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The ressurrection of you!


Well-Known Member
I feel it means JUST what it says. We won't be flesh and blood. Will we be "physical"? Since God is Spirit, I believe we will also be spirit. You see, I have already been resurrected when I was baptized. Yet, nothing has happened to my physical body: only to my spirit. I was dead and in darkness (without God) and now I am alive and my life is full of his WONDERFUL light. Like the light that illuminates my soul, my new life is entirely spiritual.

Ah so, Pete, you are saying that Spirit is tangible to Spirit, is that it? So in spirit bodies we are ressurected and to us it will seem we are tangible, etc. but it wont be the same material bodies, made from carbon molecules, etc. Ya i can grok that.:angel2:

Wandered Off

Sporadic Driveby Member
Personally, I understand the promised resurrection applies to all life -- no exceptions. I believe I'm going to be resurrected, you're going to be resurrected, and my dog is going to be resurrected. :)
Katz, I don't know how to ask this without sounding like a clod, but what would be the spiritual point of having resurrected roaches crawling on the street of gold?

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
Ah so, Pete, you are saying that Spirit is tangible to Spirit, is that it? So in spirit bodies we are ressurected and to us it will seem we are tangible, etc. but it wont be the same material bodies, made from carbon molecules, etc. Ya i can grok that.:angel2:
Yeah... it won't be like we will be missing ANYTHING. All things physical will pale in comparison to our celestial existence.

It's like Black and White movies. Many thought the advent of color was the death of art in cinema. Instead, it was the birth of realism and awesome special effects. In reality, we have no idea HOW this will affect us: only that it will!


Miss Independent
Hi scuba.

Has it only dawned on you now, that you have been saying we wont have a body and we will have a body by intervals of two or three posts?

First you said that we are only spirit, we dont have a body, now we are spirit and we have a body, but not like the one we have now...which is exactly what i have been saying all along.

The only difference is, you think the new body does not consist of matter. I absolutely disagree with you. It will consist of matter, but it wont be able to decay.

The resurrected body of Jesus, did not look the same as the one he had before, which is why no-one recognised him. The body in the tomb was gone , were did it go, he used it to reconstruct a new body. I dont even think his face looked the same. He took the atoms of the dead body and reconstructed a resurrected body with it. This is the same way we are resurrected. Atoms are taken from the ground or from our grave, or decaying body, or whereever and a new body constructed with it.

This is what I think will determine what type of body you will have. If your body laid itself down at the bottom of the ocean, then the atoms to reconstruct a body could be taken from there.

If your body has been cremated, and the dust thrown into the ocean then the new body could be constructed out of the atoms from air, water and the surroundings.

If you were blown up, your body is all over the place, and the place where you died, is the area where the atoms are likely taken and you are reconstructed from there again.

If you died by falling into a volcano, your body will be reconstructed from sulphur and the rest of the environment. There is going to be so many different type of bodies, george lucas will look like he has no imagination.


Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
Hi scuba.

Has it only dawned on you now, that you have been saying we wont have a body and we will have a body by intervals of two or three posts?
My dear, I have only said that we won't have a physical body. You can't seem to understand that a spiritual body is just as real as a physical one. That's understandable since you are entrapped in this material world!

We are spirits in a material world!


Miss Independent
Hello scuba

Please dont presume to tell me what I do and dont understand. Who set you up as the policeman of my brain?

As far as I'm concerned you are dead. A dead man walking.

Cant feel any positive energy from you at all. You might be talking the talk, but you might as well stop pretending you know Jesus.

And of course you could continue to tell me how I dont know him and that I am this and I am that...

You have brought nothing to this thread execpt a stupid quarrel about what you yourself dont understand to be a BODY.


Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
And of course you could continue to tell me how I dont know him and that I am this and I am that...
This is how we really differ: I have never said that you don't know Jesus. You are the only one judging who is dead and who is not. The idea of being Spirit seems to upset you, so I will bow out of your discussion. It's a pity that you can't accept differing view points. Should anyone wish to discuss this further with me, I can still be PMed, but due to the present animosity, I will not be participating in this thread any longer. You are now free to have that "last word".


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Hi scuba.

Has it only dawned on you now, that you have been saying we wont have a body and we will have a body by intervals of two or three posts?

First you said that we are only spirit, we dont have a body, now we are spirit and we have a body, but not like the one we have now...which is exactly what i have been saying all along.

The only difference is, you think the new body does not consist of matter. I absolutely disagree with you. It will consist of matter, but it wont be able to decay.

The resurrected body of Jesus, did not look the same as the one he had before, which is why no-one recognised him. The body in the tomb was gone , were did it go, he used it to reconstruct a new body. I dont even think his face looked the same. He took the atoms of the dead body and reconstructed a resurrected body with it. This is the same way we are resurrected. Atoms are taken from the ground or from our grave, or decaying body, or whereever and a new body constructed with it.

This is what I think will determine what type of body you will have. If your body laid itself down at the bottom of the ocean, then the atoms to reconstruct a body could be taken from there.

If your body has been cremated, and the dust thrown into the ocean then the new body could be constructed out of the atoms from air, water and the surroundings.

If you were blown up, your body is all over the place, and the place where you died, is the area where the atoms are likely taken and you are reconstructed from there again.

If you died by falling into a volcano, your body will be reconstructed from sulphur and the rest of the environment. There is going to be so many different type of bodies, george lucas will look like he has no imagination.

Yet, Jesus still had the wounds and the scars. And it was by these imperfections that they recognized him. They didn't recognize him because they could not recognize the perfection resurrection -- not because he "looked different."

This whole thing is a theological point being made by the writers. Reconciliation happened by God becoming one of us -- a human being. That's how we come to recognize God -- because God became one of us, and therefore, recognizable.

Human beings are physical bodies that contain the breath of God -- and it's that breath, according to Genesis, that makes us "living beings."

Which is more important to life? The lump of clay, or the breath of God? Physicality may be the way physicality recognizes itself, but how do we recognize resurrection? by body, which is human, or by spirit, which is Divine?


Miss Independent
If we die and we return to a spiritual form why do we need a resurrected body,if the next body is going to be just as spiritual as the one you have when you die?



Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
If we die and we return to a spiritual form why do we need a resurrected body,if the next body is going to be just as spiritual as the one you have when you die?

Who says we "return" to a spiritual form? We have spiritual form now.


Miss Independent
If you have a spiritual form then you are one up on Jesus who made himself in human form while he was on this planet.


Not your average Mormon
Katz, I don't know how to ask this without sounding like a clod, but what would be the spiritual point of having resurrected roaches crawling on the street of gold?
I don't know. You'll have to ask God about that when you see Him. Revelation 5:13 does speak of "every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea" blessing, and honoring God forever. I'm assuming that God created all forms of life for a purpose, even though we may not understand that purpose.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
If you have a spiritual form then you are one up on Jesus who made himself in human form while he was on this planet.
Jesus had a spiritual form too. Remember, in the garden he said, "I am troubled in my spirit."
We human beings are all of spiritual form, since God blew Spirit into us in creation.


Miss Independent
Jesus was the son of god in human form

Its not necessary to qualify that that human form had a spirit in it, since no human is without a spirit.

But not every spirit has a human form



Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Jesus was the son of god in human form

Its not necessary to qualify that that human form had a spirit in it, since no human is without a spirit.

But not every spirit has a human form

You just nullified your own statement. I guess we don't have one up on Jesus, since we both have spiritual form and substance.


Let's go racing boys !
the Bible says when we get to Heaven we will have a new glorified body. No sickness, no deformities, sounds good to me, as to how it happens, that is up to God, I'm just there by grace anyway.
I believe that when we die our physical body is laid to rest (whether by cremation, burial, whether we died in a fire, lost at sea, etc.) At the time of death I think our Spirit goes to Paradise (as in the thief on the cross with Jesus "today thou shall be with me in paradise") When Jesus returns our bodies will rise to be united with our spirits. Each one will be judged according to their deeds, good or bad. Then we receive the glorified body in Heaven.
There is a scripture that says "And the sea gave up it's dead. Could this be people who drowned or was thrown overboard when they died at sea? The bible also says that the dead in Christ will rise first. I believe this means the saints, or Christians, then the people that did not accept Jesus will follow as part of the ressurrection.
There are also scripture that refers to the dead as sleeping.
This is the way I interpret the scripture as I study it.
Blessings to all


Miss Independent
the Bible says when we get to Heaven we will have a new glorified body. No sickness, no deformities, sounds good to me, as to how it happens, that is up to God, I'm just there by grace anyway.
I believe that when we die our physical body is laid to rest (whether by cremation, burial, whether we died in a fire, lost at sea, etc.) At the time of death I think our Spirit goes to Paradise (as in the thief on the cross with Jesus "today thou shall be with me in paradise") When Jesus returns our bodies will rise to be united with our spirits. Each one will be judged according to their deeds, good or bad. Then we receive the glorified body in Heaven.
There is a scripture that says "And the sea gave up it's dead. Could this be people who drowned or was thrown overboard when they died at sea? The bible also says that the dead in Christ will rise first. I believe this means the saints, or Christians, then the people that did not accept Jesus will follow as part of the ressurrection.
There are also scripture that refers to the dead as sleeping.
This is the way I interpret the scripture as I study it.
Blessings to all

My I forgot I started this thread. It doesn seem though that there is much concensus about this resurrected body!

I am of the opinion that the resurrected body will consist of matter, though unable to decay. The same type of body that Jesus had when he rose from the dead. It could be touched.

What is still puzzling is why the wicked would also get a resurrected body. I have a theory about that...which I posted way back there. But I think i have changed my mind about it a little..let me explain...

If the children of god need to get a ressurrected body...which is simply a type of 'clothing' to cover the spirit to make it suitable for going to heaven, then the ressurrected body of the wicked must be suitable for whereever they are going. Or rather suitable for where they are already, which is hell (earth), and will remain.

If the wicked get bodies, then that body will be like a prison, unable to die, and therefore the spirit will be unable to escape it.

Generally death is a requirement for the spirit to leave the body. If the body can not die then the spirit can not leave. And hence it is trapped in it. If the wicked get resurrected bodies, then what they have is something that keeps them trapped here on earth.

what do you think?


Premium Member
My understand is that everyone who has died will be resurrected, faithful and faithless. It then says that they (we) are judged by what we have done (note that it says what you have done, not what you have not done.).