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The Last Supper mocked in Paris?


Veteran Member
Just courious. Were there outrage over these?

Battlestar Galactica

View attachment 94874

The cast of Lost

View attachment 94875

I'm curious about that too.
We could post these all day long.
There's a great Sopranos one out there.

We Never Know

No Slack
What people want to see they will see whether it exist or not.
IMO its not 'want to see'. Its what the mind sees as a whole.

Similar to this....

"Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe."
You are bringing up a totally different aspect of the ceremony. I have no opinion on that element, I don't know Paris well enough.
Well I am taking offense and for good reasons. Am I being a snowflake? I value your expert opinion on your obviously professional ontological opinion on the meaning of snowflakes.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Why do you say that? It seems like a pretty unbiased source to me and I was just looking up the painting in general and BOOM there it was.

Written by an anonymous author with whatever axe they have to grind. And possibly edited by many more anonymous people. And the time it can take fore wiki admin to correct errors (sometimes several years) though that's improved recently.

And given the bias of much of the American press at the moment

I wouldn't trust any except accredited sources


Eastern Orthodox
France has had particular problems with terrorists dressing in niqab and similar. It is not taking any more chances

So, a (fairly short) history of such abuses should prevent all further uses of traditional clothing, etc.?

I think, based on what courts in France have ruled, that this really has nothing to do with terrorism (though I certainly acknowledge that is legit concern):

"France’s top administrative court ruled Tuesday against allowing body-covering “burkini” swimwear in public pools for religious reasons, arguing that it violates the principle of government neutrality toward religion.

While worn by only a small number of people in France, the head-to-ankle burkini draws intense political debate in the country.

Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin hailed the ruling by the Council of State as a “victory for secularism.” Some Muslim women decried it as unfairly targeting their faith and their bodies, and based on outdated misconceptions about Islam."

Seems more like a deep-seated hatred of religion in general. That is, intolerance.

Am I wrong?



It was on fire when I laid down on it.
IMO its not 'want to see'. Its what the mind sees as a whole.

Similar to this....

"Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe."
Well, I guess that's good news for some people.


Well-Known Member
The opening ceremony was gaudy, opulent bull**** parading around like it was the crown jewel of civilization. Meanwhile, the streets of Paris are crawling with homeless folks, suffering poverty and mental illness while scraping by on whatever scraps they can find. A bunch of ******* throwing us a lavish circus to distract us from the ****show that is hsappening outside their corporate sponsored bubble. The Olympic games capitalist carnival masquerading as a step towards world peace when all it is a cheap whore pimped out to the highest bidder and dressed up like a lady to amuse the global elite. It’s a ****ing insult to every person struggling to survive on the margins. It's nothing but another pack of lies they sell and we in our collective stupidity and thrist for distraction buy into. It is capitalism at its most brazen: a show of wealth and power that ****s over the poor, all while pretending it’s some grand celebration of human achievement. It's all a bull****.

So yeah. I do take offense. When someone tries to sell you a polished pile of **** then you should take offense. Only a mentally deficient person wouldn't take offense
Uh, the Vatican?
Just courious. Were there outrage over these?

Battlestar Galactica

View attachment 94874

The cast of Lost

View attachment 94875

The BSG and Lost photos are a homage to a famous painting - what happen at the opening donkey show was a cartoonish mockery of a very sacred historical event regarding one of the most important religious figures of all time who just happens to highly regarded amongst millions of people of different faiths and creeds.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Nope, it was meant to represent Greek gods, you know, the Greeks who invented the Olympic games.

People are misrepresenting it, why, i have no idea other than possibly either dislike or jealousy of France.
Yeah. Christians could stand to learn how unoriginal and plagiarized their religion actually is.
The why is they think everything is about them.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
So, a (fairly short) history of such abuses should prevent all further uses of traditional clothing, etc.?

I think, based on what courts in France have ruled, that this really has nothing to do with terrorism (though I certainly acknowledge that is legit concern):

"France’s top administrative court ruled Tuesday against allowing body-covering “burkini” swimwear in public pools for religious reasons, arguing that it violates the principle of government neutrality toward religion.

While worn by only a small number of people in France, the head-to-ankle burkini draws intense political debate in the country.

Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin hailed the ruling by the Council of State as a “victory for secularism.” Some Muslim women decried it as unfairly targeting their faith and their bodies, and based on outdated misconceptions about Islam."

Seems more like a deep-seated hatred of religion in general. That is, intolerance.

Am I wrong?

Yes you are wrong, you are misunderstanding the ethos of France and french people. It is not a hatred of religion. Laïcité (secularism) and égalité (equality) are important here. The ban runs to all displays of religious symbolism, no matter what religion.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Post the wiki link if you would. Please and thank you.

Btw, I have found that with some people if wiki supports them, then its a good enough source.
But if it goes against them.... well its wiki and not reliable.
Well, it used to be on the first page of a search but now it's not so make of that what you will. Anyway, sorry. Here's what I searched:

"The Feast of the Gods" by Bijlert
Uh, the Vatican?
I may be Catholic but I am not above criticizing the Vatican. I do so all the time. But at least the Vatican actually works with the poor through various charitable works whereas Paris is literally just hiding away the homeless like the Victorians used to hide disabled children in the "disappointment's room" when the guest are arriving. They are hiding them and have no intention of providing them anything else. The housing Paris built for the athletes is going to be rented out for profit instead being given to the people who need it the most. **** them!


Veteran Member
Well I am taking offense and for good reasons. Am I being a snowflake? I value your expert opinion on your obviously professional ontological opinion on the meaning of snowflakes.
It seems to be a thing about the Olympics and other major sporting events that homeless and 'poor areas' are cleared to build stadiums.
I don't know about 'offended' but I'd be fairly angry about this sort of thing without adequate compensation.

We Never Know

No Slack

Yeah I was just reading that. It says directly inspired by the last supper. What made you think its a parody?

"The painting, directly inspired by Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper and at the time already very controversial, represents a banquet taking place on Mount Olympus to celebrate the marriage of Thetis, a nereid, and Peleus, king of Phthia, in which many gods from Greco-Roman mythology participate. In the centre Apollo is crowned and holds a lyre. In the left part we can recognize Minerva, Diana, Mars, Venus and Love and, behind, Flora, the goddess of spring. On the right are Hercules and Neptune, as well as Eris, recognizable by the golden apple of discord that she brought as revenge for not having been invited. In the foreground are a dancing satyr and Bacchus, eating a bunch of grapes.[8]"