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The Kindness Box


Resident megalomaniac
Ways to Make a Difference in the World

Increasingly, social media can be used to raise money for good causes. My friend Kyra sold T-shirts on Facebook to raise money for an organization she wanted to support. And Patrick asked friends to donate to a charity for his birthday present. You can do things like this too. By making your online interactions less about yourself and more about making a positive difference for others, you'll likely feel better about yourself and boost your happiness.



Resident megalomaniac
Ways to Cultivate Kindness Online

Children spend more time with digital media — an average of 53 hours per week — than any other single pursuit, including sleep. Researchers are concerned that this technology overload may be interfering with the development of compassion and kindness.

Sara Konrath, whose 2010 study suggested a recent and dramatic decline in empathy among college students, points to video games, social media and reality TV as culprits. Others worry about the exposure to violence, and about virtual connections replacing face-to-face friendships, which can weaken social skills. Spending time on "screens" is inevitable in modern life, but parents can help turn that time into a healthy pursuit. This month we offer ideas for using technology to enhance, rather than diminish, the growth of kindness.



Resident megalomaniac
It's no secret that bullying is a problem in schools. All too often children are teased, excluded, or made to feel inferior because of their appearance, intelligence, or interests. But there is hope. Kindness has the power to change the culture of a school and create an environment where everyone is respected and valued. When children are kind to one another, they build relationships and trust. They also set an example for others to follow. As more and more children act with kindness, the climate of the school will begin to change and bullying will become less tolerated. So let's encourage our children to be kind. It's one of the most important things they can do to make their school a better place.



Resident megalomaniac
Kindness is not just a habit for priests and other do-gooders. It’s a habit for all of us. Medical science has proved that being kind alters our body chemistry and brings all sorts of benefits, including improving our mood, lowering our blood pressure and increasing our positive thinking.

Acts of kindness boost production of serotonin, a natural antidepressant in the brain, for the giver, the receiver and those who witness the kind acts. Kindness is such a beautiful thing. Reports actually show being kind not only improves your happiness, but also extends your life span.

To be a better, happier person, you need to be kind every day, all the time. That includes being kind to both those you like and those you dislike or disagree with. If you are unkind to others, it tends to cause more harm to you than to the person you are performing unkind acts to.



Resident megalomaniac
If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you’re active on social media. But do you realize how empowered you are to transform the online world for the better? Have you ever thought about who influences the content of social media? You do!

There are now over 3.5 billion people who regularly spend time on social media and these numbers are rising.

Sadly, there are those who abuse social media by trolling, bullying and creating posts that invoke hatred. Others use Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to create jealousy-inducing posts. Even if such posts are not inflammatory, they can trigger depression and jealousy in viewers who often feel as if their own lives do not measure up.

Here’s where you can make a huge change. Be positive online! Just as you aim to be a better person in your daily life, do so on screen. Every posting, like, and share impacts others and you have the power to uplift. Here are five tips to assist you in being positive online. And it’s catchy - when you start, others will follow!

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
In today's fast-paced world of buzzing devices and 24/7 jobs, finding time is often the main barrier to doing good – whether it be volunteering, donating, or learning a new skill. A new social enterprise called Me to We is looking to solve that issue by bringing worthwhile products, volunteering experiences and more together on one positive platform.

Part of a family of organizations that includes Free the Children and We Day, Me to We sells products from handmade African jewelry and inspirational books, to funky T-shirts and assorted greeting cards. Half of the profits raised are donated to Free the Children – the same organization that Change Heroes works to support.

Aside from the shop, Me to We organizes volunteer trips to countries like Ghana, India and Ecuador, for youth, schools, universities, families and corporate groups. Participants volunteer alongside locals on various development projects, while at the same time taking in local cuisine and activities, and even learning some of the language.

The newest addition to Me to We is the "Speakers Bureau," which hooks up inspiring speakers with groups across the globe. The initiative fits perfectly with the enterprise's goal of shifting the world from ‘me’ to ‘we’ — whether it be by giving, making choices about what to buy or what to wear or the activities in which we choose to engage.



Resident megalomaniac
Today – November 13 – is World Kindness Day, a day dedicated to highlighting the good in the global community. From Japan to Australia, Nigeria to the United Arab Emirates, people across the earth mark the day with events such as The Big Hug, The Kindness Concert and the Global Flashmob. Here at Goodnet, we've pulled together five heart-warming acts of kindness – to prove that people really are awesome, and maybe even inspire another act or two. Have a great day!



Resident megalomaniac
Religious charities are among many other organisations that are using digital technology to tackle issues like poverty and discrimination, and using them to help inform the public about their causes. From designing apps and new products, to using VR, here we showcase some of our favourite examples of religious charities winning with digital.

Ten religious charities doing great things with digital

All the best


Resident megalomaniac
Charity is not just about giving. It is also in how we treat others. Charity is in how you make a stranger feel welcome, in how you make others feel good about themselves, in how you help a disabled man cross the street – it’s literally in everything we do.

So wherever you are and whatever you do, practice charity as much as you can. And don’t forget to inspire others to do the same too. If you don’t know where to start, using these charity quotes in your fundraising activities is a great way to get it going:



Resident megalomaniac
If you're wondering how to help a homeless person on the street, this list of great ideas will help you and your kids understand how to help the homeless where you live.

In September of 2007 Jon Linton began gathering imagery to document the homeless on the streets of Phoenix Arizona. That Fall he had volunteered both time and resources at a local homeless shelter to better understand the circumstance and plight of those without a place to call home. His project took shape, when the first man he photographed wept as he asked him his name. “You have no idea how long it has been since someone cared to ask my name”, he stated.

Through the course of this journey Jon has met many souls that through a bad set of circumstances, addiction or mental illness find themselves without a door to walk through at day’s end. They had fallen into what some had referred to as an “Invisible World". The I Have a Name Project is a humble attempt to bring dignity and humanity to those less fortunate among us.

Loads more at that site!


Resident megalomaniac
How to start a kindness club - several! -

Are you looking for something to help lift the spirits of your students and co-workers? If so, there is nothing quite like a compliment to do that! The effects of compliments are not only powerful, but are long lasting too. I bet you can still recall a compliment you received many years ago - think about how much power those few words have had on your life. What a wonderful gift to give our students to be able to give and receive that joy!

Watch the video below to see the true power of what giving compliments can do for not only others, but yourself too! It's a great video to show your students as well, and hopefully will encourage them to give more compliments:



Resident megalomaniac
The Act of Kindness: How To Spread Good Karma Around

Am I a kind soul? As an existential question, it’s right up there with Why do I exist? Moreover, how do I know if I’m on the correct track?

Until a few years ago, the subject of kindness was at the bottom of everyone’s priority list. We had far more important things on our minds, such as climbing the corporate ladder and completing all assignments on time, until things came to a halt and the pandemic made its way into our lives. We started to question ourselves Am I a kind soul?

So what is the act of kindness? Are you a kind soul? Are you spreading good karma around?

Act of kindness is the act of choosing to help others or yourself out of real warm feelings.



Resident megalomaniac