Are you still getting paid to stab the populous?
Still on medical leave with a shoulder that won't quit popping and grinding that leads to swelling that makes the popping and grinding worse which makes the swelling worse until the rotor cuff muscles are very swollen and I'm in a lot of pain.
But returning to Eden has been weighing down heavily on me. Working in Nod I'm making more money, take breaks when I want (which isn't legal how I do them in California with a normal job), never listen to crap music, have my own schedule, no impossible to respect managers (two have snitched rather than talk directly to me) holding me back and not training me well and thinking I'm incompetent, the back and knee pains are significantly less to the point the pinched nerve in my back finally worked itself out (or whatever. That pain went away) and it's been a couple months since I last had jet lag from a wildly inconsistent and varried schedule.
And no being having to get signed off for things I can do and I need no ****wit trainer to give me permission and supervise me to learn something new. I just do it. New equipment or tools? I get to learn and use them the same day. New task? Again, learn and do it all same day, no one misreading autism to get in the way. Even new software. It's been slow learning 3D modeling and this I wouldn't mind taking an actual course for, but it's coming along.
Plus I'm looking at building a smaller business that is basically my blog/journal about doing rideshare and how tos with car maintenance and repair and reviews of products. It'll be the only one I'm open to advertising and sponors with because I want them to send me car stuff to try, lol.