I need for someone to explain to me why it is that Jesus is necessary for man to be saved in the Christian religion? Also, why must he have died? Is there another way the same supposed ends could have been achieved? This is one of those things I fail to understand.
Before to speak about rescue, it is necessary to find out, paternal in general it is necessary to rescue. And why we (orthodox) express business of the Christ
Word "rescue" instead of how some Protestants a word "expiation" or how some Catholics a word "justification"?
In what cases we in a usual life speak about "rescue"? Usually when the person is in danger of death, but to itself
Cannot help. Here now, to Haiti, there was an earthquake, and people that them to help, therefore as they have from all over the world gathered Cope with a problem cannot. And they need to be "rescued". What problem is at people from which they cannot independently consult?
It is an obvious problem: a death problem. But what such death? Disappearance from life? No, the person, is a being immortal, it cannot To disappear from Life. Then that? Obviously it is disintegration (split) of soul and a body. When the soul passes in other world, and the body is subject to disintegration on elements from Which it is made. It is possible to ask a question further: «and than actually such disintegration is bad»? This new condition, than that can be better,
Which was available? Perhaps, our soul is the butterfly who departs from a cocoon on freedom, to the fine and light world? There can be a body it is a dungeon of soul,
How heretics - gnostics learnt? At present, discussion of this question is impossible, because of its dimensions. But it is important to note: death happen two.
Two splits in the human being can occur:
1. Soul and body Split
2. Soul and God Split
In the beginning Adam has died death of the second type, and only then death of the first type. The first death, is a consequence of the second.
Adam's all descendants, have inherited death of the second type which with necessity caused in us death of the first type.
The death - is split uniform on a part, but is opposite to split "communication", from here there is a word "religion" as that restores Communication of the person and God.
When Adam has sinned, it has made anything other as has broken link good luck – a unique source of immortality and the blessing, and therefore, Began to be ill, choke, die. Here the Christ also comes to rescue from it all of us. It comes to reestablish communication of people And God which was broke off by Adam's sin. But why It should come? What it was impossible to reestablish such communication at once?
God after all is all-powerful? Yes, it was impossible to restore such communication in any way. After all for the communication restoration, not enough one only desires
God, it is necessary also desire of the person, and its condition of heart, mind, other forces of soul. But after all communication therefore is considered broken off that
All forces of soul not so truly work for the person. That is why, action from outside Adam cannot achieve the object, as leans on incorrect, The work of sincere forces dulled by a sin. Besides: the condition of cleanliness of heart, cannot be at the person in itself in a separation from God.
Only God Svjat by the nature, and we are consecrated on participation in God. (Can look the doctrine about not created энергиях more in detail Prelate Grigory Palamy). Therefore, any action from outside the person – had no completeness of sanctity and cleanliness. And God cannot enter into that soul,
Which not pure though on one micron. As god not приемлет a sin. Here, such situation has turned out that the person once having sinned – Has fallen for ever. There was no possibility for rescue, as what the person in the conditions of a broken link of God and the person has Does not possess sufficient degree of the perfection necessary for restoration. Adam - not God, it has from itself no life and sanctity.Therefore it is doomed to eternal death, on eternal split and a finding out of true and out of God. The Satan very much was delighted to it when has managed
To tempt the person on a sin. He hoped that the person will be now eternally dead, eternally is «in religious searches», eternally to suffer, Eternally to suffer. But, has occurred unexpected, the Satan has not considered one detail: it has not considered that for communication restoration there can be two variants:
1.когда the person is improved by itself (and it as it has been shown, - it is all the same senseless)
2. If God becomes the person and will reestablish such communication.
It was the unique variant for rescue of people. And here, happy day when in mankind the maiden, достоянная is born comes
On the humility to become mother of the Lord. Having selected itself this maiden, the Lord has noticed humility slaves to the, and of its cleanest blood has formed
To itself a rudiment of a human body. The Christ – God as God It it is absolute свят by the nature, has perfect and pure "heart". But the Christ And the person, and having too the heart which piously, it already possesses completeness of perfection for restoration of communication of God and the person.
And here, in the Christ two natures have merged: Divine and human. As have confirmed Universal Cathedrals, connection of two природ in the Christ
Has occurred so:
1. Not together
2. Not changing
3. Not separately
4. It is not separated
That is there was an ontologic certificate. The Christ – the unique person who has incorporated good luck. And except the Christ anybody is not rescued.In it one rescue and restoration, more in anybody was made. And to us that before? We are certainly glad for the Christ, but and we then and, ask Probably you? Here we here besides that we can become "part" of the Christ. From here also there is a word "participle". Which moves to all people, Being in true Church Christ's which on marvellous expression of Apostle Pavel – is the Body of the Christ which will be not not overcome by a hell gate. Therefore, if who wishes to escape, that should put on weight the Christ, i.e. find Its Church and reunite with it.
(I mean what Church, I think you have understood)
It is difficult to me to write in English, therefore excuse for the clumsy text. If someone could not understand the given text, but would wish to learn(find out) more in detail about the orthodox doctrine about rescue write in the personal message. I can send the text in Russian.