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The Revealed Revelations of God


non-existential luminary
Response: To the contrary, you've provided no proof that the qur'an answers the questions and contridicts itself. Thus your whole point is without merit and so is your claim that of how I hold yhe qur'an.
however, you've provided no proof that i've provided no proof. how did i not provide proof? thus ur whole point is meaningless to our quest for truth, and my claim of how you hold the qur'an has not been disproven either.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Response: Likewise.

Indeed - learning how to engage in productive self-reflection of my faults has helped me tremendously. I think we should spend some time talking more about your denial. Learning how to objectively look at your faults might be the first step on the way to becoming a more honest and fully-realized person. You're still young - don't give up hope yet.


Well-Known Member
however, you've provided no proof that i've provided no proof. how did i not provide proof? thus ur whole point is meaningless to our quest for truth, and my claim of how you hold the qur'an has not been disproven either.

Response:Where is your proof that the qur'an has discrepancies?


Well-Known Member
Indeed - learning how to engage in productive self-reflection of my faults has helped me tremendously. I think we should spend some time talking more about your denial. Learning how to objectively look at your faults might be the first step on the way to becoming a more honest and fully-realized person. You're still young - don't give up hope yet.

Response: Likewise.


Originally Posted by biomystic
The same why you tell any spiritual teaching is from God. "By their fruits, ye shall know them."

Would this also apply to Buddha's sutras? The Book of Mormon? The Book of Certitude

Well, right off the bat, Buddha didn't find God because you can't find God when you've shut down your brain's sense of self center, Quote:

Well, who else? I don't have a ghost writer writing my posts. Also, I wouldn't post my opinions about Buddhism without being able to back them up citing brain studies done on Buddhist monks while meditating.

God and Self being intimately connected. Joe Smith wasn't Jewish and didn't get the spiritual truth handed down through the Jewish line of prophets although he did get some of the new information, e.g. the linking of the New World Native American spirituality with the Old World's Holy Land traditions.

So? KINDA ispired by God

Kinda, but Joe, like Paul, like Muhammad, wanted more than anything to start a religious movement organized around his vision and as soon as spiritual knowledge becomes doctrine for an organized religion it loses its purity and becomes a tool for capturing people's minds to enlist them in the organized religious men's ambitions for territorial conquest and control.

Ba'ha'i too suffers from being dependent on Abrahamic mythology but the loving ideology and willingness to sacrifice for God as peace is commendable. Who but Muslims who have a beef with anyone not Muslim could have a real beef with Ba'hais? Goodness is independent of religious doctrines and can be found universally in most human societies not completely oppressed by war conditions.

So you dont know them by their fruit. thanks for clearing that up.

Your answer doesn't make sense. I do know Ba'hais by the fruit of their actions which is why I find them proponents of goodness.

Originally Posted by biomystic

The Gospels, especially the Sermon on the Mount, has inspired more acts of compassion in human beings than any other doctrine on earth.

wrong, acts of compasion by atheists inspired the Sermon on the Mount

Another nonsensical answer. Please post where and how the author of the Sermon on the Mount was inspired by atheists.

21Ye have heard that it was said of them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment: 22But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca , shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.
27Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: 28But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

I fail to see how thought crimes inspire compassion. You would have to qualify your claim with a little evidence.

You ever go through a divorce as a kid? Personally, I don't know of any kid who ever really wants their parents to divorce and not work things out.

i do, there are exeptions to everything. sometimes things can't be 'worked out'

I don't know of any kid who would agree with you. I do know there are children of child-killers who would, but I don't personally know of any of this rather tiny statistical minority. Certainly there are exceptions to most everything but basing your opinion on extreme examples instead of the mainstream kid's divorce reality is not the wisest of ways to reach an opinion.

It's the kids who suffer from divorce and I think Jesus, always looking out for out for children, was in his way trying to protect them from the human errors their parents were prone to that could destroy the family group.

so... "your thoughts are dangerous!! dont think them! i forgive them though." so christians show by their fruits that they are hypocrites?

If you keep throwing out non sequitur statements like above who can figure out what your beef is?

Originally Posted by biomystic

I deliberately separate Paul's doctrine from Jesus' teachings as seen in the Gospels because Paul really wasn't Christian. He didn't comprehend forgiveness of sins when it came to Christians ignoring his gospel. Those people he was quite willing to condemn to hell while at the same time he was telling Christians to obey Roman rulers put there by God for their own good. This little item of instruction from Paul is the fatal flaw that made Christians tools of whatever megalomaniac ruler led the nation Christians were citizens of.

yes, if only christians were more blashpemeous maybe they would follow their pope. or better yet be anarchists.

Again, these non sequitur comments of yours aren't helping your argument which seems to jump all over the place instead of addressing my posted opinion.

I agree that Paul had little to do with the original Jerusalem cult.

Originally Posted by biomystic

But one of the most important revelations found in the NT Gospels is the Son of Man one that Jesus Christ himself exemplified knowing that the people of his time, believing like Job that man was a lowly worm, could not make the mental leap necessary to understand how humanity could ever evolve into God Itself. Now we can understand because just within the past 200 years human beings have learned to fly through the air and space and land on the moon and bring the power of the sun down to earth, i.e. god-like powers that will only increase as we evolve through time towards the eventual goal of knowing how Creation works so well, we can produce it ourselves----which we did..and sent back prophesy bearers down the time line to remind us.

God is us, in the future, sending back 'prophets'.

"Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also, and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father."

so no one believes in him?

"No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven."

what else came down from heaven? thats' right, evil.

"Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life."

so i see his followers are greedy for everlasting life. how evil of them, to be good because they have to in order to acheive their dessire.

You do seem to have a serious problem responding logically to my posts with your continual jumping to false conclusions. Perhaps if you read the words of my posts and quotes from Jesus Christ more carefully you would not be so prone to these statements of yours seemingly addressing something else besides what I post.

Gnosticism is anti Agnostic and thus anti-truth.

Another very strange and illogical deduction. Agnosticism is supposed to be open to the truth in whatever form truth takes yet you're saying it can't take the Gnostic form.

~ In truth, we are agnostic: doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.

Certainty that the sun will rise and set and gravity pulls us to earth does make it easier to get out of bed in the morning. Try it, you might like it..being certain and free of doubt that you might fall up to the sky..unless, of course, you're already in outer space.


non-existential luminary
Response:Where is your proof that the qur'an has discrepancies?
in the fact that you can't answer the questions. because they have more than one answer. the answers given to the questions contradict eachother in the Qu'ran and you can't prove me wrong.


Well-Known Member
in the fact that you can't answer the questions. because they have more than one answer. the answers given to the questions contradict eachother in the Qu'ran and you can't prove me wrong.

Response: For one, I never said that I couldn't aswer the questions, nor do you have proof that I can not answer the questions. Secondly, whether I answer the questions or not is not proof that there are discrepancies in the qur'an simply because that is not the definition of a discrepancy. The definition of the word discrepancy is not, "in the fact that you can't answer the questions. because they have more than one answer". Did you get that from the dictionary? No. You won't find a dictionary with such a definition. So your alleged proof isn't proof at all and any reasonsble person can not only see that it isn't proof, but that it is by far one of the most absurd examples of proof ever put forward.

However, your alleged proof does in fact demonstrate one thing, and that is your own denial to the fact that the qur'an is from Allah. For the only logical reason as to why someone would be so desperate to push absurdity as proof would be the simple fact they refuse to acknowlegde the clear proof in front of them. In other words, denial. However, do realize that such a case by no means discredits islam.
It only works in it's favor.


non-existential luminary
Originally Posted by biomystic
The same why you tell any spiritual teaching is from God. "By their fruits, ye shall know them."

Would this also apply to Buddha's sutras? The Book of Mormon? The Book of Certitude

Well, right off the bat, Buddha didn't find God because you can't find God when you've shut down your brain's sense of self center, Quote:

Well, who else? I don't have a ghost writer writing my posts. Also, I wouldn't post my opinions about Buddhism without being able to back them up citing brain studies done on Buddhist monks while meditating.
I did not say I didn’t believe you when you claimed they lose their sense of self. Controlling the mind in the way those religious nuts do is a dangerous thing. I meant to point out that you may not say that shutting down the sense of self does not let you find God. Saying that is like saying that when you die, being as your brain shuts down you can never find God.

God and Self being intimately connected. Joe Smith wasn't Jewish and didn't get the spiritual truth handed down through the Jewish line of prophets although he did get some of the new information, e.g. the linking of the New World Native American spirituality with the Old World's Holy Land traditions.

So? KINDA ispired by God

Kinda, but Joe, like Paul, like Muhammad, wanted more than anything to start a religious movement organized around his vision and as soon as spiritual knowledge becomes doctrine for an organized religion it loses its purity and becomes a tool for capturing people's minds to enlist them in the organized religious men's ambitions for territorial conquest and control.
I agree, but I doubt that any of these thoughts are inspired by God.
Ba'ha'i too suffers from being dependent on Abrahamic mythology but the loving ideology and willingness to sacrifice for God as peace is commendable. Who but Muslims who have a beef with anyone not Muslim could have a real beef with Ba'hais? Goodness is independent of religious doctrines and can be found universally in most human societies not completely oppressed by war conditions.

So you dont know them by their fruit. thanks for clearing that up.

Your answer doesn't make sense. I do know Ba'hais by the fruit of their actions which is why I find them proponents of goodness.
so you are a follower of Glory, the true enemy of Agnostic Truth? Or are you a Gnostic, who does not believe in the Holy Book of Certitude? or are you some kind of Glorified Gnostic? If you believe that Baha’i Glory is inspired by God, you are a follower of Certitude. How extremely Gnostic of you (not in the Christian sense). It is a fight between claimed truth and claimed knowledge. However, claimed knowledge is far to assumed and complex to be truth.

Originally Posted by biomystic

The Gospels, especially the Sermon on the Mount, has inspired more acts of compassion in human beings than any other doctrine on earth.

wrong, acts of compasion by atheists inspired the Sermon on the Mount

Another nonsensical answer. Please post where and how the author of the Sermon on the Mount was inspired by atheists.
I was simply pointing out that you do not know where Jesus of Nazareth's sermon came from. Perhaps he "wanted more than anything to start a religious movement organized around his vision." I was also pointing out that the Sermon of the Mount has not "inspired" acts of compassion more than any doctrine. If it had not existed good people would still be good and bad people bad. Do you believe that no one was good and compassionate before the sermon was given? The sermon spires the compassion perhaps of Christian who would likely not be compassionate if it wasn't for it. But that says more about Christians, and their historical hypocrisy, than it does about this sermon of goodness. However, Christian’s compassion based on this sermon, in order to achieve their religious desires, is perhaps in contradiction to the sermon its self. The sermon does not say "be good for goodness sake". It hints that one must be good, to achieve profit.
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non-existential luminary
21Ye have heard that it was said of them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment: 22But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca , shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.
27Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: 28But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

I fail to see how thought crimes inspire compassion. You would have to qualify your claim with a little evidence.

You ever go through a divorce as a kid? Personally, I don't know of any kid who ever really wants their parents to divorce and not work things out.

i do, there are exeptions to everything. sometimes things can't be 'worked out'

I don't know of any kid who would agree with you. I do know there are children of child-killers who would, but I don't personally know of any of this rather tiny statistical minority. Certainly there are exceptions to most everything but basing your opinion on extreme examples instead of the mainstream kid's divorce reality is not the wisest of ways to reach an opinion.
the children of mean parents. One parent is abusive, etc.

It's the kids who suffer from divorce and I think Jesus, always looking out for out for children, was in his way trying to protect them from the human errors their parents were prone to that could destroy the family group.

so... "your thoughts are dangerous!! dont think them! i forgive them though." so christians show by their fruits that they are hypocrites?

If you keep throwing out non sequitur statements like above who can figure out what your beef is?
beef? my beef is with ignorance, half-truth, contradiction, lies, and hypocrisy, etc. Jesus "trying to protect children from divorce" was his human error, if that was his intention at all.

Originally Posted by biomystic

I deliberately separate Paul's doctrine from Jesus' teachings as seen in the Gospels because Paul really wasn't Christian. He didn't comprehend forgiveness of sins when it came to Christians ignoring his gospel. Those people he was quite willing to condemn to hell while at the same time he was telling Christians to obey Roman rulers put there by God for their own good. This little item of instruction from Paul is the fatal flaw that made Christians tools of whatever megalomaniac ruler led the nation Christians were citizens of.

yes, if only christians were more blashpemeous maybe they would follow their pope. or better yet be anarchists.

Again, these non sequitur comments of yours aren't helping your argument which seems to jump all over the place instead of addressing my posted opinion.
oh I believe calling Paul "not a true Christian" is a sin. it is likely why Gnostic principles were left out of Catholic Christianity. Christianity so contradicts itself that the Cannon inspires a sort of Agnostic Christian Principle. where you can choose what the "Books inspired by God" say. By your previous statement you insinuated that true Christians should behave like Muslims and seek out to be under Christian Rule, such as by the Papacy. But perhaps you meant True Christian Rule such as by a Gnostic Church. That proposition fails to see the fact that most Christians see Gnosticism as false and fundamentalist and destructive to livelihood. By insinuating that Christians should not let themselves be ruled by non-Christians you open the door to Anarchy. Who is to say what True Gnostic Christianity really is?


non-existential luminary
I agree that Paul had little to do with the original Jerusalem cult.

Originally Posted by biomystic

But one of the most important revelations found in the NT Gospels is the Son of Man one that Jesus Christ himself exemplified knowing that the people of his time, believing like Job that man was a lowly worm, could not make the mental leap necessary to understand how humanity could ever evolve into God Itself. Now we can understand because just within the past 200 years human beings have learned to fly through the air and space and land on the moon and bring the power of the sun down to earth, i.e. god-like powers that will only increase as we evolve through time towards the eventual goal of knowing how Creation works so well, we can produce it ourselves----which we did..and sent back prophesy bearers down the time line to remind us.

God is us, in the future, sending back 'prophets'.

"Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also, and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father."

so no one believes in him?

"No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven."

what else came down from heaven? thats' right, evil.

"Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life."

so i see his followers are greedy for everlasting life. how evil of them, to be good because they have to in order to acheive their dessire.

You do seem to have a serious problem responding logically to my posts with your continual jumping to false conclusions. Perhaps if you read the words of my posts and quotes from Jesus Christ more carefully you would not be so prone to these statements of yours seemingly addressing something else besides what I post.

Gnosticism is anti Agnostic and thus anti-truth.

Another very strange and illogical deduction. Agnosticism is supposed to be open to the truth in whatever form truth takes yet you're saying it can't take the Gnostic form.
you skipped over some of my comments. [highleted in light blue.] Now, Agnosticism is not "open to [whatever hypothesis is given]" Agnosticism is Truth, in it of itself. It is not irreligious opening to religion. It is not non-atheism. It is realistic Truth.

"~ In truth, we are agnostic: doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd."

Certainty that the sun will rise and set and gravity pulls us to earth does make it easier to get out of bed in the morning. Try it, you might like it..being certain and free of doubt that you might fall up to the sky..unless, of course, you're already in outer space.

You completely just showed how absurd certainty is. How absurd you are. I do NOT have certainty that the sun will rise and set. i do not have certainty that gravity pulls us to earth. There are very good alternatives, perhaps space pushes us away! But being as I can't imagine how to present such a hypothesis, I am not going to contradict the theory of gravity. By your comment on my signature it is clear that you desire bliss. Desires can be very destructive, and they can be constructive, being as destruction and construction are all a part of Discord. The Honest Book of Truth is the most plausible Agnostic Truth. I haven't even read it, but Discord seems to be the universal drive. In any case, lying to yourself serves no one. Your bliss is but superficial because you know you are Agnostic, you were born Agnostic, animals are Agnostic, Truth is Agnostic. It would be Anti-Agnostic for me to believe I would fall up to the sky. I simply do not know that. Yes, I could be in outer space. Perhaps I am dreaming. But I have found that rarely do I question my dreams while I dream, and in essence there is no reason to.
~ We are all agnostic! Yes doubt is not pleasant at times, but certainty is a lie. And what is less pleasant than a lie? The more we doubt the more we expose lies and shed superficial bliss for true bliss, which comes from Truth.
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Bodhisattva in Recovery
Post #265

You should really pay better attention.
You are losing even more credibility with each of your ridiculous posts.
Actually, no, Mes, Fatihah's alleged credibility has been in the negative range for a very long time. Given that his credibility is less than zero, one has to expect the answers he gives.

All in all, I thought Tumbleweed gave him a good run, but alas, one always gets sucked into the Islamic vortex. 'Tis inevitable.

The mistake, imo, is in trying to reason with all too many Muslims. It's sort of like trying to reason with the insane.