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The Random, Meaningless Announcements Thread!

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1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
- Now hear this, now hear this -

Announcement number one of two:

There is only one serving of shepherd's pie left. If you would like shepherd's pie, please let me know. I may make another if there is sufficient interest.

I arrived at work today 11 minutes late, and I wasn't wearing a name tag, because I lost my sister's name tag, which I have been using for about a month. (My sister used to work with me) I don't think my manager was mad; infact, he may not have even noticed... Our conversation was confusing.
Announcement number two of two:

When I worked in retail, we kept a spare name tag in a drawer near one of the cash registers. If you forgot your name tag, your name was "Donovan" for the day.

That is all.


Treasure Hunter
- Now hear this, now hear this -

Announcement number one of two:

There is only one serving of shepherd's pie left. If you would like shepherd's pie, please let me know. I may make another if there is sufficient interest.

Announcement number two of two:

When I worked in retail, we kept a spare name tag in a drawer near one of the cash registers. If you forgot your name tag, your name was "Donovan" for the day.

That is all.

I wish we did that. I'd like to be named Donovan...

It was funny though, because I had been wearing my sister's nametag, and her name is Emily. Some customers like to look at your nametag and pretend they know you, and it was hillarious, because they'd call me "Emily" like they knew me, but that isn't my name. :D


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
It was funny though, because I had been wearing my sister's nametag, and her name is Emily. Some customers like to look at your nametag and pretend they know you, and it was hillarious, because they'd call me "Emily" like they knew me, but that isn't my name. :D
Reminds me of something they had us do: supposedly because they wanted to make the customers feel like they had a "relationship" with the store, they told us to use their name as much as possible, and to get the name by checking their credit card, e.g. "thank you Mr./Ms. ______. Enjoy your CD player/camera/whatever."

It didn't really work, though. Usually, they'd get weirded out for a second ("hey - how does this stranger know my name?"), then realize what had gone on ("oh... that stranger was just really paying attention to my credit card. I wonder if he was trying to remember anything on it besides my name."), and was more off-putting than relationship-building.


If you do have an actual relationship or rapport with a customer, great. If you don't, don't pretend like you do.

That is all.


Treasure Hunter
Yeah... they do that at my bank. They read my check and say, "Have a nice day, Hannah." :D

But I'd prefer that they didn't... I know that they don't actually remember me, and I don't like them pretending that they know me.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Reminds me of something they had us do: supposedly because they wanted to make the customers feel like they had a "relationship" with the store, they told us to use their name as much as possible, and to get the name by checking their credit card, e.g. "thank you Mr./Ms. ______. Enjoy your CD player/camera/whatever."

It didn't really work, though. Usually, they'd get weirded out for a second ("hey - how does this stranger know my name?"), then realize what had gone on ("oh... that stranger was just really paying attention to my credit card. I wonder if he was trying to remember anything on it besides my name."), and was more off-putting than relationship-building.


If you do have an actual relationship or rapport with a customer, great. If you don't, don't pretend like you do.

That is all.
Safeway does that too. I used to get weirded out by it, now it's just annoyance that nobody ever proounces my name correctly.


Kal-El's Mama
Attention to all.

I had jury duty today but did not get picked. I do not have to go tomorrow but still have to call in until next week. My butt and back hurts from the seats and admit that I miss working.

Thank You.


Kal-El's Mama

Attention please. May I have your attention please!

UV is not a Whore. She is only an Intern Whore. I repeat. UV is not a whore. Disregard the post in the Whore thread unless she does become a whore within 24 hours.



Attention please. May I have your attention please!

UV is not a Whore. She is only an Intern Whore. I repeat. UV is not a whore. Disregard the post in the Whore thread unless she does become a whore within 24 hours.


Well I never!
I most certainly am a whore!:flirt::eek:
Do NOT disregard the thread.
I repeat DO NOT disregard the thread.
Instead frubal me till I glow purple neon like my bright shiny award!

Haven't you people ever heard of prophesy and fate?!
This is a religious forum after all!
Come now! Bring me to my fullfillment!
(or I'll bring you to your knees!)

You may resume your regularly scheduled daily activities
after giving me your frubals (of course).



Let's all give her frubals then!! So she will be a whore. :D

AHHH Hannah.
A young woman of good sense.

You all follow her example now.
Never mind her tender years.

She is maturing in wisdom and womanhood with every frubal given.

At this rate she's gunna be RF's next rising hottie!

ok, that ends my announcement.
You may now resume frubaling me.
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