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The Rapture


Well-Known Member
Good job!

New Jerusalem according to Gal 4v26 is heavenly [above].
Not only does Jesus have a heavenly throne, according to Rev 5vs9,10 so do those redeemed from earth to rule with Jesus as kings and priests.

Starting with Pentecost the Israel of God became a spiritual nation not a physical or fleshly nation. It was the Christian congregation that Peter was referring to at 1st Peter 2v9.

Paul makes it clear at Romans [2vs28,29] that one is now a Jew by spirit or a spiritual Jew. So in other words since Pentecost Jewish converts and non-Jews can become a spiritual Jew or a Jew by spirit meaning: Christian.
So after Pentecost the mention of the Israel of God is now Christian and not talking about those of national Israel. Revelation is talking about spiritual Jews.

end of time

Reality check
Behold, I tell you a mystery: we shall not all sleep,but we shall all be changed-in a moment,in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet will sound. And the dead will be raised incorruptible. And we shall be changed.


Veteran Member
Behold, I tell you a mystery: we shall not all sleep,but we shall all be changed-in a moment,in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet will sound. And the dead will be raised incorruptible. And we shall be changed.

Right. The dead called to heaven will not spend time sleeping in their death but will be changed right away at their death. They are part of the earlier or first resurrection of Rev 20v6; 5vs9,10. They are not part of those 'delivered up' [later resurrected] of Rev 20vs13,14.


Well-Known Member
Right. The dead called to heaven will not spend time sleeping in their death but will be changed right away at their death. They are part of the earlier or first resurrection of Rev 20v6; 5vs9,10. They are not part of those 'delivered up' [later resurrected] of Rev 20vs13,14.
What??!! Does this make sense to you? Think about it....the dead dont really die, they keep living at death..???? And forget about the resurrection because they are already alive but dead but really alive in heaven? Makes your head spin doesnt it when you put in all these things that contradict the Word.

Just to note---- Jesus says "I am the resurrection" and "those who deny Me, I will also deny to My Father" so think.... those who preach and teach and parrot the teachings of dying and going to heaven [or hell or purgatory or whatever] where people who are dead, are somehow still alive, are they not DENYING THE RESURRECTION WHICH JESUS SAYS IS HIM????

Now how many christian denominations teach such a thing? No wonder Jesus says

Mt 24:5 - "For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will mislead many.

Matthew 7:21-29 - 21 "Not R291 everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven {will enter.} R292 22 "Many R293 will say to Me on that R294 day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' F132 23 "And R295 then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART R296 FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.'


Veteran Member
What??!! Does this make sense to you? Think about it....the dead dont really die, they keep living at death..???? And forget about the resurrection because they are already alive but dead but really alive in heaven? Makes your head spin doesnt it when you put in all these things that contradict the Word.
Just to note---- Jesus says "I am the resurrection" and "those who deny Me, I will also deny to My Father" so think.... those who preach and teach and parrot the teachings of dying and going to heaven [or hell or purgatory or whatever] where people who are dead, are somehow still alive, are they not DENYING THE RESURRECTION WHICH JESUS SAYS IS HIM????

According to Scripture the dead really do die.
[Ecc 9v5; Psalm 6v5; 13v3; 115v17; 146v4; John 11vs11-14]
Isn't Adam dead?
Adam had no life before he was created on earth.
At death Adam had no life anywhere.

Doesn't Acts 24v15 says future tense there is going to be a resurrection.

Those of Jesus 'brothers' [Matt 25v40; 1Cor 15v50] are called to immortal heavenly life.
Those that died before Jesus do not go to heaven, but await an earthly resurrection as the prophet Daniel looked forward [12vs2,13].

Jesus 'brothers' go to heaven when they are resurrected.
Except for those of Matthew 12v32; Hebrews 6vs4-6, the rest of mankind is offered by Jesus: 'everlasting life'.

Please notice that Adam was offered, not immortality, but everlasting life.
There is a difference. Everlasting life does not have life from within [immortal] but everlasting life is dependent on besides obedience, but like Adam to continue to breathe, eat, sleep, etc. So when Jesus says eternal life or everlasting life he not necessarily offering immortality, but the same offer as was originally extended to Adam at the time of his creation.

So the resurrected ones to heaven [Rev 20v6] are part of the earlier of 'first' resurrection and they put on immortality. Those that are resurrected later do not put on immortality but can gain eternal or everlasting life in human perfection of sound mind and body with the prospect of living forever right here on a paradisaic earth.

Do the living sheep-like people of Matthew 25v32 die ?


Jesus in me
New Jerusalem according to Gal 4v26 is heavenly [above].
Not only does Jesus have a heavenly throne, according to Rev 5vs9,10 so do those redeemed from earth to rule with Jesus as kings and priests.

Starting with Pentecost the Israel of God became a spiritual nation not a physical or fleshly nation. It was the Christian congregation that Peter was referring to at 1st Peter 2v9.

Paul makes it clear at Romans [2vs28,29] that one is now a Jew by spirit or a spiritual Jew. So in other words since Pentecost Jewish converts and non-Jews can become a spiritual Jew or a Jew by spirit meaning: Christian.
So after Pentecost the mention of the Israel of God is now Christian and not talking about those of national Israel. Revelation is talking about spiritual Jews.

You are confusing that part of the heavens which is directly above earth with Heaven which is so far away that it is difficult to conceive of the distance. It is a place with rooms: John 14:2 In my Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I come again, and will receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

Re 21:2 And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband.

There is no doubt that Christians are adopted into the family of God, however that does not mean that GOd refers to us as Jews. A reference to Jews is still a reference to Jews even if they are Christians.


Jesus in me
Right. The dead called to heaven will not spend time sleeping in their death but will be changed right away at their death. They are part of the earlier or first resurrection of Rev 20v6; 5vs9,10. They are not part of those 'delivered up' [later resurrected] of Rev 20vs13,14.

Are you blind? The passage does not say we all will die. It says we shall not all die.


Jesus in me
What??!! Does this make sense to you? Think about it....the dead dont really die, they keep living at death..???? And forget about the resurrection because they are already alive but dead but really alive in heaven? Makes your head spin doesnt it when you put in all these things that contradict the Word.

Just to note---- Jesus says "I am the resurrection" and "those who deny Me, I will also deny to My Father" so think.... those who preach and teach and parrot the teachings of dying and going to heaven [or hell or purgatory or whatever] where people who are dead, are somehow still alive, are they not DENYING THE RESURRECTION WHICH JESUS SAYS IS HIM????

Now how many christian denominations teach such a thing? No wonder Jesus says

Mt 24:5 - "For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will mislead many.

Matthew 7:21-29 - 21 "Not R291 everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven {will enter.} R292 22 "Many R293 will say to Me on that R294 day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' F132 23 "And R295 then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART R296 FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.'

There is no doubt that God could kill people and then immediately resurrect them but why bother when He can rapture them instead? That is tantamount to saying that God is inefficient. Can anyone say why people would need to die only to be immediately resurrected when it is more efficient just to keep people alive?


Veteran Member
Are you blind? The passage does not say we all will die. It says we shall not all die.

Where does it say we shall not all die?

When was Jesus ascended or caught up in the clouds?
Wasn't it after his resurrection?

1st Thess 4v17 starts out with the word 'Then' or meaning after.
So they are alive at the time of Jesus 'glory' time Matt 25v31,40 and remain at the start of Jesus 1000-year reign over earth. This does not mean they never die as the sheep-like ones of verse 32 that have the prospect of never dying but living forever on a paradisaic earth. They go to heaven. In order to go to heaven they need to be caught up as Jesus was caught up after his resurrection.
Remember flesh and blood [physical] can not inherit God's kingdom.
1st Cor 15v50.


Veteran Member
There is no doubt that God could kill people and then immediately resurrect them but why bother when He can rapture them instead? That is tantamount to saying that God is inefficient. Can anyone say why people would need to die only to be immediately resurrected when it is more efficient just to keep people alive?

Think: What is the price that sin pays? Isn't it death? Rom 6v23; 6v7
Since all are sinners all deserve death.
Only 'Death' stamps the price tag of sin as: Paid in Full.

The sheep-like people of Matt 25 v32 do just keep alive as people on earth.
But those 'brothers' of verse 40 can not take their flesh to heaven.
1st Cor 15v50

Everlasting life is offered to all that will live on earth either by salvation though the 'great tribulation' or via earthly resurrection. -Acts 24v15

Jesus 'brothers' are offered immortality.
Immortality means having life from within.
Whereas everlasting life is different.
Eternal life not only depends on obedience but also on continuing to breathe, eat, sleep, etc. like Adam had to do.

So those that are offered immortality in the heaven can only get there by leaving behind a fleshly body. 1 Cor 15v50.
They need to be 'caught up' in the clouds as Jesus was 'caught up'.
Jesus was 'caught up' after his resurrection.


Veteran Member
You are confusing that part of the heavens which is directly above earth with Heaven which is so far away that it is difficult to conceive of the distance. It is a place with rooms: John 14:2 In my Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I come again, and will receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
Re 21:2 And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband.
There is no doubt that Christians are adopted into the family of God, however that does not mean that GOd refers to us as Jews. A reference to Jews is still a reference to Jews even if they are Christians.

Not as fleshly, physical Jews but spiritual.
How do you explain Romans 2vs 28,29 if not spiritual?

Any Jew or gentile can become a Christian.
Like the first-century Jewish followers of Christ did not remain as religious Jews but became Christians or spiritual Jews as did the gentiles become Christian.


Well-Known Member
According to Scripture the dead really do die.
[Ecc 9v5; Psalm 6v5; 13v3; 115v17; 146v4; John 11vs11-14]
Isn't Adam dead?
Adam had no life before he was created on earth.
At death Adam had no life anywhere.

Doesn't Acts 24v15 says future tense there is going to be a resurrection.
You need to make up your mind. First you say "Right. The dead called to heaven will not spend time sleeping in their death but will be changed right away at their death. " And now in another breath you say "future tense there is going to be a resurrection". Do you see the contradiction? Theres no need for a resurrection if these people are already alive in heaven.

Now i know where you are headed in your argument so configure your reasonings with this: Paul "one of Jesus' brothers" realised the he will SLEEP and await the resurrection. He didnt not say that when he dies he will be in heaven. Paul, along with the rest of the Apostles are awaiting His {Jesus} return and thats when they will be resurrected and "BE LIKE HIM" as John put it. This also answers what you have below----

Jesus 'brothers' go to heaven when they are resurrected.

Please notice that Adam was offered, not immortality, but everlasting life.
There is a difference. Everlasting life does not have life from within [immortal] but everlasting life is dependent on besides obedience, but like Adam to continue to breathe, eat, sleep, etc. So when Jesus says eternal life or everlasting life he not necessarily offering immortality, but the same offer as was originally extended to Adam at the time of his creation.

So the resurrected ones to heaven [Rev 20v6] are part of the earlier of 'first' resurrection and they put on immortality. Those that are resurrected later do not put on immortality but can gain eternal or everlasting life in human perfection of sound mind and body with the prospect of living forever right here on a paradisaic earth.

Do the living sheep-like people of Matthew 25v32 die ?
Wow so all the scriptures are wrong when it says

"For even as, in Adam, all are dying, thus also, in Christ, shall all be vivified" (I Cor. 15:22).

Comment: "vivified" is from the Greek: Zoopoieo = LIVE-DO, "giving life beyond the reach of death, conferring immortality." The same "all" who are dying in Adam (which includes everyone) is the same "all" who are vivified in Christ (which of necessity includes everyone). Also notice that the "all" are vivified "in" Christ not "out" of Christ, and it's not, "all in Christ are vivified," but rather, "in Christ ... ALL are vivified." The order of words makes a giant difference.
"Consequently, then, as it was through one offense for all mankind for condemnation, thus also it is through one just award for all mankind for life's justifying. For even as, through the disobedience of the one man, the many were constituted sinners, thus also, through the obedience of the One, the many shall be constituted just" (Rom. 5:19).
Comment: This is not a difficult verse to understand. One offense brought condemnation on all mankind and all are constituted sinners. In the same manner ("thus also") through the obedience of the One [Christ] the same "many" are constituted just!

BTW no one dies and "goes to heaven" or again you have to figure these scriptures are wrong also

Joh 3:13 - And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.
Ac 2:34 - [In Context|Read Chapter|Original Greek] For David is not ascended into the heavens: but he saith himself, The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand,


Well-Known Member
There is no doubt that God could kill people and then immediately resurrect them but why bother when He can rapture them instead? That is tantamount to saying that God is inefficient. Can anyone say why people would need to die only to be immediately resurrected when it is more efficient just to keep people alive?

What is your point here?

NOw speaking of the rapture if you notice and pay attention to all the words, if there where to be a "rapture" then it would be a RAPTURE OF THE WICKED not the good


Matthew 24:37-39, CLNT:
For even as the days of Noah, thus shall be the presence of the Son of Mankind. For as they were in those days before the deluge, masticating and drinking and marrying and taking in marriage until the day on which Noah entered into the ark, and did not know till the deluge came and takes them all away, THUS shall be the PRESENCE of the Son of Mankind.

Why does Christ compare His Return to the Days of Noah? What happened then? Who was taken away [raptured] during the flood, Noah and his family? No! The wicked! God sent a great flood that took the wicked out of the earth! And Jesus says, "as the days of Noah, thus shall be the PRESENCE of the Son of Mankind"!

John 17:15, CLNT:
I am not asking that Thou shouldst be taking them [His Disciples] away out of the world, but that Thou shouldst be keeping them from the wicked one.


Matthew 224:22, CLNT:
And, except those days were discounted, no flesh at all would be saved. Yet, because of the chosen, those days shall be discounted.

Therefore, the chosen elect have not been raptured away, but rather left, or God wouldn’t have to shorten the days of tribulation for their sakes.

Matthew 13:40-42, CLNT:
Even as the darnel, then, are being culled and burned up with fire, thus shall it be in the conclusion of the eon. The Son of Mankind shall be dispatching His messengers, and they shall be culling out of His kingdom all the snares and those doing lawlessness, and they shall be casting them into a furnace of fire. There shall be lamentation and gnashing of teeth.

Matthew 13:47-50, CLNT:
Again, like is the kingdom of the heavens to a dragnet cast into the sea, which gathers of every species, and, when it was filled full, hauling it up on the beach and being seated, they cull the ideal into crocks, yet the rotten they cast out. Thus shall it be in the conclusion of the eon. The messengers will be coming out and they will be severing the wicked from the midst of the just. And they shall be casting them into a furnace of fire. There shall be lamentation and gnashing of teeth.

Proverbs 25:4-5:
Take away the dross from the silver ... Take away the wicked from the King...

Job 38:13:
That it might take the earth by the edges and shake the wicked out of it?

Hebrews 12:27-29, CLNT:
Whose voice then shakes the earth. Yet now He has promised, saying, Still once more shall I be quaking, not only the earth, but heaven also. Now the "Still once more" is making evident the transference of that which is being shaken [the wicked], as of that having been made, that what is not being shaken [the righteous] should be remaining. Wherefore, accepting an unshakable kingdom, we may have grace through which we may be offering divine service in a way well pleasing to God, with piety and dread, for our God is also a consuming fire.

Psalm 115:16, NIV:
The highest heavens belong to the LORD, but the earth he has given to man.


Why would Christ warn us to 'watch' for the day of His Return, if we are just going to be raptured away to heaven? Apparently, it's the opposite! Why else do you think Christ's Return is said to be like a thief in the night?

I Thessalonians 5:4:
Now you brethren, are not in darkness, that the day may be overtaking you as a thief ...

Because just as a thief steals from the unexpecting, so also those who are not prepared for Christ's Return will be taken away unexpectedly!

Matthew 24:40-42, CLNT:
Then two shall be in the field; one is taken along and one left: two grinding at the millstone; one is taken along and one left. be watching, then, for you are not aware on what day your Lord is coming.

Proverbs 11:31:
The righteous shall be recompensed in the earth

Job 21:18:
They [the wicked] are as stubble before the wind, and as chaff that the storm carrieth away

Mark 35-37:
Watch, then, for you are not aware when the lord of the house is coming, at evening, or midnight, or cockcrowing, or morning, that, coming suddenly, he may not be finding you drowsing. Now what I am saying to you, I am saying to all: 'Watch!'

Proverbs 10:30:
The righteous shall never be removed; and the wicked shall not inherit the earth

Revelations 16:15:
Lo! I am coming as a thief! Happy is he who is watching...


Veteran Member
You need to make up your mind. First you say "Right. The dead called to heaven will not spend time sleeping in their death but will be changed right away at their death. " And now in another breath you say "future tense there is going to be a resurrection". Do you see the contradiction? Theres no need for a resurrection if these people are already alive in heaven.
Now i know where you are headed in your argument so configure your reasonings with this: Paul "one of Jesus' brothers" realised the he will SLEEP and await the resurrection. He didnt not say that when he dies he will be in heaven. Paul, along with the rest of the Apostles are awaiting His {Jesus} return and thats when they will be resurrected and "BE LIKE HIM" as John put it. This also answers what you have below----
Wow so all the scriptures are wrong when it says
"For even as, in Adam, all are dying, thus also, in Christ, shall all be vivified" (I Cor. 15:22).
Comment: "vivified" is from the Greek: Zoopoieo = LIVE-DO, "giving life beyond the reach of death, conferring immortality." The same "all" who are dying in Adam (which includes everyone) is the same "all" who are vivified in Christ (which of necessity includes everyone). Also notice that the "all" are vivified "in" Christ not "out" of Christ, and it's not, "all in Christ are vivified," but rather, "in Christ ... ALL are vivified." The order of words makes a giant difference.
"Consequently, then, as it was through one offense for all mankind for condemnation, thus also it is through one just award for all mankind for life's justifying. For even as, through the disobedience of the one man, the many were constituted sinners, thus also, through the obedience of the One, the many shall be constituted just" (Rom. 5:19).
Comment: This is not a difficult verse to understand. One offense brought condemnation on all mankind and all are constituted sinners. In the same manner ("thus also") through the obedience of the One [Christ] the same "many" are constituted just!
BTW no one dies and "goes to heaven" or again you have to figure these scriptures are wrong also
Joh 3:13 - And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.
Ac 2:34 - [In Context|Read Chapter|Original Greek] For David is not ascended into the heavens: but he saith himself, The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand,

Yes there is going to be a resurrection as Acts 24v15 says.
Jesus 'brothers' [Matt 25v40;1Cor 15v50] receive a resurrection at death to heaven. [go to or ascend]
Those that are Not part of Jesus 'brothers' that do not live through the great tribulation Rev 7v14 will also be resurrected. Resurrected during Jesus 1000-year reign over earth to be part of Jesus promise that the humble meek will inherit earth. Psalm 37vs11,29.

Except for those of Matt 12v32; Hebrews 6vs4-6, those in Christ will be make alive. That does not necessarily mean immortal or indestructible.
Was Adam destructible?
We know he was destructible because Adam is no longer with us.
Only if Adam obeyed could Adam live.
Adam was not immortal.
Adam was never offered immortality [indestructible] but Adam was offered: everlasting life. Everlasting life on earth[not heaven] was offered to mankind.

Jesus also offered everlasting life. That would mean the same offer that originally was offered to Adam at creation. During Jesus 1000-year reign over earth people will have the prospect of living forever if obedient to God.
Those faithful not resurrected to heaven will be resurrected on earth.
The difference:
Those 'brothers' taken to heaven put on indestructible immortality.
Those living on earth must continue to breathe, eat, sleep, etc. besides be obedient or loose everlasting life.

The physical world was not offered immortality.
The physical world is dependent on external forces to keep on living.
So although similar [immortal/ eternal life] there is a dependency difference.


Well-Known Member
Yes there is going to be a resurrection as Acts 24v15 says.
Jesus 'brothers' [Matt 25v40;1Cor 15v50] receive a resurrection at death to heaven. [go to or ascend]
Those that are Not part of Jesus 'brothers' that do not live through the great tribulation Rev 7v14 will also be resurrected. Resurrected during Jesus 1000-year reign over earth to be part of Jesus promise that the humble meek will inherit earth. Psalm 37vs11,29.

If I may ask, who are the "....rest of the dead who did not live again until the 1,000 years were finished...." referring to in Revelation 20:5?


Veteran Member
If I may ask, who are the "....rest of the dead who did not live again until the 1,000 years were finished...." referring to in Revelation 20:5?

An inquiring mind wants to know and you are not alone in asking.

Think about what happens at the end of the 1000 years.
Rev [20v7] says Satan will be let loose out of the abyss.
Do any people follow Satan at that time?
According to verse 8 there is an un-numbered amount of people that do.
Jeremiah [33v22] connects sand with can't be measured.
So Rev 20v8 is showing an unknown number not necessarily large.

So, by John inserting 'the rest of the dead did not come to life until the end of the 1000 years' shows John was talking about: eternal life, or come to everlasting life. In other words, like Adam, someone with human perfection as Adam originally had and disobeyed willfully as Adam, then he too can still loose out on 'everlasting life' by following Satan at that time.
So those that 'come to life' during Jesus 1000-yr reign will come to life in gaining human perfection of having a perfectly healthy sound mind and body.
Such ones that choose to remain faithful once Satan is destroyed [Heb 2v14b] will have gained not just 'temporary life' but gain 'eternal life' or 'everlasting life' as originally promised or held out for sinless mankind.

For obedient sinless mankind then 'death' will be more. -Rev 21vs4,5
All nations will be healed or cured.-Rev 22v2
-Gen 12v3; 22vs17,18


Well-Known Member
An inquiring mind wants to know and you are not alone in asking.

Think about what happens at the end of the 1000 years.
Rev [20v7] says Satan will be let loose out of the abyss.
Do any people follow Satan at that time?
According to verse 8 there is an un-numbered amount of people that do.
Jeremiah [33v22] connects sand with can't be measured.
So Rev 20v8 is showing an unknown number not necessarily large.

So, by John inserting 'the rest of the dead did not come to life until the end of the 1000 years' shows John was talking about: eternal life, or come to everlasting life. In other words, like Adam, someone with human perfection as Adam originally had and disobeyed willfully as Adam, then he too can still loose out on 'everlasting life' by following Satan at that time.
So those that 'come to life' during Jesus 1000-yr reign will come to life in gaining human perfection of having a perfectly healthy sound mind and body.
Such ones that choose to remain faithful once Satan is destroyed [Heb 2v14b] will have gained not just 'temporary life' but gain 'eternal life' or 'everlasting life' as originally promised or held out for sinless mankind.

For obedient sinless mankind then 'death' will be more. -Rev 21vs4,5
All nations will be healed or cured.-Rev 22v2
-Gen 12v3; 22vs17,18

Interesting interpretation. I have another question. Acts 4:12 tells us, there is no other name under heaven by which we may be saved. God also tells us He wishes ".....that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." He also, "....desires all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth." (1 Tim 2:4) Furthermore, Mark 16:16 claims, "He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned." Where does that leave those that lived and died before Christ was born? Or how about those who did not have an opportunity to hear the Gospel message? When you think about it, both these categories constitute the majority of mankind! Will these folks have an opportunity for salvation? Or are they unjustly condemned?
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Yes there is going to be a resurrection as Acts 24v15 says.
Jesus 'brothers' [Matt 25v40;1Cor 15v50] receive a resurrection at death to heaven. [go to or ascend]

First off, no one dies and goes to heaven. This is another false doctrine taught by the churches of many religions, christianity is no exception. Did you read the post above i sent to muffled that has that Matt 25:40 verse and how Jesus already had just said "like in the days of Noah"? Where do you get that this is "His brothers" going to heaven. In no context can you get that this is saying His brothers die and go to heaven. Same paragraph "like in the days of Noah" the bad or wicked are taken away. You are distorting the truth to make your false doctrine work.

Those that are Not part of Jesus 'brothers' that do not live through the great tribulation Rev 7v14 will also be resurrected.

Another false doctrine---Go throughout the whole NT and you will see that all of those who are the called AND chosen [in otherwords the elect] throughout all the generations since Jesus' resurrection have gone/will go through great tribulation. This is not a one time event reserved for the last few years before His return.

Resurrected during Jesus 1000-year reign over earth to be part of Jesus promise that the humble meek will inherit earth. Psalm 37vs11,29.

If the 1000 years is literal then so are all the other symbols like the 7 headed beast are literal in a book symbolized/signified by SYMBOLS. {Rev 1}

Except for those of Matt 12v32; Hebrews 6vs4-6, those in Christ will be make alive. That does not necessarily mean immortal or indestructible.

So in otherwords the verses i quoted to you are false?

Was Adam destructible?
We know he was destructible because Adam is no longer with us.
Only if Adam obeyed could Adam live.
Adam was not immortal.
Adam was never offered immortality [indestructible] but Adam was offered: everlasting life. Everlasting life on earth[not heaven] was offered to mankind.

Maybe you should read that post again.

During Jesus 1000-year reign over earth people will have the prospect of living forever if obedient to God.

Have you really thought about this teaching? Jesus will reign and people will still have the power [oh the blasphemous teaching of freewill] to thwart the will of God? I guess Jesus isnt powerful enough to overthrow human freewill huh? [assuming as you do that we have this]

Those faithful not resurrected to heaven will be resurrected on earth.
Do you have a verse and chapter on this?


Veteran Member
Interesting interpretation. I have another question. Acts 4:12 tells us, there is no other name under heaven by which we may be saved. God also tells us He wishes ".....that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." He also, "....desires all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth." (1 Tim 2:4) Furthermore, Mark 16:16 claims, "He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned." Where does that leave those that lived and died before Christ was born? Or how about those who did not have an opportunity to hear the Gospel message? When you think about it, both these categories constitute the majority of mankind! Will these folks have an opportunity for salvation? Or are they unjustly condemned?

First of all, the gospel of Mark ends at 16v8.
After verse 8 the style of writing changes, there are no corresponding verses or passages as there is with the rest of Scripture, Jerome and Eusebius believed Mark ended at verse 8, and original manuscripts end with verse 8.

Even 2nd Peter [3v9 B] says God is not willing any should perish [be destroyed], but that 'all' should come to repent.

So it is God's will that all should obey him. Since all do Not that is why Matthew [20v28] says 'many' and not all. Jesus ransom sacrifice covers 'many' not all.

So even though Jesus died for all [1st John 1v7b] Not all obey Jesus.
Some even commit the unforgivable sin- Matt 12v32; Hebrews 6vs4-6.

Please notice at the time of Jesus 'glory', [Matt 25vs31,32] which corresponds to the harvest time of Jesus illustration of the Wheat and Weeds [tares],
Jesus separates the sheep from the goats. Only the sheep-like people remain alive and keep right on living right into the start of Jesus peaceful 1000-year reign over earth when Jesus ushers in Peace on Earth toward men of goodwill.

Psalm 92v7; 37vs11, 29, 38; Proverbs 2vs21,22; 10v30