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the Pagans tea-room


Flaming Queer
me! said:
i am coming to meditation at night, with the intent of conscious astral projection - anyone got any experience of this?

i did it! :woohoo:
well, ok, not consciously, but i visited my best friend last night (for those who keep track of my ramblings, the pagan one who moved away) we were in this room, and we were decorating it (i can't remember what for) and she was on this orange ladder, painting the ceiling with what i think was celtic style swirls, and i was holding the ladder, because i didn't want it to fall, and we were talking - i can only remember snippets of the conversation, but we were talking about invocations and practicing witchcraft etc.

anyway, i have just gotten off the phone to her, and i asked her "did you have any weird dreams last night?", her reply - "yea, i was in this room on a ladder......" :faint:


Flaming Queer
FeathersinHair said:
That's wonderful, Mike! *lauches into a celebratory happy heathen pagan dancing session*

hehe, thanks!

it was almost perfectly timed as well though, as i'm sure you would understand, going through the recent rounds with my family, you can easily start doubting even that which you hold dearist

i'm pretty sure Hecate was present as well, she always brings me peace of heart :p
::sneaks in through an open window with yummy homemade jams and cake::
Just thought I'd stop in and introduce myself. I'm Asylum from NY. :foryou: That's it. Just saying HI!


Flaming Queer
DyingAsylum said:
::sneaks in through an open window with yummy homemade jams and cake::
Just thought I'd stop in and introduce myself. I'm Asylum from NY. :foryou: That's it. Just saying HI!

merry meet and the warmest of welcome! come on in and sit for a while, if you will!

do you follow any particular paths/traditions?


Wonder Woman
Just thought I'd try something here if I may. If it doesn't work I guess I'll just post a regular link.

Nevermind, didn't work, so here's the link:


Still trying to get a few more people there and get people active there. Ive had a few join, but people rarely post much there.


High Priestess
Mike182 said:
i did it! :woohoo:
well, ok, not consciously, but i visited my best friend last night (for those who keep track of my ramblings, the pagan one who moved away) we were in this room, and we were decorating it (i can't remember what for) and she was on this orange ladder, painting the ceiling with what i think was celtic style swirls, and i was holding the ladder, because i didn't want it to fall, and we were talking - i can only remember snippets of the conversation, but we were talking about invocations and practicing witchcraft etc.

anyway, i have just gotten off the phone to her, and i asked her "did you have any weird dreams last night?", her reply - "yea, i was in this room on a ladder......" :faint:
How exciting! In my work with Indigo children, I have many who were able to do this. From what I understand, there is a 'grid' being formed around the earth, and we can 'meet each other there'. I know of many children that communicate with each other on the grid, and with dolphins and whales also. I have not been able to 'tune' into that frequency myself, except a couple of times many years ago.

However, I love to see others spread their wings and 'FLY'.......

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
DyingAsylum said:
::sneaks in through an open window with yummy homemade jams and cake::
Just thought I'd stop in and introduce myself. I'm Asylum from NY. :foryou: That's it. Just saying HI!

Namaste and welcome, Asylum! We're glad to have you here!

*offers you some marzipan*


High Priestess
turk179 said:
What kind of work do you do? I am very interested in this topic.
I went to a special screening of the movie "INDIGO". There I met an incredible author James Twyman, and his group, the beloved community, who was very involved with the Indigo Children. My work is with Reiki, and spritually aligning oneself with there purpose. Some of the children I met were incredible. One 15 year old (son of a family of doctors, and looking to go to college early because of his grades) decided to start his own ministry in Miami. They had a spoon bending class, but I was too old to attend.

Last I heard, about 6 months ago they were in the works of filming a Indigo Children Road Rules. They got a bus full of Indigos and sent them on a trip across the USA. I think I will go check out the Beloved Community Website and see how that project is going. It's something I would like to see. I will update with info, but will probably post it on an Indigo thread.


Flaming Queer
anyone had any experience with animals bringing messages? any messages? any at all?

i just have! it's quite hot over here in Nottingham, England today, so my windows are open - the small top window opens upwards, and the larger one underneath opens to the side - i'm in the middle of revision, feeling a bit down, as it's a big topic i'm doing an exam on next Thursday

i'm revising on my bed, which is next to the window, with my back to the window.... i hear a little flutter (well, ok, more of a big flutter, and a bit of a *wham*) so i turn round, to see a beautiful, snowy white bird pearched on my top window, looking through the glass at me :faint:

we played *peek-a-boo* for a couple of minutes, a sense of absolute wamth and comfort over me, and then it took off again, looking magnificant soaring away into the sun set :cloud9:

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
*happy sigh* That sounds incredible, Mike! Did you recognize the type of bird?

Yesterday, for me, it was rabbits, chipmunks and groundhogs. My much-loved copy of "Animal Speak" is currently in hiding, but I'll have to dig it out.


High Priestess
A dragonfly once told me to 'lift the veils, lift the veils, lift the veils.'

For the past few weeks I have been visited every evening by 3 little owls. (they are so cute and tiny) One of them says 'take off the mask', one of them says 'become who you want to be', and the third one says 'do your job'. Same messages every night.


Flaming Queer
FeathersinHair said:
*happy sigh* That sounds incredible, Mike! Did you recognize the type of bird?

Yesterday, for me, it was rabbits, chipmunks and groundhogs. My much-loved copy of "Animal Speak" is currently in hiding, but I'll have to dig it out.

i wouldn't have a clue... they all look the same to me... small and feathery :eek:
Mike182 said:
merry meet and the warmest of welcome! come on in and sit for a while, if you will!

do you follow any particular paths/traditions?

I tend to lean more toward the Celtic side of things being Irish and Scottish descent. Other than that I'm just a Witch. :p

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
'Just' a Witch? *grin*

It's an interesting thing, though, with the spiritual path most of us are on, that the term is both a great equalizer (we're all 'just witches') and also one of the highest callings, hehee!


Flaming Queer
FeathersinHair said:
'Just' a Witch? *grin*

It's an interesting thing, though, with the spiritual path most of us are on, that the term is both a great equalizer (we're all 'just witches') and also one of the highest callings, hehee!

i always smile inside when i see pagans embracing and celebrating diversity - hardly any other religion does that *hugs all the earthly enclined members of the forum*


Virus of the Mind
EnhancedSpirit said:
A dragonfly once told me to 'lift the veils, lift the veils, lift the veils.'

For the past few weeks I have been visited every evening by 3 little owls. (they are so cute and tiny) One of them says 'take off the mask', one of them says 'become who you want to be', and the third one says 'do your job'. Same messages every night.

That is wonderful ES . :) Two very powerful visitors dealing with the ilusions of the Mask . But we all wear them , you know . :) And if I may , I would call upon Raccoon if I were you , for she is the Mistress of the Mask and the use of such .... Besides , I have always had a special place for " Little Bear " ... ;)


High Priestess
kreeden said:

That is wonderful ES . :) Two very powerful visitors dealing with the ilusions of the Mask . But we all wear them , you know . :) And if I may , I would call upon Raccoon if I were you , for she is the Mistress of the Mask and the use of such .... Besides , I have always had a special place for " Little Bear " ... ;)
There is also a large red-headed woodpecker that comes about 3 times a week. Early in the morning, he sits on top of the street light, and hammers away at the metal. I can't tell if he's telling me to stop banging my head against the wall, or if he is confused by the buzzing sound it makes, and thinks there's a bug in there.:banghead3 No coons at this house, but I did come across a baby possum one night. He was sooooo cute, and brave, he wouldn't play dead, he kept barking (more like chirping) and my dog. I put him at the edge of the woods where I had seen an adult possum the night before.


Virus of the Mind
Mike , your experience is wonderful too . :) Sometimes our visitors just come to us when we need them . And that is message enough . :)

Snowy white small bird eh ? Is there such a thing in Briton ? No matter . I have watched Toes { a Raven friend } become pure white before my eyes ... Ok , some would say that it was the sun reflecting off his feathers ... but what do they know ? ;)

I get a kick out of Marmots too Feathers . They appear to have one purpose in life , to feed others , but there is so much more to them . The greatest lesson I have learnt from them to to enjoy life , no matter what purpose one plays in it . { just watch them bask in the sun for awhile ... }.

I guess that it is no secert that I like animals .... ??? ;)