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The Kindness Box


Resident megalomaniac
When you plant seeds in the garden, you don’t dig them up every day to see if they have sprouted yet. You simply water them and clear away the weeds; you know that the seeds will grow in time. Similarly, just do your daily practice and cultivate a kind heart. Abandon impatience and instead be content creating the causes for goodness; the results will come when they’re ready.

Thubten Chodron


Resident megalomaniac
It's not a matter of how much you know or can define, or how many millions of mantras or thousands of prostrations you have done, or how many months of wangs you've attended. The important thing is whether or not the mind is really changing, whether our negative emotions are really coming under control, whether we are really beginning to understand ourselves, whether our mind is really improving, and whether in our hearts there is genuine love and caring for other people.

Tenzin Palmo


Resident megalomaniac
Kindness is an inner desire that makes us want to do good things even if we do not get anything in return. It is the joy of our life to do them. When we do good things from this inner desire, there is kindness in everything we think, say, want, and do.

Emanuel Swedenborg

Hundreds more here -



Resident megalomaniac
“If your understanding of the divine made you kinder, more empathetic, and impelled you to express sympathy in concrete acts of loving-kindness, this was good theology. But if your notion of God made you unkind, belligerent, cruel, of self-righteous, or if it led you to kill in God’s name, it was bad theology. ”

Karen Armstrong


Resident megalomaniac
Another book review -

In Nawang Khechog’s view, one of the wonders of being human is that we can choose to nurture and cultivate kindness, compassion, and love. These precious values are the foundation of true happiness and are at the core of humanity’s possibility of peaceful coexistence with one another and with our environment.

Based on his years as a monk studying Buddhist philosophy and meditation with the Dalai Lama, as well as his own highly regarded kindness workshops, Awakening Kindness details the many ways we can enrich our lives by simply being kind to each other and ourselves. Nawang shares a range of simple meditations, mantras, and practices that are easy to incorporate even into the busiest of lives.

Covering the underlying philosophies of many cultures and religions, and touching on everything from human nature as it’s portrayed in film to scientific support of our limitless capacity for love and compassion, Awakening Kindness takes you on a life-changing journey that shows that we all can take part in creating a culture of kindness. “Anyone who picks up this book and is receptive to its message will immediately enjoy the many benefits of living in this simple and sacred way” (Richard J. Davidson, professor of psychology and psychiatry at University of Wisconsin-Madison).


Resident megalomaniac
Kindness prayer - plus suggested - for example -

Dear God, I come before you today with a humble heart and a desire to be more like you. Fill me with your Spirit of kindness and compassion so that I may be a light to those around me. Help me to remember Philippians 2:3 as I go about my day. Remind me to do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit but to value others above myself.

Lord, I know that kindness is not always easy, especially when I encounter difficult people or situations. I pray that you would give me the strength and wisdom to respond with grace and love. May I be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger.

I also ask that you would help me to see the needs of those around me. Sometimes people are hurting, and they don’t know how to ask for help. Give me eyes to see and ears to hear so that I can be a source of comfort and support to those in need.

As I go about my day, I pray that you would help me to be intentional about showing kindness to others. Whether it’s a smile, a kind word, or a simple act of service, may I be a reflection of your love and grace.

Finally, Lord, I ask that you would bless me with a heart of gratitude. Help me to recognize the blessings in my life and to be thankful for them. May my gratitude overflow into acts of kindness and generosity toward others.

Thank you, God, for your love and grace. I pray that you would help me to be more like you each day. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Enjoy your browsing!


Resident megalomaniac
The current situation in Palestine is catastrophic. More than 22,000 have lost their lives and more than 57,000 have been injured. Many children are being left orphaned, with no one to care for them and protect them.

More than 1.9 million people have become internally displaced, around half of them are children. Families have fled South, leaving everything behind, seeking refuge in shelters that can no longer accommodate the numbers. Now, during winter, everyone is exposed to harsher conditions that are especially dangerous for children. Not only are families trying to protect themselves from violence, they now have to worry about how to protect themselves from the biting winter cold.

Our MATW team has been responding to the crisis. We are providing life-saving assistance to those suffering from the effects of the worst outbreak of violence in the region in years. Use your Zakat and Sadaqah to help us provide urgent medical support, food, clean water and shelter.

Your support is needed now more than ever before.


sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member

Founder of “Decade of Kindness” Bryan Tsiliacos and participant Maxx joined host Olivia Horton to chat about what they hope to accomplish with their movement. Watch the clip to see how you can participate to win a cash prize while also making a difference in the community.


Resident megalomaniac
Try - positivepsychology.com kindness

For example -

This article highlights numerous books and PositivePsychology.com resources that will guide readers in practicing greater empathy and, ultimately, contributing to a more loving and harmonious society.

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”

Leo Buscaglia

Before you continue, we thought you might like to download our three Emotional Intelligence Exercises for free. These science-based exercises will not only enhance your ability to understand and work with your emotions but will also give you the tools to foster the emotional intelligence of your clients, students, or employees.

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
Positive psychology researchers concern themselves with what works in peoples’ lives. They want to know how to increase those experiences so that people can thrive and flourish.

The subjects explored in positive psychology are many, and diverse. Lee Rowland (2018) views the interest in kindness as resulting from the combination of three events.
  1. The rise of positive psychology as a legitimate area of scholarship
  2. Evidence that empathy and altruism are innate
  3. Negative news cycles frustrating people so much that they crave some good news
The topic of kindness is in the Bible, Quran, and Torah. The Bible includes many references to kindness. Among them are:
  • A man who is kind benefits himself, but a cruel man hurts himself (Proverbs 11:17).
  • Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth (1 John 3:18).
  • But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, [and] faithfulness (Galatians 5:22).
Read a lot more here -



Resident megalomaniac
Getting Started with Metta Meditation

I first read about Metta practice a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

I endeavour to practice it as often as I can remember.

Here is one version -

Metta meditation was taught by the Buddha 2600 years ago and is still practiced in many traditional Buddhist communities to this day, just as he taught it. Many communities recite parts of a famous discourse about cultivating lovingkindness in which the Buddha says, “Wishing: In gladness and in safety, May all beings be at ease. Whatever living beings there may be; Whether they are weak or strong, omitting none, The great or the mighty, medium, short or small, The seen and the unseen, Those living near and far away, Those born and to-be-born—May all beings be at ease!”

This form of well-wishing has become quite popular in the west, where it has been adapted to suit a variety of practices and faith traditions. One way to integrate it into a regular sitting practice is to begin or end the practice with a period of metta.

Read the instructions here -

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
I use a particular formula — a three-person process — for committing my good deeds. I choose a retail business, find an employee who doesn’t look too busy, and pop the question: “Would you help me do an act of kindness?”

Then I hold out a $10 bill (any small but meaningful amount will do) and ask the individual to choose a customer that day to receive a discount on their purchases. It’s a twist on the typical random acts of kindness, which usually involve just two parties. I’ve found adding an element of purpose multiplies the reach and the good feelings that ensue. It’s a win-win-win.

I’ve been carrying out this form of benevolence for years. I ramped up my efforts after the Sandy Hook shooting, committing 26 acts, one for each victim. When I turned 60 in 2018, I threw myself a party and asked my guests to stuff one or more $10 bills in an envelope in lieu of other gifts, and then I distributed those gifts. My feel-good celebration lasted all year.

Every person I’ve ever approached to join in the fun loved the idea. Their faces light up like fireflies. “That’s so nice!” is a common refrain. Several times I’ve been asked “Are you sure?” and when I answer, “Absolutely!” my enthusiasm is returned. Once, a personable guy at a gas station loved the idea but was confused. “How about we start by giving it to you?” he said, not realizing it defeated the whole purpose. But no one has ever refused my offer. It feels too good, not just for the receiver, but for the giver.



Resident megalomaniac
Alf Herigstad is one good man! For that reason, he started a podcast and blog... Being A Better Man; to help others to be better, too! Alf owes the man he is to his father, who he says is the 'best example of manhood.' Alf grew up in Olympia, Washington and still lives there, with his beautiful wife and 'queen of his castle' Lulie. The 2 met on a Norwegian Reality TV show and fell in love. Interesting enough? Not even close. Alf was a boxer and also in the military where all of his children followed in his path. He has 3 kids and 8 grandchildren. He enjoys life on his hometown farm with his big, loving family. They have tons of animals, he enjoys building things, looking for gold, singing and writing.

Alf is also a truck driver and sometimes his wife takes the journey with him. She suggested they listen to a podcast. He had no idea what that was... but does now! He thought if other people can talk and others would listen, he might as well talk and teach people what he knows. He has learned a lot in his life and believes everyone should work to be better today than they were yesterday, and better tomorrow than they are today! Alf wants to teach the world to be 'A Better Man.'

Loads more at that site!



Resident megalomaniac
25 Organizations Supporting Victims of War

Here's a page with info about who is helping the victims of war at the present moment



Resident megalomaniac
Like most parents, I assumed one crucial way to teach my girls about being generous was to role-model charitable giving. If they see me give, they’ll want to give themselves.

But recently I discovered that while role-modeling does have its benefits, it’s not the most effective way to teach kids about charitable giving.

According to a study conducted by Indiana University, parents who talk to their children about charitable giving significantly increase the likelihood their children will give to charity, more so than role-modeling alone.

But what exactly does it mean to talk to kids about charitable giving?

Read the rest -

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
On a similar theme -

It is natural for children to be somewhat self-involved. Their primary focus, especially when they are young, is making sure that their needs are met by the people around them. This generally means that kids learn to ask for the things they want fairly early in their development, and they will have many opportunities to perfect their technique.

But as kids mature, it also becomes necessary for them to look outside their own needs and begin being more responsive to the needs of others. Parents play a big role in helping kids develop generosity, both through encouragement and example.

Here are some guiding principles to keep in mind for raising generous kids.



Resident megalomaniac
Global Citizens Took 4.2 Million Actions to Fight Poverty in 2023. Here's What Happened

What does it mean to take action on the issues you care about? And to advocate for change in a world where sometimes even the biggest global crises, like war, extreme hunger, and climate change, feel so close to home?

You find a community of like-minded people who share your vision of hope. And by joining, you become part of a global movement dedicated to making the world a better place.

You become a global citizen.

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
Babies they may be, but at birth elephants can weigh a whopping 200 pounds.

The special thing about animals is that they're not aware of their size, whether they're teensy or massive. Surely you've seen a little nugget of a Chihuahua bark fervently at a Great Dane?

Yes, well, baby elephants are kind of the inverse of that. Just because their legs alone are the size of a human torso, doesn't mean they don't want to nuzzle up to your face or curl up comfortably (maybe?) in your lap. The docile little guys in the video above are proof.



Resident megalomaniac
An experiment in kindness, Good Money is all about inspiring others to do good. It involves donating money to charity using one and five dollar bills that have been stamped with "this money has been used for good." By marking the money, the team behind the initiative at Good Virus hope to motivate others to join them.

Believing in the viral nature of kindness, project organizers hope that when people see the stamp on the bills they will also want to use the money for a good cause.

Now in its experimental stage, monitoring the Good Money is key. People who come across the stamps are encouraged to visit the website where they can log their location along with the bill's serial number on a map in order to keep track of where kind acts are taking place.

All the best