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The Kindness Box


Resident megalomaniac
Empathy comes from ancient Greek; the prefix “em-” means “in,” and “pathos” for “feeling.” So literally, empathy means, “in feeling.” There’s a lot of confusion about this term, some people see it as weak, or dangerous, and talk about being too empathetic. As we’ll explain below, that’s probably not the issue.

To be “in feeling” with ourselves or someone else, we’re connecting at an emotional level. There’s a great article introducing the neurobiology of empathy from a day we spent with neuroscientist Marco Iacoboni learning about mirror neurons.

At Six Seconds, one of the core emotional intelligence competencies we measure (on the Six Seconds emotional intelligence test, SEI) and focus on developing is: Increase Empathy.

Enjoy your browsing!


Resident megalomaniac
This mindfulness quote has a kind word in it -

"When consciously and kindly focusing awareness on life as it unfolds minute by precious minute, you are better able to savor each experience. Also, being closely attentive gives you the opportunity to change unwise or painful feelings and responses quickly. In fact, being truly present in a mindful way is an excellent stress reducer and, because of that, can be seen as consciousness conditioning, a strengthening workout for body, mind, heart, and spirit."

Comes from this site which has a load more quotes!

All the best


Resident megalomaniac
Showing kindness to others will spark a sense of joy for both parties. If you make kindness part of your daily habits, you’ll do good for your own well-being even without realizing it. You can show kindness to others in various ways, including giving positive compliments, listening to their problems and providing solutions depending on your ability, staying connected to other people, giving care packages from time to time, expressing your empathy, helping your colleagues complete their tasks, babysitting for free and making unexpected and surprise visits to your friends and family. A 2005 study whose objective was to find whether there was a relationship between happiness and kindness found out that the happiest people had actually performed different acts of kindness to others.



Resident megalomaniac
How to Be Kind with Strangers.

We don’t hear the word "kind" a lot any more. It’s sort of out of fashion. But I love it. How could you give a bigger compliment than describing someone as "kind"? What’s better than showing someone kindness? Being kind is all the good things. It's selflessness, beauty of heart, reaching out, compassion – manifested.

It’s easy to forget to be kind. What a quaint concept in this obnoxious world. I’ve forgotten for the past little while. Pushing through a sea of frantic suits up the escalators at Southern Cross Station every day probably hasn’t helped.

But I’ve started thinking about it again, after a hiatus. Perhaps it was my housemate who prompted me, one dusk on our deck. She told me about a magical counsellor she had as a teenager, who would visit her at home and listen to her and help her resolve stuff. This magic lady told my housemate to write a list of all the people who’ve ever done anything kind for her. My housemate said when she started writing, it just poured out of her. All the moments people had helped her. It took up pages.

Enjoy your browsing!


Resident megalomaniac
New Year’s Resolutions - Persevering with Kindness

Do you make New Year’s resolutions each year and find it hard to persevere? Do you beat yourself up when you fail? This year I have a few resolutions. At the top of my list is being kind to myself.

This being kind to myself is fairly new thing for me.

For a long time I've been a big fan of driving myself with fear and self-criticism. I would speak to myself in a way that I'd never consider taking to a friend, or let's face it, even someone I found quite difficult. This constant self-flagellation worked to a point. I finished my degree and I got a good job. Yet, no matter how well I did, I always felt as though I'd never done quite enough, that I needed to work even harder. Worse still, I felt as though I was never good enough! If only I was smarter, more beautiful, more interesting, more—something. This lack of self-worth trickled into my personal relationships. I couldn't draw boundaries with friends and I went out with people who weren't very caring or considerate.

My life changed when I came across a quote by psychologist and happiness coach, Robert Holden (About Robert | Robert Holden, Ph.D.), it said, 'No amount of self-improvement can make up for a lack of self-acceptance'. For me this was such a simple yet radical idea. I'd always tried so hard to be better, but I'd never even considered being kind and accepting of myself as I was! At first I wasn't fully convinced. I was worried that it was self-indulgent, that I might lose motivation.

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
The Quaker conviction is that as we go deeper into ourselves we shall eventually reach a still, quiet centre. At this point two things happen simultaneously. Each of us is aware of our unique value as an individual human being, and each of us is aware of our utter interdependence on one another.

George Gorman


Resident megalomaniac
How to provide emotional support

Have you ever reached for your phone and texted a friend when you had a bad day? Or called your aunt to vent about that stressful family dinner? Did your colleague complain about the stressful day at work? If so, then you experienced the positive effects of emotional support. In this article, we’ll talk about emotional support, how to give and receive it, and what strategies you can use to build a support system.

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
What to say to brighten someone's day -

A simple compliment or kind words can go a long way in making someone’s day. Whether it’s just to tell them you appreciate them, remind them that everything will be alright, or just let them know you’re thinking of them—here are some easy things to say that can put a smile on someone’s face:

1. Say, “Thank you for all you do.“

When we see someone every day, we often take for granted how much we appreciate them. Pick up the phone, or stop them in the hallway, and simply let them know that you appreciate all they do. Whether it’s a family member, a friend, or a co-worker, they will definitely be surprised by your kind words!

2. Tell them, “I’m here for you.”

Sit down, open your ears, and really listen. Let them know you’re there for them and willing to give them your undivided attention. Simply providing a listening ear can make all the difference in the world.

To read dozens more -

Enjoy your browsing!


Resident megalomaniac
From a recent site -

Kindness & Generosity

I recently realized that I’ve lived most of my life without knowing the definition of kindness. For a long time, when I thought about what kindness looked like, I pictured the classic example of helping someone carry groceries to their car. I figured kindness had something to do with being friendly, perhaps with a pinch of generosity thrown in.

But what would be left if I peeled kindness away from action?

The Dalai Lama famously said, “My religion is simple. My religion is kindness.” If kindness is so radical that it can define someone’s entire spirituality, then it has to be more than a good deed.

What Does It Mean to Be Kind?



Resident megalomaniac
There is no greater gift than to be grateful for our lives, says the late Zen teacher Blanche Hartman, and gratitude leads naturally to generosity, because we want to share this gift with others.

More at Lion's Roar site!


Resident megalomaniac
From the happier human site -

How Can You Brighten Someone’s Day?

Brightening someone's day doesn't have to be complicated or expensive. It can be as simple as sending a thoughtful message, giving a compliment, or doing something kind.

And it’s often the little things that mean the most. Whilst you might think that a 10-minute phone call to check in is nothing special, or the smiley note left on the fridge was just something silly, they can, in fact, have a huge impact on the intended person’s life.

To know that someone is thinking of you in your downest of days really can make a difference. To know someone cares enough to pick up the phone or pop by your house when you’re feeling most alone is heartwarming.

So next time your friend, family member or colleague seems a little blue, remind them that you care. Show a little compassion. Or even better, a little sunshine to brighten their day.

Enjoy the rest of your browsing!


Resident megalomaniac
Also from that site -

Let’s be honest… we live in a world where people often tell one another they are “too busy”.

Too busy to stop and smell the roses.

Too busy to help a friend in need.

Too busy to spend that extra time with their families and friends.

Too busy to show kindness to a stranger.

Read the full article here -

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
If you have ever stayed at a Four Seasons property, you know what a luxurious experience it can be for visitors. Now the Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts are stepping up their hospitality in a unique global collaboration by celebrating the power of kindness for World Kindness Day by combining community, art and volunteerism.

“Kindness and empathy are deeply rooted in our history,” says Alejandro Reynal, President and Chief Executive Officer, Four Seasons. Reynal goes on to explain that this celebration is an extension of how Four Seasons seeks to leave a positive impact on communities.

The initial celebration kicked off on November 7 in Beverly Hills at an event that showcased the intersection of art and kindness and featured a commissioned artwork by Camilla Engstrom. The piece called “River of Stars” will be displayed in the lobby at the Beverly Hills location this month and when auctioned the proceeds will benefit the International Child Art Foundation which cultivates student’s creativity through free school art programs. “Four Seasons is a wonderful brand with a real legacy of hospitality,” says Camilla. She went on to share with our Be Kind & Co. founder Lu Parker, who also attended the event, that she hopes her work can offer a little pause, a moment to reflect for the person looking at her art.



To all people I love, admire and care for dearly & all people I hold deep resentments to, who I sometimes blame and who make me uncomfortable & all the people I am yet to know, no longer know, or will never know -

May you be happy

May you be healthy

May you ride the waves of your life

May you live in peace

No matter what you are given

No matter what you take

Everything will be okay



Resident megalomaniac
Kindness matters.

Every act of kindness you show can make a meaningful difference in the lives of others. Living out kindness on a daily basis takes practice, but leads to a lifestyle and mindset shift that implores us to meet the world — and each other — with greater empathy and justice.

Kindness asks us to extend our approach beyond niceties and good manners, and into transformative action, compassionate and intentional inclusion, and empowering solutions.

Kindness is a choice, a muscle we all flex, and could frankly use a little more of our attention.

To help us do so, we’ve collected the best quotes about kindness. We encourage you to share and use this list to help fill the world with more kindness.

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
You Have the Power to Change the World!

Do you ever have the feeling that you would like to make a difference in the world? Do you ever have the desire to make the world a better place, but you just don't know how? You are about to learn everything you need to know in order to make a profound and significant difference in the world - starting right now!

Everywhere you look there are opportunities to make a difference. Everywhere you go you have the ability to affect others in small ways that can change their lives forever. It doesn't take a lot of time or energy and won't cost you a thing. In fact, the pay-off will fill you with joy and gratitude, simply for being alive.

No matter where I travel in the world, I see people walking along the streets doing their very best not to make eye contact or connect with others in any way. I watch as they exert enormous amounts of unproductive energy in order to stay in their safe, isolated worlds. It is time that we all wake up from this unconscious "sleep-walking". Our world is begging for unity and connection - the further we have gotten away from universal harmony, the more desperate we are to get it back. It sounds like a daunting mission but it is all so easy to accomplish. Each one of us has the power to change the world - one smile at a time. It is not the huge, sudden traumas that change the world - it is the small yet consistent behaviors that change the world. We each play a significant part in that equation - simply by raising our consciousness and connecting harmoniously with others. It is a choice.

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
Here are 50 small ways you can help make the world a better place. This is not an exhaustive list, but it highlights some ideas that everyone can take part in.

Just think about it.

If we all did one small thing now and then, such as making a change, doing something to make a difference or a random act of kindness, imagine the impact we could have on the world!

Small changes. Daily moments of kindness. LITTLE things.

They matter

Once I made a change and started focussing on the small things I could do on any given day to help make the world a better place, my life and my mental health started to improve too.



Resident megalomaniac
Another huge site -

If I said that the world is currently suffering and it needs your help, would you agree with me? The growing gap between the rich and the poor, the climate crisis, conflicts all over the world: these are just a couple of examples of a world that needs our help.

While this list can go on and on, I’m going to focus on the positives today. Mainly, how can you help make the world a better place? What can you do to help the world, as an individual? Even though your own actions can sometimes feel insignificant when looking at the grander scheme, you still have the power to change the world for the better.

This article discusses 13 things you can do to make the world a better place. Interestingly enough, most of these things are proven to make your life more interesting and happier in the process. So let’s get to it!

Enjoy your browsing!