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the Pagans tea-room


Virus of the Mind
ES , you don't have to have a physical visitor . :) They often tell us more , or explain things more clearly in dreams and the like . Just try thinking about Raccoons as you fall to sleep some night . You may be surprised at the results ? :) Pleasent dreams ...


Virus of the Mind
Feathers , call off your chipmunks ... :)

Though of you quite a bit today . Little Least Chipmunks were everywhere , eating dandilions . :)

Purple Thyme

Active Member
Hi Everyone, this is great. I couldn't keep up with reading the posts. I have a cardinal that visits my window from time to time. He even perches above me in the trees when I'm in my herb garden.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
kreeden said:
Feathers , call off your chipmunks ... :)

Though of you quite a bit today . Little Least Chipmunks were everywhere , eating dandilions . :)

*sniffles* But I don't want to! They're so wonderful! (But thank you for noticing them! You're so in tune with these things! :hug: )

Welcome to our 'tea-room', Purple Thyme! (I love your username, by the way!) If I may ask, what message do you see the cardinal bringing you?

Purple Thyme

Active Member
I was advised that he was symbolic of health and that I should watch my health but I never got that from him. I think he knocks to remind me to get off the computer and go outside enjoy nature. I've lived in the same house for nearly 40 years and have always been afraid of the side yard(sounds silly but thats me) Now I have my herb garden there and a table and the animals seem to hang out there including my red cardinal friend. Its a friendly place where I get back to my animal friends. I think his message for me was to get back on my spiritual path and take time for myself and my thoughts.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Nah, I don't think it's silly! If it's a spot that's previously been uncomfortable for you, there was probably a very good reason. I'm glad that it's becoming a haven for you!


Flaming Queer
so, hows everyone doing in here?

Feathers, EnhancedSpirit, you do know we love you both, don't you? i just wanted to make sure you knew that :hug:

Draka, Turk, how are you two holding up? are things getting hectic, with your small blessing on its way? i just wanted to wish you both the best, you're gonna make amazing parents :hug:

Kreeden, i don't think i have really talked with you in detail before, how are you doing? well, i hope! :hug:

Purple Thyme, are you still hanging out in your spiritual place? how is that working out for you? :hug:


Wonder Woman
Mike182 said:
Draka, Turk, how are you two holding up? are things getting hectic, with your small blessing on its way? i just wanted to wish you both the best, you're gonna make amazing parents :hug:

Well, I was hoping the kid was coming yesterday. I spent the majority of the day with regular contractions. Even timed them out and they kept getting closer until they were down to 5 minutes apart and then went to the hospital...where the dang things stopped! :( I had started to dialate more as well, but for some reason it just quit. Guess James had second thoughts about coming out. At this point I just want it over and done with. Get him out and in my arms. :help:

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Awww, thanks, Mike! It's always so good to hear that!

Would it be okay if we sent spells y'alls way, Draka? We want our favorite Dragon Lady to be more comfy as soon as possible!


High Priestess
Mike182 said:
Feathers, EnhancedSpirit, you do know we love you both, don't you? i just wanted to make sure you knew that :hug:

Mike, this whole post just made my heart swell with compassion. Not only was the whole message full of FABULOUS energy, I got to share your blessing with one of my favoritist (my own word) people. :D

Animals, animals, my mom and I took my daughter and 4 of her cousins to the zoo today. We feed the giraffes, and they have the coolest exhibit of flying foxes (the big dog faced bats), they are SOOOOOO cute, I want one.

At the otter exhibit, they had the otters in their little house thing, and the handlers hid fish all through the grassy area of there cage, and when they let the otters out, it was like watching kids on easter. They ran all over the place sticking there noses in the plush green grass looking for fish, and when they found one they hop over and jump in the water and eat there fish on there belly then back to the hunt. That was great. There were lots of great birds of prey, they have an area that takes care of injured birds, Florida has quite a variety of them. Any way, we just had a great time today.

Draka said:
Well, I was hoping the kid was coming yesterday. I spent the majority of the day with regular contractions. Even timed them out and they kept getting closer until they were down to 5 minutes apart and then went to the hospital...where the dang things stopped! I had started to dialate more as well, but for some reason it just quit. Guess James had second thoughts about coming out. At this point I just want it over and done with. Get him out and in my arms.
Braxton Hicks, I hate it when that happens. . . . .

My friend and her husband used breast manipulation to induce her labor. You can probably Google "breast manipulation to induce labor", and find out the technique if you are interested and/or haven't heard about it. DO NOT DRINK CASTOR OIL. I had another friend who tried this and got nothing but sick . . . the other way is not only natural, it's rather enjoyable, and it's one more little way to involve Turk in this whole process. :rolleyes: But we also can't wait to meet your little man.


Wonder Woman
EnhancedSpirit said:
Braxton Hicks, I hate it when that happens. . . . .

My friend and her husband used breast manipulation to induce her labor. You can probably Google "breast manipulation to induce labor", and find out the technique if you are interested and/or haven't heard about it. DO NOT DRINK CASTOR OIL. I had another friend who tried this and got nothing but sick . . . the other way is not only natural, it's rather enjoyable, and it's one more little way to involve Turk in this whole process. :rolleyes: But we also can't wait to meet your little man.

I had thought about them being Braxton-Hicks contractions, but I was actually dialating and they were progressing like normal labor. Maybe they were, but it was just odd. I'm just hoping for my water to break and kick this thing into gear.

I've actually been teasing him about this today...we'll see;)


Flaming Queer
Draka said:
Spells are welcome for a healthy delivery anyway. Timely would be nice ;)

if memory serves me right, Hecate (on of my favourite to work with) was often invoked during child birth back in "the day".... while i suspect the doctor will look at you in a weird way if you bring in candles and start doing "funny stuff", i will ask her blessings upon both mother and child :hug:

and be darn sure we want photos!


Virus of the Mind
I'm doing well Mike . :) Thanks for asking . And you ?

I imagine that you DO feel it is time to meet your son Draka . :) And I hope that happens soon . But more important , I hope that both of you are healthy . { the first always seems to be shy ... }

Purple Thyme , welcome . :) I hope that you don't mind , but I looked the Cardinal up . Now , we each find our own meaning in such things , but I can't find any reference to Health with the Cardinal . No direct reference at else . " Finding your Soul Song " is as close as I came . And that appears to apply better in your case . I am happy that you are finding Nature .

Feathers , I couldn't help but notice them . They were , are , EVERYWHERE ! I even got one wet yesterday . It was standing along a bush road and I don't see it untill my front tire was hitting a pot hole filled with rain water ... The poor little guy got soaked . { and I was only doing about 20 mph at the time } .


High Priestess
Mike182 said:
if memory serves me right, Hecate (on of my favourite to work with) was often invoked during child birth back in "the day".... while i suspect the doctor will look at you in a weird way if you bring in candles and start doing "funny stuff", i will ask her blessings upon both mother and child :hug:

and be darn sure we want photos!
Hecate is also the Goddess of the Crossroads, very appropriate for our Dragon Mother to be. I will also call on Hathor-Egyptian Earth Goddess:

Hathor is another manifestation of the Great Mother Goddess worshipped since prehistoric times. As a great Egyptian Goddess, she was the protectress of all women and female animals. Seven or nine Hathors were said to appear at the time of child birthing to tell the baby's destiny.

Hathor symbolized the eternity of life, the laws that never change through the process of life. She is the eternal, life-supporting principle.

In Egyptian art, she was often portrayed as the winged cow of creation who gave birth to the universe. Sometimes she was a huge lioness with eyes of fire. The sycamore at the edge of the desert was her tree.


Virus of the Mind
Hi ES . You posted as I was writting ... don't want you to think that I was being stuck-up or anything . ;)

Children { regardless of age ;) } and the zoo . I'm a child when I'm at a zoo too . Glad that you enjoyed yourself .


Flaming Queer
kreeden said:
I'm doing well Mike . :) Thanks for asking . And you ?

really well thanks! i had another big exam today, sociology, i did well (i think) and am happy i did my best, so i'm in a great mood, and i got a hug off my mum today which doesn't sound like much, but after the recents months of tension, is almost like a breakthrough :D

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Draka, if I may ask, do you sense the little one to be a 'dragon spirit'? I want to compose a poem/ blessing, but don't want to jump to the assumption that he's got a certain type of spirit when he doesn't.

One of the wonderful things about acknowledging many gods and goddesses is that there are so many 'in charge' of aspects of our lives! I love the personal relationship that we have with our dieites, and how we can usually know which of them our fellow members might call on. As expected, I'll be asking for help from Kwan Yin and Artemis. (With luck, both of my favorites happen to be goddesses associated with healthy childbirth!)

Turk, please know that we're also thinking about you during this time! *hugs*


Wonder Woman
FeathersinHair said:
Draka, if I may ask, do you sense the little one to be a 'dragon spirit'? I want to compose a poem/ blessing, but don't want to jump to the assumption that he's got a certain type of spirit when he doesn't.

One of the wonderful things about acknowledging many gods and goddesses is that there are so many 'in charge' of aspects of our lives! I love the personal relationship that we have with our dieites, and how we can usually know which of them our fellow members might call on. As expected, I'll be asking for help from Kwan Yin and Artemis. (With luck, both of my favorites happen to be goddesses associated with healthy childbirth!)

Turk, please know that we're also thinking about you during this time! *hugs*

I honestly haven't thought or sensed anything about it in that regard. I believe that when a soul reawakens reborn in a new life that it takes a while for it to mature. To know anything for sure about the bearing of his spirit or soul is not possible right now. As long as it is strong and develops well that is all that matters now.


Virus of the Mind
:) Some claim that a child is borned with a Spirtual Guardian , but gains their Life Guardian as they mature . I don't know ? As you say Draka , as long as he is strong and developes well . :)

Of course , it wouldn't hurt to have others looking in on him ... ;)