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The Kindness Box


Resident megalomaniac
"Be about ten times more magnanimous than you think yourself capable of being."

Cheryl Strayed

To be "ten times more magnanimous" than we believe ourselves capable of suggests that we should push the boundaries of our own generosity. It challenges us to exceed our expectations of what we can give, whether that be in terms of forgiveness, compassion, or understanding.

At its core, this quote is a call for empathy and compassion in our dealings with others. It acknowledges that we often underestimate our capacity for kindness and generosity, and it challenges us to exceed those limitations. It's a reminder that our ability to show compassion and forgiveness can have a profound impact on our relationships and on the world around us.



Resident megalomaniac
The power of giving

Master Sri Avinash shares how quickly the power of giving transforms a life of misery and insecurity into unimaginable love and beauty.

I’d like to share how the power of giving changed my life.

There was a time when I was very miserable and insecure. I was always telling my sad stories and seeking sympathy from others. At the time, I could not feel love in my heart and I was yearning to get out of the misery.

Then I read a book that said something like, “Whatever you want for yourself, give it to another. If you give to another, then you’re going to have that.” Whatever we want for ourselves, if we give it to others then we will have that. The book said that this is the ultimate truth because we are all one.

My heart felt very touched by that idea. There was something beautiful about it—it wasn’t just some information. My heart connected with the beauty of it and it had a big impact on me. I didn’t know for sure if it was true or not, but I was in such a desperate situation in my life that I was willing to give anything a go.

So I decided consciously to start living a life of giving.

Enjoy the rest of your browsing!


Resident megalomaniac
Did you know that the term kindness may have come from an ancient Germanic word describing family?

Kindness is the essence of what makes human beings uniquely humans. While animals can do wonderful things, they’re driven by instinct, we can choose consciously to be kind, or not.

With Christmas coming and winter upon us people naturally start to reflect on their year and what kind of person they are, let’s explore some kindness quotes to point our thoughts in the right direction.

A kind word can make someone’s day, who then goes on to do something kind for someone else, and thus world peace is achieved, and most problems are solved. Life is more complicated than that, but not so much that the above words aren’t true.

While it can be challenging to be kind when the people around aren’t as reciprocating, that’s often where kindness is needed the most.

Striving to be more kind holds enormous potential, hopefully, some of the quotes below can help you understand and reflect on kindness in your life more deeply.

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
“I believe we are all connected. I do believe in positive energy. I do believe in the power of prayer. I do believe in putting good out into the world. And I believe in taking care of each other.”

Harvey Fierstein



Resident megalomaniac
For the American environmentalist and Professor David W. Orr, “the planet does not need more successful people. But it does desperately needs people of moral courage willing to join the fight to make the world habitable and humane”.

Being kind is the way forward. It is fundamental to human existence. In fact, everyone is affected by an act of kindness: it is contagious and you never know just how big of an impact a small gesture of kindness can have. It also improves our quality of life in the workplace as well as in the community. It brings people together. Kindness has many benefits including increased happiness and a healthy heart. It slows down the ageing process and improves relationships and connections, which indirectly boosts your health.

A kind word, a smile, opening a door, or helping carry a heavy load can all be acts of kindness. Celebrating someone you love, giving honest compliments, sending a thank-you note, are all ideas about how to practice compassion and love into this world. Kindness.org found also that kindness to family and friends, strangers, and self, all had equally positive effects on boosting happiness and well-being (Curry, Rowland, et al., 2018).

However, a lot of people still confuse kindness with politeness.



Resident megalomaniac
As the world continues to navigate through COVID, midlife parents are looking for more productive ways to handle everyday life. There’s no road map or master class that gives us instructions or guides us on this leg of our journey because it’s an unprecedented time that requires us to determine the best path for ourselves and our families. However, no matter how difficult life may seem, every day we must recognize that each experience is there for us to teach our children and have them learn and be strengthened by our actions and reactions to what is going on around us.

Every minute, they are learning from us, from the mundane to the more serious, and this stays with them throughout their growing years. As parents, we are ultimately their role models, their teachers -the ones they carefully watch, observe, listen to – in our interactions with them, and others. Our communication is less about what we say and more about our actions, our expression and gesticulation, even our outward energy. In every instance, we must remember the importance of being responsive, not reactive, and to think clearly with a level head and making rational decisions.

Loads at that site!


Resident megalomaniac
“You don’t have to move mountains. Simply fall in love with life. Be a tornado of happiness, gratitude, and acceptance. You will change the world just by being a warm, kind-hearted human being.”

Anita Krizzan

“Sometimes miracles are just good people with kind hearts.”


“We can’t heal the world today, but we can begin with a voice of compassion, a heart of love, an act of kindness.”

Mary Davis

“Kindness is invincible, but only when it’s sincere, with no hypocrisy or faking. For what can even the most malicious person do if you keep showing kindness and, if given the chance, you gently point out where they went wrong—right as they are trying to harm you?”

Marcus Aurelius

Many more here -

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
Doing good is more than just a commendable act; it’s a reflection of our innermost values and the manifestation of our shared humanity.

When we choose to uplift others, champion justice, or simply spread kindness, we’re weaving a tapestry of positivity that can ripple through communities and change the world.

Throughout history, countless individuals — from grassroots activists to global leaders — have demonstrated the profound impact that a single act of goodness can create. Their actions have not only transformed communities, but they’ve also ignited movements, inspiring others to step forward and carry the torch.

Of course, this is exactly why I founded Good Good Good — to help celebrate good news stories about people doing good... and to help more people join in and get involved in doing good.

We’ve curated an array of quotes centered around the essence of doing good — capturing the wise words of those who have dedicated themselves to making a positive difference.

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
Mega-food blogger Aimee Wimbush-Bourque of Simple Bites emailed me recently to say that, after meeting with another big blogger, they decided “blogging isn’t enough anymore. We want to use our platforms to help others, to do some good, to make a difference.”

So Amy contacted World Vision, and began raising funds for hunger relief in Kenya. She created recipe cards as part of a box of Kenyan products, which she promoted on Instagram.



Resident megalomaniac
Bloggers Who Help Others - quite a few!

With so much bad news in the world today, from global disasters to national budget cuts, sometimes it’s good to be reminded that not everything out there is terrible. In fact, there’s a lot going on across the globe and country which is truly great – but receives little attention.

To help you look on the brighter side, and to inspire you to “be the change you want to see”, we’ve collected five of our very favourite charity blogs.

From national charities with very specific causes, to larger initiatives with broader intentions, the key similarities between these charities is that they all do a great job of running passionate, informative and inspiring blogs that will make you want to get out there and do something awesome.



Resident megalomaniac
Keeping up with every quality piece of content published by and for fundraisers on the web every day would be a full time job in and of itself. There’s absolutely no way you could read it all.

While there are many very well-known speakers and writers who boast tens of thousands of daily readers and followers, we wanted to highlight some lesser-known hidden gems – as well as some long-established publishers – that may change the way you think about and perform your job.



Resident megalomaniac
I felt like the worst mother in the world, and I yearned for the days when an Arthur Band-Aid and a kiss would heal any hurt. This kind of pain, this kind of struggle made me feel helpless. Although we were getting help, the progress was slow and laborious. Surely there was something left in my mama bag of tricks I hadn’t yet tried, if only I could think of it.

Since my daughter Brooke and I have been open about her battle with anxiety, she’s had the privilege to walk with a number of friends who are experiencing similar kinds of problems. As we were talking the other day about the kinds of conversations she has had with friends who are hurting, I asked her what she told them. How did she help? She offered these profound words:

I just remember what I wanted to hear.

So I asked her, Tell me. What did you want to hear when you were struggling?



Resident megalomaniac
From Listening to Assisting: 10 Steps to Support Someone Struggling with Mental Health

It's RUOK Day, which serves as a reminder to get in touch with those around you and check to see how their mental health is doing. But have you considered what's next, and how you can help and support them going forward?

When someone close to us, be it a family member, friend, or colleague, bravely admits, "I'm not okay," it can evoke a flurry of emotions: concern, anxiety, and the urge to help. It's essential to approach the situation with the utmost empathy, understanding, and care. But how exactly should you navigate this delicate situation? Let's dive in.

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
“To be kind is more important than to be right. Many times what people need is not a brilliant mind that speaks but a special heart that listens.”

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Enjoy your browsing


Resident megalomaniac
110 Heartwarming 'Merry Christmas' Wishes to Write in a Card

The chestnuts are roasting, your stockings are hung by the chimney with care and Jack Frost has just begun nipping at your nose. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, and that means it's time to start making a list and checking it twice. The holiday season has arrived and it's officially time to send out your Christmas cards.

There are two types of people in this world: Those of us who finish their cards in October and those of us skidding over the river and through the woods to get them in the mailbox before Christmas Eve. Whichever category you fall into, once you've got the whole family to sit still long enough for festive photos, you've still got to figure out exactly what to write in a Christmas card.



Resident megalomaniac
Christmas kindness -

Want to include some Christmas acts of kindness as part of your holiday celebrations? Here are 22 ideas to help your family reach out to help others. Round up your children and join our conspiracy of kindness. Includes a fun printable to post during the holidays.

Oh how I enjoy the few weeks before Christmas. I delight in the decorated houses, the joy of the young children, the music, and the cheerful greetings.

I love hearing from family and friends across the world. This Christmas we shall be traveling to meet up with my boys for a Christmas celebration. What a marvelous time of year!

And yet what a challenge!

All that commercialism. The pressure and the expectations.

Read the suggestions here -

Enjoy your browsing!