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The last post is the WINNER!


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Take an umbrella so you don't get peed on by strays.

Did that.

It threw down bucket fulls of water while we were in the supermarket, no thunder though. By the time we'd finished shopping it was glorious sunshine with a few fluffy white clouds.

Driving home it rained qgain, stopped for us to unload the car then started again for a few minutes. Then peed it down for about half an hour.

We've had one downpour since. It's now blue sky and a comfortable 27c (80f)

Rain again? I don't know. The tour de france is currently passing about 10km from us. I hope it stays dry for them.


Out of Order
Staff member
Premium Member
I have called my old therapist.

I am going to ask her to write a letter I can drag around to Ares's psych appointments about Ares and I. She saw both of us, and LeeAnder as well. She's known me since I was 19.

I am not nuts. I am capable. I simply look weird, talk weird, move weird. She once told me my work with the kids was better and more creative than what she sees out of her peers. Please stop thinking I'm an overwhelmed mom that just wants to get back to playing FB games. This is a disaster. Also, the problems of Ares's I'm asking to be addressed are not autism and behavior related. Please move along and address the issue at hand. She's worked with him before.

I know she's not able to directly say she thinks its bipolar, but she does. I think with the last letter, she worded it as "his episodes remind me of what I've seen in my patients that have bipolar".


Out of Order
Staff member
Premium Member
I should try that. My rain dances never work.
You're doing it wrong, then.

My friend's mom used to tell me stories of growing up with her dad(who was Native American; I can't remember what tribe). They lived in the woods, and whenever they needed rain, he'd do a rain dance, and dammit, it worked every time.

She was a tough woman; not the kind to make up stories. I loved hearing about it.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
You're doing it wrong, then.

My friend's mom used to tell me stories of growing up with her dad(who was Native American; I can't remember what tribe). They lived in the woods, and whenever they needed rain, he'd do a rain dance, and dammit, it worked every time.

She was a tough woman; not the kind to make up stories. I loved hearing about it.

I guess I'll have to learn the art.


Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
OH it is so HARD to not post what I want to post...but I had restraint... and didn't post what I was thinking.... that.s a win...I suppose.... now I'm going to log off and take a break from the silliness of certain posts and posters on RF this morning...



"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
One of those stray thunderstorms that have been promised us for the last couple of days has strayed into our valley. Heavy rain, thunder, lighting, sunshine, rainbow and humidity to wash your clothes in.

The cats are not happy.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Take an umbrella so you don't get peed on by strays.
Once we were walking our dog and happened to see a neighbor we were friendly with who had an extremely well trained dog who would not put a paw over the person's yard. As we were chatting, my wife felt a warm trickle on her leg - yes, that almost saint of a dog had peed on her.