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The "only true religion"


Active Member
Still three co-eternal persons. But even if one concedes that trinitarianism is not polytheism, it remains shirk in Islam, the antithesis of tawhid, or the oneness of the Abrahamic god, and an unforgivable sin if there is no repentance before death (yes, Christians burn in hell for trinitarianism according to many if not most Muslims). This is from the Quran itself.

Christians believe the trinity is consistent with Abrahamic monotheism, but the two major branches apart from Christianity disagree with that assessment.

They do disagree. On the other hand, both discount (or minimize) the work God did in the New Testament. So, it's like watching episodes 1 - 5 of Star Wars, but never seeing Return of the Jedi. Sure, they're good movies and standalone as decent work, but you miss the meaning of the whole story.


Well-Known Member
Nope. It would be depressing if it were. Any religion which is gifted with enough people of sincere intent and sufficient wisdom is by definition true.
No. A religion is true by definition if its propositions parallel reality. So in Islam for example if god exists, did Muhammad go to heaven on A Winged and recieve a vision in a cave, is the quram the perfect word of god.

What you're taking is a kind of spiritual new age ambiguous position that is incredibly vague and politically correct. This is like saying the laws of physics are true depending on how many scientists with good intent support them. when we discuss truth we are talking about factual truth that applies to everyone


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
No. A religion is true by definition if its propositions parallel reality. So in Islam for example if god exists, did Muhammad go to heaven on A Winged and recieve a vision in a cave, is the quram the perfect word of god.

What you're taking is a kind of spiritual new age ambiguous position that is incredibly vague and politically correct. This is like saying the laws of physics are true depending on how many scientists with good intent support them. when we discuss truth we are talking about factual truth that applies to everyone
I really disagree. Physics and religion are very much unlike in this regard. Science seeks reliable information. Religion (when quite sane) seeks to make itself trustworthy.

I think it is a serious mistake - and always has been - to attempt to see religion as a source of "truth" in the factual sense. It is a very ill fit. Religion is about health, moral values and inspiration, not "truth" in those senses.


Well-Known Member
I really disagree. Physics and religion are very much unlike in this regard. Science seeks reliable information. Religion (when quite sane) seeks to make itself trustworthy.

I think it is a serious mistake - and always has been - to attempt to see religion as a source of "truth" in the factual sense. It is a very ill fit. Religion is about health, moral values and inspiration, not "truth" in those senses.

Well i agree that physics and religion are different, my point was just to draw an analogy, not simply , as your strawman portrays it, an equivocation between religion and science. The analogy was that saying religion can be true for a variety of people is like saying the laws of physics can be different for each person. The reason why was shown in the example i described, which was about the truth of God. God doesnt exist for one person, and then not exist for another. Either God exists for everyone or he doesnt . Either the empire state building exists for everyone or it doesnt. Either jesus was born of a virgin or he wasnt, and so since everyone shares the same previous history, logically either that happened in the one history we share or it didn't. History or the universe doesnt change per person depending on mood and religious choice.

And religion is the worst source for morality and health. Religion allows you to pick an absolute morality or health plan depending on society and the time you were born and use God to justify any action as divinely warranted rather than rationally determined. so because of moral relativism religion becomes a source of crazed morality that leads to things like slavery, stoning adultering women and homosexuals, genocide against certain ethnic groups, etc. And people do these things thinking they are doing the work of god


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
1. Do you believe the religion you have chosen to be the only "true" religion?
Didn't choose my religion, it found me.... Heaven is called Oneness within my NDE, and then we find it in all religions globally as the ultimate goal.
2. If the answer to question #1 is "yes," what exactly does that mean to you?
It means everything, 'without Oneness the sky would be likely to fall to pieces'. Without Oneness there is only selfishness; which unfortunately many in this world prosper from teaching.
3. If the answer to question #1 is "yes," what do you believe will be the fate of those who do not share your beliefs?
They can be selfish if they choose; yet ultimately they find eternity is a lonely place on your own. :innocent:
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Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Well i agree that physics and religion are different, my point was just to draw an analogy, not simply , as your strawman portrays it,

Point me to the strawman. I see none.

an equivocation between religion and science. The analogy was that saying religion can be true for a variety of people is like saying the laws of physics can be different for each person.

Well, that just is not true.

The reason why was shown in the example i described,

I see no such reason in #102. Was it in another post?

which was about the truth of God. God doesnt exist for one person, and then not exist for another.

Except that God does indeed exist or fails to according to the person, both in the sense of belief itself and, I have come to conclude, in all other meaningful senses.

Sure, there are many who insist that their beliefs about deities are in some sense universally true. But to the extent that it can be verified, it has been proven wrong.

One could perhaps insist on believing that God wants people to have conflicting ideas about whether he exists or what he wants, but that is really grasping at straws for no good result.

Either God exists for everyone or he doesnt .


That can only work if we accept that God is utterly irrelevant, inconsequential.

After all, there is and there will probably never be anything even approaching any consensus on whether God exists - despite intentional loosening of the concept to the point of meaningless.

And most telling of all, that does not even matter, not even for emphatically theistic religions. Some make the utmost effort to insist that it does, but in practice it just does not.

Either the empire state building exists for everyone or it doesnt.

The Empire State is not comparable to many concepts of deity, let alone all.

Besides, nor does it even exist for everyone, at least not in quite the same way (which it would need to if the comparison with deities were to hold water).

Ultimately, at least half of the actual "existence" of deities is unavoidably customized to the believer's needs and nature.

And that is assuming that there is such a thing as deity outside the inspirational role that is entirely personal.

Either jesus was born of a virgin or he wasnt, and so since everyone shares the same previous history, logically either that happened in the one history we share or it didn't. History or the universe doesnt change per person depending on mood and religious choice.

One of several reasons why religion is not history. Although I am not sure even History itself is quite so deterministic.

And religion is the worst source for morality and health.

Religion proper would not be, but I suspect that you are calling superstition by that name.

Religion allows you to pick an absolute morality or health plan depending on society and the time you were born and use God to justify any action as divinely warranted rather than rationally determined.

That is a degeneration, not religion proper.

so because of moral relativism religion becomes a source of crazed morality

Did you not just complain of absolute morality?

that leads to things like slavery, stoning adultering women and homosexuals, genocide against certain ethnic groups, etc. And people do these things thinking they are doing the work of god

Yes, it is clear to me that neither morality proper not religion much benefits from paying a lot of attention to conceptions of deities.


Three questions here...

1. Do you believe the religion you have chosen to be the only "true" religion?
2. If the answer to question #1 is "yes," what exactly does that mean to you?
3. If the answer to question #1 is "yes," what do you believe will be the fate of those who do not share your beliefs?
Something which is doubtful cannot be addressed as chosen.
Thus, I don't think you have asked an appropriate question.


Jesus in me
You... you... uh... you... missed the point (hint: true is relative).

I believe it isn't relative. The US sets the standard of 2000 lbs to a ton. That is true for those the US has authority over. God sets the standard for man and He has authority over everyone so there is no relativity involved.


Jesus in me
Based on Islamic scripture and tradition, we are pretty sure you polytheist Christians are going to hell for shirk. Jews, preceding Mo, appear to agree that you are monotheistic pretenders.

Alternatively, and realistically, you are all deluded cultists who hold humanity back by believing harmful things.

i believe this is not based on the Qu'ran but on someone's imgaination. I believe Christians are not polytheistic
and even if someone were to make that mistake in Christianity He would be absolved of his sin.

I believe Jews reject God which makes them a poor judge of godly things.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
I believe it isn't relative. The US sets the standard of 2000 lbs to a ton. That is true for those the US has authority over. God sets the standard for man and He has authority over everyone so there is no relativity involved.

Sorry, but he has no authority over me. He's just another deity in another pantheon, one I don't worship or follow. For me that's the truth, so it is relative.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
I don't know how you decide who to trust but I believe Itrust God because He does what He says He will do.

God either does not exist or saw fit to hide from me and give me reason to fully doubt his existence. I guess he discriminates.


Well-Known Member
Three questions here...

1. Do you believe the religion you have chosen to be the only "true" religion?
2. If the answer to question #1 is "yes," what exactly does that mean to you?
3. If the answer to question #1 is "yes," what do you believe will be the fate of those who do not share your beliefs?

1. Yes

2. I don't associate with any form of institutional religion but I do believe in the God of Israel and His Torah. I believe God gave us these commands because He wanted us to be blessed in life. By following them we grow closer to God and we become better humans.

3. I believe that my God will judge EVERY man on earth according to his actions. NOT BY THEIR BELIEF SYSTEM. This means that all honest and sincere people will be rewarded by God and not condemned. Regardless of their personal religious views. I believe every religious institution (Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism etc) are designed to control human spirituality. However I do believe there are honest and good people within ALL of these religions who are in good standing with the God of Israel. EVEN IF THEY DON'T KNOW HIM.


Well-Known Member
i believe this is not based on the Qu'ran but on someone's imgaination. I believe Christians are not polytheistic
and even if someone were to make that mistake in Christianity He would be absolved of his sin.

I believe Jews reject God which makes them a poor judge of godly things.

It is based on the Quran. Trinitarianism is shirk, no getting around it. As for the Jews, well, they disagree obviously.


Well-Known Member
Three questions here...

1. Do you believe the religion you have chosen to be the only "true" religion?
2. If the answer to question #1 is "yes," what exactly does that mean to you?
3. If the answer to question #1 is "yes," what do you believe will be the fate of those who do not share your beliefs?

1) Yes, Its the fully truth.
2) It means iam following guidance
3) those who reject faith are only to blame themselves in the hereafter. Allah says : we never punish until we have sent a messenger.