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The prophet peace be upon him and his wives


Intentionally Blank
From approximately 650 until around the 1960s the Arab slave trade continued in one form or another. The Moroccan Sultan Ismail Ibn Sharif "the Bloodthirsty" (1672–1727) raised a corps of 150,000 black slaves, called his Black Guard, who coerced the country into submission.[32] Historical accounts and references to slave-owning nobility in Arabia, Yemen and elsewhere are frequent into the early 1920s.[31] In 1953, sheikhs from Qatar attending the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II included slaves in their retinues, and they did so again on another visit five years later.[33]
As recently as the 1950s, Saudi Arabia's slave population was estimated at 450,000 — approximately 20% of the population.[34][35] It is estimated that as many as 200,000 black Sudanese children and women had been taken into slavery in Sudan during the Second Sudanese Civil War.[36][37] Slavery in Mauritania was legally abolished by laws passed in 1905, 1961, and 1981.[38] It was finally criminalized in August 2007.[39] It is estimated that up to 600,000 black Mauritanians, or 20% of Mauritania's population, are currently enslaved, many of them used as bonded labour.[40]
The Arab slave trade in the Indian Ocean, Red, and Mediterranean Seas long pre-dated the arrival of any significant number of Europeans on the African continent.[31][41]
Descendants of the African slaves brought to the Middle East during the slave-trade still exist there today, and are aware of their African origins.

In April 1998, Elikia M’bokolo, wrote in Le Monde diplomatique. "The African continent was bled of its human resources via all possible routes. Across the Sahara, through the Red Sea, from the Indian Ocean ports and across the Atlantic. At least ten centuries of slavery for the benefit of the Muslim countries (from the ninth to the nineteenth)." He continues: "Four million slaves exported via the Red Sea, another four million through the Swahili ports of the Indian Ocean, perhaps as many as nine million along the trans-Saharan caravan route, and eleven to twenty million (depending on the author) across the Atlantic Ocean"[67]
In the 8th century, Africa was dominated by Arab-Berbers in the north: Islam moved southwards along the Nile and along the desert trails.

  • The Sahara was thinly populated. Nevertheless, since antiquity there had been cities living on a trade in salt, gold, slaves, cloth, and on agriculture enabled by irrigation: Tiaret, Oualata, Sijilmasa, Zaouila, and others. They were ruled by Arab, Berber, Fulani, Hausa and Tuaregs. Their independence was relative and depended on the power of the Maghrebi and Egyptian states.
  • In the Middle Ages, sub-Saharan Africa was called bilad -ul-Sûdân in Arabic, meaning land of the Blacks. It provided a pool of manual labour for North Africa and Saharan Africa. This region was dominated by certain states: the Ghana Empire, the Empire of Mali, the Kanem-Bornu Empire.
  • In eastern Africa, the coasts of the Red Sea and Indian Ocean were controlled by native Muslims, and Arabs were important as traders along the coasts. Nubia had been a "supply zone" for slaves since antiquity. The Ethiopian coast, particularly the port of Massawa and Dahlak Archipelago, had long been a hub for the exportation of slaves from the interior, even in Aksumite times. The port and most coastal areas were largely Muslim, and the port itself was home to a number of Arab and Indian merchants.[68]

The Solomonic dynasty of Ethiopia often exported Nilotic slaves from their western borderland provinces, or from newly conquered or reconquered Muslim provinces.[69] The Somali and Afar Muslim sultanates, such as the Adal Sultanate, exported slaves as well.[70] Arabs also set up slave-trading posts along the southeastern coast of the Indian Ocean, most notably in the archipelago of Zanzibar, along the coast of present-day Tanzania. East Africa and the Indian Ocean continued as an important region for the Oriental slave trade up until the 19th century. Livingstone and Stanley were then the first Europeans to penetrate to the interior of the Congo Basin and to discover the scale of slavery there. The Arab Tippu Tip extended his influence and made many people slaves. After Europeans had settled in the Gulf of Guinea, the trans-Saharan slave trade became less important. In Zanzibar, slavery was abolished late, in 1897, under Sultan Hamoud bin Mohammed.

more wiki


Intentionally Blank
And you expect to be taken seriously? do you even know what slavery is and where was it practiced the most? Stop using wikipedia's gibberish as an excuse for better knowledge and as your prime source of twisted information over serious issues, without having ANY sound knowledge on the subject, its unbelievable you even mention it ! It is a well known ,well established fact that Islam LIBERATED the world from slavery, but why would you put your head where it matters the most, its just fashion throwing mud over Islam cuz it satiates your soul.

I don't even have to comment on the racist nation's uptight prejuidice against all other races, we'll talk when you have the guts to look beyond your nose to search history in its content rather then spew typical white racist hate speech so distinctive of the race. Your lack of study is too obvious to ignore, and too distinctive of your tone.

You guys push for sexual slavery ( prostitution) to be made legal and you whine to the rest of the world about slavery, talk about being informed of human rights, what a bold faced deception.

Oh, I see, you think wiki is biased. You should really register and correct all of its errors then. Why would wiki have an anti-Islamic bias--are Muslims not allowed to post there? Whatever, o.k., some other sources then:


“Group of slaves with Arab men”
Zanzibar, 1850-1890
The Indian Ocean Slave trade evolved around the Indian Ocean basin. Slaves were taken from mainland East Africa and sold in markets in the Arabian Peninsula and the Persian Gulf. In contrast to the trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, the Indian Ocean Slave Trade was much older dating back from at least the second century C.E. until the early twentieth century. For example, the oldest written document from the East Africa Coast, the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, describes a small trade in slaves around the second century C.E.

the modern slave trade flourished in the early middle ages, as early as 869, especially between Muslim traders and western African kingdoms. For moralists, the most important aspect of that trade should be that Muslims were selling goods to the African kingdoms and the African kingdoms were paying with their own people. In most instances, no violence was necessary to obtain those slaves...Then the Muslim trade of African slaves came to a stop when Arab domination was reduced by the Crusades. (Note: Arabs continued to capture and sell slaves, but only in the Mediterranean. In fact, Robert Davis estimates that 1.25 million European Christians were enslaved by the "barbary states" of northern Africa. The USA bombed Morocco, Algiers, Tunis and Tripoli in 1801 precisely to stop that Arab slave trade of Christians. The rate of mortality of those Christian slaves in the Islamic world was roughly the same as the mortality rate in the Atlantic slave trade of the same period.)

from here.



Intentionally Blank
Slavery is a concept that existed since pre-recorded history. However the way it was practiced in the Islamic world differs greatly than how it was practiced in the rest of the world. Even in the more recent times, centuries after the introduction of Islam, the non-Muslims have practiced slavery in the most barbaric manner.

That's funny, and just a post ago you said that Islam liberated the world from slavery. Now you have a different kind of slavery. Is that like how when a Muslim man marries a little girl it's a different kind of child marriage, so it's not wrong? Here's the deal: slavery is wrong, Muslim or not. Pedophilia is wrong, Muslim or not. If I were you, I wouldn't go around boasting about your religion's track record for either, which is pretty poor.


Interesting you left some parts out, I'll just go over the first two paragraphs which seem to be missing.

In Islamic law the topic of slavery is covered at great length.[1] The Qur'an (the holy book) and the hadith (the sayings of Muhammad) see slavery as an exceptional condition that can be entered into under certain limited circumstances.[2] Only children of slaves or non-Muslim prisoners of war could become slaves, never a freeborn Muslim.[3] They also consider manumission of a slave to be one of many meritorious deeds available for the expiation of sins.[4] According to Sharia, slaves are considered human beings and possessed of some rights on the basis of their humanity. In addition, a Muslim slave is equal to a Muslim freeman in religious issues and superior to the free non-Muslim.[5]

In practice, slaves played various social and economic roles from Emir to worker. Slaves were widely employed in irrigation, mining, pastoralism and the army. Even some rulers relied on military and administrative slaves to such a degree that they seized power. However, people do not always treat with slaves in accordance with Islamic law. In some cases, the situation has been so harsh as to have led to uprisings such as Zanj Rebellion.[6] However, this was usually the exception rather than the norm, as the vast majority of labour in the medieval Islamic world consisted of free, paid labour.[7]

Compare this with the abhorrent practices of slavery in S. and N. America as well as the sugar producing colonies like French New Guinea and Haiti. I've read a sickening description of the Potosi mine where locals and African slaves were forced to work themselves to death in one of the largest silver mines in the world. They worked through mercury pools and inhaled the vapors everyday succumbing to a torturous death. Climbed rickety bridges up and down the mountain with people frequently falling to their deaths. They replaced the mules with people because the mules would die too fast to be cost effective. Starving and living in squalid conditions the Potosi mines led to the deaths of millions of slaves and took from the city and its inhabitants the largest concentration of silver in a mine ever found. All they left behind was poverty and death. Please the types of slavery common in the Middle East is not even comparable to the repugnant system employed in the New World.


Intentionally Blank
Again, stop using anti-Islam trashy websites as your source of prime knowledge, no need to feel so cool over being able to link yet another piece of crafty trash, these websites are all well known among muslims to create mis-information and none of them are run by muslims, don't even have to say why, the result is pretty self evident. Islam in its greatness is such a huge threat to all systems and democracies of the world that even if one third of the whole world becomes aware of it, they'll actually start pushing for it and that is something not acceptable to the rulers of the world, and their tyrant political careers of corruption would end in much dismay. If you want real knowledge read authentic books and for God's sake stop trying taking verses out of the Quran, out of context.

Islam encouraged the embracing and raising the respect of slaves and they were MARRIED to their rich owners and THAT is the ACTUAL context of that ayah(verse). Its not like societies of today where they STILL practise sexual slavery in the form of prostitution , and though they call for their rights, no person of respect marries them.

Saudi Arabia is a destination country for men and women trafficked for the purposes of involuntary servitude and, to a lesser extent, commercial sexual exploitation. Men and women from Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Sudan, Ethiopia, and many other countries voluntarily travel to Saudi Arabia as domestic servants or other low-skilled laborers, but some subsequently face conditions indicative of involuntary servitude, including restrictions on movement, withholding of passports, threats, physical or sexual abuse, and non-payment of wages. Women, primarily from Asian and African countries are also believed to have been trafficked into Saudi Arabia for commercial sexual exploitation; others were reportedly kidnapped and forced into prostitution after running away from abusive employers.
Some Saudi men have also used legally contracted “temporary marriages” in countries such as Mauritania, Yemen, and Indonesia as a means by which to sexually exploit migrant workers. Females as young as seven years old are led to believe they are being wed in earnest, but upon arrival in Saudi Arabia subsequently become their husbands’ sexual slaves, are forced into domestic labor and, in some cases, prostitution. - U.S. State Dept Trafficking in Persons Report, June, 2009 [full country report]

Slavery in Mauritania A system exists now by which Arab Muslims -- the bidanes—own black slaves, the haratines.[4] An estimated 90,000 black Mauritanians remain essentially enslaved to Arab/Berber owners.[5] The ruling bidanes (the name means literally white-skinned people) are descendants of the Sanhaja Berbers and Beni Hassan Arab tribes who emigrated to northwest Africa and present-day Western Sahara and Mauritania during the Middle Ages.[6] According to some estimates, up to 600,000 black Mauritanians, or 20% of the population, are still enslaved, many of them used as bonded labour.[7] Slavery in Mauritania was finally criminalized in August 2007.[8]

In Niger, where the practice of slavery was outlawed in 2003, a study found that almost 8% of the population are still slaves...
In the Sudan, Christian and animist captives in the civil war are often enslaved, and female prisoners are often used sexually, with their Muslim captors claiming that Islamic law grants them permission...

Slaves were owned in all Islamic societies, both sedentary and nomadic, ranging from Arabia in the centre to North Africa in the west and to what is now Pakistan and Indonesia in the east. Some Islamic states, such as the Ottoman Empire, the Crimean Khanate, and the Sokoto caliphate [Nigeria], must be termed slave societies because slaves there were very important numerically as well as a focus of the polities' energies.
Encyclopedia Brittanica

Although Islam is much credited for moderating the age-old institution of slavery, which was also accepted and endorsed by the other monotheistic religions, Christianity and Judaism, and was a well-established custom of the pre-Islamic world, it has never preached the abolition of slavery as a doctrine.
Forough Jahanbaksh, Islam, Democracy and Religious Modernism in Iran, 1953-2000, 2001


Intentionally Blank
because he was waiting for idiots like somebody to do the job. Duh, what a big mystery, i wonder why you didn't ask 'why doesn't God put the burger in my mouth if He wanted me to eat?!!! Why did he not kill the non-believers? why is the earth round and not flat ?

Go find some sleep , or the piece of mind thats gone missing after such an ELABORATE search on islam today.

And its you who is desperately desperately trying to win over something that isnt even a competition? disappointed? Ive had enough of the same over-repeated, anti-islam fictitious rhetoric for no good reason. All i'd say is ' boo' and you'd be scared for life calling me a terrorist. THAT is your level of understanding of Islam, and that is your calibre of thought, no matter what was presented to you. Nice to know.

Does the quran outlaw slavery?

Did Muslims practice slavery from the 8th to the 19th centuries?

Were Arabs the biggest slave-trders in the history of sub-saharan Africa?

Is slavery still practiced in some Muslim countries?

Is slavery right or wrong?


Intentionally Blank
slavery was already recently done by the Christain colonization armies , in all around the world , in pakistan and india ...etc

this act is individaul but your acts were commun at the christains countries , colonize and killing and stealing
don't ignore your history and minimize their crimes against the humanity

What's your point, "Johnny did it too, Mommy?" Why are we talking about Christians, did someone make an assertion that Christianity liberated the slaves, as someone did about Islam in this thread?

Here's the point: Slavery is wrong. Period. Islam did nothing to end it, and in fact promulgated throughout its enormous Caliphate.

And that's wrong.

What ended slavery is enlightenment, which is a secular value system. And it wasn't easy.


Intentionally Blank
Thats where you are gravely and intentionally mis-understanding. Things dont happen with the slight sway of a magic wand in the real world, REAL things require real courage and concrete steps of abrogating evil .

Lets just put it in 3rd grade level flow chart to make you understand.

Slavery existed and practised in the world BEFORE islam >>

>>>Islam came (spread slowly) and its message carried the message of

1)FIRST kindness to slaves( so that people(non-believers) were kind to them).

2) THEN the step of Ensuring their EQUAL RIGHTS, so that people respected them.( even allowed to marry people of respect)

3) THEN the STEP of RELEASING THEM, GIVING THEM COMPLETE FREEDOM, so that the system stood uprooted, abolished, and the identity of slaves as a free citizen restored.

>> non-believers making fun of Islam ,calling it anti- luxury, anti- imperialist , and Americans ,still hiring Africans slaves and treating them worse than animals 1600- 1870. Untill they got free.(not free from racist hate and related crimes still yet)

Sex slave still a prime interest industry in the US, whether its in the form of imagery, pornography or actual prostitution, it IS sexual slavery and it IS an extreme image of dis-regard and dis -respect of the highest level for women >>> but they are indoctrinated by the abusers of this industry as smart professionals who sell their bodies to run their homes.(slavery gets accepted and LEGAL due to its flashy exterior)

>> No, but wearing a veil is more cruel and a sign of oppression??!!!

Oh, I see, they were GOING to end it all along, it just took them ten centuries to do so. That makes sense. Not.
Last edited:


Intentionally Blank
"There are many common features between the institution of slavery in the Qur'an and that of neighboring cultures. However, the Qur'anic institution had some unique new features.[14] Bernard Lewis states that the Qur'anic legislation brought two major changes to ancient slavery which were to have far-reaching effects: presumption of freedom, and the ban on the enslavement of free persons except in strictly defined circumstances.[18]"

"The Islamic prophet Muhammad encouraged manumission of slaves, even if one had to purchase them first. On many occasions, Muhammad's companions, at his direction, freed slaves in abundance. Muhammad personally freed 63 slaves, and his wife Aisha freed 67.[32] In total his household and friends freed 39,237 slaves.[33] "

Islam and slavery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Actually, ironically, this led to the need to constantly import new slaves, which actually increased the total number of people in slavery.

btw, how many slaves did Muhammed own?


Intentionally Blank
That was very arrogant of me to say so I am editing it out. Sorry for that :(
Anyways yes slavery was most likely not meant for all time. It was certainly frowned upon by the Prophet (saws) and the Noble Qur'an.

Really? How many slaves did Muhammed own?


Intentionally Blank
look brother , this verse is talking at a special case , it's talking about when some one break his oaths (swear) that promis to god ,

expiation is :
1- feeding of ten of the needy
clothing of them (the needy/poor persons)
or the liberation of a slave
4- or three days' fast

I guess Islam is the only one who care about the slave , for that I ask you to give exmples from Bible or any other religion .

A vs All :the river come from drap of water

Oh, I see. So freeing slaves is not required, it's just an extra nice thing to do. Ordinarly, you keep them slaves.


Intentionally Blank
ok God said in the Quran said liberation of A slave , what is your bible said about this case ? did the bible said free all the slaves ?

I don't have a Bible. I'm an atheist. Unlike you, as well as the Christians, I don't have to defend slavery. I can come right out and say it's wrong. It's nice being an atheist. I don't have to defend centuries and doctrine of enslaving other people.


Intentionally Blank
I'm not a Christian and would agree with you on the damage done by Christianity but Islam is right up there beside them,although i would say Islam has many facets these days but in the Middle and Far East it surpasses itself in Human rights violations IMO.

It's about a tie, overall. More recently Islam is winning in the evil department, because unlike Christianity is has not been restrained by Enlightenment secular humanist values. If left to its own devices, Christianity is just as bad.


Intentionally Blank
Well, no. We're not discussing pedophilia. It was a response to someone who thought that marriage between young couples is wrong. Which is about as immoral as homosexuality, that is you get to pick and choose what you see as immoral, but you can't impose your standards on others.

I thought we were discussing Muhammed marrying a 9-year old girl. At least, I was.


Intentionally Blank
Your whole post comprises of the statement that it's "Islamic". Taliban also state it's "Islamic" when they bomb mosques and Sufi shrines. Saddam stated its "Islamic" to oppress Shias and Kurds. Clearly just because some people label it as Islamic doesn't make it so.

It is more a condition of economic poverty than it is a religious dictation.

Please cite the post where I stated that something is Islamic. As a rule, I do not believe there is any such thing. "Islamic" is whatever Muslims think it is, in my view. What matters is not what is really "Islamic," since there is no such thing. What matters is what Muslims think. And apparently most of them think the most perfect man who ever lived married a little girl, so that's a moral thing to do.

They also seem to think it's Islamic to own slaves, and many of them do to this day. If they stopped, it's not because it's not Islamic, but because under pressure from secular forces, their governments were pressured to out law it.


Intentionally Blank
Do you feel the same for 17 year old girls? Tell me what is the difference between a 12 year old and a 17 year old?

Dumb argument. You have to draw the line somewhere, otherwise you would have to advocated marriage to toddlers. I think 18 is a good place to draw that line. Certainly 12 is too young. What's your view on the proper age for marriage and sex?

Oh, the difference between a 17-year old and a 12-year old is that a 17-year old is more mature. The 12-year old is still a child. Do you disagree?


Intentionally Blank
Interesting you left some parts out, I'll just go over the first two paragraphs which seem to be missing.

Compare this with the abhorrent practices of slavery in S. and N. America as well as the sugar producing colonies like French New Guinea and Haiti. I've read a sickening description of the Potosi mine where locals and African slaves were forced to work themselves to death in one of the largest silver mines in the world. They worked through mercury pools and inhaled the vapors everyday succumbing to a torturous death. Climbed rickety bridges up and down the mountain with people frequently falling to their deaths. They replaced the mules with people because the mules would die too fast to be cost effective. Starving and living in squalid conditions the Potosi mines led to the deaths of millions of slaves and took from the city and its inhabitants the largest concentration of silver in a mine ever found. All they left behind was poverty and death. Please the types of slavery common in the Middle East is not even comparable to the repugnant system employed in the New World.

I find the "Johhny was even worse" argument unpersuasive. Just for the record, the American slave trade was immoral, repugnant, and indefensible. O.K.? So was the Arab slave trade.

btw, Arab slave traders sold slaves to Americans to work in the conditions you're condemning.

Again, for a non-Muslim, the morality stuff is pretty easy. Slavery is wrong, no matter who does it, and no matter how pretty you make it sound. Muslims practiced and profited from slavery for over a thousand years. It was wrong. Modern Muslims should be the first to condemn and distance themselves from this barbaric practice. By condoning it, you lead us to believe that Islam has not progressed, and is still stuck in the moral dark ages.