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The last post is the WINNER!


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
I've heard that "the eyes of Texas are upon you," which makes me think they have spies everywhere. Those wily Texans!
Well I lived there 30 years and I have found the people of Ohio to be just as friendly as the people of Texas, which is a big relief!

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
As a very wise geek once said: If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote programs, then the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
The 1st one is priceless. Some of the others are - well they're ER stories 66 People Share The Most Ridiculous Things They Have Ever Seen In An ER

Actually, three of my girlfriends and I were the sideshow in an ER waiting room.

We were with about 200 people doing a medieval re-enactment when a friend of ours accidentally ate something with cinnamon in it - and he is deathly allergic to it. One of us was a nurse, and even with her quick action with an epi pen, he still needed to go to the ER. So, one guy in Viking clothes and armor, and four women in varying outfits from India (mine) to early Celtic, to Imperial Roman, to 14th century French, all troop into the closest hospital ER - and it was in a really, realllly rural area of Georgia.

Being the only hospital within at least fifty miles of anything, they were predictably busy on a Saturday afternoon. We were there for hours and bored out of our minds. We’re all gifted with warped Monty Python humor, and so we started riffing on it. I started talking about how “our husband” was doing, and that I hoped he would be alright, because I wasn’t prepared to jump on his funeral pyre. (Mine was also the “blingiest” outfit, so I was First Wife by default. We referred to each other as First Wife, Second Wife, etc.) The other people in the waiting room were gawking at us like we’d all grown third eyes and horns.) It was just too good to pass up - we had SO MUCH FUN with it. By the time our friend got sent back out, we had all jumped up and started fawning on him - our beloved husband! Alive! What joy! I didn’t have to burn myself up! He didn’t skip a beat, got two of us under each arm, and we all left, rejoicing - and probably giving the locals a bizarre story to tell.

We Never Know

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