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The only solution is to love all mankind


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
In todays world it can only work

If that love be extended to all humankind. That means dealing with our prejudices. It’s easy yet has been made to seem impossible. But this impossibility only applies to those with vested interests. We can broaden our vision and put humanity first just like we did to put our nation first. We have the mechanisms to have a world neighbourhood and world citizenship making all humans and their rights protected under one universal constitution. This is the next stage in human evolution we are struggling with, to overcome our limited vision and have a world vision of all people as members of one human family. But it requires us to accept unconditionally all humanity as one. That no race, religion or nation is superior to another. We have evolved from the tribe to the nation over centuries so why not one world community?

Unfortunately we all have vested interests. It is unrealistic to pretend otherwise.
Look, your ideal is ideal. Nothing wrong with it as an ideal. Just not very realistic.

In the mean time I think we ought to be looking for practical solutions. Those are difficult enough.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
I see that on one end of things people are morally relative, and can't agree on moral facts. It's like shifting sands, there's no foundation. Blindness, and ignorance paralyze people from contributing to worthy causes. People also invest in religious cure alls that go nowhere.

There's no orientation towards the actual causes and effects of chosen moralities, and ethics. On one hand some people say there's no free will, no moral responsibility, and everything is hard determined by genetics and environment. That helps no one. On the other extreme some religions demand submission, or imply ultimatums and submission to moralities that are not proven to help, but actually do harm.

No one is even getting up to bat at establishing what needs to be done because there's no clear cut agreement, and people don't even recognize simple moral facts. Utopias don't exist. We are all born into battles fighting to survive, from all kinds of different angles, predicaments, situations, and plights. Who actually sees reality in truth the way it really is? Few and far between.

Another thing you can't reason with evil. Love them all you want, they'll only take, use, and abuse, and destroy. Evil don't want the light of truth whatsoever. They see things their way.

The lost, the blind, the afflicted, the naive, the ignorant, the evil, and the good, they all see things their way. Not everybody has the same opportunities to make a positive difference in life.
A just system, which the world lacks right now, can easily deal with evil and oppression. It’s that firstly people have no faith in the goodness of human beings that we can create such a system and secondly that we have not yet come together to discuss the issue. I’m sure that we can set up a world system that works just like we set up hundreds of nations that function successfully. It’s the negativeness holding us back nothing else. People are just so sunk in hopelessness and despair that any idea that comes along to better humanity gets labelled as ‘utopian’ and put in the too hard basket. I have faith that humanity can and will overcome its present obstacles and build a society based on justice and prosperity. Nation building is proof that humanity can rise above its current condition,


Veteran Member
billions of people are waiting for something to magically happen so are not working towards that better world which is why it will take so long.
I am not sure if it is billions, but millions of Christians who are waiting for Jesus to return and fix everything that is wrong in the world.
They believe that Jesus is going to build the kingdom of God on Earth single-handedly. That way they won't have to do anything but wait, but they are waiting for nothing because Jesus said tat Hos work was finished here and He was no more in the world.
(John 14:19, John 16:10, John 17:4, John 17:11, John 19:30)

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Baha’u’llah said that all the nations need to come together and to consult on how to establish peace.

"..... The unity of the human race, as envisaged by Bahá’u’lláh, implies the establishment of a world commonwealth in which all nations, races, creeds and classes are closely and permanently united, and in which the autonomy of its state members and the personal freedom and initiative of the individuals that compose them are definitely and completely safeguarded.
Let's not worry about all the nations of the world... let's just talk about how you could make it work in a country that is sort of already united and sort of at peace with itself, the United States. The two major parties don't agree on very much and can't seem to be able to work together. Now apply the Baha'i plan to the U.S.

One side wants semi-automatic weapons to be easily accessible. The other wants to ban them. One side is against abortion. The other wants it. One side says the other side cheated on the last presidential election and tried to use force to keep the winning side from taking control. Who was right? Who were the cheaters and the liars? Who would the member state rise up against and stop? Each state has people from both sides.

If the Baha'i plan depends on a majority of the people, then would does that majority do if the minority doesn't want to agree to the terms and wants to fight? What happens in the Baha'i plan if the majority wants abortion to be a right, but the minority says that it is wrong, and it is taking the life of an unborn human?

Yes, I'm so doubtful. And no, Baha'is don't go into the details. And like with the Baha'i stand on homosexuality, when they do, they raise the concern of a lot of people that do not agree with what the Baha'is believe.

Now one answer would be... apply what Baha'is claim to be God's laws. Anybody disagreeing with God's laws would then be wrong. And if those people rebel and fight, what would be the Baha'i solution? In the U.S. we had that situation with prohibition. The "Godly" thing to do would be to ban all alcoholic beverages.

And Baha'is agree, they say God's law ban alcohol. Yet, when the U.S. tried to enforce such a law, well-armed people rose up and fought against the government's authorities, the police and FBI.

So, in a world where God's law prevails, what would Baha'is recommend for a solution to those that would produce and distribute alcohol? And what would the Baha'is do if the majority wanted alcoholic beverages and didn't want to follow God's law? Let the majority have their way? Since you know drinking goes along very well with other vices, like sexual promiscuity, gambling, drunkenness and people willing to drink could also want to do recreational drugs. In a peaceful, united world can we have such things go on and for them to be legal?

So, take my doubts away. Show me the Baha'i plan can fix all those things.


Christian Evolutionist
Today humanity is beset with many strifes, conflicts and wars and I believe that the only solution to ending these conflicts over time is for all people to be educated in the home, school, university and workplace to love all humanity unconditionally. It will take time but it is the only ideology which I firmly believe can defeat war, hatred, prejudice and terrorism because it has been proven that over time peace treaties, pacts and covenants eventually fail and war re-emerges unless there is true peace between individuals.

I‘m claiming this to be the main solution to ending war so it is a debate. What do you think?
I would typically agree that these are needed traits. What I'll disagree with is the premise that we can educate kids of their importance. The cookie jar they knew to stay out of, compelled them so that there was only two left. It was half full before they opened the lid to eat them. Now, they had been informed of the importance of staying out of the cookie jar, but we all know that kids will be kids. It must have been worth the consequence, as they refused the directives over and over. For some reason, I have a feeling this is typical human behavior. Call me guilty if you will, but my sympathies compelled me to relieve them of the longer durations the original consequence demanded.


Well-Known Member
Yes, the religion seems to me to carry traces of other Abrahamic religions, so it has a specific cultural, theological, and doctrinal character that, in my view, is far from universal. I don't necessarily see that as a negative thing, but it does undermine claims of universalism, "oneness," etc.
It is a negative thing. Antihuman, in fact. But what truly undermines the Baha'i is that they can only speak in the broadest and most vague of statements. They have marketing , but they have no experience, no awareness of others and no practical modalities.


Well-Known Member
You’ve never loved unconditionally? Then you don’t know what love is, which is heartbreaking. I’m sorry for you, friend.
I know you are. But you have a naive view of love. To put it simply, love that has nothing to do with who a given person is, or what that person does and thinks -- iow, love without conditions -- is not love of that person. It's a love of the ideals that one has about one's relationship to that person. Or, to be blunt, a love of self.


Well-Known Member
I know you are. But you have a naive view of love. To put it simply, love that has nothing to do with who a given person is, or what that person does and thinks -- iow, love without conditions -- is not love of that person. It's a love of the ideals that one has about one's relationship to that person. Or, to be blunt, a love of self.

I take it you’re not a parent?


Well-Known Member
Today humanity is beset with many strifes, conflicts and wars and I believe that the only solution to ending these conflicts over time is for all people to be educated in the home, school, university and workplace to love all humanity unconditionally. It will take time but it is the only ideology which I firmly believe can defeat war, hatred, prejudice and terrorism because it has been proven that over time peace treaties, pacts and covenants eventually fail and war re-emerges unless there is true peace between individuals.

I‘m claiming this to be the main solution to ending war so it is a debate. What do you think?

A terribly ineffective solution .. along with unrealistic and failed .. so let us hope "Love all Mankind" is not the only option to saving humanity from itself.


Well-Known Member
Love is not something you comprehend. It’s something you feel. Or don’t, as the case may be.
I both feel and comprehend my emotions. If your emotions are incomprehensible to you then therapy might be in order. Not an insult. A person should simply have a more unified awareness of self.


Well-Known Member
I both feel and comprehend my emotions. If your emotions are incomprehensible to you then therapy might be in order. Not an insult. A person should simply have a more unified awareness of self.

Thanks for the advise. Unsolicited and unnecessary, but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it was well intended.

Have a good day, and good luck dealing with your own emotions.


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
Let's not worry about all the nations of the world... let's just talk about how you could make it work in a country that is sort of already united and sort of at peace with itself, the United States. The two major parties don't agree on very much and can't seem to be able to work together. Now apply the Baha'i plan to the U.S.

One side wants semi-automatic weapons to be easily accessible. The other wants to ban them. One side is against abortion. The other wants it. One side says the other side cheated on the last presidential election and tried to use force to keep the winning side from taking control. Who was right? Who were the cheaters and the liars? Who would the member state rise up against and stop? Each state has people from both sides.

If the Baha'i plan depends on a majority of the people, then would does that majority do if the minority doesn't want to agree to the terms and wants to fight? What happens in the Baha'i plan if the majority wants abortion to be a right, but the minority says that it is wrong, and it is taking the life of an unborn human?

Yes, I'm so doubtful. And no, Baha'is don't go into the details. And like with the Baha'i stand on homosexuality, when they do, they raise the concern of a lot of people that do not agree with what the Baha'is believe.

Now one answer would be... apply what Baha'is claim to be God's laws. Anybody disagreeing with God's laws would then be wrong. And if those people rebel and fight, what would be the Baha'i solution? In the U.S. we had that situation with prohibition. The "Godly" thing to do would be to ban all alcoholic beverages.

And Baha'is agree, they say God's law ban alcohol. Yet, when the U.S. tried to enforce such a law, well-armed people rose up and fought against the government's authorities, the police and FBI.

So, in a world where God's law prevails, what would Baha'is recommend for a solution to those that would produce and distribute alcohol? And what would the Baha'is do if the majority wanted alcoholic beverages and didn't want to follow God's law? Let the majority have their way? Since you know drinking goes along very well with other vices, like sexual promiscuity, gambling, drunkenness and people willing to drink could also want to do recreational drugs. In a peaceful, united world can we have such things go on and for them to be legal?

So, take my doubts away. Show me the Baha'i plan can fix all those things.
What you may wish to meditate upon CG is that God's plans work because individuals choose to make the change for their own selves.

The Baha'i plan is to make known what Baha'u'llah offered to as many people as possible and let them make their choice. As we have offered, we are not here to convert anyone, we are here so any participant or reader of the forum may find a spark that will ignight their own choices to seek after unity for their own selves. It is only the supreme power of God which changes the hearts of men and unites them into one brotherhood as one fold with one shepherd.

This is from the "Star of the West", it was a magazine that was printed that included a lot of Abdul'baha's letters to individuals.

"Only through the power of the Holy Spirit," said 'Abdu'l-Bahá, "will the cause of universal peace be established in the world. There must needs be a divine, executive power to bring the self-seeking governments to the terms of universal brotherhood and conciliation. Nothing else will do it."


"Not until the cause of universal peace becomes a personal religious conviction," said 'Abdu'l-Bahá to some friends at Haifa, in June of 1919, "will it prove to be permanent. Diplomacy is impotent; the all-powerful Word of God must establish it and make it a living, potent and lasting factor in the world. Hearts must be purified and no trace of revenge, enmity and rancour must linger in any heart—until peace shall prove to be permanent..."

We can only change our own selves CG and we are living in an age of great bounty, an age promissed in all scriptures, where humanity will find oneness. The transition will be painful and destructive, but the transition is well underway.

I personally think we will not see peace in our lifetimes, we have been given the chance to envisage the possibility and commit our own self in assisting to build the foundations, despite all the destructuon and decay that will inevitably strike the old world order. It maybe that we live in the time when we see the event that will cause the limbs of mankind to quake, and then and only then will the Divine banner start to unfold, and the victory of Oneness and peace start to become a reality in the minds of humanity.

Regards Tony


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
It is a negative thing. Antihuman, in fact. But what truly undermines the Baha'i is that they can only speak in the broadest and most vague of statements. They have marketing , but they have no experience, no awareness of others and no practical modalities.
That is incorrect. The issue is, it is not the Baha'i that need to unite to start the peace process, we are already part of it as are many other people and some groups.

The details need to be set by all the Nations. One may say the Architect has given the plan and left humanity to draft and engineer the remainder.

Regards Tony


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advise. Unsolicited and unnecessary, but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it was well intended.

Have a good day, and good luck dealing with your own emotions.
Just responding honestly to the words that you said.