Eliot Wild
Irreverent Agnostic Jerk
What is it with you?
It's not Islam that isn't peaceful, it's certain adherents of the faith who take it to the extreme!
I can't speak for Yoseph, but I am curious about your post.
I am ignorant about Islam. So, personally, when I ask questions about it, I am being sincere and not trying to make a point. And I apologize if my ignorance of Islam causes me to be offensive in my misunderstanding.
But this is my thinking, I am an extremist. When I fall in love, I am exteme. When I play sports, I am extreme. When I live life, I try to do so in an extreme fashion.
My point is this, I don't think there is anything wrong with being an extremist, a radical. If I were a religious person, I daresay I would be an extremist also. However, it seems to me that one can be a peace-loving extremist. One can be extreme about their pacificism. One can be extreme when it comes to loving their fellow man.
My question is this, is there a quality to Islam that makes it more violent than other religions? Is there a quality to Islam that causes extremely violent radicals to gravitate toward it? Why aren't the extreme Muslims not showering the rest of the world with hugs and kisses if Islam is a "peaceful" religion and they are taking it to the "extreme"?