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The Rapture


Well-Known Member
For whatsoever things he told our father, he believed them. I did not say “falsely accused.” He was a dreamer and a tiddel tat. As you can see, it is scriptural, but in the scripture that have been forbidden to you, by that church of deceivers who refuse to acknowledge that Jesus came as a human being, who would have you believe that Jesus did not come as a human being, but as an immortal god who supposedly entered the womb of their fictitious virgin, where his god created a human like body for him, which was not of the seed of Adam, the earliest ancestor of the family of Human beings.

You falsely believe that i believe like them. Jesus is not eternal--wiithout beginning or end---as you should have gotten that from the verses i quoted


Well-Known Member

Nah matey, I have shown you conclusively that Jesus is not the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,

No you brought in extra biblical heresy to "add to the Word of God" to make your theology work. Add to it, add to the plagues you receive. Take away, take away from your blessings. Thats easy to understand aint it? Also you might as well throw out the book of Hebrews then since you dont believe the words of it

Ps 45:6 - Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever [eons of the eons]: the sceptre of thy kingdom is a right sceptre.
Heb 1:8 - But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever [eons of the eons]: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom.
Still think Jesus is not the God of Abraham? Even with all the evidence in front of you?

but was his faithful servant,

You can state it right here but cant make the connection from that Revelation verse who is the faithful and true servant, the Amen? Unbelievable

who was sent in the name of the Lord to speak in the name of the Lord, and he himself admits that not one word spoken by him were his words, but were the words of our Father and God “Who I Am.”

Did you even take to heart the verse i showed that no man has seen or heard God at anytime and that the only Lord God speaking and was seen was the Lord Jesus Christ back then. Can you understand this principle?

Acts 3: 13; "The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of your ancestors, has given divine glory to his servant Jesus.

Apparently you read this verse to mean that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our ancestors, has given divine glory to his servant, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our ancestors. Wake up to yourself matey, before you end up making a complete idiot of yourself.

No apparently you dont understand that the Father gave Jesus all that He has. Do you see the word "given" in that verse? Only the Lord God was given all power and authority from the Father. You despise the verses that say that God made everything through Jesus, that includes Enoch. You dont understand that there is "one God, the Father and one Lord, Jesus Christ" and these two are one. What does Paul say about people like you and those also who believe in the trinity "
However not all men have this knowledge;"

Deuteronomy 18: 18; The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, says to Moses; "I will send them a prophet like you from among their own people; I will tell him what to say, and he will tell the people everything I command. He will speak in my name etc.

Did you forget that He also says over and over again that it will be "I", the Lord God, who will come down. This same "I" that came 2000yrs ago who said "no man has seen or heard God at ANYTIME". Can you make the connection yet?

Act 17: 31; For he (The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.) has fixed a day in which he will judge the whole world with justice by means of a man he has chosen. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising that man from death.
Jesus is not the God of our ancestors, he is not the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as you claim, as is proved conclusively by the Holy Scriptures.

Right, and you are being just as stubborn as those back 2000yrs ago because you dont know who and what is the Father and who is Jesus Christ. As the scriptures say "God is not a man". The Father is not a man, Jesus is still called a man after His resurrection, but Jesus can be called God and Lord because its a title. Do you understand that? Do you understand the question Jesus asked the pharisees "41 Now while the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them a question: 42 "What do you think about the Christ, whose son is He?" They *said to Him, "{The son} of David." 43 He *said to them, "Then how does David in the Spirit call Him 'Lord,' saying, 44 'THE LORD SAID TO MY LORD, "SIT AT MY RIGHT HAND, UNTIL I PUT YOUR ENEMIES BENEATH YOUR FEET'"? 45 "If David then calls Him 'Lord,' how is He his son?" Can you answer this? Aparently not.

What more do you believe, God would demands of us? No symbolic meanings here mate, Just righteous living and that’s all that God asks of you..

To know the truth. If you dont know the truth then you cant do any of those things in righteousness and love. You cant believe in freewill and believe in God. You cant believe Jesus hands over the kingdom to His Father and believe Jesus rules forever and ever. You cant believe God is love and believe in hell or annihilation. And on and on and on. People think that just believing that there is a God is enough and thats all God asks of us. James or was it Jude plainly states even the devils believe that there is a God, now are they okay too? There is so many false teachings out there and people think they worship God but instead are worshipping and practising lies.


Well-Known Member
You’re not that thick are you, that you didn’t understand that I was talking about the belief of the church, who compiled those books, which she allows you to read, and who rejected those books that she forbids you to read? She, to whom you are obedient, teaches that the man Jesus was the co-creator of the Cosmos and that it was his father who prepared a body for him in the womb of their fictitious virgin.

No she teaches a trinity. The scriptures teach that God the Father created everything through Jesus or do you despise those verses too?

1 Cor 8:5For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,) 6but to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things [EVEN JESUS], and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.

Yes, I said that the church to who you are obedient, says that he, who they believe was the co-creator of the cosmos, did not create a body for himself, but his father, with whom their fictitious Jesus supposedly helped create the cosmos, prepared a body for him.

Sadly then they speak more truth than you because the plain statement of Christ, which you agree are not His words but the words of His Father,.....hold up, do you see your stubborness here. You admit that Christ couldnt even speak His own words yet you think that He could have made something all by Himself without His Father who gave Him everything! But im the thick headed one?

These are his own words to us also, “You should pray, OUR FATHER, who art in Heaven, etc” His Father is my Father, His God is my God, His saviour, who raised him from death, is my saviour who is able to raise all the brothers of Jesus from death also.

So just throw out all the other scriptures that say Jesus is also the our Saviour and God who His Father works through to save all mankind?

If you believe that those were not the words of our Lord and saviour as spoken through the mouth of Jesus the Israelite, who he sent in his name, to speak in his name, then you are absolutely ignorant to the word of God.

I beleive em, it is you who dont

The human body born of Mary and her half brother, Joseph the Levite, who was sired by Heli the father of Mary also, was named Jesus, so Jesus did get his body from Mary. Where in heavens name do you think his body came from?

Do you realise that you are believing in the spin off of the immaculate conception doctrine of the mother church you accuse me off being under? Show me ONE scripture where Jesus states He originated from Mary, came from Mary. No over and over and over again He states "I came out from the Father". God didnt send a spiritual sperm into Mary, He sent Jesus, the Lord God who emptied Himself to be a little lower than the angels for a little while so He could die.

It is you who demean him, by portraying our Lord and saviour as the human that he chose to send in his name and to speak in his name.
No demean and refuse the scriptures that say God will come down here or sometimes He said "I will come" or "I will not give my glory to anyone else".

quote=AK4; Oh so we might as well throw out the scriptures saying Jerusalem descending from heaven [who is to return "descending from heaven? According to you, its a literal city and not Jesus.], the scriptures saying that the real Jerusalem is in heaven that is the mother of those who believe, etc etc.

You do realise of course that you are talking about the Jerusalem that appears after this physical world has disappeared. Revelation 20: 7; “And when the Thousand years are completed. Satan will be released and he will go forth to deceive the nations and to gather them together to battle: the number of whom are as the sands of the sea. And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of God’s people, and the beloved literal physical city of Jerusalem, and fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them.

I thought id make the font on that word bigger so all can see how you have ADDED TO THE WORD OF GOD to make your theology work

Revelation “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth for this physical heaven and earth in which the literal physical Jerusalem that I am referring to, will have passed away, and the sea was no more.
Done here again. Also again you have no idea what heaven is and what earth symbolises. Heck lets throw in here "sea" also. You have no clue.

And I saw the New Jerusalem, (Not the old literal physical Jerusalem to which I refer) coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
And for that matter you dont know what Jerusalem stands for either. Remember the first verse of Revelation says this BOOK is a book SYMBOLISED/SIGNIFIED. Again, who is the one who is to descend out of heaven again?

You have to learn to read, even, the few books of scripture that you have been given permission to read, with understanding, before you enter into a debate with someone who knows what they are talking about.
Ive been waiting on someone who does and so far i havent here.

After all those wars against Jerusalem, before, during and after the cross, tell us of which of those wars that you speak of, did it happen, that immediately after, the heavens were shaken and the light of the heavenly bodies were turned to blood?

Again you are thinking literal/physical and not spiritual. It wasnt a literal war. I thought youd get it when i put the key words "
during and after the cross". I see you wont get the "heavens shaken" yet and what the moon and sun being darkened meanings either. I may be nice and share it with ya.

So we’re still waiting that day of great tribulation.

There is great trubulation happening now, back then and all points in between since Jesus left for those have been/who are being called AND chosen. Or as the scriptures say MUCH tribulation for those who are being saved. Now does the scriptures say "day of great tribulation" or "Day of the Lord"? And day is not a literal day either---"My words are spirit".

BTW do you understand the difference between tribulation and wrath/indignation? Do you understand why the rapture doctrine doesnt stand? The saints are appointed/thrown into tribulation "John your fellow brother in TRIBULATION". All other are apointed to wrath/indignation "they store up wrath, Day of wrath etc etc"

You’re absolutely correct there matey, but what ever you’re on about, it has nothing to do with that which is revealed in the Holy Scriptures

Really? and am i the one jumping from extra biblical book to book to make "my" theology work?


Well-Known Member
Matey, I hope you live long enough to to receive some benifit from all the answers that I give to your idiotic statements, but I only read each of your posts when I have the time to sit down to respond to them. I am just now reading your post #45, and I see another 14 of your rubbishing posts still waiting for answers, which I will get to when time permits, the further you get, the longer it will take me, but as I have eternity ahead of me, I'm not concerned. Oh, that right, you dont believe that eternal life is not scriptural even in the few biblical books that you are permitted to read, do you? Ha haaa haaaaa. quote AKA; Do you realise eternal is not scriptural either?
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Well-Known Member
Ah yes, this comes directly from the book of Enoch. It was an interesting story though. You contradict yourself in one sentence saying "No man has ascended to heaven" and then say Enoch did

The first of the series of answers to post #45.

Nah Buddy, Every person who is reading these posts, will know that you are a liar, and one who attempts to twist and distort that which has been said to you. What I said, as you and any person who is interested enough to check it out will see, was that “No man has ascended to heaven, except, and that one exception of all mankind to have ascended to the eighth eternal heaven, was “The Son of Man,” who is the spirit that is currently developing within the body of mankind. And that indwelling spirit which evolves to become the “Son of Man,” is the spirit of Enoch, to which spirit, in the process of evolution, all the spirits of mankind are gathered; all the information taken in through the senses of every humans being, who has descended from Noah, his wife, their three sons and their three wives, who are all direct descendants of Enoch, as all those eight souls were born of Enoch’s six sons, Methusulah, Rigam, Riman, Urchan, Cherminion, and Giadad, in whom was the spirit of Enoch, who is the new godhead to the new physical body of mankind, after the old physical body of Adam was submerged within those baptismal waters.

Just as you are the developing godhead to that body, in which, is all the information taken in through the senses of all your ancestors, Pre-human and human, (This is how evolution works) and when that body dies, you the spirit go off into judgement, so Does the spirit of Enoch, who is developing within the sinful body of all the descendants of Noah. Psalms 51: 5; "Behold, I was shapen in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me.” These were the words of The “Son of Man’ speaking of the body in which he develops and from which he is born into the spiritual realm with the death of the mother body. But, as Paul says in 1st timothy 2: 15; "The woman is saved through child birth," The Son of Man, who is the first born Son of the universal Godhead, Justifies the sinful body in which he develops.

To Compare the Son of Man to the Man Enoch from whom He evolved, would be comparable to comparing you, to the very first organic molecule, which had formed in the noxious primeval slime of the earth, from which slimey molecule, you have evolved. 1st Peter 3; Just as when the body of Jesus was killed, and the spirit of Jesus was born into the invisible spiritual dimension that co-exists within this visible three dimensional world, and from the kingdom within us, he descended through time, where be was reborn in the body of Noah and from within the body of Noah, he preacheds the good news to those who were disobedient in the days when the Ark was being built. So too, after the death of the body of mankind in which he developed, “The Son of Man,” came down, and it was to He, who our Father Abraham bowed the knee and accepted "The Son Of Man," "Who I Am," as His God, the God of our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who gave his name to Moses as “I am Who I Am,” and who was, to later give divine glory to his obedient servant, the man Jesus, who He, ‘The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, sent in his name to speak in his name. Blessed be he who comes in the name of the Lord, and may all glory be to our Lord God and saviour, who sent his servant Jesus to light the way for we, his brothers, who believe.

And so my friend, come soar with me
To the outer limits of reality
For this universe, though wide it seems
Is but the shadow of our dreams
We are nought but knowledge in these tents
Refined through pain and punishment
We're the hive of man and neath His rod
We are one, we're the Son of God
The past, the present, the future is He
He was, He is, and He will be
And heaven is but a point in time
To where the spirit in man must climb
Eventually when He's there at last
And stands and gazes on His past
And takes the throne prepared in heaven
Then all His past will be forgiven.
I am who I am, the die is cast
For I was created by my past
And we who we are this very day
Determines His future in every way
If my past were changed, then who would I be?
One thing is certain, I wouldn't be me.........By S-word.
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Well-Known Member
Quote AKA; Joh 3:13 -"No one has ascended into heaven, but He who descended from heaven: the Son of Man.

-"No one has ascended into heaven, but He who descended from heaven: the Son of Man, even the Son of man who is in heaven.

Who descended from heaven? The only man to have ascended to heaven, where he was placed before the throne of the Lord God Almighty, which was surrounded by glorious creatures who served the Lord, “The Book of the Secrets of Enoch” 22: 8; “And I fell prone and bowed down to the Lord, and the Lord with his lips said to me: ‘Have courage, Enoch, do not fear, arise and stand before my face into eternity.’ Did you notice that word,"Eternity"?

And the archistratiege Michael lifted me up, and led me before the Lord’s face.

And the Lord said to his servants tempting them: ‘Let Enoch stand before my face into eternity,’ and the glorious ones bowed down to the Lord, and said: ‘Let Enoch go according to Thy word.’

And the Lord said to Michael: ‘Go take Enoch from out his earthly garments, and anoint him with my sweet ointment, and put him into the garments of my glory.’

And Michael did thus as the Lord told him. He anointed me, and dressed me, and the appearance of that ointment is more than the great light, and his ointment is like sweet dew, and its smell mild, shining like the suns rays, and I looked at myself, and was like one of his glorious ones.

And the Lord summoned one of his arch-angels by name Pravuil, whose knowledge was quicker in wisdom than the other arch-angels, who wrote all the deeds of the Lord; and the Lord said to Pravuil: ‘Bring out the books from my store-houses, and a reed of quick writing, and give it to Enoch, and deliver to him the choice and comforting books out of thy hand.

Of Enoch’s writing, how he wrote his wonderful Journeyings and the heavenly apparitions and himself wrote three hundred and sixty six books etc.

Quote AKA; And as for Enoch going to heaven, you contradict Hebrews 11:4-31. Enoch, Elijah and all the prophets is included in this passage. Enoch was translated to another place just as Elijah and "All R461 these died in faith, without R462 receiving the promises, but having R463 seen them and having welcomed them from a distance, and having R464 confessed that they were strangers and exiles on the earth"

This of course excludes Enoch of who it is said in Hebrew 11: 5; “By faith Enoch was translated, (To translate something, is to change it from one form to another without loosing anything of the original essence, as we have seen the translation of Enoch in the above Holy Scriptures) that he should not experience death.
Just as the statement, “Every knee shall bow before Jesus,” does not mean EVERY KNEE, for it excludes he, who placed Jesus in his throne, as his Heir.

Quote AKA; What was that again about being ignorant of the scriptures?

It’s not so much, you that is ignorant, but the rubbish that you write, which proves your ignorance to God’s Holy Word, you may be well versed in other subjects, but you are certainly most ignorant as to the Holy Scriptures.

Quote AKA; So Jesus being the first and the last, did Enoch also witness Him "handing over the Kingdom to God"? You are killing me here.

Oh I would never do that my friend, you have never given me just cause to kill you and I would kill no man without just cause. if you die, I believe that it will be your hatred of we, the children of Abraham that is gnawing at your guts, that will be the end of you.

Concerning the Son of Man to whom all the sins of the body in which he developed have been ascribed, he, (The compilation of all the spirits of mankind and the only one who could pay the death penalty for all of mankind) came down, in order to pay the blood price, for the sins of the body of mankind, laying down his life, knowing that he could resurrect himself. Jesus his chosen heir, who, through his obedience to his indwelling ancestral spirit, became a duplication of the man Enoch, and who, in his spiritual existence, descended and was reborn as Noah, and is the chosen ascending spirit in the body of Mankind, to who all the spirits of Good people who fall asleep in righteousness are gathered to He, who was declared to be high priest in the line of Melchizedek, who sits in the throne of Enoch our father, clothed and girded in fire, and has become the first/Alpha in this world, which is destined to burn, where he serves God before the body of Adam into all eternity, and is the corner stone to the brilliant Temple, or resurrected body of our Lord and saviour, who, as the head of the gloriuos resurrected being, is the Last/Omega.
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Well-Known Member
Matey, I hope you live long enough to to receive some benifit from all the answers that I give to your idiotic statements, but I only read each of your posts when I have the time to sit down to respond to them. I am just now reading your post #45, and I see another 14 of your rubbishing posts still waiting for answers, which I will get to when time permits, the further you get, the longer it will take me, but as I have eternity ahead of me, I'm not concerned. Oh, that right, you dont believe that eternal life is not scriptural even in the few biblical books that you are permitted to read, do you? Ha haaa haaaaa. quote AKA; Do you realise eternal is not scriptural either?

Fine matey, i will let you catch up as you have to "research" your answers and find more ways to contradict scripture. Evidently you dont really know what eternal/eternity means and you dont know that its eonian life and immortality we get not eternal life. And you dont undrstand why its eonian and not eternal. Maybe if you put in as much study on eternity/eternal as you did on the geneology of Jesus you may find out something. I have faith in you that you can do it, provided that that is Gods will. I will pray for you.


Well-Known Member
Answers to AKA'S post #45 continued. Unlike some, I, who am in my 69th year and who live on 22 acres with my wife, and have to keep it at least clean and clear of weeds and rubbish, have limited time to spend on the computer.

Quote AKA; You indeed do have a vivid imagination.

One doesn’t need a vivid imagination when one has access to the written words of Our Lord and Saviour, who said in “The Book of Enoch the Righteous” 54: 9; to 55 1-2; (9) “Be not godless in your hearts, and lie not and alter the words of uprightness, nor charge with lying the words of the Holy Great One, nor take account of your idols; (Those images before who the world bows, which are made to look like mortal man) for all your lying and all your godlessness issue not in righteousness, but in great sin.

(10) And now I know this mystery, that sinners will alter the words of righteousness in many ways, (Jews, Christian and other religious authorities alike, "Beware of the yeast of the Priests.") and will speak wicked words and lie, and practise great deceits, and write book concerning their words. (11) But when they write down truthfully all MY words in their different languages, and do not change or minish aught from MY words, but write them all down truthfully-----missing-----all that I first testified concerning them. (12) Then, I know another mystery, that books shall be given to the righteous and the wise to become a cause of joy and uprightness and much wisdom.

(13) And to them shall the books be given, and they shall believe in them and rejoice over them, and then shall all the righteous, who have learnt there-from all the paths of uprightness be recompensed. 55: 1; In those days the Lord bade them to summon and testify to the children of earth concerning their wisdom: Show it unto them; for ye are their guides, and a recompense over the whole earth. (2) For I, (Enoch the chosen one from the previous world that was destroyed by water, ‘Comet strike’) and MY Son (Jesus, the chosen one from this world, which is reserved up against the day when it will roll up as a scroll and burn up to fall as fire, into the Great Abyss) will be united with them forever in the paths of uprightness in their lives; and ye shall have peace, ye children of uprightness. Amen.

Quote AKA; God the Father has a soul now? *shaking head*

I believe there are many Gods my dear friend. There is our God, the “Son of Man” who is the spiritual Godhead of the universal species of mankind, which is the most high in the creation and Lord of physical creatures.

Of all the universal species, (And one would have to be naïve to believe that Mankind is the only intelligent species to have evolved in this eternal and boundless cosmos) one had to be the first to evolve, and mankind is the firstborn of the intelligence that is the “Great Holy ONE,” the (Singularity) Psalms 82: 1; “God presides in the heavenly council; in the assembly of the gods he gives his decisions.” That is our God, the Most High of all the spiritual Godheads of all the species to have evolved within the entire universe.
Then there is the one true God, “The Great Holy One,” in whom all exist and who exists in all.

He, “The Great Holy ONE,” began as an infinitely dense, infinitely hot, infinitesimally small singularity, which is the “Alpha” and the beginning of all that is, who, at the end of it’s evolution becomes the Omega, who descends to be one with the Alpha in space-time.

It is from there, before the beginning of space and time, where He, the “Omega,” says “Let there be light,” as he not only observes the creation of the universal body in which he had developed as the supreme personality of Godhead, but has the ability to intervene and change the course of the history from which He, the universal mind/spirit, was created in the creation of his Son, who is the “Omega” of the next cycle of universal activity, in which the “Omega” of the previous cycle, is the Alpha of the cycle from which his son is born, and is the indwelling ancestral Father spirit within his Son.

The Logos, which was in the beginning of this, the seventh period of universal activity, or the seventh heaven and earth, Is the divine animating principle that pervades all that exists, in fact the Logos is all that exists. It was the Logos, who was in the beginning with God, the singularity of origin, in fact the Logos was the activating principle that caused the singularity to be spatially separated with the Biggest Bang you’ll ever hear, which singularity has become this physical universal body, in which, has evolved all the different physical life-forms, of which, our spiritual Godhead, who is the compilation of the body of mankind, is the Most High in the assembly of all the godheads to all the physical species that have evolved in the universal body that the Logos has become, and the Logos is the spiritual compilation of all the godheads of all the universal species that it has become.

The Logos that was in the very beginning of this eternal cyclic universe, has become all that is, He was the singularity from which all has evolved, He is the singularity in which all now exist, and He will always be the singularity in which all that will ever be, will exist. For God is “ONE.”

All things come into existence through the Logos, by the Logos, and for the Logos. He is the Soul/life force of the universe, He is the divine animating principle that pervades the entire universal body, he is the angular and linear momentum, the wave-particles, which are the quantum of the liquid like electromagnetic energy that was spewed out of the Black Hole/Great Abyss, with the Big Bang, in the billions of degrees when the infinitely dense, infinitely hot, infinitesimally small singularity was spatially separated, when the body of God’s Son was torn asunder for the foundations of this world.

In the beginning of this, the seventh period of universal activity, was the Logos “The divine animating principle that pervades all that exists” and the Logos was God, and in him was life or a supreme personality of Godhead, and that life was the “Light of Man,” the intellect/ the Light, that had been gathered from the body of mankind, who had been first created on the sixth day, or the sixth period of universal activity.
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Well-Known Member
The final answer to post #45.

Quote AKA; This is too much. Human spirit? Humans are not spirit.

Humans are the Logos/soul, that has become all that was, all that is, and all that ever will be, which Soul/life-force, is the divine animating principle that pervades all that exists, and to which all the Light of all our ancestors, Human and pre-human has been gathered. The compilation of all that information, is our indwelling God, who has created, from the elements of his universal body, a physical body/tent in which to dwell: Isaiah 40: 22; “It is He that sitteth on the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers, who stretches the heavens out as a curtain, and speadeth them out as a tent to dwell in.

And it is in that physical body, which is but the elements of God’s universal body, in which the evolving spirit of the Godhead dwells, that “I,” the spirit, is created from all the information that is taken in through the created senses of that body. And “I,” the spirit that is evolving from all the information and experiences taken into that body, can judge the commands of my indwelling spirit as evil, as did my righteous father Adam, whose indwelling ancestral spirit was animal and devoid of any human parentage.

And I can separate myself from my indwelling Father spirit, who was the Omega of the sixth world and was the Alpha in the beginning of this post-flood world, (One only has to believe the story my friend, only the story) and has become “Who I Am,” who is connected to his beginning by an unbroken genetic thread of life, and who has never died, and can never die, and in so doing, separate myself, who am spirit, from the evolving universal spirit, and die.

Or I can learn to know and understand “Who I Am,” in this particular point in his evolution to the ends of this cycle of universal activity, and be true to “Who I Am,” and “I,” who am an obedient servant and an extension of “Who I Am,” will live with him, in him, for all eternity. So get behind me you charlatan priests and you shams. For I am true to my God, to MY GOD, “Who I Am.”

Quote AKA; Hey another false christian doctrine, immortal soul. Eyes to see, remember that? Enoch the cornerstone? Goodbye Jesus. You just been replaced by Enoch, although the scriptures say You are the cornerstone.

Another Idiotic statement, when will you begin to understand the Holy Scriptures? Haven’t you been reading what has been said to you, Jesus is not replaced by Enoch, It is Enoch, who is replaced by Jesus, open those blind eyes my friend, unstop those deaf ears and listen.

Quote AKA; Now we have the doctrine of reincarnation. You are really confused now.

Nope, , the doctrine of reincarnation has not just now appeared, it was in the world long before Paul tried to explain it to you in 1st Corinthians 15: 35: “Someone will ask, How can the dead be raised to life? What kind of body will they have? You fool! When you plant a seed in the earth, it does not sprout to life unless it dies. And what you plant, (The spirit within the bare seed) is not the full bodied being that will grow up. God provides each seed (Spirit) with the body he wises, (Enoch the Omega of the previous world, and the alpha of this world, was told to write down every soul that would ever live, and the position of every soul in the new world, for all souls are prepared to eternity.) He, our God, gives each seed/spirit its own proper body. And the flesh of living souls are not all the same flesh (In the resurrection, or new world) Human beings have one kind of flesh, animals another, birds another, and fish another. And there are heavenly/spiritual bodies and earthly/physical bodies; the beauty of the heavenly bodies is different from the beauty that belongs to the earthly bodies, etc.” I pray that the body that my God gives to “you/the spirit, in the resurrection, is not that of a worm.

Quote AKA; And now Jesus who is, was and will be is now diminished to nothingness.

No my dear friend, I know that the truth is difficult enough to understand by those who are genuinely seeking the truth, but those who just wish to puff out their chests and strut around like demented roosters, crowing about their own supposed great knowledge of scripture, and haven’t the guts to eat that which is forbidden to them by the old dying mother body, have no hope whatsoever.

It is the Logos, who was, who is, and who ever will be, and it is the “Omega,” from each cycle of universal activity, who enters into the “Logos as the supreme personality of Godhead in the eternal growth of the Logos, who has no end, although, like Krishna, Jesus, is the eighth and principle Avatar of the Son of Man, the Lord and saviour of all, who descended to the beginning before space and time came into being, and who said, “Let there be light,” and Jesus is now our indwelling God, Father, Mighty Councillor, and saviour, in the eternal evolution of the eternal Logos, the supreme and only God who can only be worshiped in Spirit.

Quote AKA; Can we say another contradiction and straight out blasphemy?

You can say whatever you wish to my dear friend, but as you have been shown to be incorrect in every other instance, you will be shown to be incorrect in that idiotic statement also.

Quote AKA; If Jesus is our example and Gods proof that we are to have immortality

Which he is

Quote AKA; like He has been given and He diminishes to nothingness then .... man what the heck are we hoping for?

And what makes you think that Jesus will diminish into nothingness, when all scripture shows that Jesus was the chosen cornerstone to the resurrected spiritual body Of the “Son of Man’ (The sacrificial Lamb of God) who came down and gave his immortal body, for the sins of the body in which he developed. Have you gone completely mad my dear friend?

Now let’s have a look at AKA’S post #46. But that will have to wait until tonight, as i fixed the axle on the tractor yesterday and the wife's urging me to get some slashing done today, ah well, no rest for the wicked.
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Jesus in me
Gee I wonder why. Could it be because it makes their theory invalid?

So to make their theology work they either add or subtract to the Word of God. That right there should tell you enough about putting your trust in these theologians.

Mt 13:3 And he spake many things unto them in parables,
Mt 13:10 And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables?
Mt 13:13 Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.
Mt 13:34 All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in parables; and without a parable spake he not unto them:
Mt 13:35 - That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.
Mt 13:53 And it came to pass, that when Jesus had finished these parables, he departed thence.
Mt 21:45 - And when the chief priests and Pharisees had heard his parables, they perceived that he spake of them.
Mt 22:1 And Jesus answered and spake unto them again by parables, and said,
Mr 3:23 - And he called them unto him, and said unto them in parables, How can Satan cast out Satan?
Mr 4:2 - And he taught them many things by parables, and said unto them in his doctrine,
Mr 4:11 And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables:
Mr 4:13 - And he said unto them, Know ye not this parable? and how then will ye know all parables?
Mr 4:33 - And with many such parables spake he the word unto them, as they were able to hear it.
Mr 12:1 - And he began to speak unto them by parables.

Try answering these again with scripture not mans reasonings. You are speaking the very milk of the Word. Of course God dwells in heaven, now where and what is heaven? Where is His temple? You didn’t answer any of the questions completely correct, and #4 is completely wrong.

There is no THE anti-christ. Show me a chapter and verse that says THE anti-christ.

Do you really believe God, an Almighty, omnipotent, all powerful, all everything God would be in a battle with something He created? Do you really think that it would be a battle in the first place? Its tantamount to saying you could try to dethrone God or be in a battle with God.

Master of deception—think about it, what is nearly everyone on this world at home with that truly the scripture that says satan will deceive THE WHOLE WORLD with? The one thing that the whole world is deceived on, even the elect at one point in time? Do you need a hint? Well it definitely is not a charismatic figure able to bring fire down from the sky that will be able to mesmerize the people of Jerusalem into being peaceful even with Muslims. Seriously do you think anyone would be fooled by that, let alone the whole world? Its like saying David Koresh could have deceived the whole world when he said he was Jesus. Come on the devil is a lot more clever than that.

Which then you need to find what is the scriptural answer to what is a jew and what is a gentile. There you go, question 5.

What is a jew and what is a gentile?

Christs words are spirit. Do you know what that means?

BTW dont be afraid of being called a racist as S-word called me even though i said nothing about a race of people niether did i say anything that was racists in the first place.

How many doctrines are made from the scriptures yet turn out to be false? There is scriptural support that there is not one, not two, but three tithes in the OT, yet tithing is unscriptural under the NT.


NO! This is my concept. You can't add two sentences joined by an "and" as though all ands were inclusive "ands". You have to have some proof that the sentences tie together. Not all "ands" are inclusive ie.

I go to the store and buy bread. (inclusive "and" because buying bread goes with things you do at a store)

I went to the store and my mother is on the phone. (Exclusive "and" because the fact that my mother is on the phone may or may not be related to having gone to the store and there is not enough evidence to tie them together)

Whether the scholars are fudging scripture depends on your point of view. They are missing the fact that the Rapture is mentioned in the Mat. passage because they have evaluated the passage as a "second coming of Jesus" passage. It gives them a pre-conceived notion that the Rapture is not mentioned. It is the same reasoning made by the Pharisees that Jesus of Nazareth could not be the Messiah because He didn't come from Bethlehem.

There is no question that Jesus spoke in parables but that is not the "only" speaking that He did. (That is the problem with using words like "all", "every" and "only".) You would almost think you had it with Mat 13:34 but all you can prove by that is that He spoke that way at that time. Here is a passage where Jesus spoke to a person without using parables:

John 4:7 There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink.

1Jo 2:22 Who is the liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, even he that denieth the Father and the Son.

Yes. I believe what the BIble says about this, that people do things that are contrary to the will of God.

False prophets and false Christs. The Anti-Christ is a false Christ.

Mt 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.

No! It makes abosuletly no sense to me.

If you were expecting to hear anything rational from S-word you should be well dis-illusioned by now.

However that may be it does not mean that every doctrine is in complete error.



Well-Known Member
If you were expecting to hear anything rational from S-word you should be well dis-illusioned by now.

Isaiah 6: 8; Then I heard the Lord say, "Whom shall I send? Who will be OUR messenger?"

I answered, "I will go! Send me! So He (The Lord) told me to go and give the people this message: "No matter how much you listen, you will not understand. No matter how much you look. you will not know what is happening." Then He said to me, "Make the minds of these people dull, their ears deaf, and their eyes blind, so that they cannot understand. If they did, they might turn to me and be healed. The Messenger of the Lord, Enoch/Jesus, has done a real good job on you mob matey.

Who is the messenger of the Lord? Malachi 3: 1-2; The Lord Almighty answers, "I will send my messenger to prepare the way for me. Then the Lord you are looking for will suddenly come to his Temple. The Messenger you long to see will come and proclaim my covenant." But who will be able to endure the day when he comes? Who will be able to survive when he appears?

That person who has proved themself to be totally obedient to the compilation of all the righteous spirits, (Righteous in their obedience to "Who I Am) that have been gathered to Jesus, who came to gtaher the so-called sinners of the world and not the hypocritically so-calleed righteous, who, like The Great King David, to who was gathered all the so-called misfits and dregs of that society, in order to take over and rule the promised kingdom, his body will be translated from a physical body, to a Body of light, and he is Elijah made manifest on earth, Elijah, the prophet of fire, who had manifested himself in the fire and brimstone preacher, John the Baptist, and is to appear before the day of God’s wrath to choose the required number of those, who are to take the thrones that have been prepared for the new rulers of this world.

This he does before descending and entering the first temple, which was the body of the man Jesus, where he is treated with outrage and lifted up upon a tree, and when the veil of that temple is torn, the spirit of the Lord is poured forth as fire upon the ancestors of the elect and chosen required number, who will be reborn on earth in the host bodies of their descendants that are obedient to their indwelling ancestral spirit and take the thrones that have been prepared for them.

While the spirit that is Jesus the obedient servant of the spirit, that was manifested in John the Baptist in his ascent, and had descended upon Jesus in the form of a dove, descends to be reborn as Noah the first Melchizedek, from where he preached the Good News also to those who were disobedient when the ark was being built. While the spiritual body that was torn asunder and poured out as fire on all those who believed his words as spoken through his obedient servant Jesus, ascends again to rule the whole world with justice from within the bodies of the elect and chosen.

Good News Bible, and notice that the sentence begins with, “AND.” Mark 9: 11; And the disciples asked Jesus, “Why do the teachers of the Law say that Elijah has to come first?” His answer was, “Elijah is indeed coming first (Future Tense) in order to get everything ready. Yet why do the scriptures say that the Son of Man will suffer much and be rejected? I tell you, however, that Elijah has already come (Past tense, John the Baptist) and people treated him (Past tense) just as they pleased, as the Scriptures say about him. Say about the Son of Man from this post flood body of man, who is Elijah who was carried up to Enoch without ever experiencing death.

“Eli” the Father and “Jah” the Son
Reveal that Jesus and John are one
John the lesser and Jesus the great
Oh praise the Lord who in parable spake
Revelations none could contemplate.
You have blinded their eyes that none might see
The wonderful plan revealed to me.
You have stopped their ears and they’ve never heard
The glorious story told in your word.
The door was there, but they couldn’t see
In scripture, where you hid the key.
The secrets revealed, yet still it’s hidden
For those who would turn and be forgiven.
In their sins they must die, each and everyone
Of they who reject your chosen son…..By S-word.

Where, have I read this?

After the conclusion of the Seder’s Grace after meals, there is a universally accepted custom to pour a cup of wine, the “Cup of Elijah,” before opening the front door of the home, and reciting several verses from the Psalms wherein the people beseech God to pour his wrath upon their persecutors and oppressors.

According to tradition, at that moment of the Passover, when the angel of death is to pass over the land, their homes are graced by the presence of Elijah, who was carried up to heaven to be with Enoch.
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Well-Known Member
First answers to AKA'S post # 46.

Quote AKA; It was verses like this in that book that made me realise that this book couldnt be part of canonization. This passage gives footing the false doctrine of hell.

OH, we all know that the universal church, which was established in 325 AD, by the non-christian King Constantine, who had his father deified and was accorded the same honour himself after his death, which church refuses to acknowledge that Jesus came as a human being, but would have you believe that he was an immortal God, who with his Father God, was the co-creator of the Cosmos, and that he came down to earth and entered into the womb of their fictitious virgin, (Which is totally unscriptural) where his Father God created a body for him, which was not of the seed of Adam the first human being, from which all human beings have descended, and that it was She, who compiled the canon from which she allows you to eat, and rejected all other scripture, which She has forbidden to you, who are obedient te her, although she did see the words of righteous Enoch as quoted from verbatim by Jude, one of the brethren of Jesus as being allowed, which opens the door for all to qoute from the words of Righteous Enoch.

Jesus, whose mother and family all grew up in northern Galilee in the little insignificant town of nazareth, which was no more than spitting distance from the beautiful Hellenistic city of Sepporhus, where Jesus would have received most of his religious education, the northern country where most of the miracles of our Lord and savour were performed through his obedient servant, the man Jesus, Matthew 11: 20; the people in the towns where most of the mighty miracles were performed did not turn from their sins, so he reproached them saying, “ How terrible it will be for you Chorazin! How terrible for you too, Bethsaida! If the miracles which were performed in you had been performed in Tyre and Sidon, the people, long ago would have repented. And as for you Capernaum, if the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Sodom, it would still be in existence today. On the day of Judgment, God will show more mercy to Sodom than to you. The only times that Jesus went down to Jerusalem, was when all the Greek speaking Jews of the area, from who Jesus gained most of his support, went there for the special Holy festivals, which he had done ever since he was a young child.

Jesus whose grandfather was “Heli” and “Heli,” is the Greek adaptation of the Hebrew “Eli” the high priest, would have been taught from the Books of Enoch, which are the earliest extant mystical documents, and were cherished by the early Christians for the first centuries, until they were banned by such religious authorities of the church of Constantine, as Jerome, Hilary and Augustus, and was thought to be lost for millennia, which turns out to have been a blessing, as the universal church could not distort and twist the truth by adding her filthy yeast to the unleavened bread that came down from heaven.

Jesus taught His disciples about the heavens (The Universe) being destined to roll up as a scroll, wherein the universal elements would burn up, and the heavens and earth would disappear, something that is not found in the Old Testament canon, but can be found in the books of Enoch. Plus all the Sons of God, “the angels,” who abandoned their own original habitat and came down and defiled themselves with the daughters of man and were bound in chains in the darkness of the lower place, until the day of their consummation.

You will find nothing of the imprisonment and future consummation of those Sons of God in the canon that you are allowed to eat from, but you will find extensive references to them in the Books of Enoch. The Book of Enoch, which remains the oldest extant mystical documents, is referred to in the Hebrew Zobar, the epistle of Jude, and is considered by some a very early draft of, or at least a critical influence on the New Testament.

Quote AKA; I can see you rely heavy on the book of Enoch to support your beliefs, but lets notice something here when we pay attention to all the words. It says "This place is the ends of the heavens". Now lets think for a minute. God dwells in heaven and even all the heavens couldnt contain Him yet in this book God must have an end because the heavens have end. Do you still think this book isnt contradictory to the scriptures. You know, i havent touched base about what heaven is that would really show this book to be a fraud.

Isaiah 40: 22; “It is He that sitteth on the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers, who stretches the heavens out as a curtain, and speadeth them out as a tent to dwell in. Did you get that, He stretches the heavens out as a tent, to dwell in? The Logos who was in the beginning with god and was the singularity that is God pervades all that is and is all that was, all that is, and all that every will be, and He, who is One, has periods of activity and periods of rest, which are in the billion and billions of years.

I believe as do the Buddhists, that Universe after universe is like an interminable succession of wheels forever coming into view, forever rolling onwards, disappearing and reappearing; forever passing from being to non being, and again from non being to being. In short, the constant revolving of the wheel of life in one eternal cycle, according to fixed and immutable laws, is perhaps after all the sum and substance of the philosophy of Buddhism. And this eternal wheel has so to speak, six spokes representing six forms of existence.” ---- Mon. Williams, Buddhism, pp. 229, 122.

I believe that the nights and days of Brahma are called Manvantara or the cycle of manifestation, ‘The Great Day,’ which is a period of universal activity, that is preceded, and also followed by ‘Pralaya,’ a dark period, which to our finite minds seems as an eternity. ‘Manvantara,’ is a creative day as seen in the six days of creation in Genesis, ‘Pralaya,’ is the evening that precedes the next creative day. The six periods of Creation and the seventh day of rest in which we now exist are referred to in the book of Genesis as the generations of the universe.

I believe that the English word “Generation,” is translated from the Hebrew “toledoth” which is used in the Old Testament in every instance as ‘births,’ or ‘descendants,’ such as “These are the generations of Adam,” or “these are the generations of Abraham, and Genesis 2: 4; These are the generations of the Universe or heavens and earth, etc. And the ‘Great Day’ in which the seven generations of the universe are eternally repeated, is the eternal cosmic period, or the eighth eternal day in which those who attain to perfection are allowed to enter, where they shall be surrounded by great light and they shall experience eternal peace, while those who do not attain to perfection are cast back into the refining fires of the seven physical cycles that perpetually revolve within the eighth eternal cosmic cycle.

Origen, was a Christian writer and teacher who lived between the years of 185 and 254 AD. Among his many works is the Hexapla, which is his interpretation of the Old Testament texts. I believe that Origen holds to a series of worlds following one upon the other,-- each world rising a step higher than the previous world, so that every later world brings to ripeness the seeds that were imbedded in the former, and itself then prepares the seed for the universe that will follow it.
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Well-Known Member
Quote AKA; Oh it was Enoch first then reincarnated as Jesus who died for the sins of man. Oh brother!

You poor soul, Oh well, we’ve got to keep trying, you never know, perhaps one day the truth may begin to dawn in you, and the spark of Life may then begin to grow brighter and brighter until it consumes you.

Enoch, whose faith saved him from dying, who, at the age of 365 (The sacrificial Lamb of God is to be 365 days or one year old) was taken to heaven where he was translated from human form into angelic form when he was anointed with the sweet smelling ointment of God which shone with the brilliance of the Sun, and the Greek word “Christ” means “The anointed,” plus, it was Enoch, who witnessed the heavens roll up and burn, and fall as massive columns of fire into the Great Abyss, or Black Hole, which was the prison of all the stars and the host of heaven and the end of all things.

Also the story that reveals all, tells us that the old Adamite body of mankind, in which the ancestral spirit was Adam, the godhead and compilation of all the pre-human animal spirits that were gathered in the evolution of man, was submerged in the Baptismal waters of the earth, from which arose the new body of Enoch, who is the human ancestral Father spirit in Noah and all his descendants. So, according to the story: The post-flood body of mankind, is the body in which the spirit of Enoch ascends to the end of time were, as is the case with every spirit/mind that develops within a human body, the greater spirit/mind that developed within the greater body of mankind, was born into the invisible spiritual realm that co-exists within this visible three dimensional world, with the death of the body in which he developed.

Now this should be enough to convince you that the origin of the “Son of man” to who all the sins of the body of mankind in which he developed are ascribed, is Enoch, which is not to say that the man Enoch is the "Son of Man," much the same as the first organic molecule from which you have evolved, is not "You." Enoch is the seventh from Adam the first born son of the pre-human Godhead, which is also, in the process of evolution in this three dimensional world where we see the heavenly being in his ascent to the “Omega”, as opposed to the invisible dimension that co-exists within this world, where we see the heavenly being in descent to the “Alpha,” two totally different time zones.

Knowing that it would be absolutely useless asking you to explain, who, or what you believe is the salvation of mankind, or even if mankind can be resurrected in the next cycle of universal activity, as you wouldn’t have a clue. For you have added nothing constructive to this debate, but instead, are intent on trying to prove somehow, that you are some sort of spiritual warrior, who can defeat all comers with your negativity, and that is all you have added to this debate, totally negative comments.

On my part, I will continue to add constructive data to this debate, and after answering all the current posts that you have so far sent, (No new ones) I will summarise all that has been said, and destroy any credibility that you believe that you might have.

In his ascent to the ends of this cycle of universal activity, Enoch saw, the one who was to be chosen By the Lord of Spirits to be his heir and successor. From the Book of “Enoch the Prophet.” Chapter 39: verses 6, up to and including verse 8; “And in that place mine eyes saw the Elect One of righteousness and of faith, and I saw his dwelling place beneath the wings of the Lord of Spirits. And Righteousness shall prevail in his days, and the righteous and elect shall be without number before Him forever and ever. And all the righteous and elect before Him shall be strong as fiery lights. And their mouth shall be full of blessing, and their lips shall extol the name of the Lord of Spirits, and righteousness before Him shall never fail. There I wished to dwell, and my spirit longed for that dwelling place; and there henceforth hath been my portion. For so hath it been established concerning me before the Lord of Spirits.” Do you have any understanding of what has been said here?

After Enoch had been escorted to the ends of this cycle of universal activity, and had recorded all that he had seen in his 366 books, God gave him thirty days in which to return to earth and reveal his writings to his children. From the book of “The Secrets of Enoch.” After telling the two escorting angels to return Enoch to earth for thirty days, an ancient angel colder than ice was called forward to touch Enoch, and ‘The Most High’ said to him, “Enoch, If thy face were not frozen here, no man on earth would be able to behold thee.” After revealing all that he had seen to his children, which is contained in too many chapters to bother about here, in chapter 50, Enoch says to his children; “I have put every man’s work in writing and none born on earth can remain hidden nor his works remain concealed. I see all things. Now therefore, my children, in patience and meekness spend the number of your days that you may inherit endless life, etc. In chapter 50: 2; Enoch says this to his pre-flood children, “You see how I wrote all the works of everyman, before his creation etc.” Now you may understand How the post-flood Paul, the disciples and the prophets, were chosen to be among the elect fiery ones, before they were born.

Then instructing his children to reveal his handwriting to others, he says to them; “My children, behold, the day of my term and the time has approached. For the angels who shall go with me are standing before me and urge me to my departure from you; they are standing here on earth awaiting what has been told them. For tomorrow I shall go up on to heaven, to the uppermost Jerusalem to my eternal inheritance etc.
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Well-Known Member
Are you worshipping Enoch or Jesus?

When God’s messenger made your mind dull, and your eyes blind, and your ears deaf, he done a mighty good job on you matey. The animal Mankind, was first created on the sixth day or the sixth generation of the universe. The indwelling ancestral spirit in the first of the human race to have evolved from the animals, was an animal spirit

Youd be just as good to do what catholics do and pray to mary.

Nevermind. I have no more doubt. You are worshipping Enoch.

Oh now Enoch is God. Wowsers!!! All the scriptures say Jesus was filled with the Spirit of God and yet you have stomped on this and given Enoch Jesus' title and place! The first words out of Jesus mouth when He was on earth starting His ministry was repent. You might wanna take heed.

The man Enoch was the compilation of the indwelling spiritual enclosure, in which were all his human forbears, and Enoch is a man who lived 3,000 years ago, and is the first human spirit, although be it an active living spirit, to be gathered to the eternal evolving Spirit that was in the infinitely dense, infinitely hot, infinitesimally small singularity of origin, that was torn asunder for the foundation of this the seventh generation of the universe. For all the evolving life forms within the universal body, are but the evolving principles of the overall evolving Godhead of the Singularity that was, that is, and that always will be. Which 'over-all' Godhead to all that is, is spirit, which can never be seen by any human being.

He, the Logos who was in the beginning, and was one with the singularity of origin that was torn asunder for the foundation of this, the seventh generation of the universe, is God, and all things that were, are, or ever will be, came into existence through the Logos, and by the logos and for the Logos, who is the One God Almighty, and who is worshiped by Enoch, Jesus, and Myself. There are many gods within the eternal God, who is One, and I have not a clue as to which one of those gods that you bow down to, but this I know, you have never worshiped the One True God of Enoch, Jesus, and Myself.

Quote Aka; That is your problem. You are treating these other books as if they are the Word of God and they are not.

Oh, but they are my dear friend as you are soon to learn.

Quote Aka; Heres something to think on. If Enoch was the first, then who was the Lord walking in the garden of eden?

As I have already said, all the evolving life forms within the universal body, are but the evolving principles of the overall evolving Godhead of the Singularity, that was, that is, and that always will be. Which, ‘overall’ Godhead to all that is, is spirit, which can never be seen by any human being.

Let me add a little extra data here, in order that you, or at least someone else who may be following the posts in this thread, might be able to understand the complex answer to this seeming easily explained question.

I believe in an eternal cyclic universe as did Origen, who holds to a series of worlds following one upon the other,-- each world rising a step higher than the previous world, so that every later world, first brings to ripeness the seeds that were imbedded in the former, and itself then prepares the seed for the universe that will follow it.

The six days of creation and the seventh day of rest, are described in Genesis 2: 4; as the generations of the universe, and the English word “Generation,” is translated from the Hebrew “toledoth” which is used in the Old Testament in every instance as ‘births,’ or ‘descendants,’ such as “These are the generations of Adam,” or “these are the generations of Abraham etc.

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Well-Known Member
In the first universal cycle, there was nothing but Light, which was the massive first generations that were being formed from the Quantum of the electromagnetic energy that was spewed out of the Great Abyss in the billions of degrees with the big Bang that spatially separated the singularity of origin. These massive first generation stars, which were being formed in sequence over a vast period of time, were each to implode upon themselves, blasting off a percentage of their mass as basic elements that were formed in those massive nuclear reactors, from which the Galaxies would later be formed. The Greater percentage of their mass being crushed into infinitely small, dense, hot objects within those Massive black gravitational Holes (Dark Matter) to which the galactic clusters of today are being attracted. When the last of those stars had imploded, that first day came to its end and a period of Darkness descended upon the deep.

The second day began as did the first, but in this second period of universal activity, there was a division of the waters/elements, that were the great nebula cloud, and a smaller cloud of elements that would eventually become our solar system began to condense, but then every thing was pulled back into the great abyss, and another period of darkness descended on the deep. Even the Black Holes devour each other at the close of each universal cycle, until only one massive Great Abyss remains in which all that is, is condensed back into the infinitely dense, infinitely hot, infinitesimally small singularity of the beginning, not some new beginning, but THE beginning, before space and time began.

The third awakening saw the first and second periods repeated, then Stars, planets and solar systems began to form in the Massive nebula clouds left behind from the implosions of the first generation stars. In the third period of universal activity, the cloud of elements that was divided from the greater nebula cloud, condensed to become our solar system. The planets/solid lands, were formed from that condensing cloud of cosmic gas, and the organic molecules from which all life would evolve, began to form in the noxious liquid pools on our earth, and plants which have no need of sunlight for their growth kick, such as fungi, Lichens, mosses etc began to form, and God was pleased with what he saw.

Then came the fourth period of universal rest, that precedes the fourth day, in which the first, second, and third generations of the universe, were repeated, before the condensing cloud finally began the process of nuclear fusion to become the sun as we know it. And God was pleased with what he saw, then came the fifth evening or period of universal rest, which preceded the fifth day.

The fifth generation of the universe first brings to ripeness the seeds that were imbedded in the former, and itself then prepares the seed for the universe that will follow it, aquatic animals that evolved from complex plant life, amphibians, and insects evolve from the first organic molecules of the third generation, and God was pleased with what he observed, and the sixth evening that precedes the sixth day of universal activity descended.

Again, the sixth generation of the universe first brings to ripeness the seeds that were imbedded in the former, and itself then prepares the seed for the universe that will follow it, then God the observer, said “Let the earth produce all kinds of animal life: domestic and wild, great and small” and it was done—and God was pleased with what he saw.

This God is not the actual creator, but merely the observer/watcher, who says let this happen, or let that happen etc, and is pleased at the close of each period of activity, and it is not until the third generational universe when the first life begins to form on this planet, which life evolves to become the “Son Of Man,” that he says he is pleased with what he saw.

The fact that he said he was pleased with what he had observed, occurred at the close of the third, fourth, and fifth days immediately before the evening, which is the beginning of the next day, but in the sixth day, after the creation of the great beasts among which, the Dinosaurs, the old upright walking reptiles, who had ruled the earth for over three million years, are included, and pre-human mammalian life forms, that he says, he is pleased with what he saw, and this was before, Adam, who was created in the seventh generation of the universe, was cast back into the world from which the animal spirits had been gathered, in the creation of the heavenly enclosure of animal spirits of which, the great simulacrum or blue-print of mankind, the heavenly Androgene Adam, was their compilation.

It was after the God who presides in the assembly of the godheads to all other intellectual universal life forms, which Most High God, WITHIN the creation is “The Son of Man,” had said that he was pleased with what he saw in the sixth universal body, that he said, “And now, Let us make man in our image and likeness, and Adam and Eve, who were the two divisions of the heavenly enclosure, were clothed in animal skin, bone, muscles and nerves etc.

OK, now I will answer your question: Quote AKA;Heres something to think on. If Enoch was the first, then who was the Lord walking in the garden of eden?

The Son of Man “Jahel,” who is Lord to the glory of God, who came down and created Adam all alone on this devastated and barren planet, on the seventh day in which the previous six had been repeated up until all life had been destroyed in that sixth universe, and there in the seventh, after that catastrophic event, which was the end of all observers/watchers, that keep the physical universe in existence, for without the created senses of living bodies, there is nothing but the cosmic cloud of wave particles that are perceived through our created senses as the Physical universe.

It was then that Jahel took the seeds that were here and planted a Garden in Eden where he Placed the Man that he had created in his image and likeness, and who, he later cast out of that paradise, back to the world from which he was formed, which is the sixth generation of the universe, that preceded this the seventh world that is reserved up against that day when the heavens will burn, in which human race of the seven heavens, Enoch is the indwelling Father spirit and Jesus is the head to his developing Son who is being formed from all the righteous spirits of man that are gathered to Him, the chosen cornerstone to the new Temple of He, who spreads the heavens out as a Tent in which to dwell.

The Word of God can be likened to a star that's being ever brightened
By the mind of man reaching ever higher, but those who deviat, theyr're liars
In God's word man's mind can grow, but those outside, they're like the snow
That settles in the desert sand, and they'll melt away before "I Am"......BY S-word
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Well-Known Member
Quote AKA; Hint, not God the Father because "no man has seen or heard God at anytime or seen His shape".

Correct no man has ever seen or can ever see the cosmic Godhead, who was, who is, and who ever will be. In who, all exist and who, himself pervades and animates all that he has become. The One and only True God Almighty in who all other gods exist, including Enoch, Jesus, and “Who I Am”.

Quote AKA; Are you a christian or Enochian? Because your worship of Enoch is not healthy.

You may worship another God other than he who is all and in all, I certainly don’t

Quote AKA; Can we say immortal soul doctrine or is it the we always existed doctrine?[/quote]

You may say both, the Logos who is the only True God Almighty, is the divine animating principle that pervades the entire universal body, he is the eternal life force or soul of the universe, and “Who I Am,” to whom I am but an extension, has always existed from all eternity, in one form or another, I picked up a fossil and O what a buzz, to think---in my hand---was who I once was.

And now we’ll have a look at your post #47.
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Well-Known Member
Answers to AKA'S Post #47.
Because you ran on ahead of my ability, due to the time factor that I can have on the computer, to answer your initial posts, running off at the mouth with all this rubbishing and ridiculous rhetoric, I have already answered most of what you are now saying in these posts. So I will now selectively answer the questions that I believe need to be answered. After I am finished with your posts # 55,57,68,69, 74, 75, 76, 77, 80, 81, 82, and 83; including 47, and if I can answer one of your posts each evening, it will still take me 12 days to complete the exercise, but as the wife wants to head out bush for a month or so in a few weeks time, I may not finish answering your existing posts before then, so if I happen to miss something that you particularly want answered you may have to wait until I return

Quote AKA; I have not one racist bone in my body and technically after all jews are not a race. Im not going to waste my time defending myself again on this ridiculous accusation like i did in my thread http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/biblical-debates/74469-jews-not-race.html. Nor do i care whos a jew or a gentile. I know what is a jew and what is a gentile according to God and the scriptures and i know who are and what makes one the children of Abraham and what makes one "the seed of the devil". Maybe you might want to study that one also. I know the plan of God and what is to become of the "physical" jews. Maybe you should read Ezekiel and Isaiah more thoroughly and see and notice and understand that THEY ARE THE LAST TO BE SAVED OF ALL HUMANITY. Oh but going by your ignorance of the scriptures you didnt know that now did you? Oh and that right there crushes your "left behind" "rapture" scenario. The jews are THE LAST TO BE SAVED AFTER SODOM [who will judge them] SAMARIA[who will judge them], and the other one that is slipping my mind right now. LAST, LAST after her sisters are saved THEN WILL SHE.

Oh but im so filled with jealousy now huh? Gimme a break

Gee i thought you were about to show me something with that rhetorical question "is correct, is it?", but instead you showed me nothing to prove me wrong. Maybe if you take another swing at it you might get a foul tip.

Righto, we’ll skip that heap of rubbish for starters.

Quote AKA; IIt was there but as i read more of your stuff and your praise of Enoch, you aint worshipping a trinity, you just are worshipping another god and creation.

Another God other than the inferior God that you worship, that’s for sure.

Quote AKA; IDo anyone else see freewill in here again? I do. Eyes to see. So your god is still learning huh? What a crazy notion.

My God is pure mind/spirit, He is the cosmic cloud of thought waves, that through our created senses, we perceive as the physical cosmos, and my God is the same today as he was yesterday and will be into all eternity. He is the only constant in that he is constantly growing or evolving, if you can show to me a mind that has ceased to evolve, I will show to you, a mind that has ceased to exist.

Quote AKA; IMy God knows all before He created anything and has no need to learn any more. Maybe your god can ask my God how to become all knowing.

The Omega who is the end result of each cycle, and who returns to the beginning, knows everything that has happened in the world, to whose end he has ascended, that is why Enoch, who ascended to the ends of this post flood world, where he witnessed the heavens burn up and fall as massive columns of fire into the great abyss, which is the prison of all the stars and the host of heaven, and recorded all that he had seen, was able to return to the pre-flood world, and tell his children that he had recorded the names and the position that was prepared into all eternity of every soul in this post flood world, before they were even created. That does not mean that you do not have a free will, because you can and will do whatever you wish do, and he who has ascended to the ends of this world knows what you have chosen to do, before you were even created.

Quote AKA; IScream it to the rooftops "IMMORTAL SOUL, IMMORTAL SOUL DOCTRINE". When you die, you dont die, just your silly flesh, silly. In case you havent noticed im being sarcastic here. Doctrine of immortal soul strikes again.

I know that you are a person who is sarcastically inclined, as you have admitted, and now that you know the truth, you can spread the doctrine of the immortal animating principle that pervades the entire universal body to the world and scream it out from the rooftops. according to your brlief, there is no second death, for once the body has died you go off to total oblivion, so matey, according to your concept you and go out and eat, drink and be merry, do what ever you fancy, for the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing. That is taken from the satirical work of Solomon, which was aimed at people such as you, who believe neither in the life of the spirit after the death of the body, nor in the resurrection to life on earth, of those spirits in the world of Hades.

Quote AKA; IThrow out the Gospels where Jesus said He had all power before He came to earth.

Jesus, who came in the name of the Lord and who spoke in the name of the Lord, spoke not one word on his own authority, but only that which he was commanded to say by the Lord. So if you throw out the gospels where the Lord said through the mouth of his obedient servant Jesus, that he had all power before he came to earth, you are throwing out, the words of salvation spoken by our Lord God and saviour, “Who I Am,” the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

Quote AKA; IThrow out all scripture that say God does not dwell in a temple made by hands.

Why? Everyone knows that God does not dwell in a temple made by hands, but he does, or will dwell in his Temple on earth of which my Brother Jesus was the chosen cornerstone, which Glorious Temple of light is not made by hands.

Quote AKA; You know you did really good in your thread historical Jesus but you are way out there in this thread.

I know that I am way out there ahead of you, who have been shown to be absolutely ignorant to the truth as revealed in God’s Holy word. Continued:
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Well-Known Member
Quoted by S-word; And what scripture do you believe is broken here, 1st Peter 3: 18-20; He was put to death physically, but made alive spiritually and in his spiritual existence he descended through time and preached to those who were dead in relation to the days of the Roman Empire in which days Jesus lived. These were they who had been disobedient in the days when Noah was building the Boat.

Quote AKA; Again because you can see spiritually to take this verse literally and do as the mormons who came to get me to "at least read more of the bible" as if i didnt and didnt know what in it.

Because you make a mockery of our indwelling Father spirit, and do not let He, who is the author of the Holy books, guide you through his living word, you may have read the books which have not been banned to you by such authorities as Jerome, Hilary and Augustine of the universal church that was established in 325 AD, by the non-christian King Constantine, but you definitely don’t know what’s in them.

If you cannot believe that Jesus was the man that the Lord our saviour, “Who I Am,” the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, told Moses in Deuteronomy 18: 18; that he would raise up from among the Israelites, and who he would send in his name, to speak in his name, and because he was obedient even unto his cruel death on the cross, Acts 3: 13; the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our ancestors, has given divine glory to his servant Jesus, and placed him in his throne within the innermost sanctuary of the Body of Noah, where he preached the Good news to those who were disobedient in the days when the ark was being built, and that He, the indwelling spirit in man and the cornerstone to the new Temple or the resurrected body of the Son Of Man to whom all the sins of the body in which he developed were ascribed, and is now called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, and Prince of Peace, as prophesied in Isaiah 9: 6; then there is no hope for you.

First off you have the immortal soul teaching

Which has been shown to be correct.

again here going by what you believe and the dead in this verse are about as dead as the dead when Jesus said "let the dead bury the dead". Are ya getting now? No? Probably because of the whatever translation you have above. I could explain this passage but i dont have the time right now.

And We’ll ignore that bit of rot also.

"Spirits in prison" well heres a clue to this, me, you, and everyone else on earth "experiencing evil" are in this prison. That is the spirits.

The name Jared in Hebrew means “descending,” and it is written that it was in the days of Descending/Jared,” that the Sons of God abandoned their own habitat and descended and defiled themselves with the daughters of men, and in the Testament of Reuben, he says that the women adorned themselves in all finery and costly gems, and painted their faces in order to entice and seduce those sons of God, who would possess the bodies of the men while they were with their wives and from there, they were able to pass on their issue and giants were born on the earth. According to ancient Jewish tradition, Both Enoch, the Physical son of Jared, and Noah the physical son of Lamech, were giants, Irrevelant as to what you in your ignorance believe, the truth is, that it was those Son of God, who were imprisoned in the valley of the earth until 70 generations had passed, and Jesus was 70 generations from Enoch, see Luke 3: 23-38. BTW, Who do you believe was the spiritual father of Enoch, who possessed the body of Jared while he was with his wife?
And who was the spiritual Father of Noah, who possessed the body of Lamech while he was with his wife? Remember, there are two ways to every action, one can kill out of righteousness and another out of diobolical sin.

From the Book of Enoch the Prophet 106: 1-6; “Methuselah took a wife for his son Lamech, and she became pregnant by him and bore a son and his body was as white as snow and as red as the blooming of a rose, and the hair on his head and his long locks were white as wool, and his eyes beautiful. And when he opened his eyes, he lighted up the whole house like the sun, and the whole house was very bright. And thereupon he arose in the hands of the midwife, opened his mouth, and conversed with the Lord of righteousness. And his father Lamech was afraid of him, (Just as Eve was terrified when she first saw Cain the shinning one and thought to kill him) and Lamech fled and ran to his father Methuselah. And he said to him: “I have begotten a strange son, diverse from and unlike man, and resembling the sons of the God of heaven; and his nature is different, and he is not like us, and his eyes are as the rays of the sun, and his countenance is glorious. And it seems that he is not sprung from me, but from the angels. And I fear that in his days, a wonder may be wrought on the earth. Jesus reborn in the body of Noah. And now we'll take a look at your Post #66.
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Well-Known Member
Quoted by S-word;

Just let me know when you are caught up and i will answer with the scriptures. BTW i do read everything you put as i do with everyone else and the amazing thing is that 9 times out of 10 everyone says the same thing but in a different way. Most of the time it has something to do with freewill.