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The Kindness Box


Resident megalomaniac
Articles about kindness & giving

The human race has made abundant leaps and advancements in science and technology, but what have we learned about connection?

Or perhaps the better question to ask is – what have we forgotten?

I don’t have a time machine – but if I did, I have a feeling when our ancestors were learning and creating ways to advance humanity, they didn’t think that in the future we’d forget the basics of what it means to be human.

Kindness. Empathy. Respect.

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
Kindness is contagious. Kindness is eternal. The more you give kindess, the more you get and best of all, it never ever runs out.

That is such a comforting, wonderful thought, isn’t it?

In just a moment, by offering kindness, you can change someones whole day.

And in turn, that person can go on to change someone else’s day.

But sometimes as we go through the motions of our own lives, or when we are stressed and troubled, we can forget to be kind.

These videos will inspire you to remember your true essence of loving kindness.



Resident megalomaniac
In the spirit of the giving season, the KIND Foundation has announced the winners of this year’s KIND People prizes—seven unsung heroes who will receive $1.1 million total for their philanthropic examples. The recipients, chosen from a pool of almost 5,000 nominations, embody the KIND mission to spread kindness and foster inclusive communities nationwide.

Loads more at that site



Resident megalomaniac
When you give to others, you’re not just making their day a little brighter, but you’re also improving your own well-being. Studies have shown that generosity can lead to increased happiness, decreased stress levels, and even a longer lifespan. Giving to others can also help you feel more connected to your community and society as a whole.

Comes from this longish article -

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
Kindness on a basic level is quite easy; if you see someone in a favorable light you naturally want to be kind to them.

But what about those who you don't see favorably:
  • Strangers
  • Enemies
  • Foreign cultures
  • Aggressive dogs
  • Mosquitoes
Okay -- did I go too far with the mosquitoes?

Kindness can change your life and change the world.

It is said that The Buddha first taught kindness to a group of monks meditating in the forest. These monks were scared of "spirits" in the forest. Likely just afraid of the dark, their fear turned into anger and their anger turned into hate. Many conflicts arise this way; we mistaken and exaggerate our fear of the unknown.

The frightened monks went to the Buddha and asked for advice. Through meditation and mindfulness, they were taught how to live a life of kindness, they learned to protect others.

The monks went back to the forest with a refreshed outlook. As they practiced the teachings on kindness the forest began to feel safe. They no longer feared "unknown spirits" and with a heart of kindness the creatures and aliveness of the forest became beautiful.



Resident megalomaniac
Kindness questions kids {children}

Students also were three times more likely to agree with the statement: “My parents are prouder if I get good grades in my classes than if I’m a caring community member in class and school.” This may be because parents focus conversations with their children primarily on school performance. By regularly asking questions related to kindness, you’ll reinforce the idea that kindness and helping others is just as important as academic performance.

Families Giving Back has developed a set of Kindness Conversation Starters that you can use when you’re in the car on the way home from school, to or from after-school activities, at the dinner table or whenever you have a few free moments with the kids. These questions not only will help your children share information about their day, they’ll help them understand the importance of being kind and how they can act with kindness each day.

You can print out the Kindness Conversation Starter card sheets at familiesgivingback.org. Encourage your kids to read and answer them. When they do, it’s important to really listen, so be sure turn off the car stereo and any devices that might be a distraction.

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
The parents who don’t care about raising their kids to be helpful and generous and kind and grateful, usually fall into two categories.

Some parents are too worried about where their next meal is coming from to worry about kindness. They’re worried about electricity, water, and groceries. Their basic needs aren’t met and they can’t focus on kindness or next month.

And, the other group are parents who aren’t kind themselves, so this thought would never cross their minds.

Assuming, you’re here because you want to raise decent human beings who add value to this world, welcome.

Over the last few years, I’ve helped tens of thousands of parents raise kinder kids.

Very comprehensive article -



Resident megalomaniac
My daughter had stood up to one of her friends on behalf of another friend.

That afternoon, my daughter proved she knew what it meant to be a good friend.

But it has taken a lot of work.

We talk about what it means to be a good friend almost daily with these kindness and friendship Discussion Starters and a Skittles Game.

And we read kindness and friendship books.

And we praise good friend behaviors whenever we see it.

But what makes a good friend? How can kids make friends and keep friends?

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
Try - happyyouhappyfamily.com kindness - several - for example -

As I tucked my daughter into bed that night, she wasn’t asking twenty million questions like usual. She was quiet—pensive. So I filled the emptiness with chatter until she spoke up.

“Mommy,” she said and paused, seeming unsure of herself. “I want to make the kids at the hospital feel better. Can I do that?”

So we brainstormed together and while I had to say no to her first idea of getting a human-sized teddy bear for every kid at the hospital, we settled on the perfect act of kindness for kids. Because she’s at the stage where she makes cards for everyone and every occasion and because Valentine’s Day was around the corner, she decided to make valentines for the kids in the hospital.

So we worked together to design these valentines for kids where you play a math game to get the answer to a Valentine’s Day joke. Then we printed the cards, cut and folded each one, and sealed it with some fun washi tape.†



Resident megalomaniac
13 ways to make the world a better place

Here are 13 things you can to make the world a better place, some small and others big. What they all have in common is that these things can all inspire others to follow suit. Whatever way you choose to help the world become better, your actions have the power to inspire the people around you.

And that’s how you can make the world a better place.

1. Stand up for equality

A lot of the world’s human conflicts can be traced back to inequality. Whenever a group of people is treated unfairly, there is going to be a conflict eventually. And the world will be a worse place because of it.

Whether that’s:

Deep-rooted racism.

Mistreatment of anyone who doesn’t follow the rules of the Bible.

The (still existing) gender pay gap.

Hate speech.


You have the power to speak up about it.

Even though you are not directly experiencing any negative effects of these inequalities, you can make the world a better place by speaking up and acknowledging your own stance.

So the next time your colleague makes a slightly sexist joke, or you see someone being mistreated because of their sexuality, just know that you have the power to show your disapproval.

To read the other 12 -



Resident megalomaniac
"If we could look into each other's hearts and understand the unique challenges each of us faces, I think we would treat each other much more gently, with more love, patience, tolerance, and care."

Marvin J. Ashton


Resident megalomaniac
Are you raising nice kids?

Many parents focus attention on their children’s grades and extracurricular activities, such as by making sure kids study, do their homework, and get to soccer practice or dance lessons on time. But all too often, we forget to put time and effort into nurturing another component of child success and development—one that is just as important, and perhaps even more essential—being a good person.

It can be easy to forget the importance of countering the pervasive messages of instant gratification, consumerism, and selfishness prevalent in our society.



Resident megalomaniac
Inspire my kids kindness - several

Acting with kindness is a wonderful idea, but too often it gets forgotten or overlooked in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. However, the power of kind actions makes them worth investing the extra effort they may take. Just one small act of kindness can change your day for the better, and kind acts can also end up having a tremendous impact on the world around you.



Resident megalomaniac
Having empathy is a key ingredient to becoming the best person you can be. You can practice empathy by:
  • listening to someone rather than trying to talk to them
  • asking someone how they are feeling if you think there is something wrong
  • learning about people from different backgrounds and cultures
  • showing concern and care for others
  • paying attention to the needs of others
  • getting to know someone better instead of judging them
Empathy is easy to say, but hard to do. The quotes below talk about the importance of empathy in the world. Learn about it and then see our action items below for ways to practice empathy in your life. The world will be a better place because of you!

Now, check out our list of great empathy quotes for kids:



Resident megalomaniac
Kids helping others!

While COVID-19 has rained on a lot of our parades, it hasn’t dampened the spirits of these 15 kids. Whether it be singing a song of encouragement, sewing masks for first-responders or even creating videos, these kids are doing good deeds and helping others, showing us how they can make a difference in our world if given a chance. Keep reading to learn more about these young community leaders.



Resident megalomaniac
As we get ready to enter a new year, these 20 feel-good stories from across America remind us that there are plenty of reasons, big and small, to be hopeful for the future. Individuals from all walks of life warmed our hearts with their graciousness, from seemingly small acts of kindness to long-lasting generosity, and may even inspire you to give back to your community. Here are 20 stories from 2019 that are guaranteed to make you smile!



Resident megalomaniac
When it comes to giving back to the community, any action big or small can make a real difference. Whether you’re volunteering at your local food bank or donating money to someone in need, you can have a positive impact on your hometown. In honor of World Kindness Day, find out how to make where you live a happier, more loving place with these local volunteer opportunities.
