Well-Known Member
sounds like a bunch of school kids telling the teacher "I don't like your rules so I'll make my own."
As well they should, don't you support the questioning of authority? Where would we be if we accepted rules others have set for us? At one time the law included human slavery (which the Bible also supports), women not being able to vote (also Biblically supported), among other awful, terrible things. Where would we be if no one stood up and said "I don't like these rules?"
Rules should stand on merit, not simply because "it's the way we've always done things."
I'm not upset at all but just waiting to see something in the Bible that says people get to choose.
Why would the manifesto of a dictatorship provide choice? God is a supreme ruler, there is no choice under his iron fisted rule.
But again someone who has no religion probably does not care what the Bible says.
It's not that I don't CARE what the Bible says, I care very much what the Bible says because so many people follow it.
For example I wish greatly the Bible did not say God considers gay people to be abominations that should be put to death. If the Bible didn't say that we'd have a heck of a lot less bigotry in the world.
Independant thought is what gets people in trouble
Next time someone asks me why I have such distaste for religion, I'm going to try to remember to quote this line.
"Independent thought is what gets people in trouble." What an awful way to live, and I'm sorry I'm not trying to insult you personally, you've been discussing honestly and openly. I just find this idea beyond sad.
because they decide they do not need to do what God tells them to do.
But if you go by "what God tells them to do" we'd still be making women wear hats and stay silent in church, beating our slaves, stoning adulterers, etc. You can't just pull out "thou shalt not kill" and "thou shalt not bear false witness" and pretend God's law as outlined in the Bible should be followed today. NO ONE does those things, nor should they. The people still stoning adulterers, which is what God tells us to do, are look at as barbaric maniacs today, and rightly so.
As I said in a post earlier, according to God's commandments, a man carving a statue on Sunday who yells "GAWDDAMMIT!" when he hits hit thumb with a hammer is guilty of breaking three commandments, while the man who gambles his son's college fund away while smoking crack is breaking none.
Maybe you ought to try a little independent thought after all. You might see that God's law, when taken as-is, makes very little sense in 2015.