and kindness that you would extend to a friend in need, in spite of what your “inner critic” might say at times.

Includes this video -



Resident megalomaniac
HandUp is a technology platform allowing people to donate directly to a specific homeless person through the website, also showing that they care by sending messages. Potential donors can browse different homeless people’s personal profile pages. They can read their stories, learn about their aspirations in life and how they became homeless, watch a video profile, and understand what they need money for.

Here is the page it comes from -



Resident megalomaniac
As a scholar of Buddhist studies, I have researched the ways in which Buddhist monks talk about kindness and compassion toward all beings.

The Dalai Lama has famously been quoted as saying “My true religion is kindness.” Although there is more to Buddhism than just kindness, Buddhism’s teachings and exemplary figures, I believe, have much to offer to a world experiencing intense suffering.



Resident megalomaniac
Zen kindness

What’s so important about loving kindness? Well, compare loving kindness with how we normally go through life:
  • Normally: We get stressed, frustrated, angry, anxious, overwhelmed, and then deal with it by running away and going to comfort foods and distractions (or other comforts). With kindness: We might still feel these difficult feelings, but then give ourselves compassion and loving kindness to help deal with it.
  • Normally: We mess up somehow, either by not sticking to a diet or a new habit we’re creating, or not being the person we want to be … and then we feel guilty, beat ourselves up about it, etc. With kindness: When we mess up, we notice the feelings of guilt or harshness and then deal with it by giving ourselves compassion and loving kindness.

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
Bible quotes kindness


Many more -

Enjoy your browsing!


Resident megalomaniac
Bring Happiness to Others

Do you ever get that special feeling inside you when you bring joy to others? It’s like your day is a little brighter, your shoulders are a tad lighter, and you seem to not mind that you’ve exerted time, effort, and even money just to make someone else happy.

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
Homelessness is a complex and pressing issue that affects millions of people around the world. It is a condition that is often misunderstood and stigmatized, and is often seen as a personal failing rather than a systemic problem.

In this article, we will explore some of the most thought-provoking and insightful quotes about homelessness, and consider how these words can help us to better understand and address this crucial issue.

From the perspective of people who have experienced homelessness and their advocates, to the observations of social commentators and policymakers — these quotes offer a wide range of perspectives on the challenges and realities of homelessness — and offer inspiration and opportunity to make a difference.

Read more -



Resident megalomaniac
When the world feels heavy, it's easy to question whether it's worthwhile to have faith in humanity. Our team of journalists spends each day look at the day's most heart-breaking news stories — but as a positive news media company, we do things a bit differently.

For every bad news story we encounter, we always take an extra step and "look for the helpers." And time after time — no matter what is happening in the world — we always find countless examples of people making a difference in the world.

Despite seeing the weight of the world, we still have a lot of hope in humanity. And we believe you should too.

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
In an age where we can pick a fight with a stranger we haven’t even seen in person, kindness seems like an option more than a virtue. We tend to be kind only to those people we like and block those we hate. It’s become easier for us to criticize people for their faults without even acknowledging the good things they’ve done.

Is this really the kind of world we want the next generation to inherit?

In the bible, it says:

“A man who is kind benefits himself, but a cruel man hurts himself.” (Proverbs 11:17)

Indeed, kindness begets kindness. If you want to be treated with kindness, then be kind to others. This is the lesson we need to impart to our children. Nothing ever good comes out of cruelty. Thus, in every waking moment, choose to be kind. No matter who that person is, where they’re from, or how they’ve treated you.

Loads more at that site if you was still curious!



Resident megalomaniac
The Golden Rule is first of all empathy. To paraphrase, “In all situations consider what the people around you feel and do for them what you would want them to do for you. This summarizes the Bible.”

This is Soul Shepherding, caring for and guiding the deep flow of someone’s life to engage with the living presence of the Spirit of Jesus. We’re companioning people through empathy and prayer to cultivate a deeper experience of God’s grace.

All the best!

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
'So many gods, so many creeds
So many paths that wind and wind,
While just the art of being kind
Is all the sad world needs'
- Ella Wheeler Wilcox

This is a thread for enlightened sayings and teachings on the topic of kindness.

The Kindness Box, add to it or take from it ....
Yup. Be excellent to each other.