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The Random, Meaningless Announcements Thread 3!

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
Can you think of anything useful they do?
Like organizing my Mr Van...or watering my plants?

They do a lot of uselful things that have absolutly nothing to do with organizing Mr Van...or watering plants...although I suspect a few do water plants and have organized vehicles

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
I just ate a kind of frosting-less cup cake from Xinjiang China...and it was yummy

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
Well I was going to go home and put down some more topsoil, grass seed and straw...but the remnant of hurricane Florence is heading my way this evening and it is just a little to windy fo put down grass seed and straw and putting down topsoil on the slope I have to put it on will just give the rain something to wash away.... so you can now all breath a sigh of relief that I will have nothing to brag about tomorrow to make you all envious

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
They do a lot of uselful things that have absolutly nothing to do with organizing Mr Van...or watering plants...although I suspect a few do water plants and have organized vehicles
As I have at home - computer controlled watering system and car "entertainment" system. The later is not about the car entertaining me, but me entertaining the car by trying to coerce it to do what I want.

If I want to say play a Pandora station through the car's system I select Apps then Pandora. That seems simple. Then for the 10,000 time I have to confirm that I know that the phone company might charge me for data. Then I'll get a connecting message.

Typically this is where fun can begin. The fun is a failure to connect with a very unhelpful error message that might as well say "you lose, sucker". Given that this involves Pandora, the cell company, my phone and the car software, knowing what's wrong is left as an exercise for the masochistic.

I've learned through bitter experience that sometimes the phone forgets the Pandora login, sometimes the phone needs to be rebooted and even sometimes I've turned off something essential on the phone such as bluetooth in a desperate attempt to have enough battery left in case of emergency.

Actually having a helpful message would, of course, spoil all the fun.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
WRONG!!!!!!! The only truly secure system is one that is powered off, cast in a block of concrete and sealed in a 55 gallon drum, put in a rocket and shot into the sun
Until the digital god Google casts its spell of electronic rebirth and the system lives once more.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I got my California license today! Admittedly, I had to guess on several questions (I missed four all together - more than what Indiana allows), such as the ones revolving around bike lines since those are fancy trendy new things in maybe a handful of Indiana cities, I had to guess on the "when can you turn left at a red light" because as far as I knew that is something you can never do, I don't tow stuff so I got that wrong, and I have no intentions of finding out what the penalties are for not pulling over for a cop who is pulling you over. But, it's done. I no longer have a valid Indiana ID.
And California seems at least good enough so far that instead of "ughs" and rolling eyes and other ****head Conservative signs of communication towards me, the guy at the DMV gave me a few leads on jobs and without instructing me to "make sure I take my piercings out."

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
And I did something of utmost importance, I got my library card! :D
And it seems perhaps not many gringos here who don't know Spanish aren't interested in learning (the librarian looked surprised when I asked where the books to learn Spanish are and she wasn't sure, though she knew where the ESL material and books in Spanish are located). For now, I have Spanish for Dummies.
I also checked out Dangerous Wildlife in California and Nevada. The key take aways (I didn't fully read it but quickly scanned through to basically see what I have to watch out for); you can't just pick up toads and frogs here because some of them cause skin irritation, pit vipers are more common around here (there are none in North-Central Indiana), there are gila monsters roaming the desert area, I'm considering getting a solid thick walking stick (more of a bo staff, really) at least 6 feet long to poke at sun bathing snakes blocking my way and to defend myself in the event of a bear or mountain lion attack, and bed bugs are so god awful terrible that the chapter on insects triggered some anxiety.
I also found an error in the book as it claims there are no brown recluses in Indiana. It's pretty rare to actually see one (much like the black widow), but they are there.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I also straightened my hair today, and it didn't curl back up shortly after doing so (I'm guessing because of the low humidity), and it's a few inches longer than I realized.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Bears must be greedy. They're bears, but that's apparently not good enough for them and they are arming themselves and learning bo-staff combat.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Yeah. I don't even want to get that close to LA because of the cost of living.
I remember that in the year I lived there, the houses
up in the hills climbed from about $100K to $130K.
They gots to be well over $1M by now.
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I'm not sure if I like CBD oil. I'll probably try it again to help me sleep, but that's because I feel like I took a Xanax.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
What part? Around here I can rent a two-bedroom house for about what I could a two bedroom apartment back in Indiana.

He likes to try to rile us up by asserting CA is a monolith ignoring for comedic effect that there are low and high income/expense areas in the state.

Just insult haggis, his kilt and groundskeepers as a lower social order.