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The Kindness Box


Resident megalomaniac
Kindness role model

Role modeling kindness
is an essential aspect of "Positive Parenting". What you are, teaches your children far more than what you say, so if you want your children to be kindhearted...

You too must be kindhearted and perform genuine acts of kindness on a consistent basis. Not just when the spirit moves you. Try a little kindness regularly, use words of kindness and make room in your heart for others at all times.

Look for opportunities to set an example for your children and involve them in creating kind ideas to act on.

When you're modeling kindness, you must demonstrate and ingrain the principle of "The Golden Rule": To do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
Can It Really Make A Difference?

You Bet It Can!…

People all over the globe are making an enormous impact by practicing random acts of kindness and pay it forward initiatives.

Here is a very compelling fact, taken from the "Ripple Kindness Project" (at rippleeffects.com)


It is said that: If you perform two acts of kindness a day, and the recipients of that kindness go on to perform two acts of their own, more than a thousand acts of kindness can be shared in just 10 days….

But! If each of those same people shared five acts instead of two, more than 19 million acts of kindness could be shared in just 10 days!

Read more at this site -



Resident megalomaniac
Quotes about helping others

Several ...

Serving others helps those who give as well as those who receive. Service empowers people to put their talents into action for good purposes, bringing them fulfillment as they meet others’ needs. Research shows that volunteering to serve others benefits both mental and physical well-being. Let these famous quotes on service and well-being motivate you to serve:

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“The end of all knowledge should be service to others.” – Cesar Chavez

“Without service, we would not have a strong quality of life. It’s important to the person who serves as well as the recipient. It’s the way in which we ourselves grow and develop.” – Dorothy Height

Read more quotes -

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
Just how impactful are acts of kindness to your life and the world around you?

Did you know that on April 28th, over 80 countries participated in a global initiative called ‘Pay It Forward Day’?

Founded by Blake Beattie in Australia in 2007, it has grown to include over 79 countries, including India, Argentina, Russia, and Argentina.

The concept is simple: changing the world, ONE good deed at a time.



Resident megalomaniac
“The plain fact is that the planet does not need more successful people. But it does desperately need more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers and lovers of every kind. It needs people who live well in their places. It needs people of moral courage willing to join the fight to make the world habitable and humane. And these qualities have little to do with success as we have defined it.”

David W. Orr



Resident megalomaniac
“Treat everyone with respect and kindness. Period. No exceptions.”

Kiana Tom

“Kindness is choosing to acknowledge and celebrate the beauty in others, regardless of whether or not they can find it in themselves.”


“Give yourself some kindness today until you’re filled and pass it on.”

Lori Hil

“When you show people kindness and respect, despite petty differences, you are bringing positive vibes into your life and into the lives of others.”

Jason Scotts



Resident megalomaniac

Service And Charity:

Involve your children in acts of service and charity, both within your church community and in the broader community. This teaches the value of helping others and shows God’s love in action.

Teaching children about service and charity is an ongoing process. Be patient and consistent in guiding them, and over time, they will internalize these values and carry them into adulthood.

By nurturing a spirit of giving and empathy, you are helping shape a brighter and more compassionate future for your children and society as a whole.



Resident megalomaniac
Kindness is underrated. We equate it with being nice or pleasant, as though it’s mainly about smiling, getting along, and not ruffling feathers. It seems a rather mundane virtue.

But the Bible presents a very different, and compelling, portrait of kindness.

Kindness Is Supernatural

When Paul laid out his case to the church in Corinth that he was a true apostle, he did so by detailing the trials he endured for the sake of the gospel, the inner spiritual life God granted him despite this suffering, and the God-produced spiritual fruit in his life (2 Corinthians 6:1–13). Surprisingly, kindness made his list of spiritual fruit. “You want proof I’m an apostle?” he said, in effect. “Okay, here it is: I’m kind.”



Resident megalomaniac
Have you ever considered the difference between being “nice” and being “kind”? Our culture has somewhat conflated the two, but it’s important to note that Scripture offers clarity: believers are called to act kindly.

Kindness isn’t simple pleasantries or appearances like niceness is—kindness is a deep love, respect, and care for another. Kindness, as referenced in the Fruits of the Spirits, is acting out of gentleness. If God is love, and love is patient and love is kind…well, a Godly girl is called to be kind too.

Tonight at dinner, invite everyone to share a moment where they extended kindness to a classmate, coworker, or stranger. With examples and accountability to extend kindness to others, together we can raise a generation of Godly girls.



Resident megalomaniac
Kindness more than just being nice- quite a few!!! - for example -

Often we use the terms nice and kind in the same sentence. We describe people as nice and kind interchangeably. I believe that there is an important difference between the two and that, while it is nice to be nice, it is essential to be kind. Being nice is when you are polite to people and treat people well. Being kind is when you care about people and show you care. Sometimes you can be kind to someone even though you aren’t nice to them and you can certainly be nice to someone but also be unkind. To me, the difference between these two comes in terms of depth.

The great book by Stephen Covey called The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People talked about the difference between a character based ethic and a personality ethic. The basic idea was that the personality ethic was more concerned with external changes in social skills such as smiling and hand shaking while the character ethic was a deeper change about living according to new principles. There is that old saying you have to be cruel to be kind. Maybe occasionally this is true. One thing that is certainly true is that sometimes not being nice is the kindest thing we can do for someone. For example, if you are dealing with someone who obsessively stalks you and convinces themselves that the feelings are reciprocated, it is the kind thing to avoid being nice. At that moment they need to get the message. It is what will benefit them the most. Being nice to them is not being kind. It is prolonging their self-delusion and angst.

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
The words “nice” and “kind” are often used interchangeably to describe a positive quality in a person. From an early age, we’re told to “be nice,” and we learn about the heartwarming nature of “acts of kindness.”

But when you look into the definitions and usages for “nice” and “kind,” you’ll find they aren’t quite synonyms. In fact, one might be a preferable characteristic to strive for.



Resident megalomaniac
Try - huffpost.com kindness - looks to be several!

Grand gestures and philanthropic acts are wonderful, but they're just that -- grand. They require time, planning and, often, a substantial financial investment.

Fortunately, research has shown that smaller acts can have serious payoffs as well, both on the giving and receiving end. Everyday kindness has been linked to everything from improved happiness to decreased inflammation in the body, as David Hamilton, author of Why Kindness Is Good For You has explained.
