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The Prospect of Going to Hell


No religious beliefs
My problem with the Christian idea of punishment and redemption is that it claims to be "justice" but is anything but.

OK, here we are, for whatever reason unable to meet an artificial standard of "perfection". But we get punished anyway. That's not just.

So how is that balanced? By torturing to death a single man who was totally innocent. Somehow that satisfies God's lust for revenge. That's not just either.

And finally, in order to be "saved" from the unfairly applied punishment, all we have to do is attain some diffuse kind of belief. Those that can't do so are punished, those that can are not. Is that just?

Without claiming that "sin" doesn't exist, I suggest a different approach. Don't compare yourself to the perfection of God, you'll never succeed so why try to improve? Imagine yourself at the bottom of a deep well, and that you had no hand in being there. Consider that the zero level against which your progress will be judged. You can start digging the well deeper, that can be seen as deserving punishment. Or you can try to climb out, some days getting higher and some days slipping back, but never giving up. If you want a progress check, look down to the starting point, not up to the circle of light above that is your objective. That gives you your direction and some encouragement, but is not what you are judged by. How successful have you been in your efforts to climb out of the well?


N. Germanic Descent
An hour old baby has not done much wrong
Our wages are death, anyway. That's life. Being a product of life would necessitate the full measure of what it means to be given one, whether sinful from our origins or sinless and lacking the knowing or experience of what it means to sin as a living being. Either way, we would be sinful. An hour old baby is short lived, maybe...Maybe not. Heavy question sometimes, I'm sure. My dad was my grandfather before his mother formed him from herself, and I am my dad after my mother formed me from herself. I suppose I go back as far as the first in my family, whoever that was ... maybe it was me. Maybe we're all the same and our progression is due to the process we go through as living creatures. I'm the earth. I'm the sky. I'm the heaven's of the cosmos. We all are. It's where we come from.


The prospect of going to hell, particularly from a perspective that I've been accustomed most my life is or can be a very difficult thing to acknowledge. I'm a Christian. I understand myself to be a guilty Christian. I understand myself to be guilty and required to give an account of my life and that every word spoken will determine my fate. I'm not unaccustomed to justification attempts. I'm not fond of lying, but I am guilty of it. I'm fairly sure I've lied about others, too. I'm an adulterer, a fornicator (I think) although I'm not certain about this one, I am guilty of dishonoring my parents, of greed, envy, and a host of other things, including drunkenness. Ok, so most of these behaviors have been altered since, but I may still be required to go to hell. I don't have a defense. I'm guilty. I don't think it's as easy as simply believing that Jesus died so I wouldn't go to hell. I'm pretty sure justice must be satisfied. We reap what we sow. I think this is karma. Ok, so this has me a little more at ease, but my past .... man!

I'm a sinner.

What can I do beyond accept that possible and make peace with it?
I believe Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross, victory over all sin and death, then His resurrection to new eternal life is sufficient.
Jesus is Enough.

Do you remember the words of the old bumper sticker?

No Jesus= no peace
Know Jesus = know peace

So true.


Just remember, all the most interesting people in the world have been sinners. So Hell should be great ... Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, George Best will all be there waiting for you. Much better that Mother Theresa and a load of Pope's
Hell or eternal separation will be terrible… emptiness, dark, lonely. There won’t be partying or friendships there because all who reject the Creator; His love, light, goodness, beauty, joy will be left alone with nothingness, separated from the Source of life.


N. Germanic Descent
I believe Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross, victory over all sin and death, then His resurrection to new eternal life is sufficient.
Jesus is Enough.

Do you remember the words of the old bumper sticker?

No Jesus= no peace
Know Jesus = know peace

So true.

We all choose from our own pool of preference and necessity, so I can understand why many choose less inquiry and study, over more. I have no ambition to learn how to become a professional beekeeper, but I like bees enough to explore the study, if only a little.

I remember


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
From what i understand hell has been commonly misrepresented by many but the Bible speaks of two things. Life and death. Consider that it was death promised to Adam if he disobeyed God. Not eternal torture and suffering.


N. Germanic Descent
From what i understand hell has been commonly misrepresented by many but the Bible speaks of two things. Life and death. Consider that it was death promised to Adam if he disobeyed God. Not eternal torture and suffering.
I've held that to be true for a few decades now, that hell equates to the grave. It's also referenced as burning trash heap, among other things. The application of the terms as defined in differing ways, applied to an intended and particular context is a study in and of itself.

The basics: We live, learn, develop into, and in as much as we are able, then we die with an anticipated resurrection according to our abled need, whatever that might involve.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I've held that to be true for a few decades now, that hell equates to the grave. It's also referenced as burning trash heap, among other things. The application of the terms as defined in differing ways, applied to an intended and particular context is a study in and of itself.

The basics: We live, learn, develop into, and in as much as we are able, then we die with an anticipated resurrection according to our abled need, whatever that might involve.
I agree with that. Of course you and I embrace the hope of a resurrection and I'm glad we have come to a better understanding of what the word hell means. Thanks and take care.


Veteran Member
Hell or eternal separation will be terrible… emptiness, dark, lonely. There won’t be partying or friendships there because all who reject the Creator; His love, light, goodness, beauty, joy will be left alone with nothingness, separated from the Source of life.
So the choice is lousy.
"emptiness, dark, lonely" or the most boring place with the most boring people.
Thank heaven I'm an atheist and don't believe in heaven or hell.


N. Germanic Descent
So the choice is lousy.
"emptiness, dark, lonely" or the most boring place with the most boring people.
Thank heaven I'm an atheist and don't believe in heaven or hell.
Thank heaven I'm a Christian and see value in the struggles associated with life, believing in both heaven and hell as existing and our rightful place in them as living souls.


Veteran Member
So the choice is lousy.
"emptiness, dark, lonely" or the most boring place with the most boring people.
Thank heaven I'm an atheist and don't believe in heaven or hell.
I do not believe that anyone knows what the afterlife will be like so I am not going to pretend to know.
I do have an opinion, but it is only an opinion.

In my opinion, the all-knowing God knows why we choose to be a believer or an atheist so God takes the reasons into consideration.
As such, it is not cut and dry, believers go to heaven and atheists go to hell, not that I believe that heaven and hell are 'places' that we go.

In my opinion, most believers I know are rather boring. I hate being bored so I'd rather be with the atheists, although I don't think that will be my choice, because I will end up wherever God sends me, and I do not pretend to know where that will be.


Veteran Member
Thank heaven I'm a Christian and see value in the struggles associated with life, believing in both heaven and hell as existing and our rightful place in them as living souls.
Thank God I'm a Baha'i and see value in the struggles associated with life, believing that heaven and hell are states of the soul, not geographical locations. I do not believe that I know where I will end up, not until I die. Only God knows my 'rightful place.'


N. Germanic Descent
Thank God I'm a Baha'i and see value in the struggles associated with life, believing that heaven and hell are states of the soul, not geographical locations. I do not believe that I know where I will end up, not until I die. Only God knows my 'rightful place.'

Thank God I'm a Christian who acknowledges the premise that heaven and hell are states of the living soul, as well as geographical locations.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Thank heaven I'm a Christian and see value in the struggles associated with life, believing in both heaven and hell as existing and our rightful place in them as living souls.
This is a basic premise, or perhaps a good place to start thinking about it. Adam was not promised heaven or eternal torture in some hot hot place if he disobeyed God, was he? No, he was not. He was promised death. Not heaven, and not what many might consider as some hell of some kind. What do you think about that?


N. Germanic Descent
This is a basic premise, or perhaps a good place to start thinking about it. Adam was not promised heaven or eternal torture in some hot hot place if he disobeyed God, was he? No, he was not. He was promised death. Not heaven, and not what many might consider as some hell of some kind. What do you think about that?

I see a refinery, our place in the refinery, and our state of being as livings souls living within that sphere (womb) of life. The torments experienced while living, condition us to that end, whereby we become better equipped to produce that which is right from ourselves as gifts to that (womb) and also to the process itself in the present.

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Veteran Member
Thank God I'm a Christian who acknowledges the premise that heaven and hell are states of the living soul, as well as geographical locations.
What scriptures give the geographical location of heaven and hell?
Can you tell me the geographical location of heaven and hell?

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
Thank God I'm a Baha'i and see value in the struggles associated with life, believing that heaven and hell are states of the soul, not geographical locations. I do not believe that I know where I will end up, not until I die. Only God knows my 'rightful place.'

It amazes me just how many Christians get it wrong about what will happen to them after they die. I'm sure that you know what I'm talking about.