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The Necessity Of Jesus


Reincarnation of 'Anti-religion'
of course not

or you wouldnt have monks, nuns, contemplatives and mystics

but the esoteric is a part of the exoteric....and because they are entangled and inseperable.... it does mean that occaisonally a fish can fall through the net..into a deeper "understanding"

Good, u have gone beyond duality.
which is why, unlike you, I am not anti religious....

I'm not pro either though :D
Anti -religious can be religious by the same exoteric-esoteric logic.Anti-religion is a label like Mr Cheese.Just for irritating people.religion or not wont be problem for the enlightened.(Though i am not such a one).
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Well-Known Member
Premium Member
There has been a lot of christian perspective, or at least people putting forth a christian perspective. I know that you may want a christian perspective, but it wasn't placed in the christian forums (By accident or on purpose, not my concern).

So off I go..

I don't think that Jesus was necessary. Of course, we are assuming that the bible is more than a pretty piece of literature at this moment. I believe (as someone mentioned before?) that Jesus the person was setting an example. I don't think he meant the only way to attain salvation is by accepting him as your savior. Its very possible that this literal translation fails, and what it very well could mean is, "Be a good person".

So, was Jesus necessary? No, it could have been anybody with the right moxy.

Did he have to die? Well, dying is very poignant, isn't it? Makes quite a statement.

But then again, Abrahamic religion isn't really my bailiwick, so I may very well find myself conceding.

If there was no bible to explain the works of God, all we would know is the about the works of man.
And there are plenty of the works of man, both good and evil.

But let's look at the works of God for a moment and see just what it is about His works that cut through every soul that ever lived one way or the other as like a double edged sword.

Because He created a body of flesh with intellect, that body became a living soul.
By soul, I mean with a name, mainly "you".

In doing so, we became a lesser god, and subject to annialation if steps are not taken to save that which was created.

Those steps were taken to save that which was lost in the making, similar to a Potter making a vessel that would eventually be destroyed if it were not placed in a fiery furnace to temper the vessel to last.

That one particular vessel, the one perfect vessel, not needing tempering in the fiery furnace met all the requirements as a God and a lesser god, at the same time.

But because He choose to be tried as we are, as God and as a lesser god, the trials, sufferings and travails of this life, He conquered the lusts that plagued the lesser gods (us) for us, or in our place to take away the stigma of death attached to us because of the intellect, making us as like gods.

The first of all souls to go through the fiery furnace and turning it into a cleansing furnace of love for every soul that ever lived.

Now, that is the works of God revealed in the bible, and as you notice, we had absolutely nothing to do with all of that except being part of that by birth.

Everything else in the bible are bible stories of mankind's acts and in by which God uses to reveal Himself through them, if, but one looks into them with interest towards God.

Be it as it may, we all have choices.

You've made your choice in what you want to believe, yet, there is time and room for adjustments.

Those adjustments depend on our desire to seek truth with an open mind, always noting that this life is a privilege granted so that we as individuals, by name will make the best of it.

Blessings, AJ


To Extinguish
If there was no bible to explain the works of God, all we would know is the about the works of man.
And there are plenty of the works of man, both good and evil.

But let's look at the works of God for a moment and see just what it is about His works that cut through every soul that ever lived one way or the other as like a double edged sword.

Because He created a body of flesh with intellect, that body became a living soul.
By soul, I mean with a name, mainly "you".

In doing so, we became a lesser god, and subject to annialation if steps are not taken to save that which was created.

Those steps were taken to save that which was lost in the making, similar to a Potter making a vessel that would eventually be destroyed if it were not placed in a fiery furnace to temper the vessel to last.

That one particular vessel, the one perfect vessel, not needing tempering in the fiery furnace met all the requirements as a God and a lesser god, at the same time.

But because He choose to be tried as we are, as God and as a lesser god, the trials, sufferings and travails of this life, He conquered the lusts that plagued the lesser gods (us) for us, or in our place to take away the stigma of death attached to us because of the intellect, making us as like gods.

The first of all souls to go through the fiery furnace and turning it into a cleansing furnace of love for every soul that ever lived.

Now, that is the works of God revealed in the bible, and as you notice, we had absolutely nothing to do with all of that except being part of that by birth.

Everything else in the bible are bible stories of mankind's acts and in by which God uses to reveal Himself through them, if, but one looks into them with interest towards God.

Be it as it may, we all have choices.

You've made your choice in what you want to believe, yet, there is time and room for adjustments.

Those adjustments depend on our desire to seek truth with an open mind, always noting that this life is a privilege granted so that we as individuals, by name will make the best of it.

Blessings, AJ

Good post, but I have a select few qualms.

If there was no bible to explain the works of God, all we would know is the about the works of man.
To my understanding, the bible was written by men about God. I'm not sure I grasp the process that turned said bible into a text that tells us about God. Elaborate?

Because He created a body of flesh with intellect, that body became a living soul.
By soul, I mean with a name, mainly "you".
Define Intellect? If intellect is all that is required for something to have a soul, then some animals would indeed have souls. Is this correct?

In doing so, we became a lesser god, and subject to annialation if steps are not taken to save that which was created.
Elaborate on the latter part. I understand the bible says that mankind was doomed until Jesus saved us? Is this what you are referring to?

You've made your choice in what you want to believe, yet, there is time and room for adjustments.
You have done exactly the same. The difference is, I do not regulate myself to dogma, and eliminate no possibilities. Because that is the cause of the sum total of composition, possibilities.

Those adjustments depend on our desire to seek truth with an open mind, always noting that this life is a privilege granted so that we as individuals, by name will make the best of it.
I used to be a christian as well. It was the very "desire to seek truth with an open mind" you speak of that lead me to my current system of beliefs. I find myself much happier now.

I am sorry for that attack, but I detected a bit of proselytizing in that last bit.


And this raises the question again. Could another have done what Jesus did? I'm sure atheists or other types will say "yes", while theists and such will say "no". But that is presumptuous so I'll leave you to answer it friend Look.
Not sure this belongs here, but please move it to wherever it belongs, if not here! I'm new, so no burnings at the stake! I know how internet communities value organization, haha :D

I need for someone to explain to me why it is that Jesus is necessary for man to be saved in the Christian religion? Also, why must he have died? Is there another way the same supposed ends could have been achieved?

This is one of those things I fail to understand.

When God placed the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, in the Garden of Eden, these were given the command to not eat from the "tree of knowledge of good and bad."(Gen 2:17)

However, Adam broke this law from God and ate from this tree. As a result, God succinctly told Adam: "Because you listened to your wife’s voice and took to eating from the tree concerning which I gave you this command, ‘You must not eat from it,’ cursed is the ground on your account. In pain you will eat its produce all the days of your life. And thorns and thistles it will grow for you, and you must eat the vegetation of the field. In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For dust you are and to dust you will return.”(Gen 3:17-19)

Adam had now rebelled, bringing forth sin to him and his offspring, with the word sin meaning "to miss" (Hebrew chat·ta’th´; in Greek the usual word is ha·mar·ti´a), to miss perfect obedience to God. The apostle Paul wrote: "That is why, just as through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned."(Rom 5:12)

In order to buy back what Adam had lost for his offspring, the right to enjoy life forever on a paradise earth, the need arose for a perfect man to balance the scales of justice in God's eyes. Among mankind born from Adam and Eve, there has been no one equal to what Adam was before his defection or sin. Psalms 49:7 says that among imperfect mankind, "not one of them can by any means redeem even a brother, nor give to God a ransom for him;" Why was this the case ? Because "the redemption price of their soul is so precious that it has ceased to time indefinite that he should still live forever and not see the pit."(Ps 49:8, 9)

The price or value required was far above what any imperfect man could provide. A perfect man was required in order to balance God's justice. Hence, God had an imperfect woman, named Mary, bear his "only-begotten Son." An angel came to Mary, saying: "Good day, highly favored one, Jehovah is with you....Have no fear, Mary, for you have found favor with God; and, look! you will conceive in your womb and give birth to a son, and you are to call his name Jesus. This one will be great and will be called Son of the Most High; and Jehovah God will give him the throne of David his father, and he will rule as king over the house of Jacob forever, and there will be no end of his kingdom.”(Luke 1:28, 30-33)

Jesus, as a perfect human, was equal to Adam. The apostle Paul wrote that "so, then, as through one trespass the result to men of all sorts was condemnation, likewise also through one act of justification the result to men of all sorts is a declaring of them righteous for life. For just as through the disobedience of the one man many were constituted sinners, likewise also through the obedience of the one person many will be constituted righteous."(Rom 5:18, 19)

Jesus never faltered in his loyalty to God and thus could provide the ransom that would buy back what Adam lost for all us, the hope of living forever on a paradise earth. Jesus said: "Just as the Son of man came, not to be ministered to, but to minister and to give his soul a ransom in exchange for many.”(Matt 20:28)

The last book of the Bible provides a scenic vision of what life will be like then, saying: "With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”(Rev 21:3, 4)


ThrUU the Looking Glass
I need for someone to explain to me why it is that Jesus is necessary for man to be saved in the Christian religion? Also, why must he have died? Is there another way the same supposed ends could have been achieved?

This is one of those things I fail to understand.
Well, I don't know if this is what you're looking for, but it makes perfect sense from a neopagan perspective. Are you interested in that?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
If there was no bible to explain the works of God, all we would know is the about the works of man.
To my understanding, the bible was written by men about God. I'm not sure I grasp the process that turned said bible into a text that tells us about God. Elaborate?

True! God used the average person and inspired them to write what God placed in their minds to write.
Remember, the message given had to be explained in words only that in their time they knew how to explain.
So you will see words and terms that may mean other than what the words are defined as.
Example: a mountain can mean a government, a lamb = beast, smoke = sins etc.

Yet, the message is there as God wanted it to be.

Because He created a body of flesh with intellect, that body became a living soul.
By soul, I mean with a name, mainly "you".
Define Intellect? If intellect is all that is required for something to have a soul, then some animals would indeed have souls. Is this correct?

Intellect here meaning, the ability to discern right from wrong.
Animals have no knowledge of either good or evil.

The soul is not the body of flesh, but the character, the person, the you in the flesh that lives on as you, by name and spirit.
In doing so, we became a lesser god, and subject to annihilation if steps are not taken to save that which was created.
Elaborate on the latter part. I understand the bible says that mankind was doomed until Jesus saved us? Is this what you are referring to?

Based on the story of Adam and Eve, where after they ate of the tree of good and evil, they became as gods, thus their expulsion from the garden.

That expulsion translates into death, therefore, death reigned upon all of their offspring of which only God could save.

You've made your choice in what you want to believe, yet, there is time and room for adjustments.
You have done exactly the same. The difference is, I do not regulate myself to dogma, and eliminate no possibilities. Because that is the cause of the sum total of composition, possibilities.

Yes, you are right. I have made my choices based on knowledge I have received via the bible, world composers, and the spirit of Gods leading.
I have made many adjustments to bring me to the point of what I now believe.

If I should rate myself as to whether this is a good thing, I would answer in the affirmative.
Open mindedness is key to understanding.

Those adjustments depend on our desire to seek truth with an open mind, always noting that this life is a privilege granted so that we as individuals, by name will make the best of it.
I used to be a christian as well. It was the very "desire to seek truth with an open mind" you speak of that lead me to my current system of beliefs. I find myself much happier now.

I am sorry for that attack, but I detected a bit of proselytizing in that last bit.


I can only state that which I believe to be good, whether anyone wishes to listen to what I say is strictly up to them.

Because I understand that God loves all souls, I have no problem with you or anyone else believing what you want.

If my views help in any way, then to me that is good.

Blessings, AJ


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Originally Posted by exl2398
I need for someone to explain to me why it is that Jesus is necessary for man to be saved in the Christian religion? Also, why must he have died? Is there another way the same supposed ends could have been achieved?

This is one of those things I fail to understand.

Well, I don't know if this is what you're looking for, but it makes perfect sense from a neopagan perspective. Are you interested in that?

Christian religion derives its name after Christ. If you are a Christ believer, you bare His name.

Now, as to why Jesus is necessary, is because the first set of parents created were alienated from God via the ability to be as like god, resulting in their death by separation from God.

Having being created, gave them absolutely no power over themselves to save themselves from the eternal death sentence imposed upon all their offspring.

By necessity, and by the love the creator had for His "lost" creation, He in bodily form came among mankind and performed to save all mankind with power only God could give.

Having said and perhaps your having understanding of that, you'll see where there is a second birth necessary of our dead souls to be redeemed from the penalty of eternal separation.

Though born of mankind, we are sons of man, first birth.
If born in spirit of God, we become sons of God, second birth.

If we are not born again, of a second birth, we remain as the first.

The good news is....;that there is an opportunity for a second birth, which is a matter of our choosing.

If, told, and the matter is still not resolved by the second birth, then death remains.

Blessings, AJ


Wonderful Wizard
Premium Member
...I need for someone to explain to me why it is that Jesus is necessary for man to be saved in the Christian religion? Also, why must he have died? Is there another way the same supposed ends could have been achieved?

Here's a related issue: Why then? What was so special about *that* point in history that Yeshua had to come then, and not oh let's say during the return of the Jews from the Babylonian exile in 538 BCE, when Ezra could have really used a hand? Or any other crucial watershed before? Weren't people worthy of 'salvation' back then? No, it was the final and total destruction of the Temple and the sacrificial services on behalf of the tribes of Man that made a figure like Yeshua 'necessary' before the disaster of 70 CE.

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Here's a related issue: Why then? What was so special about *that* point in history that Yeshua had to come then, and not oh let's say during the return of the Jews from the Babylonian exile in 538 BCE, when Ezra could have really used a hand? Or any other crucial watershed before? Weren't people worthy of 'salvation' back then? No, it was the final and total destruction of the Temple and the sacrificial services on behalf of the tribes of Man that made a figure like Yeshua 'necessary' before the disaster of 70 CE.

maybe because the Jews had gone astray from the one true God?



Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Here's a related issue: Why then? What was so special about *that* point in history that Yeshua had to come then, and not oh let's say during the return of the Jews from the Babylonian exile in 538 BCE, when Ezra could have really used a hand? Or any other crucial watershed before? Weren't people worthy of 'salvation' back then? No, it was the final and total destruction of the Temple and the sacrificial services on behalf of the tribes of Man that made a figure like Yeshua 'necessary' before the disaster of 70 CE.

The point in human history that Yeshua came was predetermined by God after first giving notice of His coming.

Regardless of what period in time that would have been, the point is that God would have to cover the whole of human history in one stroke.

Why one stroke? Because God the Creator made us subject to His power and only He could remedy the situation that He placed us in.

When He says salvation is of God, that is because as subjects we have no power to save ourselves.

Yeshua, then is the key central figure of Gods redemptive work in the life of humanity as a whole.
The whole bible, though compiled by mankind into one book (Books) was and is God inspired to present Jesus (Yeshua) as the key central figure of all that God has done in our behalf.

There are two distinct periods in human history, 1. born in the flesh (and death)and 2. born in the spirit.(life)
Number 2. becomes an option enabling the flesh's dead spirit to become reborn to life.
Prior to Yeshua's coming, there was the number 1. But after Yeshua, there is oppourtunity for the number 2.

Note: To my understanding, Yeshua covered all souls, past, present and all future souls in one stroke.

Isa 30:26 Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound.

That day? The day Yeshua was crucified!

Blessings, AJ


New Member
I need for someone to explain to me why it is that Jesus is necessary for man to be saved in the Christian religion? Also, why must he have died? Is there another way the same supposed ends could have been achieved? This is one of those things I fail to understand.

Before to speak about rescue, it is necessary to find out, paternal in general it is necessary to rescue. And why we (orthodox) express business of the Christ
Word "rescue" instead of how some Protestants a word "expiation" or how some Catholics a word "justification"?
In what cases we in a usual life speak about "rescue"? Usually when the person is in danger of death, but to itself
Cannot help. Here now, to Haiti, there was an earthquake, and people that them to help, therefore as they have from all over the world gathered Cope with a problem cannot. And they need to be "rescued". What problem is at people from which they cannot independently consult?
It is an obvious problem: a death problem. But what such death? Disappearance from life? No, the person, is a being immortal, it cannot To disappear from Life. Then that? Obviously it is disintegration (split) of soul and a body. When the soul passes in other world, and the body is subject to disintegration on elements from Which it is made. It is possible to ask a question further: «and than actually such disintegration is bad»? This new condition, than that can be better,
Which was available? Perhaps, our soul is the butterfly who departs from a cocoon on freedom, to the fine and light world? There can be a body it is a dungeon of soul,
How heretics - gnostics learnt? At present, discussion of this question is impossible, because of its dimensions. But it is important to note: death happen two.
Two splits in the human being can occur:
1. Soul and body Split
2. Soul and God Split
In the beginning Adam has died death of the second type, and only then death of the first type. The first death, is a consequence of the second.
Adam's all descendants, have inherited death of the second type which with necessity caused in us death of the first type.
The death - is split uniform on a part, but is opposite to split "communication", from here there is a word "religion" as that restores Communication of the person and God.
When Adam has sinned, it has made anything other as has broken link good luck – a unique source of immortality and the blessing, and therefore, Began to be ill, choke, die. Here the Christ also comes to rescue from it all of us. It comes to reestablish communication of people And God which was broke off by Adam's sin. But why It should come? What it was impossible to reestablish such communication at once?
God after all is all-powerful? Yes, it was impossible to restore such communication in any way. After all for the communication restoration, not enough one only desires
God, it is necessary also desire of the person, and its condition of heart, mind, other forces of soul. But after all communication therefore is considered broken off that
All forces of soul not so truly work for the person. That is why, action from outside Adam cannot achieve the object, as leans on incorrect, The work of sincere forces dulled by a sin. Besides: the condition of cleanliness of heart, cannot be at the person in itself in a separation from God.
Only God Svjat by the nature, and we are consecrated on participation in God. (Can look the doctrine about not created энергиях more in detail Prelate Grigory Palamy). Therefore, any action from outside the person – had no completeness of sanctity and cleanliness. And God cannot enter into that soul,
Which not pure though on one micron. As god not приемлет a sin. Here, such situation has turned out that the person once having sinned – Has fallen for ever. There was no possibility for rescue, as what the person in the conditions of a broken link of God and the person has Does not possess sufficient degree of the perfection necessary for restoration. Adam - not God, it has from itself no life and sanctity.Therefore it is doomed to eternal death, on eternal split and a finding out of true and out of God. The Satan very much was delighted to it when has managed
To tempt the person on a sin. He hoped that the person will be now eternally dead, eternally is «in religious searches», eternally to suffer, Eternally to suffer. But, has occurred unexpected, the Satan has not considered one detail: it has not considered that for communication restoration there can be two variants:
1.когда the person is improved by itself (and it as it has been shown, - it is all the same senseless)
2. If God becomes the person and will reestablish such communication.
It was the unique variant for rescue of people. And here, happy day when in mankind the maiden, достоянная is born comes
On the humility to become mother of the Lord. Having selected itself this maiden, the Lord has noticed humility slaves to the, and of its cleanest blood has formed
To itself a rudiment of a human body. The Christ – God as God It it is absolute свят by the nature, has perfect and pure "heart". But the Christ And the person, and having too the heart which piously, it already possesses completeness of perfection for restoration of communication of God and the person.
And here, in the Christ two natures have merged: Divine and human. As have confirmed Universal Cathedrals, connection of two природ in the Christ
Has occurred so:
1. Not together
2. Not changing
3. Not separately
4. It is not separated
That is there was an ontologic certificate. The Christ – the unique person who has incorporated good luck. And except the Christ anybody is not rescued.In it one rescue and restoration, more in anybody was made. And to us that before? We are certainly glad for the Christ, but and we then and, ask Probably you? Here we here besides that we can become "part" of the Christ. From here also there is a word "participle". Which moves to all people, Being in true Church Christ's which on marvellous expression of Apostle Pavel – is the Body of the Christ which will be not not overcome by a hell gate. Therefore, if who wishes to escape, that should put on weight the Christ, i.e. find Its Church and reunite with it.
(I mean what Church, I think you have understood)
It is difficult to me to write in English, therefore excuse for the clumsy text. If someone could not understand the given text, but would wish to learn(find out) more in detail about the orthodox doctrine about rescue write in the personal message. I can send the text in Russian.

laughing marmot

beginner mind
The most common understanding today, I think, is that, because of humankind's fall into sin, we were condemned to death, spiritual as well as physical. Jesus' mission was to die in our stead. But, being God, death could not hold him, & so he rose from the tomb, thereby conquering death. If one believes in Jesus & is baptized, he is baptized into the death & the resurrection, thereby being freed from death's hold & attaining eternal life.

Is there another way? Most Christians would say no. Here's my take on it. When Jesus said, "I am the Way the Truth & the Life; no one comes to the Father except through me," that wasn't Jesus the person speaking. That was the Eternal One speaking through the person of Jesus. That was the Christ of which the beginning of John's gospel speaks: "In the beginning was the Word, & the Word was with God & the Word was God..."

So you can follow Jesus or you can follow Buddha or you can follow Krishna, but they're all the same Way; they're all the Tao. Some theologians separate the Jesus of the Bible into the "historical Jesus" & the "cosmic Christ" which is essentially the Buddha nature; it resides in all of us.

My favorite sentence in Zen & the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is this: There's many ways up the mountain & everyone has to find their own path. Or something like that.
You cannot understand what Christ did until you understand what Adam did..

When God created the world & everything/everyone in it, He created them to be GOOD. When He created Adam, He gave Adam everything he needed to be happy & successful..
He gave him EVERYTHING that is good. Adam had everything he could ever want.. A good home, a beautiful wife, authority over the animal kingdom, A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD.. But it wasn't just for Adam, these blessings were for Eve also.. And with all of these blessings, Adam & Eve were also given the FREE WILL to enjoy the blessings & life of leisure God gave them in any way they chose. They were free to kick back and relax.. Their only responsibility was to work the garden & take care of it.
God gave them everything & said they could do whatever they wanted to do without restrictions.. But God did give them ONE rule..
"You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good & evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die." - Genesis 2:16-17
But when the devil came to the garden he deceived Eve. He filled her head with lies so she would start to doubt God's true motives & goddness. God told her what not to do & the consequences of doing it after considering the pro's & con's of both sides of the situation, she went with the offer she thought was best for her desires, took the fruit and SINNED AGAINST GOD. Then she proceeded to run to Adam with the rest of the fruit & then HE SINNED AGAINST GOD..
Well this sin did EXACTLY what God promised it would do.. It brought DEATH into the world.. Death of the body, in that instant the days of a mans life were set with a limit.. Death of the soul; SIN IS SEPARATION FROM GOD, BOTH IN THIS LIFE & THE NEXT, and the original sin promised DEATH to humanity because it released all evil to unleash the power of SIN into the world.. Hell was not meant for man, it was made to hold Satan & the demons (fallen angels) captive. But the second Adam & Eve decided that God shouldn't be trusted, sinning against Him; the Gates of Hell got wider..
As a result, not only did Adam & Eve ruin their relationship with God but they ruined it for all of humanity..
But it wasn't what God had in mind when He created humanity.. God didn't want it to happen, He loved them & He was really hurt by it. But even though He didn't want to do it, He is a good God & a God of TRUTH & JUSTICE. His word is BOND & He doesn't go back on it.. He doesn't want us to go to hell because He loves us. But He had a backup plan. Realize, God didn't make a mistake. When this happened He had a backup plan to save us.. JESUS CHRIST.

God gave us the 10 commandments, to be 10 laws to live by, the code of conduct.. But God isn't the problem, we ARE.. To understand the reason for Christ you have to understand what every one of us inherits from the original sin.. WE INHERIT A NATURALLY SINFUL NATURE. God's law is perfect but because we aren't perfect we are not capable of obeying it because the 1st command is to LOVE THE LORD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, ALL YOUR SOUL & ALL YOUR MIND.. Because we are sinful at heart, we can't obey God's commands because we need God to do it, but from the original sin, we are separated from Him..

God wasn't pleased with this so this is what He did.. He knew that the only way men could reconnect with God is if their was a clean sacrifice made to take mans place... Because it is impossible for man to live a life free of sin, God sent His son Jesus Christ to live perfect for US. Like us, Christ went through trials & tribulations, dealt with temptation and suffered persecution unlike ever seen before. Because it is impossible for man to go through this and NOT SIN, Christ came to do it for us. He lived a blameless life, did nothing wrong, was completely undeserving of the cruelty he suffered from.. But he did it for US. Because SIN IS SEPARATION FROM GOD.. and SEPARATION FROM GOD IS DEATH.. Christ lived without sin cause were not able to and he suffered death on the cross to not only pay the penalty for our sins.

What does this mean? It means that EVERYBODY is separated from God because everybody is a sinner, but through Jesus Christ every sinner who desires to know God & let God change their ways, can come to God & be forgiven for their sins, & through faith can be reconnected with God because the blood of Christ covers your sin.. and the cross serves as a bridge over the pit between man & God so that anyone who wants to truly know Him can reconnect with Him


Done here.
It won't be surprising that I find the Eastern Christian view both better and more interesting than the Western. The West has a distressing tendency to dwell on blood and sacrifice; Christ was born to die. In the East, Christ was also born to live. The union of the human and the divine in Christ is a great Mystery and is at least as important to salvation as the crucifixion. God becomes incarnate - becomes one of us - and by so doing he effects a mystical union between God and humanity. His divinity-and-humanity makes it possible for all humanity to participate in the divine.

Compare what Amigo has written to the usual Western Christian, juridical responses:

The death - is split uniform on a part, but is opposite to split "communication", from here there is a word "religion" as that restores Communication of the person and God.

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If God becomes the person and will reestablish such communication.

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And here, in the Christ two natures have merged: Divine and human.

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That is there was an ontologic certificate. The Christ &#8211; the unique person who has incorporated good luck. And except the Christ anybody is not rescued.


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Premium Member
Here is the formula/steps of Gods creation repeated every time a child is born.

1. Introduction = creation = how we came about story
2. The Fall = how we came to be fallen from, by gaining knowledge of good and evil = unless mentally incapable
3. Judgment = based on the gaining of knowledge of good and evil = separation = death of body and soul
4. Punishment = judgment executed.

Now look at what I am going to say here about that:
God designed it to be that way so as for us to be able to become as like God, or in His image, or as gods.
If you read the reason why the tree of life was withheld, it will confirm it.

Therefore, the creation of mankind became lost, and the only possible way to save the lost, is for God alone to perform the deed.

Enter: Jesus, born of a women going through the same four steps, fulfilling all its requirements of righteousness, we could not do, and nailed to the cross the penalty of death exacted on us by the first Adam.

Jesus, then being a type of first Adam, but a second Adam, was God in incarnate, not subject to separation death of the soul, because in Him rested the fullness of the godhead bodily.

Jesus was life, and not death, a quickening spirit.

After Jesus came to annual the covenant with hell and death for us, He became the first "New Adam" new creature of which in Him we all become new creatures with life.

You see, except the righteousness of God save us, our own will not.

The bible was written to address the key note figure, Jesus, not mankind.

If you stop to think for a moment, Jesus is the beginning of life, not the first Adam.

The first Adam brought the flesh and death, the second Adam brought life as a gift.

If then, at the point that Jesus was introduced into human history, the conditions were set for such a figure to arrive after hundreds of years of prophecy fortelling of His coming.

Regardless of what mankind dreams up as their prophet, their god, or whatever allegiance to type, the bible is the trues-est form of knowledge given to mankind for explanation on how God worked to save us.

Jesus is then God in human form saving us by paying taking away the penalty of death for us by God's own righteouness.

1Sa 26:23 The LORD render to every man his righteousness and his faithfulness: for the LORD delivered thee into my hand to day, but I would not stretch forth mine hand against the LORD'S anointed.
Job 33:26 He shall pray unto God, and he will be favourable unto him: and he shall see his face with joy: for he will render unto man his righteousness.

A necessity? Absolutely!!!

Blessings, AJ


Active Member
Zola Levitt compared Jesus to the Passover Lamb. Read in Exodus about the 10th plague for details.
My own input: In the Old Covenant, the Israelites were required to sacrifice their best lamb (one without blemish) to atone for their sins (they would eat the lamb afterwards). Jesus was used in place of that lamb. In order for Him to be a sacrifice, He had to be unblemished-- someone who never sinned. That is how it was explained in the New Testament. Since people can't eat human flesh, they ate bread in place of Jesus flesh.

But Jews don't believe in human sacrifice.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
But Jews don't believe in human sacrifice.

No, your right!

Because Jesus was condemned as a blasphemer,they crucified Him, ending the sacrificial priesthood, giving way to the priesthood of Jesus.

Blessings, A


The Christ belongs to God.
Helping mankind to achieve its full potential and to be prepared for the New Age to come, mankind needed a "doorway" and a guide - Enter the Christ !! God's way to perfection.
Those who realy need him (I am one) need to follow very closely and even need his death to live (I needed a spiritual organ donor - I had a sick wicked heart - and found it in Jesus Christ)

If you don't need him - Ignore Him and carry on with your life !
If life is a journey - you are heading for the destination of your own choosing.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
The Christ belongs to God.
Helping mankind to achieve its full potential and to be prepared for the New Age to come, mankind needed a "doorway" and a guide - Enter the Christ !! God's way to perfection.
Those who realy need him (I am one) need to follow very closely and even need his death to live (I needed a spiritual organ donor - I had a sick wicked heart - and found it in Jesus Christ)

If you don't need him - Ignore Him and carry on with your life !
If life is a journey - you are heading for the destination of your own choosing.

You'll find that I am in absolute agreement with you!

Blessings, AJ


Active Member
No, your right!

Because Jesus was condemned as a blasphemer,they crucified Him, ending the sacrificial priesthood, giving way to the priesthood of Jesus.

Blessings, A

where are you getting your information? I said Jews don't believe in human sacrifice, it is against the laws of Torah, so there was never a human sacrifice among Jews of any kind. So Jesus couldn't possibly be an end to anything. Jesus wasn't there when the temple was destroyed so he couldn't end anything anyways, and no one can end priesthood because it is given to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cohanim. Jesus has nothing to do with it.

I have no clue where you guys get you information, anything Christianity has to offer HAS to be based on Judaism and information provided with in it, other wise the information is a wild guess, or you guys just say what you want even if doesn't make any sense.