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The Random, Meaningless Announcements Thread 3!

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
I just had a delicious grilled egg plant sandwich... and a salad


Wonder Woman
I ate a bowl of Cheerios and a banana for breakfast this morning.

I made myself eat a banana not too long ago. Figured I don't get enough potassium so might as well have one. Hadn't eaten one in years (decades is more like it), though frequently have them in the house because everyone else in family likes them. It reminded me why I don't eat them. Not that I really don't like them, as in I think they taste horrible or anything, but I certainly don't care for them as I think they have absolutely no flavor and I might as well be munching on cardboard.


Yuck, eggplant. Dx

For breakfast, I had Cinnimon Toast Crunch and for lunch, I had orange chicken. Oh, school food, how I missed you. xD

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I wish I could tell my English teacher how obnoxious and annoying he is when he says something that is, in no way shape or form, nowhere remotely close, not in the same ballpark-not the same league-not even the same sport, entirely unable to be construed as funny and he laughs at himself!
My philosophy teacher does the same, but not nearly as loud or as often.
I also can't stand my English class because I can tell by the way alot of my classmates talk and perceive things that they really seem clueless about the real world. Example, we was looking at a real memo from some company about their snow policy, and in all reality it looked pretty average, normal, and it looked like something I have gotten from my own boss when I was a manger, and to so many people in that class it looked mean, terrible, uncaring, and thought poorly of the guy. I was thinking at least he is generous enough to let employees work from home if they can't make it in. And the way one thought a car repair manual had bad and confusing pictures, when actually they were very clear but where black and white, and you could tell she has never worked on a car a day in her life. Myself, it can be hard enough just to buy the parts, let alone hire a mechanic to put them in for me.
And then a few of my classmates in my philosophy class are very arrogant, very literally the type who thinks they are better than theists just because they don't believe in god. Hopefully there will be something in the class we strongly disagree enough on so I can burst their bubbles.
And it does not help at all that I feel like I am in high school the way the building and class rooms are designed, and the way everyone is walking through the halls in between classes. I also have not started my fourth class yet. I also really need to stop procrastinating on my homework. My German homework I get to, but usually am finishing up the day it's due because I look at alot more than just my text books when I do my homework. Everything else is just so damn boring I don't want to do it.

Me Myself

Back to my username
My second day at work was way better than the first one.

All the stress is coming out of me though. The work enviroment is very good, and while people are stressed for having alot of work I forow have little work. I am still terribly slow, mostly because it is costing me so much mostly because I keep being aparalyzed by this stress, but it has been so much better today The feeling that I can do it has increases a lot since yesterday.

I mean, I could defintely do it were I not a stress doll for this kind of stuff, the fact that I get SO TENSE is what is making me so... Well, so much more worried and tense :eek:

Me Myself

Back to my username
I am having increasing doubts about job again, I was doing what I could of it here at home and now gotta go to bed. I am really afraid because I am still too far behind, and time is practically up. :(


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I just took my truck in to get the cruise control fixed!
It gets to be a real pain having to continually watch my speed.
I'm also having some work done to improve highway handling.
Exciting, eh?


Wonder Woman
Sorry to hear.

Any idea what's causing that?

I know exactly what's causing it :p It's called starting my days off by walking 3.5 miles before breakfast. I intend to up that to 4 in a day or two(the object being to always keep in within 1 hour or less). Of course, I'm now walking the kids home from school now too so that throws in another mile for the day for walking. Plus any dancing I do and any other work/workouts I plan on throwing in. :p

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
I know exactly what's causing it :p It's called starting my days off by walking 3.5 miles before breakfast. I intend to up that to 4 in a day or two(the object being to always keep in within 1 hour or less). Of course, I'm now walking the kids home from school now too so that throws in another mile for the day for walking. Plus any dancing I do and any other work/workouts I plan on throwing in. :p

Oh, I see. I suppose that's not remotely bad, then. :D

Me Myself

Back to my username
I am awake because I am still working. I got really behind on my stuff to do this week :(

I really hope I stop sucking at competence on my second week of work :(

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
It was 47F here this morning and I have to go to the airport today


Wonder Woman
Didn't go for my main walk this morning :( On way home from walking kids to school had nasty pain up back of left calf. Figured I'd just let my school walking be enough for the day.