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The Mark of the Beast

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
First, do you even know what the 'light' is?


Psalm 119:105 - The Word of God is light in the path of man.
Psalm 147:19,20 - God gave His Word to Israel only and to no other people on earth.
Isaiah 42:6 - Israel was given as light unto the nations.
Matthew 5:14 - You are the light of the world. That's Jesus speaking to a crow of Jews listening to his sermon of the Mount.

If I know what the light is? We are the light, if the Psalmist, Isaiah and Jesus were telling the truth.



Active Member
First, do you even know what the 'light' is?


Psalm 119:105 - The Word of God is light in the path of man.

mankind created all words
Psalm 147:19,20 - God gave His Word to Israel only and to no other people on earth.
Seems to me, the original words were not in english, so are all of the rest of mankind not good enough?

Isaiah 42:6 - Israel was given as light unto the nations.
then why so much darkness wrapped around israel, the only country currently maintaining a concentration camp and its whole existence is held by force

Matthew 5:14 - You are the light of the world. That's Jesus speaking to a crow of Jews listening to his sermon of the Mount.
and christians divided from judaism and many, not even jewish to begin with

so the people (as i have also pointed out) possess the light, within; the life of God himself

If I know what the light is? We are the light, if the Psalmist, Isaiah and Jesus were telling the truth.
light is the force of electric and magnetic fields in perpendicular planes (a cross) and all mass in made of light (what E=mc2 means)

which purely reveals that all mass in all things, across the whole of the universe is held together by light.

light is the life of all mass

we are all light with the ability of choice (alive)

what cracks me up is i asked you a question and you used SONGS to define as your last word

Eph 5 30 because members we are of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones;

and i tell you now; what reveals to mankind is the UNDERSTANDING of the Light

(as has been said in most every religions since the beginning of time)

even Newton, Roger Bacon and the majority of pure contributers upon this earth all mentioned in their works

i honor God in all things; not holding one book or even 'songs' to tell me what is true.
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Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
The Gentiles did not convert to Judaism.

Ben: Yes, they did. Read Acts 21:20.

These early sects that were to become Christianity followed Jesus - not Paul.

Ben: But they were not Christians. The were members of the Sect of the Nazarenes.

You can attempt to diminish him with all your might - but - They were students of Jesus for good reason.

Ben: Yes, but they were not Christians.

You expect too much - I never claimed to be the brightest star in the sky.

Ben: Well, you surely try to shine like one.

You said that God did not order the death of infants. You said that Samuel gave the order - but - there was concern that he might not be obeyed... so he claimed the words to be from God.

Ben: Everyone did the same. That was very common among the Prophets.

This is lying Ben. The question was answered before it was brought forth.

Ben: No, it's not. You think so because you hold too anthropomorphic a view of God.

"His disciples asked and said to him :
'Do You want us to fast ? How shall we pray and give alms ? What diet shall we observe ?' Jesus said : 'Tell no lie and do not what You hate, for all things are plain in the face of Heaven. For nothing hidden will fail to be revealed, and nothing covered will remain without being uncovered.'"

Ben: And did they listen to what Jesus warned them about? I doubt it because the NT is loaded with lies.



Active Member
Ben: Yes, they did. Read Acts 21:20.
The purification was for the 4 men. The Gentiles remained the Gentiles.

25As for the Gentile believers, we have written to them our decision that they should abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality."

Ben: But they were not Christians. The were members of the Sect of the Nazarenes.
I did not say they were Christians.
Ben: Well, you surely try to shine like one.

I shine with the light I am. As I said - I do not shine the brightest.

Ben: Everyone did the same. That was very common among the Prophets.
Then many prophets lied Ben. What then is to be believed ?
Ben: No, it's not. You think so because you hold too anthropomorphic a view of God.
Not correct - I place no human characteristics on God.

Ben: And did they listen to what Jesus warned them about? I doubt it because the NT is loaded with lies.
They tried. Jesus set a very difficult precedent to follow.


Active Member
Now, Bishadi, you are talking nonsense. What talk of concentration camp is that?

Gaza, the same one we all ca read about where phosphorus weapons are imposed upon civilians. I am sure you have heard of it, but perhaps forgot they are human beings.

Do you want to talk about it?
Not really as i consider Israel the babylon the torah warns us about.

Regarding existence by force, try to be weak before your enemies and they will wipe you out of existence.

iran said something quite similar

but the force is when immagrants from other countries pushed the residents into a concentration camp as the migrants moved into the homes built by the fathers of the kids standing at the fences.

eg............. there is no right of a religious belief being the reason of such oppression.


New Member
;)Regards to all

I hope to be a good friend to this forum

I hope all the Christians know the truth of Islam through a look at some books on the principles and ethics of Islam.

We Muslims believe in all prophets and messengers and acknowledge all the divine books, except the distorted texts so I want to say that Islam is a religion of truth and try Iaokhi Christian as well as the conservation chapter of the Koran when the enormous generosity and your depression bathed and convey Mahvt from the Koran and know the difference.


New Member
Regards to all

I hope to be a good friend to this forum

I hope all the Christians know the truth of Islam through a look at some books on the principles and ethics of Islam.

We Muslims believe in all prophets and messengers and acknowledge all the divine books, except the distorted texts so I want to say that Islam is a religion of truth and try Iaokhi Christian as well as the conservation chapter of the Koran when the enormous generosity and your depression bathed and convey Mahvt from the Koran and know the difference.;)


Active Member
If this is the case then every Indian reservation in North America is a concentration camp.

hey you fit in the thread BEAUTIFULLY

as your answer shares that 'lack of responsibility'

you showed up to represent "The Mark of the Beast" (selfish corruption)

i have no intentions of slapping you around :slap: for side stepping as i know there is too much material to beat you up with

what i will state quite clearly; that the corruption that is occurring in your 'promised land' is what starts off ww3

You tried to discount that people RIGHT NOW are being oppressed because of the ignorance of a belief (no matter which side), and you try and turn up guilt for something that i was not even alive to see. what a crock!

It don't make what is occurring 'right now' ok

but you will be alive to watch what happens because of it (flesh will melt from bones)

while we on this site together, know clearly i will never forget forever more, i will be ONE to make sure the 'beasts of babylon' are known for the selfish corruption.

Gaza is a soft spot on me, as i know them children are hungry, the widows cold and that oppression will be the cause of the war of all wars

i am sure everyone got the phone call 911............. folks it is really that bad and it is our fault on this side of the lake.

don't believe anything anyone ever tells you; go do your own homework and see for yourself. (i was a kid when my daddy slapped me for taking a side on the issue without doing the homework; as of now, i would cut off my arm if i was lying to you about it)


Well-Known Member
You really need to do your homework kid. The term "Palestinians" as a reference to Muslims alone did not come into use until Arafat coined the term. There were Jews in Safed, Jerusalem, Beer Sheva and Hevron for a lot longer then there were Arabs. As for the starving kids...Arafat was worth 300 million when he died. Gaza strip has asked for 900 billion dollors. You are a fool if you think that aid will be used to feed and rebuild Gaza.
Now. since you have succussfully side-tracked the thread,may I have the pleasure of bring it back on topic.

Now it has always amazed me that Christianswear a cross around their necks. One would think that if Jesus did come back he would not want to be reminded of that day.


Active Member
You have forgotten verse 19. Jesus said that we all must do the same as he did. So, the Law and the Prophets were fulfilled by Jesus and must be fulfilled by all of us. That's how he didn't abolish any of the commandments. So, who was lying Jesus or Paul? It's obvious that Paul was the one.

No, you misunderstood. No one has forgotten verse 19. No one is saying that the law has been abolished. Not even Paul is saying that. Sure it is what most christian preachers would have you believe but it just isn’t true. Lets take a little look see as to what is really being stated here………
Mat 5:17 "Don't think that I came to destroy the Torah or the Prophets. I didn't come to destroy, but to fulfill.

As he stated that he didn’t come to destroy but to do our fathers commandments. So lets see what Sha’ul has to say as to what it is that Yah used Yahshua for.

Eph 2:13 But now in the Anointed Yahshua you who once were far off are made near in the blood of the Anointed.
Eph 2:14 For he is our peace, who made both one, and broke down the middle wall of partition,
Eph 2:15 having abolished in the flesh the hostility, the Torah of commandments contained in ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man of the two, making peace;
Eph 2:16 and might reconcile them both in one body to Elohim through the stake, having killed the hostility thereby.

Yah used Yahshua to be the embodiment of the sacrifice of animals which took away the hostility of man slaughtering animals every time he gets himself in a pickle with sin. Yahshua is doing the law of the sacrifice once for sins past as well as performing the duties of the priests by standing before Elohim perpetuating for our sins present.


Active Member
You really need to do your homework kid.


Perhaps i should read more on how the brittish held palestine in Peace before wwII and that another group 'expected' the right to migrate based on what happen in the war. That the term 'terrorist' was labeled to people like Rahm Emmanuals father?

Are yu asking for a history lesson?

The term "Palestinians" as a reference to Muslims alone did not come into use until Arafat coined the term. There were Jews in Safed, Jerusalem, Beer Sheva and Hevron for a lot longer then there were Arabs.
The original jews are Arabs. Perhaps you need to comprehend that Moses (father of torah) was raised, born and taught as an egyptian?

Maybe realize the wandering of the desert for 40 years is about as Arabs as Arabs can be, not to mention Ishmael and Isaac were brothers; by blood!

perhaps lose the self purposed pride and see your brethren as they truly are, brethren.

As for the starving kids...Arafat was worth 300 million when he died. Gaza strip has asked for 900 billion dollors. You are a fool if you think that aid will be used to feed and rebuild Gaza.

Arafat was not basking in wealth as some purport; he was living in the ruins of what was left by the occupiers. He will be remembered far longer than sharon will be.

As for the money; well heck......... what are the reparations to the Paletinians from Israelis for the genocide?

Now. since you have succussfully side-tracked the thread,may I have the pleasure of bring it back on topic.
what are you talking about;

people like you show the 'beast' of selfish pride perfectly

Now it has always amazed me that Christianswear a cross around their necks.
as most of them don't know th cross is the representation of 'light'

just as the star of david is actually the 5 pointer, the six pointer was created by a religions sect, not handed down in rememberance or of pure applications

for example: the peace sign of hinduism is now considered the swastika of nazis all because of the sect of one religions has tried to imposed its requisite of right and wrong basd on what happened to them, not truth!

basically the same deciet of selfish pride (mark of the beast) that you are conveying
One would think that if Jesus did come back he would not want to be reminded of that day.

Jesus aint coming back, and to suggest that is also a conveyance of a belief over reality.

You are reflecting jewish connatations and would not be in belief of Jesus' returning either, but you post that comment knowing damn well it is a bait and switch of your intented pursuit of contest. (you jumped on the guilt aspect as if christian should not wear a cross because you think it would bug Jesus)

you fit this thread just fine


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
Actually Anti in this instance means: instead of. Trace it back to the manuscripts.

Mark of the Beast is a seal in your forehead. What is in your forehead? Your brain. Which is where you store knowledge. Mark of the Beast signifies that you accept the Anti-Christ as Christ because you did not have the knowledge to know the difference between the two.

Just re-posting as the first one got lost in the onslaught of bickering earlier.

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
The purification was for the 4 men. The Gentiles remained the Gentiles.

Ben: Acts 21:20 has nothing to do with purification.

25As for the Gentile believers, we have written to them our decision that they should abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality."

Ben: This was proof that James and the Nazarenes Elders would considere the converts back to Paul as Gentiles, whose obligation
was only the the Noahite laws.

Then many prophets lied Ben. What then is to be believed ?

Ben: It does not mean they lied. They just attributed to God the emanation they had, to speak what they spoke.

Not correct - I place no human characteristics on God.

Ben: That's not what your replies reveal.

They tried. Jesus set a very difficult precedent to follow.

Ben: Jesus' precedents were no different from his Jewish coreligionaries.

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member

Gaza, the same one we all ca read about where phosphorus weapons are imposed upon civilians. I am sure you have heard of it, but perhaps forgot they are human beings.

Not really as i consider Israel the babylon the torah warns us about.

Ben: You speak like this because you have never had your mother or your child killed by a terrorist. Your talk is the talk of any other ignorant who does not know what is going on here. You may believe or not, because it doesn't mean a thing to me; but Israeli Jews never kill an Arab if not in self deffense. And if children are killed among them, they are the only ones to blame for, because they use their own children to protect their weapons. That's the difference between them and us. We use our weapons to protect our children. And they live the way they live, it's not because of us but because of their own brothers, the other Arabic countries who persuaded them to leave the Land of Israel and return later after they pushed us the Jews into the sea. But their fiasco exploded in their own face.

iran said something quite similar

Ben: And this one of Iran is another stupid fella who is going to sacrifice his own people, if he dares to threaten Israel. He is gonna lose big. You wait and you will see.

but the force is when immagrants from other countries pushed the residents into a concentration camp as the migrants moved into the homes built by the fathers of the kids standing at the fences.

Ben: We never pushed the "Palestinians" into concentration camps but the Arabs when they thought they cold beat us.

eg............. there is no right of a religious belief being the reason of such oppression.

Ben: The oppression is caused by themselves to themselves. The Israeli Army is the most Ethical Army in the whole world. You hold this Arabic opinion of yours because you too are dying of envy and jealousy, because after five major wars started by several Arabic countries together, we have beat them all. Sorry,
but you should turn against God Who refuses to leave us.


Active Member
Ben: Acts 21:20 has nothing to do with purification.
Keep reading Ben.

20When they heard this, they praised God. Then they said to Paul: "You see, brother, how many thousands of Jews have believed, and all of them are zealous for the law. 21They have been informed that you teach all the Jews who live among the Gentiles to turn away from Moses, telling them not to circumcise their children or live according to our customs. 22What shall we do? They will certainly hear that you have come, 23so do what we tell you. There are four men with us who have made a vow. 24Take these men, join in their purification rites and pay their expenses, so that they can have their heads shaved. Then everybody will know there is no truth in these reports about you, but that you yourself are living in obedience to the law. 25As for the Gentile believers, we have written to them our decision that they should abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality."

26The next day Paul took the men and purified himself along with them. Then he went to the temple to give notice of the date when the days of purification would end and the offering would be made for each of them.

Ben: This was proof that James and the Nazarenes Elders would considere the converts back to Paul as Gentiles, whose obligation
was only the the Noahite laws.

The Noahite laws allowed Gentiles to remain Gentiles. They did not convert to Judaism.
Ben: It does not mean they lied. They just attributed to God the emanation they had, to speak what they spoke.
They attributed their words to God. Do you understand what a lie is Ben?

Ben: That's not what your replies reveal.
On the contrary - it is you that assign human characteristics to God. You allow Prophets to attribute their own words to God - the slaughter of innocents transpired because of such a thing.

You allow God to feel Jealousy and Anger and Revenge.

Ben: Jesus' precedents were no different from his Jewish coreligionaries.
They taught to Love your Enemy ? To sell your possessions and give to charity ?

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
You really need to do your homework kid. The term H"Palestinians" as a reference to Muslims alone did not come into use until Arafat coined the term. There were Jews in Safed, Jerusalem, Beer Sheva and Hevron for a lot longer then there were Arabs. As for the starving kids...Arafat was worth 300 million when he died. Gaza strip has asked for 900 billion dollors. You are a fool if you think that aid will be used to feed and rebuild Gaza.
Now. since you have succussfully side-tracked the thread,may I have the pleasure of bring it back on topic.

Now it has always amazed me that Christianswear a cross around their necks. One would think that if Jesus did come back he would not want to be reminded of that day.

Hey Rakhel, welcome. How did you know that I could use some help? Shalom to you from Yerushalaim.